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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / rewards
- - By darren (***) Date 08-24-2007 21:56
are there or could there be any mechanisms to reward the big players and the great counsel that some of the people post on here. i would have an extensive list of all the people i would have to personally thank for their POSITIVE CONSTRUCTIVE INPUT.
I'm thinking some hats t shirts or other types of these things. (custom harley, just an idea) i don't think you could get better advertising than having some of these guys wearing the aws websites logo and link.
it would be a beacon for those who are younger/newer to the trade "if those guys who know so much go there maybe i should take a look"
just a thought and maybe there could be some feed back and like any good idea grow organically into something real and applied.
i realize that perhaps i am not always "politically correct" but like many here i am a very driven, focused, hard case welder who seeks the best for him self and the others in the trade whether they are immediately within my work area to others all across the world. this forum facilitates that.
any and all input appreciated.
perhaps a raffle or something like that would help fund the project
yours truly
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 08-24-2007 22:19
Now that's a great idea!!!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-25-2007 01:29
I agree that is a GREAT idea!!!  AND  really thoughtfull too. Some of these guys on here really come thru with some crucial info/advice.  

Hmmm a raffle for a good donated piece of equipment maybe??  Maybe just nominate a sponsor person to take donations and get the stuff printed up then we could have a vote forum or feature added and do a monthly thing....did similiar on gaming forums.  Maybe even organize a contest for graphic design of T-Shirt or Hats...I know I would participate in that.  HMMM advertising the site is advertising AWS at the same time....perhaps they might come thru with some aid/endorsement of the idea.  At any rate I think its a great idea and I hope we get motivated here and follow thru.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-25-2007 01:36
Stephan, js55, chuck meadows, henry, jwright650, c.s. crisi, scott, Al should get a tshirt by default, so if AWS gives this serious thought, All have helped me personally, and many untold others. I mean no slight to anyone, as all those who input regularly are very much helpful, but those names stand out in my mind.

Parent - - By darren (***) Date 08-25-2007 04:18 Edited 08-25-2007 04:29
yours too gerald. aevald comes to mind as well many many more, it would inspire people to participate more
maybe we could have the nomination thing,
maybe a threshold for posting number that once you cross you get the tshirt,
three diamonds or something, look forward to us all working together to get something real that we can all participate and be part of
count me in for some of the work
there is enough executive talent mixed with the newer younger ideas here we should be able to organize a rocket launch.
what we need is an official response from i think it is ross or christine, not necessarily of acceptance but that they have heard it and give us some feed back as to what we can do to help facilitate this. perhaps another forum heading for the committee. im getting ahead of myself. lets hear from the powers that be and everyone else that can  input some support.
it would be a good start to make this the thread with the most entries in the aws history.
set up a store with the paypal system so we could buy the product to help raise the money for the give aways
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-25-2007 15:50
How many T-shirts do you think AWS has?

I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I'll bet everyone that visits the forum does so for the same reasons, to pass along what they've learned by attending the "School of Hard Knocks".

How many of us first came to the forum with a question and then became one of the many that responds to questions from other visitors?

I enjoy the forum because it puts me into contact with so many individuals that share the same interests as I do, i.e., welding. I enjoy the interchange of ideas from so many knowledgeable people.

I never met a welder yet that didn't have an opinion on why something did or did not work. I might not always agree, but I respect the men or women for freely sharing their ideas with people they don't know.

Look at all the contributors! Each of us has backgrounds, experiences, or training that are unattainable by any one of us. Yet, the composite knowledge is boundless. When a question is asked, there will be some one that will offer advice based on their experience. Some of us are welders, instructors, professors, (even) engineers, fabricators, independent welder/owners, consultants, inspectors, etc.; everyone has a level of expertise that enables us to provide information that someone is searching for.  That's why we're here, to help someone else. Where would we be in our careers if someone didn't offer us a helping hand at some point, even if it was a few words of encouragement when we needed it?

