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- - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-03-2007 05:51 Edited 10-06-2007 04:48
alot of you dont know but on 7/15/07 @ 7:05pm Ryder Dee Griffin was born he was 18 3/4'' long and 5lbs 2oz. today he is 7 weeks old and layin in a bed in Chritus Santa Rosa Hospital in Sna Antonio texas he has been diagnosed with a mass aka tumor on his lil brain it is not known at this time if it is cancerous there will be a biopsy on wed to determine just exactly what is on his lil brain his is confortable and feeling no pain there is a catheter in his lil head to drain off fluid that is putting pressure on his brain the neuro surgeon said the surgery to do the biopsy is very dangerous and high risk for a lil baby today he is 21'' long and 9lbs 9oz my wife and i have decided to go with the biopsy so we can kick this thing in the ass and bring my boy home i am sending this to ask all of you to pray for my son and my family to help us thru this mainly him the rest of us will be ok this is for him I DONT DO THESE KIND OF THINGS OVER THE NET BUT THERE ARE ALREADY 3 COUNTIES PRAYING FOR MY SON AND ITS WORKING GOD IS LISTENING. HE IS FIGHTING EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. I AM ASKING YOU MY FRIENDS TO PRAY FOR MY SON TO HELP THE REST OF US REACH GOD AND BRING RYDER HOME PLEASE PLEASE PRAY FOR MY SON THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.  i will send updates when i am home this is the first time i been home in 3 days i am by his side 24 7 thank you again for your time and prays with all of us we can bring lil Ryder home

Shad Griffin
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 09-03-2007 06:57
I'm sorry to hear of the trials your family, especially Ryder are going through. I'm sure many people(me included) on this forum will pray for your situation. I hope that everything will work out well.
Parent - - By thomasyyz (**) Date 09-03-2007 18:07
My heart goes out to you and your family, my wife and myself have been blessed with a new member (Aislin) to our family. I hope you find the strength to hold things together and I sincerly hope Ryder pulls through this. God bless to all of you.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-05-2007 19:54 Edited 09-06-2007 04:00
P.U.S.H. does work and something did happen there was a 10% chance he would make it through the surgery. After further cat scans they also found the fluid that is required for the brain was not draining back into the body his lil drain hole was samshed shut from the pressure of the tumor and the cist that was on it so they put in what is called a shunt aka drain hose in his lil skull and routed down to his tummy. After that they did the biopsy the Dr. said it looked to be very aggressive and highly cancerous they are looking at the sample at the hospital today and are going to overnite it to Phillidelphia to the world pathology specialist i did some asking that that place is ranked #1 in the world so that where we stand we are continuing P.U.S.H. as i hope all of you will THANK YOU so much for your prayers and support through this trying time in our lives it feels so good to come home and see so many people are praying so hard for my lil boy it's really special to me and my family to know that people we have never met or spoken with in person really do care and are P.U.S.Hing for lil Ryder he's a fighter thats for sure when he saw my wife this a.m. he got the biggest smile on his face and then he looked at me and smiled to he is a strong willed lil man I am positive what ever he has growong in his lil head will all get cured and we will all be home together again i use to rodeo when i was younger so i keep tell him to rake and spur lil man jus rake and spur take it 1 jump at a time we got through 2 rounds already we are just in intermission til the short go and we'll ride that bronc too i'll keep yall posted as we find out more thanks again for your support it helps more than you know
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 09-04-2007 01:33
I will be sure to include little Ryder in my prayers.  I sincerely hope everything will be OK - both for your son AND you and your wife.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-04-2007 09:11
Just a reminder to us all!

Let's all keep P.U.S.H - ing for little Ryder Dee Griffin and his family in these trying times!!! :) :) :)
I know that I've already posted a similar message in another section but, I personally think that this is that important to post again here so, here goes:

P = Pray
U = Until
S = Something
H = Happens

Let's all keep P.U.S.H - ing for Ryder Dee, Shad, and the rest of the Griffin Family in the hope that little Ryder does recover.

