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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Question about welding rect. tubing.
- - By Ddiesel Date 09-02-2007 16:11
I am in the process of designing a new crane service body for my service truck. I would like to run 4x6 rectangular tubing the length of the frame. i also have to run 4x6 across the complete width of the bed to support the boxes and crane. to keep my bed as close as possible to the frame i am wondering, if it will be as strong to notch the lengthwise pieces 3 inches and notch the cross pieces the same, and fit them together in an interlocking cross? once the sit into each other weld them out completely. would this be a weak spot since i am essentially braking the spine of the tubing or would they be just as strong since i am welding them to the intersecting tubing.Thanks for ya'lls help.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-02-2007 17:43
That would probably be fine inmho ...just close your open ends with a piece of 1/4 plate.   I don't think you will really gain any advantage in strength over simply running butt joints and welding solid with your tube ends closed.  But its hard to tell not seeing how its all going together.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-03-2007 03:37
I would not notch the longitudinals to accept the cross members.

Parent - By Bob Garner (***) Date 09-04-2007 17:00
A quick check indicates you will lose approximately 25% of the bending strength of each piece notched.  You could add stiffeners but I suspect this frame will not be highly stressed and this loss may not be significant.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Question about welding rect. tubing.

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