We not only get to exchange ideas with "locals", but we get to exchange ideas with each other around the globe. We are truly an international community. 

Hey, I have a wedding to attend, so I have to run along.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-25-2007 18:44

I hope you were punctually and you had a great evening by being part of a wedding...

I've just waited until some of the great ones - as Jeff once said in another post - would make the first step for saying something wise as you did!

And now... I venture to say something!

Although I'm sure that my name - been stated by Gerald (also one of those great ones) - must have been a "slip" to have been listed, I would be lucky to be allowed to fully agree with you and with what you have said. I am certain no one else could find better words to "hit the nail on the head" as you did.

It's hard for me to find an appropriate expression for the amount of appreciation for everyone in the forum and quite in particular, also the fellow who was the initiator of this thread - Darren! But if I would be requested to list all those great people (including all those ones who were named in, and have already participated in this thread) who should have deserved a kind of "gift" for all their experience and knowledge of what they have shared with me and by that let me having learned, I guess the AWS would drop into its financial bankruptcy - and this is something that truly should never happen.

By the way, and this is my seriousness, if the AWS forum would not be free of charge but being fee required, I would not hesitate to pay, for having the chance to meet you all and to have the opportunity to talk to you! O.K. O.K. it's good that it's free of charge... :-)

Thus please permit to finish by citing you.

We are "...truly an international community..." and I personally am a truly proud member of this community!

All the best to you and all the others,
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-26-2007 03:54
Stephan, You may not have been involved with this forum for a long time, or posted as many times as some others, but when You post there is great depth in what You post. I can't type well enough to post with that depth even if I knew what to say. I don't think You were mentioned accidentally. We are glad to have You aboard.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-26-2007 16:00
There was no slip to it Stephan. You may not post as often, but when you do it's a mini thesis if not an outright thesis on the matter.
I am the kind of person that will not let a matter go until I understand it to the best of my ability, and having said that, you've been the
source of many a late night of study as I try to grasp the concepts you put forth on the forum, as has the rest of the people I've named.

While I appreciate your vote of confidence, I do not believe I fit in the category you've put me, the people named do.

Parent - By ross (***) Date 08-25-2007 19:05
Great concept. I'll be looking into some way AWS can acknowledge the most stellar contributors to the forum. It goes without saying that we could never do enough, but as a volunteer-driven organization, we have some experience honoring some of those who give back to the industry. Perhaps a "Silver Mouse" award or something. Your suggestions are appreciated, as well.

In the meantime, I know the forum users will continue to acknowledge the best forum contributors right here on the forum, which is probably the most appreciated recognition possible.

(Once we do something official, we have to be aware that we will always leave some people out who are at least equally deserving.)

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-26-2007 16:05
I agree with aevald, but not with mine. If the folks that I've named got their heads together in one company I believe they could do any thing from build a toy wagon to a ram jet suborbital plane to a nuclear plant.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-27-2007 06:11
Gerald ...I have to say I think you are exactly right about that.  But I think we better include you in this "do anything" company...after all somone has to be there to keep em all in line!!

Best regards
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-28-2007 00:59
I'll work the mail room :)
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-28-2007 03:12
well if your in the mail room then MAYBE I could come collect the garbage one a week and with time move up to the scrap bin ....and every once and while get to goggle in awe at whats being produced...even if its a wagon!

bump bump bump

Cmon people  show them we are serious about this it really is a good idea.
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 08-28-2007 13:22
Don't worry, we're taking it seriously.

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-28-2007 13:53
I think rewarding the posters here is almost ironic... In a funny kind of way.

Many of the posters here are professional consultants already... They come here to freely give advice that normally they might charge $1000 a day or more for. 

I think.. at least for me that the reward lies in several areas... 

First in research, for some reason there is a real satisfaction in just finding solid answers for peoples questions, not everything in this world is subjective, and to be able to produce absolutes for folks is a reward in itself.

