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- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-03-2007 05:47 Edited 09-13-2007 04:56
alot of you dont know but on 7/15/06 @ 7:75pm Ryder Dee Griffin was born he was 18 3/4'' long and 5lbs 2oz. today he is 7 weeks old and layin in a bed in Chritus Santa Rosa Hospital in Sna Antonio texas he has been diagnosed with a mass aka tumor on his lil brain it is not known at this time if it is cancerous there will be a biopsy on wed to determine just exactly what is on his lil brain his is confortable and feeling no pain there is a catheter in his lil head to drain off fluid that is putting pressure on his brain the neuro surgeon said the surgery to do the biopsy is very dangerous and high risk for a lil baby today he is 21'' long and 9lbs 9oz my wife and i have decided to go with the biopsy so we can kick this thing in the ass and bring my boy home i am sending this to ask all of you to pray for my son and my family to help us thru this mainly him the rest of us will be ok this is for him I DONT DO THESE KIND OF THINGS OVER THE NET BUT THERE ARE ALREADY 3 COUNTIES PRAYING FOR MY SON AND ITS WORKING GOD IS LISTENING. HE IS FIGHTING EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. I AM ASKING YOU MY FRIENDS TO PRAY FOR MY SON TO HELP THE REST OF US REACH GOD AND BRING RYDER HOME PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR MY SON THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.  i will send updates when i am home this is the first time i been home in 3 days i am by his side 24 7 thank you again for your time and prays with all of us we can bring lil Ryder home HERE IS A WEB SITE the name of his page is fighterryder  TO HELP US AND YOU TO BETTER KEEP UP WITH THE UPDATES

Shad Griffin
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-03-2007 07:01
I cannot imagine any anxiety to exceed that of a parent for his child.  Count on me to pray both for the health of your child and that you and your wife can have peace in your minds as well.
Parent - By tompit9 (***) Date 09-03-2007 17:22
my prayers are out to you and your family. 
Parent - - By jaded13640 Date 09-04-2007 07:54
I offer my prayers and support to you your son and your family. I pray that all ends well with the biopsy and of course everything else.

Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 09-04-2007 19:08
May God Bless your family and your little angel. Your family will be added to my prayer circle. My lifelong friend, my dad, was diagnosed with lung cancer last week and will be having surgery 9/10, so evryone praying for my father will be praying for your son.

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift. That's why it is called the present.
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-05-2007 06:46
Count one more praying for your dad too.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-05-2007 19:48 Edited 09-06-2007 04:19
P.U.S.H. does work and something did happen there was a 10% chance he would'nt make it through the surgery. After further cat scans they also found the fluid that is required for the brain was not draining back into the body his lil drain hole was samshed shut from the pressure of the tumor and the cist that was on it so they put in what is called a shunt aka drain hose in his lil skull and routed down to his tummy. After that they did the biopsy the Dr. said it looked to be very aggressive and highly cancerous they are looking at the sample at the hospital today and are going to overnite it to Phillidelphia to the world pathology specialist i did some asking that that place is ranked #1 in the world so that where we stand we are continuing P.U.S.H. as i hope all of you will THANK YOU so much for your prayers and support through this trying time in our lives it feels so good to come home and see so many people are praying so hard for my lil boy it's really special to me and my family to know that people we have never met or spoken with in person really do care and are P.U.S.Hing for lil Ryder he's a fighter thats for sure when he saw my wife this a.m. he got the biggest smile on his face and then he looked at me and smiled to he is a strong willed lil man I am positive what ever he has growong in his lil head will all get cured and we will all be home together again i use to rodeo when i was younger so i keep tell him to rake and spur lil man jus rake and spur take it 1 jump at a time we got through 2 rounds already we are just in intermission til the short go and we'll ride that bronc too i'll keep yall posted as we find out more thanks again for your support it helps more than you know
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-06-2007 03:48
I would be more than happy to pray for your father i wish you and all your family the very best keep positive and things will happen if my 7 week old son can come through with a 10% chance of making it i'm more than positive your dad will come through like henry says P.U.S.H. and never give up hope even when you get kicked down get up dust yourself off and go at it again never give up
Parent - - By maverick Date 09-04-2007 22:19
My son is 18 months and everyday is a blessing to have him with us. I can't imagine life without him. I'll continue to pray for your boy, his health, recovery from any surgery. God's speed to bringing your son home!

Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 09-05-2007 14:30
Hang in there.  I'm glad you got a little fighter.  Stay strong.  A whole lot of folks are praying for yall.
Parent - - By Matt 2 (*) Date 09-06-2007 01:35
I have just said a prayer for your little boy. I can tell you are a man of faith by you asking for prayer. I to am that kind of man. Here are a few scriptures that may help you and your family.
