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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / copper or ceramic back up bars
- - By toolfool Date 10-01-2007 05:14
I`m doing some hard surfacing on material that is about an inch and a half thick.I really need the edges to be crisp and sharp, so I`ve been using chunks of copper to wash the welds against.Can someone tell me just which alloy of copper would last the longest and be the least likely to deteriorate in the process.And also....what about ceramics? Thanks!
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 10-01-2007 13:47
i would think that the ceramic will give you a crisper edge that copper. having less claen-up. you will still have clean-up just not as much as CU
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-01-2007 17:53

I used ETP (electrolytic tough pitch) copper buss bars.  I cut a saw tooth design on a 3/4 X 7 plate and driled holes for a handle.  This handle had 7 inch legs to help dissipate the heat, and a wooden handle.

This let me place diamonds on the vertical surfaces of the buckets, and then it also helped make nice even diamonds on the cutting edges and bottom of the mold boards.

To hold these plates in place on a vertical surface, I used to cut a "C" clamp in half, tack it to the surface two passes low, and used it to clamp the copper bar to the vertical plate.  Because It was two passes low, I could make two passes of chevrons, which constitute one pass of diamonds.  A dot in the center was usually added later.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-01-2007 20:38
Adding my two cents worth, I think both Hogan and Joe have a good way to handle it. Maybe you can combine the two.
Parent - By toolfool Date 10-02-2007 00:58
Well, I`ll tell ya what.......this is my first time ever on any kind of forum, and I`m very impressed! Thank you all for the speedy response. I would like to have some input on the ceramic end of things. I do know what I`ve run up against with copper, and it`s definately not a deal breaker, but I also am always on a mission to find better ways of doing things.Thanks again!
Dave....the fool with the tools.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / copper or ceramic back up bars

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