Secondly, there is an.... um... "Iron sharpens Iron" factor for those subjects that are subjective... putting ones theories, notions and guesses up to be viewed by our peers and not just our peers but our betters...  Posters here can be corrected by some of the top minds in the welding world.  The satisfaction/reward comes by having validation of an idea or by being given an even better solution by somebody else.

Third, There is great satisfaction at exploring the record left on the forum over time.  We can look back over years of postings on subjects wider than any textbook... we can see how technology has grown and how our own opinions and views have matured over time.

Fouth (but probably first)  relationships!   We come back because we enjoy one another.

I really can't think of a single thing (no offence) the AWS folks might cook up that would be better than what we already have for rewards.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-28-2007 17:24
all very good points.
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 08-28-2007 20:42
Agreed 100%
The interforum thank you's that I read are the kind of thing that pulled me into the educating aspect of things. I most rewarding thing for me is seeing the deer in the headlights look change to I see look - the  glow from the "I see" lightbulb warms me immensely and keeps me returning for more punishment (QA vs Production) just to feel the occasional glow
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 08-28-2007 23:34
Hey Lawrence,
Just a note to say I believe your post really sums up this entire thread. All who participate here with questions, answers, and the comradeship of we who love our welding careers, is really all that is needed as a reward. The rewards come from: "Thank you...that fixed my problem"; " welds are better"; "Thank you...I didn't know a better way". "Thanks" is reward enough and we all benefit from another learning experience from those who provide sound and knowledgeable methodology for our queries. This forum is the primo forum for those who want to get & be better.....a lifelong goal. Those here who help each of us reach our goal...."Thanks" is all that is needed to be honored & respected......can't ask for more than that....Denny 
Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 08-28-2007 23:39 Edited 08-28-2007 23:52
I don't even have a CWI cert but I still post here.

I could have taken it and I still want to get it but it is not on my high priority list of things to do.

My thing these days is AUT. If any of you guys have questions about it just give me a shout.

I might be able to help. I like to do that.

Keeping information to yourself is selfish and makes you look like a selfish idiot.

I don't make a grand a day but I am getting close.

Being able to help welders out helps me. I hate having to call repairs because it means I have to return to scan the repair.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-29-2007 02:55
Well said Lawrence!

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 08-29-2007 10:08 Edited 08-29-2007 10:10
i agree with lawrence and want nothing more than to show appreciation and respect to those that really deserve it. i accede to the altruistic and higher notions that he stated.
i still think that as a group we could come up with a way for us to all be involved at getting a tangible element to the forum. as i stated before if we could develop a store that we could purchase t shirts/hats and the sort it would enable the forum to comp a few to those that we as a group are so much indebted to for the knowledge that they help us obtain. we are all here because we love what we do and want to be better. this is intrinsically  enough.
i was hoping to even further develop what i believe to be a very great community of people/friends by providing a way for us to get further involved in the forum.
i did not try to quantify one contributer over another. i mean no disrespect to any and in fact am looking for a way further respect this forum which i take very seriously and value greatly as do so many others.
yours truly
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-29-2007 10:31
Excellent and Genuine response Darren!!!

FWIW, You've got my second! ;)

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-30-2007 03:57
G32, I've got some considerable time in AUT, one of the things about AUT that stand out in my mind is the reaction by third parties. So since you've volunteered, I'll be asking you a few questions. In the last couple of years I've been working as a TPI and contracted QA QC supervision, but during my time with AUT, I had to deal with many "less than prepared" third parties who didn't have a clue what TOFD was, or any other aspect of modern AUT. (I once was told by a TPI that TOFD was hocus pocus and that If I rejected a weld based on it's data I'd be run off, I did anyway, and after many meetings, arguements, and general BS the TPI was gone). So my first question to is, do you run into this very often?

Second question, how often do you run across a similar attitude in a client?

Last question out of curiousity, what brand of AUT are you running?

Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 08-31-2007 00:46 Edited 08-31-2007 00:55
If you are the one signing the report at the end of the day to can accept or reject anything that you'd like. If you accept something you can dicuss it with your auditor and if he wants to overide your call so be it. They have that authority.

