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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Autogenous welding
- - By Boon (**) Date 10-07-2007 07:06

I have a problem in getting weld reinforcement with GTAW autogenous butt welding (without filler) on 1.5 mm thick SS304 sheets.
I had tried adjusting various parameters but the weldment is just slightly underfilled at the centre.
Can someone advise which parameters are important and whether to increase or decrease the values in order to have weld reinforcement.
Is it current, torch and back gas flows, electrode distance to workpiece or travel speed?
Gas used is Argon.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-07-2007 09:19
what does the backside look like???  that will be important to providing further advice.     IF you have backpurge with a backing strip and are getting too concave a  weld  {with good color} then its probably too much heat....if you post pics of torch side and front side, list your gas (which argon 100% etc), tungsten size, cup size, flow rate, travel speed and heat parameters you might get a more informative answer.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 10-07-2007 23:40
It's been well over a decade since I have welded autogenous tubes. From my experience the fit up is the most important variable. With a few thousands of a gap you will get concavity. Metal must be burr free.  After that Tommy's tip on heat is right. Your travel speed may need to increase and/or amps decrease. Tungsten geometry and distance (arc volts) must be consistant for all other troubleshooting to be successful. Also is concavity from beginning to end of weld of does occur after metal has become hot from welding? If the latter then you will need to adjust parameters accordingly. Either with faster travel or less amps as metal gets hotter.. Do you have pulse per seconds? Try fewer PPS for less heat imput(less fluid puddle). Increase tungsten distance for less penetration. I don't think you will get reinforcement without root concavity. And visa-versa. I've welded thimble tubes in nuclear plants, SS, OD was less than a pencil. Very tedious, took awhile to write programs. Program changes four times while welding 1/4" ID tube. I have never welded sheet only tubes with autogeneous process. I still think any gap at any time during the weld will be the first place to look.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-08-2007 01:59 Edited 10-08-2007 02:04
Maybee I don't understand the process, but how can You have weld reinforcement if You don't add filler metal? It seems to me that the best You could achive is flat if the edges fit perfectly for the entire [top to bottom] of the joint. If You have sheared edges I don't think You will get a 100% fill. If You turn a short angle standing up on the edgees before butting them together You can have reinforcement, but the extra metal comes from the upturned edges.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-08-2007 06:23
Hello Dave, the first time that I saw an orbital tube welder in action I was surprised to see reinforcement on the inside as well as the outside of the tube. This process is autogenous and doesn't use any filler material supplied from an outside source. Granted, the tube ends in this case were machined square prior to fitting and welding. I was told that the resulting reinforcements were from the contraction of the weld metal prior to complete solidification of the weld pool as the welding progresses. So in a sense the tubes start parallel to one another and as the welding progresses they go off axis slightly until the weld is completed and they end up lined up again. In the example that I was there to witness, we took the finished welded tubes and sawed them lengthwise to look at the penetration and reinforcement characteristics. If you were to take an overall length measurement of the tubes prior to welding they would be one length and after welding the overall length will be shorter. I believe part restraint could possibly also have an effect on this process, as well as welding parameters, with regard to noticeable reinforcement. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-08-2007 08:55

You explained that perfectly.

Part of the pipe length is consumed in the weld..... Bingo.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 10-08-2007 12:41

this is really good.

I would actually have agreed with Dave as well.

Hmmmm, seems to me as being extremely worth of having an in-depth analysis on the - at least theoretical - physical variables making this reinforcement even possible. I would have guessed there were many (material composition [consider sulphur etc.], arc pressure through plasma jet,...) making it rather impossible.

Furthermore I would have guessed an additional outer acting force (pressure) on the liquid weld pool would be a feasible way, but only by the "natural" contraction?

Extremely interesting...

Nonetheless, as we know, although the theory disallows a humble-bee to fly... it flies.

Best regards,
Parent - - By Boon (**) Date 10-08-2007 03:14
The following details and range of parameters are what we have been trying on to see if we can get weld reinforcement, but without success.
- Materials are with sheared edge and burrs removed by light grinding
- Copper backing plate with groove 4 mm wide x 1 mm deep, gas outlet at 50 mm apart
- Tungtsen size is 2.4 mm and distance 2 to 3 mm.
- Cup size is 7, 11 mm opening
- Gas is pure Argon
- Torch gas flow 10 to 14 l/min
- Back gas flow 6 to 8 l/min
- Current from 110 to 130 A
- Torch is perpendicular to workpiece and travel speed from 170 to 200 mm/min
- The backside is clean and if we increase back gas flow, there would be concavity at the back

Initially I had same opinion as Dave that we can't have reinforcement without filler, or have reinforcement but with concavity at the back.
I changed my opinion after seeing a sample (not from our machine) with slight reinforcement and without root concavity, welded without filler.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-08-2007 07:55
Ok  Boon I will take a stab at it

