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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Hypertherm powermax 1000 G3 Series Plasma Cutter
- - By jamscal Date 09-13-2007 00:36
Hello all,

I picked up the above at an auction today. Haven't had a chance to test it yet but it came from a working shop (A trailer repair place, not a heavy industrial shop). 2004 model.

I'm posting early because if anyone is truly interested I'll get on the ball, clean it up and test it out.

They cost $2000 new. I'm looking for $1500. Located in Louisville, KY 40213. It'll probably ship fedex to a business address, as it weighs 70lbs without the torch.

This is a nice one. email me at or call 502-403-6832.


Parent - By jamscal Date 09-25-2007 20:28

I bought new consumables, tested it out and put it on ebay. Works great, just too big for my needs.


Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Welding Equipment Classifieds / Hypertherm powermax 1000 G3 Series Plasma Cutter

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