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-12-2007 13:35
well dont know really where to start . we got the diagnosis back yesterday and it is cancer it is a P N E T  tumor on his little brain they are going to try to keep it undrcontrol and possibly shrink it with chemo therapy and when he is old enough possibly remove it and then radiation they say he is to young for radiation right now so yall please keep praying for my son and i'm sure all will be fine with all of rooting for him he'll be just fine i'm sure of it hell he went thru 3 brain surgeries in 5 days with a 10% chance of making it and he's still here they say his chances are 40% i found info on the web that his chances are 60-80% so we'll just keeping kicking and see what happens he sure is a real trooper
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-17-2007 00:28
As some of you know Ryder went for surgery on friday 9/14/07. The DR was not able to get as much of the tumor as he wanted there was alot of bleeding and then Ryder died on the operating table but the team was able to bring him back the DR said the 1st 8 hrs were the most critical well we are 53 hours into the recovery and as usual Little ryder is throwing them all for a loop the Dr said to expect the worse and spend as much time as possible with him well Ryder aint quitting he is still in I C U and under pain and sedation medicine until further orders the DR does not want him moving at all the he is even fighting the sedatives and pain meds that are suppose to knock him out the nurse told us that is she gave us the does shes giveing him it would knock us out for a week and he's waking up 15-30 mins. after he gets 1 he does have some swelling from all the fluids and blood he got in the OR they had to give him 4 litres of blood he lost all of his and it quit clotting they finally got it to stop somewhat with some packing which will disolve in 2 or 4 weeks the place in philly misdiagnosed the tumor so they are running tests again so they know how to fight it but for now he is fine and still fighting please continue to pray for Ryder that is the best remedy we could ask for thank you all for your support and prayers.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-06-2007 04:33
wow i am so over whelmed at the responses we have recieved. Thank you all so very much for your qick replys and your wonderful prayers. it's people like you that make this a great place to come and visit may you all have a great and blessed day
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-18-2007 23:00
Hey Yall
     We are still in Houston trying to get back to San Antone. They started reducing his breathing machine today and took him off the sedatives Ryder wakes up from time to time and just stares and looks around they checked his neurological signs and all is good he still has alot of swelling and a nasty stich job but he is alive and with us we still dont know what we are fighting but should know by tomorow the goal is to be out of here by thrusday or friday and go back to santa rosa for chemotherapy he has really shocked these drs they didnt expect him to make it this far keep the prayers comming they are working
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-19-2007 06:45
Hello once again Shad, know that there is an army of folks who have devoted a portion of their prayers to include your son, yourself, and your wife and family. Keep plugging away and know that there are a lot of folks behind you. In the same fashion that you entered into this world and developed into a man, your son will also, he is just taking a slight detour on the way. My thoughts and others, are with you. God Bless, Allan
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-20-2007 00:47
Howdy aveald
got told by the dr today we are fighting a glioblastoma tumor it is a grade 4 malignant tumor all thats left to try is chemo as much as i hate to torcher poor little Ryder anymore i cant give up on him he's not quitting and niether will i we should be back in san antonio by the end of the week thanks again for all your prayers and support
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-20-2007 01:19
Hello Shad, I can only wish the best to you and yours in this continuing fight. The key term here is "continuing", don't give up. Your little guy needs to sense the love, support, and hope that you have for him. Be there to comfort him and soothe him as he goes through this challenge. Also be there to do the same for your wife and the rest of your family. When facing struggles such as this you have to be willing to reach outside of yourself to draw on the energy of the good Lord above and that of others. Know that positive and continuing prayers are in the works from all those around you and aware of Ryder's plight. God Bless, Allan
Parent - By norcalwelder (**) Date 09-25-2007 04:36
I found this psalm. It says that no matter what God is there for you. Anytime, any place, any situation. When all else fails, God is there loving you and taking care of you and those you love. I hope it brings some comfort in a time of need.
               Psalm 46

God is our refuge and strength,
       an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
       and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,

3 though its waters roar and foam
       and the mountains quake with their surging.
4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God,
       the holy place where the Most High dwells.

5 God is within her, she will not fall;
       God will help her at break of day.

6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
       he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

7 The LORD Almighty is with us;
       the God of Jacob is our fortress.

8 Come and see the works of the LORD,
       the desolations he has brought on the earth.

9 He makes wars cease to the ends of the earth;
       he breaks the bow and shatters the spear,
       he burns the shields with fire.