As Tim said above the fit will be crucial..(light grinding?) be sure that no material thickness is inadvertently removed because you need all of it...but I am sure you already know that.   I would try a backing strip with no groove if it was available with less gas but if the backside is looking good and almost flat then what you have is working for you I no problem there.   Most of your settings sound good to me but it does sound like you may be welding it too fast....110 amps is more than adequate for fusion of .060 304.   Your tungsten and gas all sound good but maybe try a heat range of 80-90 and slightly slower travel speed.   Very hard to say without a good look at the results but I think that would be the direction to go.    Hopefully someone with more experience at this will chime in.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-09-2007 05:53
If You can arange to have the sheared edges reversed, that is to say the bur side up on 1 and down on the other You might do better. Look closely at a sheared edge and You will understand what I am talking about. Any material removed by grinding will make Your situation worse, unless You can grind a true, square, streight edge. The flange formed on the edgees prior to welding is a method I saw in AWS welding handbook Vol. 2, 7th edition undr plasma arc welding - joint designs. I see they suggested it for thinner materials than You are using, and for plasma welding. I can envision the orbital process Allan described giving slight renforcement, particularly if the unit traveles slightly more than 360 degrees. I am at a loss to understand how this can work over the entire length when joining sheet parts without true edges.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-09-2007 06:39
Hello Dave, I would certainly have to agree with your statement about the edge condition of sheets. I do believe they have to be basically completely straight, without any deformation, and fit without any gap, unless as you also included, you were able to position one sheet burr side up and the other burr side down.
     I am currently in the process of getting some new technology up and running in my classroom that will enable me to have a document camera operational tomorrow afternoon sometime. If I can get it online I will try to include some pictures of a .005" thick stainless steel cylinder that has been rolled into a 3" diameter drum and autogenously welded the length of the seam, it's about 12" long. If I remember correctly it was welded on a Panjuris automatic seam welding machine(pulsed micro-tig power source) at a company in the Seattle area. It does exhibit reinforcement internally as well as externally. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By jd369 (**) Date 10-09-2007 17:30
Hi Boon
  I would recommend the following parameters, it you have pulse capabilities you will be able to make a very nice bead.
Travel speed 6 ipm or 150mm
Amperage: start right at 60 amps, usually 1 amp for every 0.001" of material is sufficient for a butt joint with full penetration. Sounds like you are using too much amperage.
Pulse: if you can pulse then work out an average of 60 amps. I would try the following. Keep the background current half of the peak current and the duty cycle at 50% so that it is easy to work out your average amperage for now.
80 peak current
40 background current
50% duty cycle
3 pulses per second

I would keep the torch gas at 15-20 cfh and the backing gas to around 5-10cfh depending on the exact fixture. Am I correct to assume you are welding plate and not pipe/tube?

Usually when I program are auto welder I start with 6 ipm travel speed and use the 1 amp for every 0.001" of material rule. If you are welding nickel based alloys you'll have to go a bit more more on the heat. Keep it simple with the pulsing at first and fine tune it later if you can pulse. You can always tweek things once you get the desired weld bead to maximize output by raising the amperage and travel speed, but it's easier to start slow.
Hope this helps
Parent - - By Boon (**) Date 10-11-2007 08:15
Our machine has pulse capabilities but we are trying to see if exiting parameters (from another machine working without pulse and filler) can produce the desired weld bead.
I would try with low amperage and slow travel speed in our next production run.

The sample shown on pictures provided by Aevald is similar to the products we are welding on our seam welder.
We are welding both flat sheets and medium to large tubes on the machine. Max. length is one metre. For tubes or cans, we always try to maintain a flat section at the joint with pre-bend or knocking.  

Even without weld reinforcement, the weld bead has no problem with tensile and bend tests.

Can someone advise what would be applicable section or tolerance for the weld under ASME code. Is there any reference to acceptance criteria for underfill or concavity in weld?

Parent - - By jd369 (**) Date 10-11-2007 15:19
Is the existing machine the same type or is it a completely different machine? Are the machines calibrated for there output? Just curious why it would work on one machine and not the other if they are similar?
I can't help but to "push" the pulse capability on you if you have it as on option, the beads will come out very uniform in appearance. I found that when I switched alot of my welds to pulse there was less distortion in a lot of my sheet metal components. Here are a few pics of titanium and inconels welded with pulse (and wire).
Attachment: TitaniumPulse.bmp (322k)
Attachment: PulseWeld001shrunk.jpg (539k)
Attachment: PulseWeld005shrunk.jpg (496k)
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-12-2007 03:56
Is the "stack of dimes" ripple due to the pulsing?
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-12-2007 04:13
Hello Dave, in the case with the photos that are exhibiting the ripples, the short answer is yes. Pulsing can take on different forms depending upon the technology associated with a specific welding control system. There are many variations and parameters that can be applied to pulsed welding. In it's simplest form it amounts to having two different current levels applied to the weld process with the high current level activated for a specific time and the low current level activated for a specific time. Some variations might be: longer at the high current and shorter at the lower current, from that point there are a considerable amount of variations that you can throw into the mix. Pulses per second, percent of time on peak versus background current, rampup and rampdown shape(current vs. time, or essentially how quickly the current levels transition from one to the other). There are definitely some experts on here who could give you a very precise rundown on all of the different considerations. Regards, Allan
Parent - By jd369 (**) Date 10-12-2007 17:00
The pictures of my welds do have the stack of dimes look from pulsing. It not only looks good but does reduce the distortion in the overall weld. We have been using automated GTAW here for over 40 years (before I worked here). About ten years ago when I started we procured a newer automated system with pulse capabilities and it works very well. I have converted much of our manual tig welding to the automated pulse with excellent results.  We have lower rejection rates and far less distortion then previously. With a little testing you can make very nice welds, and I don't just mean by visual appearance. All of our welds are 100% visual, FPI and X-ray inspected as they are all for engine components in the aerospace industry.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-09-2007 18:27
Hello Dave, I managed to get our document camera up and running and so I'm going to try and post a couple of pictures of the .005 stainless duct that has been seam welded. So here goes. Allan
Parent - - By jd369 (**) Date 10-09-2007 19:19
The welds look good Aevald, what parameters did you use?
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-09-2007 19:44
Hello jd369, I wish I could say that I personally had something to do with them. In this case, this was done by a company in the Seattle area. I can't remember what their name was, I was on an industry tour with a large group of other welding instructors from across the state as a part of a bi-annual meeting agenda. I believe this part was used for a ducting application on a Boeing aircraft, but not absolutely sure. We use this example in our welding program to show the variety of welding applications out there. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-10-2007 05:52
That sure is slick. Can You see/measure any diference between the start end and the finish end?
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-10-2007 06:13
Hello Dave, the part that I have the picture of is actually a reject. You can notice a bit of burn-out on the end that I have in the picture, the other end has about 1 1/2" of burn-out on it where it didn't fuse and opened up to approx. 1/8", but the weld itself is very consistent for the portion that is welded along the rest of the seam. I measured the thickness of the weld bead and it was roughly .012", the material thickness is .005". The machine that did this actually had an arm that basically fit the I.D. of the part and included a small groove with purge holes to protect the back-side of the weld area, it also had copper hold-down plates with beveled edges that helped to hold and align the edges and act as an additional heat-sink while the weld head was in motion. I wish I had more details to share but it's been a number of years since I toured this facility and I didn't have quite the level of interest in this as I probably would now. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 10-11-2007 08:50

excellent pictures and as I already mentioned, very impressive!