I doubt if I would reject a weld based on TOFD alone. It is way to sensitive.

As far as 3rd party auditors all I can say is don't try to pull the wool over their eyes. If you don't know what you are doing it is best to be up front with them and be honest.
If you try to BS them you are going to get stomped on, simple as that.

You can reject a weld based on TOFD alone. If you lose a backwall or something like that it should be rescanned and if it keeps coming up reject it.

I am not the authority by any means but if you have a legitimate reason to accept or reject something no one will bother you about it unless you are offshore and then the barge sup and the welding sup and an army of welders enter your shack. That can be quite intimidating.

As far as AUT goes it is a small field. You keep running into the same people over and over again. If you had a guy that you never got along with you never know that the same person might be your 3rd party auditor and make your life miserable. This is why you should treat your scanner techs as is if they are the auditor on your next job.

Sorry for giving you the run around, but yes you can reject a weld based soley on TOFD but you had better have a good reason as to why. "It just looks ugly/differnt to what I am used to seeing" isn't one of them.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-31-2007 01:01
There was no doubt in my mind, especially since it was over 8" in length, cut out substatiated the call. As AUT being a small field, it's not that small. I've worked it a little over 4 years, Mostly nuclear. Lots of people in it these days compared to my time. The questions I asked derived from a crew we have on site. They report most of people they run into are clueless on the matter, which was my own experience. Thanks for the info.

Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 08-29-2007 22:39
Lawrence! For as many times as I have attempted to express my feelings concerning this Forum all totaled can't come close to how you have expressed it.

I often feel I owe a debit of gratitude to all the people how have shared their knowledge with me and in turn made my work easier thus my life.

Not just the ones who provided the answers either but also all those whom came seeking knowledge (help) and ask questions that invoked and incredible amount of information (some times almost to much to digest).

I have watched this Forum grow all most from its inception.

I keep a library of a lot of it. I have printed and keep things posted on my desk (like the note Chet wrote about "Inspector guide lines").

My hat is off to each every person that has come across this Forum and stayed enriched it with their contributions. 
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 08-30-2007 03:03
"The only stupid question is the one that went unasked"

The questions asked on this forum have caused us all to think or rethink our stands on issues, our solutions to problems, ETC.....

Invaluable doesnt begin to describe the value of the posts in this forum!!!!!

The level of expertise is IMHO the highest you can find in the industry........... And I cant wait for future postings from people who have much more to share.  
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 09-13-2007 13:22

I will be making a presentation to the AWS Awards Committee in January for approval of an annual service award to recognize an outstanding contributor to the forums. If the concept is approved by the volunteer committee members, a protocol for nominations and selection will be established and the first annual award could be presented at the show in Las Vegas in October 2008.

I realize that this is only one small step in recognizing the contributors to this awesome international online community.

AWS Marketing
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 09-13-2007 17:53
momentum is momentum. that is AWESOME  Ross thanks for even considering it never mind doing something
let me know how i can help.
take care
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 11-19-2007 21:05
I think it's time to bring this topic back up for discussion because I don't know of a single person within the forum family that deserves to be recognized for his/her contributions more than Chuck Meadows.
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 11-19-2007 21:16
well there wasn't much of a thread built up so i don t know what the overall support would be. i did recognize that some of the more key posters seemed to respond in favour.
Ross was interested and as his posts suggest there would be some discussion on the topic at the management level of this forum.
i guess the best thing would be a chuck meadows scholarship or bursary or some thing like that.
Parent - By mody454 (**) Date 11-19-2007 22:43
im new to this forum and i dont even know who chuck meadows is but obvisouly a bunch of you guys hold him in high regard  i just wanted to state something on the scholarship. at my school they have a deal and you put 5000 into a deal and the interest pays for a scholorship every year. our club did one with the money from a smoker we built but that money will provide a scholarship every year. maybe yall already new this just trying to help out
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-19-2007 23:27
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / rewards

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