10 "Be still, and know that I am God;
       I will be exalted among the nations,
       I will be exalted in the earth."

11 The LORD Almighty is with us;
       the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-26-2007 04:54
well we started chemo last night. i stayed at the house today to get it cleaned up for him man i aint worked that hard in a while glad i'm a welder and not a maid. My wife said he's doing fine just sleeping alot the dr said chemo will do that to you they put another 8 stitches in his head cause it was leaking from the surgery they didnt use any pain killer wife said he didnt cry til it was over this boy is gonna be hell on wheels when he gets older if all goes well they come home tomorow nite go back on friday for a shot and blood count then home for 2 or 3 weeks til the next round we were told they can tell if it will work after 1 round of chemo we have decided he has been thru enuff if after 1 round the chemo dont so anything then we will not proceed anyfurther i cant put him thru anymore pain and suffering its killing me as it is to know he has thing glob of stuff on his lil brain and the pressure on his lil head cant be a good feeling i have a good pic of him i'd love to share with yall but i dont have any email addresses or know how to post it in the forumyall would cry like everyone else does he's the spittin image of my dad yall keep for my lil man i know he can geel it you can see it in his eyes thanks guys so much for your prayers and support
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-26-2007 05:20
Hello Shad, if you see the Moon come out tonight and notice the halo around it, it will be there for Ryder.... as a result of all the P.U.S.H.-ing that's being done by the folks on the forum. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By 100perpen (*) Date 09-26-2007 12:58
I even saw it this morning on my way in to work.  Way up here in Wisconsin . 
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-26-2007 13:37
Hello Allan, you always seem to say the right things at the right time. I will be out looking for that halo arpund the moon tonite. Ryder and mom are comming home today then back to hospital on friday for blood work and a shot just a 2 hour deal then they will be home for 2 or 3 weeks then we go in for scans to see if the chemo is working i pray it does this is the last thing we can do for him if it will just stop if not shrink the tumor and we can keep it down til he is olde then we can go back in and get the tumor out and start radiation when he is 3 it's gonna be a long hard battle with this thing but i know we can do it my wife is skeptical and not thinking positive and asking me why GAod is punishing us i keep telling her hew does'nt punish and to keep praying for little ryder I have a good pic of Ryder i want to post or even send to everyone that is for him but i dont know how to post it in the forum and i dont have your email addresses if yall will send them to me i would glady send yall the pic of him that way at least you guys know what the person you are praying for looks like
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-26-2007 13:47
Hello Shad, if just in a small way, any comments that anyone can make will make the burden that you are feeling right now shift, then that is a good thing. Try sending a picture to and I will see if I can include it in a post to everyone. Hang in there sir! Best regards and give your wife a big hug, it sounds as if she needs it right now! My wife is the pillar in our family, be the pillar for her. Allan
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-26-2007 15:01 Edited 09-26-2007 15:42
Hello Shad, I got your email and I'll see if I can figure out how to load his pictures. He is one awesome looking little fella. Regards, Allan     I did manage to get them to load, however I had to edit the second picture to get it to fit within the allowable file size. He is one great looking young man!
Attachment: Ryder.bmp (900k)
Attachment: ryder3.bmp (926k)
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 09-26-2007 13:06
I wish the best for your son, for you, and your family.  I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through, as I have 3 little ones and it kills me to no end when they simply have the flu or as my son had, the stomach virus.  Best of wishes to you!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 09-27-2007 03:22
Shad, I hope the chemo is effective for Your son, and wish You and Your family the best dealing with all this.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-27-2007 08:06
thanks dave we are all home now have to go back on friday for a blood count and a shot and then back 2 times a week for 3 weeks then in for another round of chemo for 2 days. This is gonna be a long up hill battle but i feel little Ryder is up to it. Ride Ryder Ride
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 09-27-2007 18:02 Edited 09-27-2007 18:07

I've been following the posts about your son, and as a father myself, no words can come even remotely close to describing the love that we have for our children.  I know that there's absolutely nothing I can say to you that will bring any amount of comfort or hope to you or your family, but I found a prayer that I thought was fitting.  As I read it, I realized just how fitting it is.  I read it twice.  The first time it was for me, and the second time, I read it on behalf of your family.  I believe in the power of prayer, and I felt the need to share it with everyone in the forum.  