Meanwhile I have bothered my head about this interesting subject both theoretically and practically.

With respect to the latter, I have spoken with some colleagues - coming from our Automation department and being real experts in TIG-Orbital-Welding.

I have tried to gather some information and could take some pictures as well.

What I am currently trying is to match the theories with the practical results, the predications from my colleagues, the information from this thread and my personal interpretations or assumptions, respectively.

Unfortunately I am extremely busy at the moment, thus I hope that I will find time soon to write two or three sentences on that.

I hope it may be allowed...

Thanks and best regards,

P.S. Great thread!
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 10-11-2007 12:56
Hi Stephan, I do look forward to hearing from you, when you do have the time. Many thanks and regards, Allan
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-12-2007 22:14
Hello aevald and Stephan;

This perplexed me as well the first time I encountered it. Well, the situation was somewhat different. I was working with aluminum and qualifying the procedure using a heavy fixture plate that clamped the two pieces of aluminum plate quite tightly.

After welding the two plates the thickness in the HAZ was considerably thicker than the base metal. It didn't make sense until I noted how tight the welder was clamping the test plates in the fixture. I asked him to back off on the clamping device and the problem disappeared. What was happening was that the clamps prevented the plate from slipping as they heated up during welding, i.e., they expanded in the direction of the groove and thickened because the tensile strength of the hot aluminum is lower than it is at room temperature. When the clamps were loosened, the plates could expand and contract freely during welding (and cooling) and there was no thickening adjacent to the weld.

I saw the same thing happening when I first got involved in orbital welding. I expected the joint to thin in the area of the weld because no filler metal was added to the weld puddle. However, there was some face and root reinforcement once the weld was completed. Again there was a clamping device involved that prevented the heated tube from slipping through the clamps during welding. At the higher temperatures attained during the welding the tensile strength of the weld and HAZ is less than at room temperature, thus any expansion in the axial direction is accommodated by the weld and HAZ (more so in the weld that is in a "mushy state"). Upon cooling, the weld and HAZ regain their tensile strength quickly and the contraction forces of the cooling metal pulls the tube through the clamps.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-12-2007 22:30
Thanks Al, that makes perfectly good sense to me and I can certainly understand your explanation along those lines. Regards, Allan
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-13-2007 03:06
Al, that is a good explanation.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-13-2007 14:42
Thanks - Al
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 10-16-2007 08:27

I agree with Dave and Allan (once again) :-)!

Outstanding good explanation - as always!

To be honest, I have a head full of ideas meanwhile on this topic and can't scarcely sleep the very few hours besides the daily job, since thinking about...

It's crazy. Starting once and I can't stop!

I probably think too complicated, but this topic and the physical background is soooo interesting!

Thanks Al for these great information and best regards,
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 02-16-2008 17:48 Edited 02-16-2008 23:21
Dear Allan!

Now, as already "threatened" a "little" time ago, here am I again to write down a few of my own thoughts on Boon's post. It's the first time since long, that I have found time to return to the forum and I really don't want to know how many interesting posts I certainly have missed over this period.

However, it's a very good feeling to be back..!

This sentence here was originally not intended to be written, but since I have exceeded the maximum text length size (shame on me!), I am going to divide the original text corpus by "2" and will try to create two single replies of actually one entire one. I beg your understanding...

With the attachments please note that I will attach all the pictures of which I find they might be helpful to elucidate the matter within the # 2 of my response. I.e. all what you read in a oherence with "jpeg's" you will find in the second part of the post. I truly hope that this will work!

Please allow basically to express that the subsequent considerations are my humble try to explain myself what kind of coherences are responsible for the sometimes different behavior the material shows in a direct relation to what Boon has stated to be his application in his initial post.

I am honest, I personally guess that this mentioned post is one of the very most interesting ones I have read on the forum.

Since I have considered long about all the different items, perhaps being in charge, I found out that it was as usual. The more one considers the more he is going to find out and the less he appears to know finally.

However, what I have done - of course under simplifying everything as best as I could due to the restriction of space in the forum - is, that I have tried to bring both what fascinates me personally (Arc- and Solid State Physics) together in a way that it could make sense finally for treating the particular topic - Autogenous GTA Welding of AISI 304.

First off however, I must agree with you and Dave! Al's explanation is again and as usually one outstanding good one.

When I have read what Boon has initially posted, my very first reaction was to say "Hmm, this should only be hardly possible!" But nonetheless, I am careful by knowing myself. When I am asking a question and somebody says "No, this is not possible!" something awakes in me and driving me to find out the pros and cons making something either "possible" or "impossible".

I must thank you for according me the time for this late, or better very late response. You know I was quite busy and thus the time for visiting the forums was extremely restricted, unfortunately!

Meanwhile however I had time enough to pay one of the scrap boxes of our company's welding training center a visit, trying to find some pieces of ~ 304 sheet metals GTA- a/o eventually Plasma-welded to see how the welding seam appearances were. I had luck by having found some "pieces of gold" :-).

Well, here we go..!

First question I asked myself after having read what Boon has posted was: "How can it be as far as it can even be?".

Next thought was going towards separating all the "things" being involved into the procedure making a weld seam even a weld seam. There we can state:

1.  (GT) Arc
2.  Base Material
3.  Filler Material

Since we know that no filler should be used in the case Boon has mentioned we can cancel item 3 again. This should simplify the entire affair appropriately (?).