Matthew 9:1-7
Matthew 10:1
Luke 4:18
Luke 8:43-48
Acts 5:16
Isaiah 53:5 With HIS stripes we are healed!
I am sure this will help you. We will continue to pray for your son. God Bless.

Matt from Brady Tx.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-17-2007 00:25
As some of you know Ryder went for surgery on friday 9/14/07. The DR was not able to get as much of the tumor as he wanted there was alot of bleeding and then Ryder died on the operating table but the team was able to bring him back the DR said the 1st 8 hrs were the most critical well we are 53 hours into the recovery and as usual Little ryder is throwing them all for a loop the Dr said to expect the worse and spend as much time as possible with him well Ryder aint quitting he is still in I C U and under pain and sedation medicine until further orders the DR does not want him moving at all the he is even fighting the sedatives and pain meds that are suppose to knock him out the nurse told us that is she gave us the does shes giveing him it would knock us out for a week and he's waking up 15-30 mins. after he gets 1 he does have some swelling from all the fluids and blood he got in the OR they had to give him 4 litres of blood he lost all of his and it quit clotting they finally got it to stop somewhat with some packing which will disolve in 2 or 4 weeks the place in philly misdiagnosed the tumor so they are running tests again so they know how to fight it but for now he is fine and still fighting please continue to pray for Ryder that is the best remedy we could ask for thank you all for your support and prayers.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-06-2007 04:22
wow i am so over whelmed at the responses we have recieved. Thank you all so very much for your qick replys and your wonderful prayers. it's people like you that make this a great place to come and visit may you all have a great and blessed day
Parent - By rance23 Date 09-07-2007 09:30
My prayers are with all of ya'll.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-06-2007 02:10
some of the guys in the please pray for my son forum have asked me to set up an account so they could help out i thought i would pass on this info to you guys as well please understand i am not asking for a handout just passing on the info so no1 feels left out you guys are my rock and i really appreciate it more than you will ever know. heres the info: Ryder D. Griffin Medical Benefit the bank said to send it to Prosperity Bank in c/o of Ryder D. Griffin 1112 W. Oaklawn Pleasanton TX. 78064 thanks in advabce and as always RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By crazydog (**) Date 09-07-2007 18:33
Just said a prayer for your son. We will keep him in our thoughs.
Parent - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 09-08-2007 01:20
JUst know that When you go before the Father, greet him with love and praise for His son and when you acknowledge HIM he in turn acknowledges you.  Go before HIS mercy seat boldly with great expectation that He will hear your prayers. Know that He will answer them as well.  Know in your heart that your son is healed through the loving grace of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.  Remember that faith is believing in what is unseen.  My prayers are with you and your entire family through this period of trouble that you are enduring right now.  Realize that HE takes us through the storm.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-18-2007 22:58
Hey Yall
     We are still in Houston trying to get back to San Antone. They started reducing his breathing machine today and took him off the sedatives Ryder wakes up from time to time and just stares and looks around they checked his neurological signs and all is good he still has alot of swelling and a nasty stich job but he is alive and with us we still dont know what we are fighting but should know by tomorow the goal is to be out of here by thrusday or friday and go back to santa rosa for chemotherapy he has really shocked these drs they didnt expect him to make it this far keep the prayers comming they are working
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 09-21-2007 03:27
I am all over it!!  My best to you and your family in this trying time.  Email us all a picture cause I would love to see the little guy.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-22-2007 05:55
i would like for you guys to see my son send me email addresses to and i would gladly send you guys photos of him he'll capture your heart just like he did mine P.U.S.H. GUYS PLEASE KEEP P.U.S.H.ING maybe god will get tired of hearing from us and give in lol just a lil humor to lighten the mood
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-22-2007 06:00
we are back from houston got back last nite they ran some more test and said he only has a few months and chemo will only extend a few more i made Ryder a promise '' You dont quit me and i wont quit you i'll do what ever possible i can sell the house truck machines dogs horses what ever it takes'' i intend to keep my promise to my son. things are gettin tight around here so you guys might be getting some really sweet deals on some tools and machines i got laid off 2 weeks before we found out about this and going out of town or even out of state is out of the question so yall save your money i'll let ya know when i'm ready to start sellin stuff.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-26-2007 04:30