Heavenly Father, worthy of being worshiped. Most loving Father, worthy of being loved. We humbly ask you to help us to accept everything that happens in our lives.

We know that suffering and problems cause pain, that ignorance confuses us, and that uncertainty makes us anxious; this is a proof of our limitation, and how fragile, susceptible and vulnerable we are. But, what does it matter what happens? You love us and, regardless of what happens, you bring us along well.

Don't let, Lord, that suffering overwhelm us, that worry overcome us, because our trust must be real and effective. We are confident that you tell us: Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand... For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand (Isaiah 41.10, 13).

John said also: There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4.18). And we read in Psalms: God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed (Psalm 46.1,2).

These were experiences that some people, confident in you, had in the past; and we may have the same experiences as well.

You act upon us not only in a natural way, but also in a mysterious mode, by your providence.

When the so called theologian-scientists try to look for an explanation of your providential action upon us and in the universe, they are on fishing expeditions and making conjectures.

The only acceptable explanation of your providential action and of your care for us is your love, your wisdom, your power and your kindness. And how might that be? It doesn't matter that we do not have the exact answer. What counts is that you are, Lord.

Oh loving Father. Filled with trust in your love and providence, we confide thoroughly in you. "Give us your hand" in every moment, in order that in any circumstance we can lift up our mind to you and tell you: amen, thank you, Lord. Help us to be objective, and as hard as it may be, that we are not led by our emotions.

That we may say as David: I will trust in the shelter of your wings (Psalm 61.4).

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-09-2007 04:59
I've had to read this a few times to make it stick and understand it but that fits perfectly thank you Mr. Norris
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-30-2007 07:05
Well we went thru our first time of chemo this week and he pulled thru just fine as i expected. He got home on wed. and had to go back on friday for a check up his counts were down a lil but we knew they would be dr the tumor wasnt any bigger but wasnt smaller either also said he would need blood on tues. we are trying to get him into st judes in memphis the docs down here still dont know what type of tumor we have and are sending more samples to philly and to st judes i think they are just guessing at this point and that Ryder is still throwing them for a loop all in all Ryder is doing well and hanging on like any cowboy should thank you all for your prayers and support RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-01-2007 00:56
St Judes is a good place. If anyone can figure it out it will be them. The little guy has got to be meant for something after surviving all he's survived so far.

with prayers,
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-01-2007 04:10
Hang in there Ryder, Shad & family.
Parent - - By thomasyyz (**) Date 10-01-2007 18:41
Stick in there man, put your energy into the things that are in your power to take care of, and put the rest of your energy in holding things together.
That picture of ryder choked me up but that smile of his shows he's not letting go, you don't either.
how about a bank account number to open the door to this community to lend a helping hand.
a big hug , thomas
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-01-2007 20:35 Edited 10-02-2007 02:02
I think thats a damn good idea thomas. That little guy needs more people like you. How about it Shad, get us some info, my wife upon reading this intends to have a bake sale for Ryder.

Hang in there,
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-01-2007 20:50
Man, now THAT's the kind of folks you find in the FORUM!!!  Gerald, you and your wife ROCK my world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-02-2007 03:00

It's thomas's idea, but I stand by the "damn good one" statement. For those of us who've traveled the road welding and inspecting, how many times have you found yourself in situations where your own was the only that could be relied on? I don't know about you gentlemen, but I've found myself in that position more times than I care to count. If your not going to help one of your own, who are you going to help?