So in fact what do we have? Actually merely two different things and - and I guess this is one of the most intricate but as well interesting process in physics - the interaction between the plasma (energy) and the solid state matter.

I have tried to continue my considerations on the basis of analyzing (surely quite basically):

1.  How is it possible to handle a Gast Tungsten Shielded Arc and its influence on the solid base material in a simple way?
2.  What are the results of the Arc's energy in particular terms of the used 304 base material

For (very partially) replying the question 1 let us have a short look upon the structure of a TIG Arc maintained under Argon as the used shielding gas. It has - normally - a bell shaped form with a brighter (i.e. "hotter") core and a lighter (i.e. "colder") zone around the core, see also Picture 1. Both criteria are specific and the results of indeed interesting but nonetheless very complex plasma-physically interactions. As an extract of both one can say that the shielding gas properties are responsible for the later shape and consistency of the arc plasma. Due to the specific properties in terms of thermal conductivity Argon as the shielding gas has a relatively low ability of conducting the heat through the arc volume which results again in a "hot" inner core and a "cold" outer area. What does "hot" and "cold" mean when we are talking of temperatures high enough or far beyond those ones able to melt metals. I hope you may agree when I say that this topic to treat herein could be a hard to realize undertaking, what's the reason for that I would like to avoid it furthermore. But - at least from my personal viewpoint - it is even unnecessary. Because what is much more important for having a possibility to deal with the application Boon has stated in his post, is the fact, that we should treat the arc plasma at our particular purpose, and as mentioned extremely simplified, as consisting of different electrically neutral and electrically charged particles being roughly mixed by pushing a current through a gap between the work and the electrode and therefore using the voltage. The actual major carriers of the electrical charge within the arc plasma are the electrons. The higher the concentration of electrons (i.e. the higher the current density) the higher again the temperature ("hot" core) and - and this is crucial - the higher the  p r e s s u r e  the arc causes upon the base material, or better, the weld pool.

Of course. The arc causes a pressure upon the weld pool and all of you know that of course, since everyone of you has observed the fascinating spectacle a Gas Shielded Tungsten Arc is carrying out on the weld pool's surface when you have risen the current. The mentioned pressure is the result of different strong forces (electromagnetic, surface tension, buoyancy and plasma jet) Mainly responsible however is the electromagnetic or LORENTZ force respectively, which is proven to generate an inward flow of the molten metal within the weld pool volume. By the way, when you have a closer look upon Argon_TIG.jpeg, you can slightly recognize that the arc is causing an indentation into the base material. Why am I that strongly dealing with the pressure underneath the arc? Very simple... Since the pressure does arrange that the material is being distributed and furthermore displaced underneath the arc.

O.K. let's see what we do have by now?

A Gas Tungsten Shielded Arc established and maintained in an Argon atmosphere, does have a particular shape and a particular physical behavior.

Hmmm, but on what depends the physical behavior of the special shape of the arc? We have heard that the arc consistency, its temperature profile, its pressure gradient is amongst others - to be neglected herein - as well depending on the current density. What is the current density again depending on? Well, again amongst others it is depending on the tungsten electrode geometry, the electrode diameter, the electrode material's composition and other peripheral parameters (e.g. electrode to work distance, torch positioning angle,...).

How to make it possible to describe the pressure the TIG Arc is performing upon the weld pool? (Excuse me for not coming to the point but I hope that I will find a way to it finally.) Good, this is best possible by using the way of visualizing what's taking place while an arc is burning between the electrode (cathode) and the work (anode). But nonetheless I would like to make a short sidestep towards to describe how tremendously intricate it actually is what we are here talking about. So intricate that the theorists - as well nowadays - are not 100% sure about the complex interactions between the different physical phenomena existing within an arc plasma.  

Let the volume of a molten pool (V) be a function of - as we have heard - a large number of different parameters e.g. temperature (T); material density (rho); arc pressure (p); welding speed (v) and let us consider further that these parameters are - in a wide range - temperature depending again what complicates the prediction of the molten pool behavior additionally. I permit myself to decide that the latter should be neglected for a strong simplification to being able to reduce all the intricate combinations to a more simplified form where we can say, the conditions coming from the plasma side (arc) + the conditions coming from the solid state side (base material) yield a very specific molten pool condition which yields a  molten pool volume again. Now let us presume that - as already shortly mentioned - the main parameter affecting the height of the arc pressure should be the height of the welding current. Different - very interesting - investigations were conducted in the past with respect to find out more about the coherences of molten pool depression forces induced by the arc. Most of those surveys could confirm that the even stated (height of welding current) is the main parameter to be considered for calculating the arc pressure or its influence on the surface depression of the molten pool, respectively.

Why have I mentioned all this by now?

I hope you may agree when I say that - in a great extent - the pressure of the arc is responsible for the amount of the depth of fusion or - in case of welding autogenously - the depth of penetration. As I have said, please allow to neglect the various interactions - and thus variables - caused by electromagnetic-, surface tension- and other forces, taking place within the molten weld pool and being responsible for the convective flow being induced by these forces. What however is - from my point of view - important, in particular for the case of autogenous GTA-Welding and achieving both root- and surface reinforcement, is the fact of the composition of the base material. But hereunto I would like to come to a bit later on. Alright, let me coming to the visualization of how it might look like when the (Gas Tungsten) arc is autogenously deforming the weld pool. Please see the Surface_Depression_TIG.jpeg, for making it imaginable how a Gas Tungsten Arc is able to depress the weld pool surface and thus, in autogenous welding, making sure the depth of penetration in relation to the workpiece' wall thickness. What's interesting is the detail, that when GTA Welding autogenously the depth of penetration does not increase infinitely by increasing the current. This phenomenon is as well observable when increasing the welding time at constant current when welding with a stationary arc. Proportional to each other do increase both weld width and weld pool area. Many Investigations have been conducted in terms of the influence of surface depression and convection on the arc weld pool geometry. Here one has e.g. found out that there is a kind of "transition current" existing, where relative "shallow penetration" depth is increased to be changed to higher values by so-called "deep surface depression". Very interesting but I won't like to further treat this matter herein since the transition current ranges are far above those values Boon has stated in his post and which laid at 110... 130 Ampere. However, what we can conclude by here is that the surface depression of the weld pool is being influenced mainly by the height of current and other variables.