well we started chemo last night. i stayed at the house today to get it cleaned up for him man i aint worked that hard in a while glad i'm a welder and not a maid. My wife said he's doing fine just sleeping alot the dr said chemo will do that to you they put another 8 stitches in his head cause it was leaking from the surgery they didnt use any pain killer wife said he didnt cry til it was over this boy is gonna be hell on wheels when he gets older if all goes well they come home tomorow nite go back on friday for a shot and blood count then home for 2 or 3 weeks til the next round we were told they can tell if it will work after 1 round of chemo we have decided he has been thru enuff if after 1 round the chemo dont so anything then we will not proceed anyfurther i cant put him thru anymore pain and suffering its killing me as it is to know he has thing glob of stuff on his lil brain and the pressure on his lil head cant be a good feeling i have a good pic of him i'd love to share with yall but i dont have any email addresses or know how to post it in the forumyall would cry like everyone else does he's the spittin image of my dad yall keep for my lil man i know he can geel it you can see it in his eyes thanks guys so much for your prayers and support
Parent - By 100perpen (*) Date 09-26-2007 12:52
I have my whole family "PUSH"n for you and your family. He doesn't give us a cross that we can't carry...... but a little help carry'n it isn't a bad thing either.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-30-2007 06:36
Well we went thru our first time of chemo this week and he pulled thru just fine as i expected. He got home on wed. and had to go back on friday for a check up his counts were down a lil but we knew they would be dr the tumor wasnt any bigger but wasnt smaller either also said he would need blood on tues. we are trying to get him into st judes in memphis the docs down here still dont know what type of tumor we have and are sending more samples to philly and to st judes i think they are just guessing at this point and that Ryder is still throwing them for a loop all in all Ryder is doing well and hanging on like any cowboy should thank you all for your prayers and support RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 10-05-2007 01:33
Hoping that 10-4-2007 find Ryder with some continued improvement.  I kept thinking about that little guy all day today while welding.  You certainly can pray and weld at the same time.  More headed Ryder's way tomorrow!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-05-2007 02:03
well the constipation is gone but still vomiting when he eats so they are going in to check the shunt in the morning another brain surgery yall keep praying thats all we have now RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - By tompit9 (***) Date 10-05-2007 04:10
bust out Ryder. and spur the heck out if it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! god bless you boy and your family.
Parent - - By ryland (*) Date 10-12-2007 01:27
give him your love and prayers, shad oklahoma is praying for you and your family!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-12-2007 03:49
thank you sir
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 10-13-2007 01:34
May God Bless you and your family each and everyday. I pray each and every night that he pulls out of this. I fight the LUMP in my throat as i type this note.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2007 04:28
Thank you Darin and i know what that lump in your throat feels like its a reall mother to carry with you and to swallow when you dont know what to do or say when you know nothing you do or say will do anything to fix it. I, like all you guys in here am a fixer and now theres sumthin wrong and i cant fix it it's enuff to drive you to drink or worse. wife keeps telling me we're fixin to loose the house and the trucks i told her if it makes them a*&holes feel better to kick a sick boy out in the street then so be it we can get another house and more vehicles but we cant get another Ryder he is my main and only concern right now the bill collectors can kiss my a&^ for all i care. they'll play hell taking my truck or anything for that matter they can just wait in line like everyone else just file bankruptsy and start over with 1 of everything. Please dont take this as my plea of begging just needed to vent a little sorry it was on you. When all of this is said and done i'm thinking bout moving out of the rat hole town to a more prosperous place where there work and i dont have to travel but i think it's the same every where from what i hear. RIDE RYDER RIDE                              
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 10-13-2007 06:09
Whatever it takes!  Got a HUD insured home loan?  Contact HUD about your options before it goes to foreclosure.  You will be pleasantly surprised.  As always my best to the fight your son is fighting.  I think about him several times a day.  Thanks for the update.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-13-2007 06:26
no hud just a cruddy loan if they want it they can have it all i care about is Ryder like i said i can replcae this house tomorow but not him my wife told me if we loose him she wants another we dont share the same feelings i cant go through this again
Parent - - By ibyaed (*) Date 10-18-2007 01:19
hey shad, I hardly ever post anything I just read and I wanted to let you know that my family and I are praying for liittle Ryder.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-18-2007 03:55
Thank you very much. RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-18-2007 05:12
we went for our weekly check up yesterday and the counts were good shunt is working properly no more vomiting and he is eating  good too he is getting weaned off the steroid so he has lost his appetite a lil but doc says that is normal we go for another full dose of chemo on the 23rd i will be with him this time so i need to find a helper to help my helper while i am out so i can keep what lil money is comming comming in all in all he is doing good just thought ya'll would like to know it's been a while since i've reported he has been doing rather well and instead of reporting everydayi just report when we go to the dr i'll have net access in the hospital so i'll send a post while i'm there please contiue to pray for my son. RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 10-19-2007 21:45
More prayers and good wishes headed your way! 