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-02-2007 02:27
ok i'll look into it tomorow after our check up he gets blood tomorow so we're gonna be there a while i'll call the bank and see what they can do if nuthin else i'll open 1 in his name thanks you guys are the greatest
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-01-2007 21:06
Hello Thomas, that's a super idea! KUDOS! regards, Allan
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-02-2007 02:22
YA know i came here with this for yalls prayers and moral support never intnded to stick my hand out although the help is much needed i went to local 142 today trying to get sum work the man  John Perez said to call him tomm. he needs welders bad but just single hand told him it didnt matter i need work by the house. I dont know what to say to you guys making an offer like that actually i'm fighting back the tears man what a great bunch of friends Ryder has made when he's kicked this thing we'll throw a big ol bash and have everyone show up what a great way to meet  and shake the hands of the best bunch of guys i know i'll look into it if you guys insist on it thanks so much for offering
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-02-2007 03:03
Consider it insisted.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 10-02-2007 11:48
Gerald, thanks for the correction, I noted it last night when Aevald made his posting well, to Thomas; you ROCK my world too!!!!  You know, it's a wonderful thing seeing people reach out and join hands to help, all to seldom done in this nasty world we live in... it takes someone like Ryder to come along and set us back on track... God, thanks for Ryder!!!
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 10-02-2007 13:07
Shad, consider me in. 

I have two little ones that I would sell the farm for if they needed anything.  I can't begin to say I feel your pain, but I have been saying a prayer every chance I get.  Every day when I come on this forum I look for your post first.  Like the others have said, the picture of the lil guy really brings me to tears, but man he is strong!

Don't consider any of this a hand out.  This is my way of saying I support Ryder, you, and your family.  Family is always the #1 priority.  When we are young we need our family, as we grow, family sometimes takes a "backseat" to paying the bills, or chasing the almighty dollar, then we grow old, and it's our family that we need again.  I admire you for knowing that right now family is the most important thing, and if I can be a part of helping you keep that focus and not worrying about money right now, that's what I'm going to do. 

Be cautious about posting any account information here or anywhere on the web, a safer route might be getting the bank to set up a fund in his name, and we can then send our helping hands to the bank address in care of Ryder.

Stay strong, I'm PUSHing for all of you.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 10-03-2007 03:15
Shad, in your PLEASE PRAY FOR MY SON thread in shop talk you mentioned you might be selling your tools to help make ends meet. I hope you haven't sold them and hope you do not have to either. Many of us in this forum know how important our tools are to us and to be willing to part with them says alot about you. If a secure method can be set up (not that I'm worried but it would be terrible if contributions for Ryder and family were swindled by a hacker) I'm thinking many people in the forum will gladly contribute to the Ryder fund. I can relate to medical debt but there are worse things than that. Please don't sell your tools,that sounds depressing. I hope Ryder and family will have a good day tomorrow.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-03-2007 04:16
Hello Tim, I believe you covered that the best it could be covered and I would agree whole-heartedly. I can't remember right at the moment whether it was your suggestion or not concerning an account set up in Ryder's name at the bank in lieu of an account # being listed, but I would guess if the bank's name and address was given and an account was set up using Ryder's name it would be relatively safe in insuring that any donations would get where they belonged. Anybody else out there have knowledge of this sort of thing?
     If nothing else the bank itself should have some sort of provisions for setting this up in a secure manner. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 10-04-2007 02:27
Hello Allan, thanks for the kind words. The above post was my first mention of the Ryder fund I'm not sure if others have refered to it by that name or not. I do know that thomas made the original offer to Shad via post to let us help. I hope Shad can get it set up in a fund name for greater participation. Like you mentioned Allan, if anyone out there has any advise, experience or knowledge on this subject feel free to share it.