Since I would like to treat how the weld seam appearance is basically being formed I would like to coming now to the physical coherences in terms of how the weld bead geometry does react under the autogenous Gas Tungsten Arc. When having a look upon a weld pool being generated by a stationary Gas Tungsten Arc and when using relatively low current values (as which I interpret the values of Boon) - which is important since only here one can use the simplification of using a so-called "Gaussian" heat distribution (particular mathematical approximation method, see also: by considering the heat maximum in the center of the arc - the surface depression is as well relatively low. Let me now assume that - just as we have heard - increasing the welding time of a stationary working Gas Tungsten arc at constant current does not increase the depth of penetration but does increase the area of the weld pool on the workpiece at least as long there has no balance between heat addition and heat dissipation been generated. By the way, in my eyes the depth of surface depression should thus being reduced due to the greater pool volume. However, let us now presume to not use a stationary Gas Tungsten arc but to move our heat source, even to weld e.g. a square groove butt joint, as mentioned by Boon.

What does now happen to the surface depression?

Well, before dealing with this interesting question we have to go back to an increase of welding current and exceeding the limit of where the "transition current" causes a deep surface depression. Here one has to not only to leave the range of relative shallow depth of penetration  but has also to leave the pattern of heat distribution ("Gaussian")and thus to achieve a changed current flow. Why is this detail that important? Even since the flow of current stands in a close relationship to the molten metal flow pattern. LIN et al have investigated this and have found out that by an increased surface depression there is generated a displacement of the field force density having similar potential (equipotential lines) and hereby it is assumed a "maldistribution" of current - or in other words an imbalanced heat density at the workpiece (anode) surface. This is by forming a deep crater after the "transition current value" is exceeded (deep surface depression exists) and the main share of both heat and current is being received by the crater side walls, but only a minimum is received by the bottom of the crater itself, for instance to increase the depth of penetration additionally.

Alright, we have now spoken of that there can be assumed a limit in penetration depth in relation to the height of welding current. And furthermore we can assume that when having fixed a specific arc performance to be coupled into the workpiece and presuming the generation of a thermomechanical balance between the heat added and the heat dissipated, we will achieve even a specific volume of (stationary) weld pool. It remains at even this specific size and is neither increased nor decreased in size. This means of course that the depth of penetration may not change as well. Finally concluded: "Specific (Gas Tungsten) arc performance being generated and coupled into a workpiece having even specific dimensions and (thermomechanical) properties yields even a specific depth of penetration."


No is my question: "What does happen with the (depressed) weld pool when we switch off the welding current after having held the weld pool itself under stationary conditions (NO movement of the arc)?" And further: "Do we then have a surface reinforcement?"

Oh, I almost forgot to mention but I know you would have already asked. By now we have neglected all the little but often very important details (material composition,...) which can have a strong influence on the weld pool geometry and its behavior. But I hope to be able to treat them in a respective way later on, since actually these details are - at least in basics - not neglectable. 

Coming back to the questions of above...

YUSHCHENKO et al have investigated the behavior of "conventional GTA" vs. "A-TIG" (GTAW under activating fluxes) weld pools generated on a base material comparable the AISI 304 grade for finding a way to a theoretical approach of an explanation of the deep penetration effect in A-TIG-Welding. There it could be seen that - at least in these particular experiments - there is a slight surface depression of the solidified weld pool, see as well the jpegs Surface Depression_1 (transversal section) and Surface Depression_2 (longitudinal section). But what as well can be seen is - at least apparently - in the longitudinal macro section (jpeg Surface Depression_2) that the weld bead seems to be reinforced after the weld has been carried out, i.e. the seam itself should be reinforced slightly. Now one could ask: "Is the amount of molten material volume been depressed similar to the reinforcement?" This to reply is - only from the attached picture - surely hard to accomplish. But nonetheless it might be so. A bit better the effect of surface depression caused by the arc can be recognized by having a look upon the longitudinal macro section of an A-TIG welded material of same heat, see also the jpeg Surface Depression_3_A-TIG. Here one can see the "keyhole effect" - as YUSHCHENKO calls it - which is being physically induced by the activating flux. Here one can see, that the welded seam appears to be reinforced behind the crater which contains the "keyhole".