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-20-2007 02:43
thank you please know that everything you guys and gals do for us does not go unappreciated i'm still shocked at how many peoples hearts 1 little boy can touch he has literaly brought a whole natiom together to fight this viscious disease
+ you gu8ys are great and my rock to lean on thanks so much for being there
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-24-2007 22:20
Well we came to the hospital for a chemo treatment and last nite sum how his port got dislodge from its spot in his lil veins goin to his heart so tomorow we go under the knife again to get a new 1 put in and then we get our chemo and then maybe go home on friday if all goes well this round of chemo is just like the last nothing more and nothing less they ran and mri scan of his lil head and told me the tumor is not growing but it is not shrinking hey thats better than nothing is what i say we aint winning but we aint loosing either he is in good spirits as always kicking his lil legs and waving his arms like any other 3 month old would do and he love watching the cowboys starring john wayne i got him hooked on it lol tonite at christus santa rosa hospital room 8227 we will be having a john wayne marathon featuring the cowboys, chisum,mcclintok,and big jake yal get some popcorn cooked up grab sum beer n stop by it's a good time to be had by all lol/ RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 10-25-2007 01:36
Hey Shad, Can't imagine what it's like to have a sick kid and not knowing if he's goin to make it! But me and mine are pullin for ya.
Told my wife bout ya, she feels the same. Hell if ya feel like spoolin up and makin a new start, just drag yur shit up and come up
here to west AR east OK area ya'll can bunk pu here and I even got a place for your horses, and throw a rope on some mangy steers!
Well anyway ya'll take care and keep givin us hands updates now and then. RIDE RYDER RIDE!!!!!!!!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-25-2007 18:56
Thanks for the offer and who knows i may just do that but gotta find out whats goin on with kiddo first and thats gonna be a while in the mean time just keep getting what i can get my hands on work wise and deal with it. Thas a cool pic did ya make that or buy it sumwhere how much is it
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 10-31-2007 00:39
Well you just keep taken care of that boy and do what it takes to keep them damn bill collectors of yur butt. me and mine are prayin for ya"ll. OH that skull is hangin on my wall my wife found it at some indian store and bought it cause it matched my tattoo so close haha who da guessed?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-31-2007 03:35
man that looks cool how much did she pay for it and did they have anymore thats the first 1 i've seen like that the rope around the base of the horn usually means the horn husk are screwed on but it looke cool as for the bill collectors they cant get blood out of a turnip and right now i feel like a radish so i got a ways to go the benefit ropin is this weekend that will help if nuthin else it'll be a good time i thought bout gettin in it but dont really have the money and aint roped in years
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 10-31-2007 22:11 Edited 11-01-2007 00:13
Well I bet You'd take all the money in the pot anyway so let some one else get it!! HAHA!!! She found it in a little store in Tyler TX. We got more of 'em around the house so I'll send some more pics of 'em.Didn't ask the price and don't want to know:)
Attachment: skull04.bmp (342k)
Attachment: skull006.bmp (567k)
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-01-2007 01:54
man those are very nice and yeah i'd be scared of the price too
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 11-03-2007 03:43
Well if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy LOL!!!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-04-2007 16:31
i know thats right
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-14-2007 05:03
Well we went to 2 hospitals today 1st 1 to get some kind of radiology test on his kidneyts to see if they are working good ( as much as he goes potty i'd say they are just fine) 2nd was our weekly cliic visit for a checkup and sad to say heis A N C ( WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT) is down so no going nowhere for turkey day just here at the house and sorry yall cant visit either we go the monday after thanks giving for another dose of chemo this 1 is spose to be an ass kicker we'll see they said that the 1st 2 times and then told me my 4 month old is getting the dose of a 15 yr old and does better than them so like i said we'll see this dose will take 4 days and 3 nites man they are killing my work with this stuff but like i said before if i have to sell out to get him well then so be it i can replace all the machines in a heartbeat anyway just keeping yall up to date on the Ryder saga and hoping you and yours have a blessed turkey day god bless each and everyone of you for taking time out your busy schedules to send the little praises of encouragement thank you from the bottom of my heart it means more than you could ever know and as always RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-15-2007 05:00
Shad, whem I am on chemo I get a NULASTA shot a day after I am done My chemo. This is a white cell booster, and I have not had a low count since using it [nearly 2 years]. If the Dr. hasn't mentioned something like this, ask if it is aplicable in Your son's case.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-15-2007 05:36
Dave, he gets a shot once a day after a treatment til his counts come back up then they stop it last week his A N C was at 18000 yesterday it came back 1090 the shot he gets after a treatment usually for 10 days is nupegin and it does work but when the counts come back up they stop it i asked for more yesterday DR told me once they stop it they wont start it again til after a treatment i'm sure they'll come back up quickly they drew out about 20cc's of blood from him yesterday running radiology test and the normal clinic test DR said that wont affect5 the counts but i think she is wrong in a few days his body will reproduce the blood they took and i'm sure he'll be just fine he always bounces back quik
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