I too would be proud to be Ryders' "honorary uncle"
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-06-2007 05:09
i got it set up Tim info is on page 2 of this forum
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 10-06-2007 23:46
Good to hear things went OK for Ryder in the last surgery. Just to clarify, should check be made out to Ryder Griffin Medical Benefit or just to Ryder Griffin? Thanks and hang in there. We're all still for your situation.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-07-2007 02:04
just make it out to Ryder D Griffin medical benefit so nothing goes wrong thanks so much you guys are the best. RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-03-2007 06:46
no i havent sold anything yet but i might if need be the extra machines will go first before i sell my tools and everyday machine we are ok for now they cut the cbale tv off today but who cares i can get that back easily i going out tomorow to see what i can find looks like i might have to go back down south if nething were to happen i could be at the house in 2 hrs and at the hospital in 3 2 1/2 if i push the goat to full potential eh'll run 110 loaded with all the equip i got a trial run when ryder was comming into the world but no havent sold anything yet it would be awfully hard to replace everything whats sad is i bought 2 brand new bevelers before all this happened wish i had that cash now a 3-8 and a 6-12 as for setting up any kind of an account the bank said they cant do nuthin like that so snail mail is the only way and if yall dont feel comfortable with that i understand it's the thought that counts the most in my book you guys are the greatest bunch of friends a guy could ever have
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-03-2007 15:17
honestly i'm not worried about the medical debt i can get them some money every month and that will keep them at bay. what i'm scared of is keeping food on the table and a roof over our heads not so much mine but my familys. i just called the bank and they are looking into  setting up a fund or sumthing in Ryders name i'll get back with yall when i know somerthing as for right now i'm getting back on the phone and seeing what i can find work wise ryder is doing ok his counts are down but he is very constipated my wife took him back to the dr this morning and they are going to do bllod counts again and possibly give him an enema they wouldnt do it yesterday cause his white blood cell count was down and they are worried of an internal infection from the bowel movements if for some reason he was to get scratched on the inside it would cause a severe infection and we dont need that right now to bad he's not older i'd just give him exlax and tell him its chocolate sorry i know but sum1 has to bring sum humor into this depressing time thank you for your prayers and support and as always RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 10-04-2007 02:56
Shad, you may already know this but please allow me to give a little advise on medical bills. Not wanting to add any more stress on you. I do not know if Texas is different than NC on medical bills and I'm not an expert on this just know from past experience. I hope that a lot of the medical institutions have provisions and funds to assist or waive some or all of the expenses.

Every time you are asked to pay or set up payment plan do not let them pressure you into a large monthly payment. You may get bills from the hospital, the DR. surgeon, back up surgeon, anastesiologist, operating room, etc, from each hospital you use. Explain that to them and stand firm with very low monthly payments. ($5 to $10/mo) Some of them will be great and very cooperative and some will be callosed and uncareing. NEVER, never miss a payment. That's when they send it to a collection agency or ask for payment in full.

I did not want to add to your burden. But an ounce of prevention....
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-04-2007 03:17
I'm not real worried about the medical bills they get what i can give them and thats that I'm worried about keeping a roof over our heads and food on the table for right now. I went out on a limb today and drove to a local co. that i heard was needing welders which is odd around here but most of the pipeliners are gone anyway i talked to 2 men and i have a 10'' test in the morning it's all pressure stuff 100% xray 6010 root and 7018 the rest of the way out funny thing is i'm not a pipeliner and have never xrayed nuthin before i'm confident i can do it and if not theres a feed lot up the road that usually has work and if not well then i'll prolly start sellin stuff theres no way i can go out of state i checked with the bank today and they are willing to set up an accouint for Ryder with me as a signer jus need to get his ssn from my wife and get that going and those of you who want to can send donations in ryders name to the banks address and he will get it just a quik update on him he and my wife are in the hospital again the meds they gave us to get rid of his constipation didnt work so they admitted him n put him on iv and are watching and waiting for him to go poop i asked why the dont jus give him an enema they said the risk of infection and blood poising are to risky. they did some blood work on him and his counts are way up from yesterday i just talked w my wife and she said he's acting like he is fine kicking and laughing and playing i tell ya this kid is as tuff as a box of nails man do i have my work cuyt out for me when he gets older thanks for your input on the bills tim but like i said they can take what i give or turn me over to collections thats about all they can do been down this road before with myself they go away eventually but they'll get theres when i get mine sorry if i sound harsh or angry it wasnt intended that way and i am in no way upset just glad Ryder is still with us
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-04-2007 05:00 Edited 10-04-2007 05:02
Shad, If there is any way to add fiber to Ryder's diet, it helps. Easyfiber from Walmart goes down pretty easy and doesn't cost too much. I get constipated the first few days after chemo, but then I get the runs. House brand Imodium takes care of that, but it works better if I take it before things get really bad. You should check with the Dr. first. Once again, GOOD LUCK RYDER, SHAD & FAMILY.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-04-2007 17:50
wow dave didnt know you had cancer too sorry to hear that hope all is going well with your recovery and i will ask the doc about adding fiber all he eats if formula and pedialyte so it might be kinda hard i,m thinking so good ol prune juice or sum caro syrup in his bottles
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