But, "Where does this surface reinforcement - as far as it is even there - come from?" and before replying this question one could ask as well: "Does the surface reinforcement occur as well when the weld pool is generated and being held stationary?" Can there even be a reinforcement of the seam - or better spot - after stationary weld pools have solidified? Hmmm, actually this is hard to imagine since there is actually no force which could cause the reinforcement of the melt. The only aspect which I could imagine to be responsible for a reinforcement of stationary weld pools is the natural thermomechanical increase in the weld pool's volume by increasing the temperature. What does this mean again? Let the "original" volume of the material (under room temperature conditions "T 0") be "V 0". When increasing the temperature it can be assumed that the materials volume does increase as well. Let now be the arbitrary increased volume of the specific element of molten material at an arbitrary increased temperature "T 1" be "V 1" and the volume of a specific element of the molten material at melting temperature "T Melt" be "V Melt" then we can write for the volume fraction: V 1 > V 0 << V Melt. But how to evaluate the volume of an element of molten metal? I hope that I am doing right now... The volume is the ratio of mass over density. When we now assume that the volume of a constant mass does increase as the temperature increases (what it evidentially does) then the density must decrease as the mass remains constant. I have tried to find some thermomechanical values of stainless steel comparable to AISI 304. First off, the specific weight of AISI 304 is - to my best knowledge - approx. 7.9 g/cm³ (1 g/cm³ = 0.036127292 lb/in³ and thus the density of AISI 304 equals 2,8540561 lb/in³). Let us now presume to have a volume of 5.0 cm³ of AISI 304. Then we obtain a mass of 39.5 g (~ 0,087 lb.). Now it's becoming a bit difficult since it was hard - at least for me - to find the values for the density of an AISI 304 melt. Since the density of a metal is, as already described previously, a function of the temperature and varies of course due to the lattice transformations. However, to not complicating the entire matter, let us presume that the molten metal has a density of ~ 7.3 g/cm³ (forgive me that I remain metric) at melting point ~ 1680 [K] (absolute temperature) what was an approximate value I have found. This means that we have a reduction in density of ~ 7.6%. By knowing now that the volume is supposed to increase since the density has decreased, let's see what should happen. Volume (V) = Mass (m) / density (rho). Thus 39.5 [g] / 7.3 [g/cm³] ~ 5.41 [cm³]. Thus we have an approximately increase in volume of ~ 0.41 cm³, which is an increase in volume of ~ 8.2 %. Although these are surely pure theoretical and inaccurate values we have calculated with but this however means in my eyes: When we could make sure that the area the melt is existing might be "separated" against the surrounding area of the non molten base material (e.g. by extremely cooling the adjacent areas of the seam) and thus generating a steep temperature gradient, I could imagine that the volume of the weld pool would be "depressed" by the adjacent areas and could - under as well presuming a rapid enough cooling of the melt - be - at least theoretically - reinforced in relation to the non molten base material. As I wrote you sometime that in the coherence with an IIW Commission XI Intermediate Meeting I've had the opportunity to visit the British TWI (The Welding Institute) in Cambridge. As you know perhaps the TWI is one of the worldwide leading research institutes in the field of Electron Beam (EB) Welding. When we were guided through the institutes laboratories we have visited as well the EB-labs. There I had the opportunity to talk to Mr. Chris Punshon who is with the "EB Applications Team". It was an enjoyment, by the way. Amongst others he presented us an EB-welded cylindrical steel component (square groove butt joint) having had a thickness of 40 mm. As you know, no kind of filler is (normally) used in EB-welding. However, what I have observed - I guess you know what comes now - was the fact, that although no kind of filler has been used to weld the 40 mm square groove, there was a huge reinforcement both root and surface side recognizable. This effect can be detected as well for larger wall thickness joints. For a better understanding I attach a picture coming from an IIW Commission IV paper written by Allan Sanderson who was the former head of the EB Welding department in TWI, see also the attached Electron_Beam_Weld.jpeg. Here one can see a 150(!) mm thick C-Mn steel square groove butt joint welded at 1 mbar (1 mbar = 2,0885434 lbf./in²) at 200 kV plate voltage, 300 mA current and a welding speed of 100(!) mm/min. Well, as I have now spoken with Chris Punshon (always kept the "Autogenous Welding" topic in mind :-)) I have asked his opinion about where the effect of reinforcement on both sides of the presented EB-Weld might come from. I am honest. He answered: "Huuh, that's a good question!" Then he explained, that the part does transversal shrink by 0.5 mm after whilst being welded. And this effect is supposed to be the reason of the detectable reinforcements. Very interesting as I find, isn't it? Although I had no more chance to ask him if the width reduction is 0.5 mm per each side of the part and thus would yield a total reduction of 1.0 mm (there was no more time to continue the discussion - unfortunately) it would probably pay off - and would be interesting as well - to calculate if the volume of solidified molten metal (even either recognizable reinforcements) would correlate the volume element calculable by: Thickness (t) x Width Reduction (delta W = W - W zero).

Yes I know, Boon does not use stationary process conditions and he does not use the Electron Beam. He is using a continuously moving heat source - even the Gas Tungsten Arc - for executing the Autogenous Welding of his 304 material. Yes, of course. But what I have liked to show previously is that it's worth to make a short sidestep and to have a short view if the discussed effects might be recognized in general in welding, and I would have liked to show the slight difference in the molten pool behavior between a "stationary" and a "moving" weld pool, although I would like to come back to the volume of a melt in another coherence a bit later on.

However, the stationary weld pool of a Gas Tungsten Arc on a stainless steel base material can be assumed to be more or less flat after having solidified - even since there is no complete temperature "separation" between the melt itself and the adjacent base material but there is a heat transfer caused by the well-known physical properties (conduction,...) from the highest point in temperature (melt) to its vicinity (room temperature base material). But what is then the reason for the basically surface reinforcement of a seam been performed by using a moving heat source - as to be seen in jpeg Surface Depression_2. I guess this is an important question to be replied, since there must exist particular forces making sure that even this reinforcement does occur. I honestly hope that I am on the right path by writing all this down, since you could surely ask me: "What the heck do you guy mean by telling all of this?" Hmmm, surely you are right, I guess it is likely not that easy to follow me :-).

O.K. let me try to explain what's driving me...

As I have mentioned already in the above regions of this try of a response I have had a look into our company's scrap box, where I have found some interesting pieces of stainless steel (304 grade) samples been welded by our apprentices and client's welders. Among others I found a piece which had been welded by using the GTAW process. As I could see, it was a piece where the welder - whoever it was - seemed to had carried out Autogenous Gas Tungsten Arc Welding on a square groove butt joint. Although it was in a thickness range (t = 4 mm) laying above that range Boon has used, I could detect an interesting - at least in my eyes - phenomenon. For a better imagination, please see also the attached jpeg Stainless_Surface_Depression_Imbalance. What can be seen there is both concavity and convexity. When I have seen this, I have asked myself what might have been the reason for this imbalance between the areas of surface concavity and convexity (reinforcement). Well, in my interpretation it appears explainable. It might be assumed that the reinforcement is caused by a direct change between the stationary weld pool's influencing forces (arc pressure upon the melt and forces being mentioned already above which induce a particular melt behavior again [surface tension driven = Marangoni]) and the displacement of these forces by inducing an imbalance between the forces being more or less "symmetric" arranged around the arc core and hereby making sure that the symmetry of the (stationary) weld pool is being generated. In other words: "The whole melt starts to be moved, thus showing a divergence in symmetry, thus shows a divergence in temperature profile, thus showing a divergence in solidification and thus showing a different seam profile. This behavior is, amongst others, being caused by the relatively clear to imagine fact. The welding arc as an electrical conductor is arranged always under strong influences of the respective conditions to be found upon the material welded. This means that by changing the material's conditions the electrical behavior (conductivity) of the base material is changed as well. By changing the materials behavior in terms of conducting the current - in other words changing the current density over the weld pool area -  one changes the pressure conditions on the one hand and - and this is much more important - changes the distribution of forces being responsible for the weld pool motion. This means, when having a high current density one has a high temperature and hereby one has a low surface tension. On the other hand when having a lower current density one has a lower temperature and thus one has a higher surface tension. When now changing the condition in terms of the heat source from "stationary" (and thus quasi symmetric arranged forces) to "moving" and thus towards a displacement in force arrangement one has a temperature gradient from "high" (in front of the arc) to "low" (behind the arc). This again yields a weld pool motion from the front to the back of the weld pool area, since the surface tension is higher behind the arc (lower electrical conductivity [of the molten metal] leads to lower temperatures and this leads to higher surface tension forces). Hereby, so at least my assumption, the "compression" of the melt - and thus the final "endeavor" for reinforcement - might be explained.

What does it mean all in all by now? Hmmm, I am fairly tempted to say that we stringently might need the heat source motion for even achieving a reinforcement when welding Gas Shielded Tungsten Arc autogenously. But what explains then the behavior to be seen upon the jpeg Stainless_Surface_Depression_Imbalance? Here we have both over the course of one seam. Concavity and Convexity. This is only an assumption and I do not know if I am right but... Let us assume that the "normal" behavior of a stationary GTA welded - in this case - stainless steel leads to a more or less "even" surface (i.e. neither concave nor convex). And let us now assume that - for achieving even a reinforcement - we need to move the arc (as described above). Then I assume that - as well as there is a threshold value in current for achieving a higher penetration grade - there is a kind of a threshold value for moving the weld pool in a way that the melt does solidify with a reinforcement. When now having a look upon the above mentioned picture, in my eyes it looks like as that the welder has exceeded even this specific threshold value in even welding this specific base material with even this specific thickness. By the way. I have not taken a picture from the rear side of the sample. What the welder has tried was to get a full penetration through the entire wall thickness. He has achieved that. There, where we can see a concavity on the front side, we could see a reinforcement at the rear side of the sample. On the other hand there, where we can see a reinforcement on the front side, we would see no reinforcement at the rear side. And even this is easily explainable. What - so my personal interpretation - what has the welder tried? When we are having a look upon the magnitude of the surface depression at the jpeg, we can see - or at least suppose - that the height of the surface depression is not that great. At least not great enough for achieving a full penetration over the entire sheet metal's thickness. Thus the welder had to reduce the welding speed in an appropriate amount for even achieving this full penetration. However, when he has "interrupted" the continuous (low) welding speed (eventually jiggling?) he has interrupted as well the entire process of weld pool motion, caused an imbalance in both current- and temperature distribution and this again led to a solidification (reinforcement) of an increased amount of molten metal behind the arc. So far even my humble explanation. By the way, there have been conducted investigations in terms of finding out even the GTAW threshold value for yielding a significant increase in the depth of penetration. What there could be found out is that the depth of penetration (for a specific height of surface tension [1300 dyne/cm]) is not that large. Up to a current of approx. 300 Ampere and using a 90° electrode tip angle one could see that the maximum depth of penetration was 1 mm(!) Not that high, isn't it? And thus, as well, when we do have a look upon what Boon has stated what the current values are in his application, one might assume that there must fit everything very accurately for achieving both a reinforcement at the front  a n d  at the rear side of the sample.

So far so good... Really..? ------>  Please see # 2 as the continuation of my response... (hopefully you'll read it) ;-)

For the moment all the best,
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 02-16-2008 17:52
Hi Allan,

I do honestly hope that you are in the mood to continue in reading what my humble thoughts on Boon's great post are.

So here we go, this is supposed to be the continuation:

So far so good... Really..?

"No!" I guess. At least for me personally this is just a very little aspect been treated up to here.

So please let me coming now to another very interesting item, at least for me standing in a very close relationship to everything what Boon has inquired and... what Al has already described when he has posted his reply on Boon's post. Tensions and strains.

Let's thus have a closer look on what Al has explained by treating the mechanisms of tensions in welding a bit deeper. This in particular, since I am certain that what Al has mentioned has strongly to do with the measurable effects upon for instance forming a reinforcement although no filler was added.

Although I have truly considered if it would make any sense to deal with that kind of fundamentals - since I know of course everyone of you does know what is meant by "tensions" in welding - I have decided to do so, since it should lead to an overall view on my personal thoughts on this interesting topic. Thus the first question(s) to be replied should be:

"What is the origin of tensions in welding and how do they work?"

First of all it appears reasonable to distinguish the ways of how tensions can be originated within the material into the two most important ones. Namely longitudinal and transversal tensions being responsible for longitudinal and transverse shrinkage.

Let us consider a rectangular plate and let us assume that we are welding an autogenous bead on plate (BOP), which is situated symmetrically upon the plate. The basis of each remaining tension force after welding is an imbalance in the temperature distribution. When the base material has room temperature and we are welding a BOP upon it, we can measure a more or less steep temperature gradient from melting- to room temperature. The steepness of this temperature gradient (K/cm) again depends on the thermomechanical properties (thermal conductivity, thermal expansion) of the base material welded. This means, un-or low alloyed base materials (e.g. construction steels) differ from high alloyed steels (e.g. stainless steels) - and of course this is physically well approved. In terms of the mechanical properties of a base material it is well-known again the (yield-)strength of the base material depends again on its temperature, which means that the higher the temperature the lower - normally - the strength of the base material. Also it is well-known that when the material is heated up, its volume does increase - as already mentioned above. What does now happen when we have a temperature difference between the melting point on the one and the room temperature on the other hand? The material does expand where the temperature is increased but is restricted in this expansion by the "colder" areas of the plate. The result is a compression between those areas having a higher volume due to the higher temperature thus having a lower yield strength in the yet solid adjacent areas and those areas having room temperature and thus the "normal" base material's yield- and tensile strength, respectively. In other words. Each single point of the base material which is being affected by the welding heat undergoes a slope up- and downwards in temperature. Its temperature maximum depends to the distance between the weld seam (melting temperature) and the point detected. Every (shrinking) action we can observe subsequent to welding depends to even these - quite simplified - coherences. Concluded in one sentence one could say: "If the base material would show no thermal expansion, it would show no kind of contractions. And thus no kind of warping and tensions."

Since we know, that the forces, acting while the welding heat affects the base material are elementary and are not to repress by any means, there is one question which busies myself in an extraordinary way: "How strong does the change in the material's temperature (while welding) - and hereby the change in the mechanical base material properties - does affect the formation of effects as e.g. reinforcement?" Or in other words: "Do the shrinkage tensions influence the formation of a reinforcement in autogenous GTA-Welding?" Well, you again may ask: "Where does this consideration come from?" or "What measurable effect should be stated by even these forces?" As Al has already explained in a wonderful way. What he has experienced when he has qualified the aluminum welding procedure. The fixing of the parts by using strong clamps could finally not repress the thermomechanical sequences. It could only change its measurable effects. What does it mean? Well, let's have a look upon how the "seam" affects both theoretically and practically our rectangular plate after it has been welded. As already mentioned different (special oriented) tensions can be found after welding. Longitudinal tensions for instance are generated by a longitudinal contraction while the seam itself is cooling down. In other words the seam itself is longitudinal or length reduced, respectively. Hereby one can measure a material specific distribution of tension forces, as to be seen in the jpeg Longitudinal_Tension_1. Interestingly both ferritic (unalloyed) and austenitic (high alloyed) steels showing the same behavior in the effects of longitudinal tensions subsequent to welding. What can be seen in the mentioned sketch are tensile stresses (+) in height of the yield strength being situated in the center of the seam. Besides the seam one can recognize compressive stresses (-) of lower heights being damped continuously with increasing distance from the seam's center. The tensile stresses do arrange the reduction in length, what can be seen very clear when having a look upon the workpiece which I have found in the scrap box and what I have already treated in terms of showing both "concavity" and "reinforcement" (jpeg Stainless_Surface_Depression_Imbalance). When the tensile stresses can act in a free way one can very clearly recognize a "longitudinal warping". Please see also the jpeg "Longitudinal_Reduction". A reduction in warping means an increase in stresses and vice versa. Before I come to the treatment of the question above on how the stresses might influence the formation of a reinforcement I would like to deal shortly with the other important stresses namely the "transversal stresses". These kinds of stresses are formed by a transversal contraction of the seam being cooled down. In other words. The areas adjacent to the seam undergo a reduction in width by even being clinched by the colder areas of the workpiece. When I understood correctly what Al has stated, this was what he has experienced when he has qualified the aluminum welding procedure. By having had fixed the two parts by using strong clamps there was a thickening of the HAZ, even by the "damping" or "clinching" effect of the colder areas on the one hand and the clamps on the other hand, respectively. By removing the clamps the part could work and the thickening disappeared. But I guess there might be a width reduction been observable finally. Of course not as high as when welding stainless steel - since the relatively high thermal conductivity of aluminum and its alloys takes care for a relatively shallow temperature gradient. How the "reduction in width" did look like on our autogenous GTA welded plate can be seen by the attached jpeg Transversal_Reduction. I would like to mention an important fact. The welding speed being used for welding a seam does affect the generation of stresses in a wide range. This means. Depending on how fast I weld a seam on a rectangular plate I can obtain different fields of stresses.
Coming now to the coherences in terms of how the stresses or tensions might affect the formation of a surface and root reinforcement when using no additional filler. The question is actually based on a comparison which I was able to accomplish. A comparison between the part which I have used by now for showing some effects of the GTA autogenous welding on an AISI 304 grade steel having a thickness of 4 mm and a keyhole Plasma welded AISI 304 grade steel having the twice thickness, namely 8 mm. More a bit later on...

Basically one could mean or mention by here, that the "reduction in width" affected by tensions might be considered as for being the main reason for a root- and surface reinforcement. Even since the parts - in relation to one another - or better the fusion zone founded on changed thermomechanical material properties (e.g. the yield strength at elevated temperatures) do undergo a shrinkage process and hereby the distance between the parts is reduced as well, there might be generated a reinforcement on both sides (surface and root).

Hmmm, but... "Which distance?"

I have thought there were "no" distance between the both parts prepared as for being a square groove butt joint. O.k., of course there is a distance between both parts, of what Dave has already spoken about. But let's this "distance" be considered as being not "existing", at least under normal circumstances. This kind of condition we call in Germany "Technischer Nullspalt", what might most likely be translated with "technical zero gap". We express hereby that there is of course always a gap when joining two sheet metals one to another by using a square groove preparation, but this "gap" is to little to measure it "macroscopically". But please remember the little EB-Weld story mentioned, there was no "macroscopic gap" between the thick plates been EB welded, nonetheless there were a huge reinforcements detectable after the parts have been joined. This means in my eyes that at the earliest here at this point we should begin to consider, that only the shrinkage (width reduction) alone might be a bit too less to be responsible for the "reinforcement effect" in autogenous welding operations using no additional filler materials.

Just as you Allan have explained this perfectly when you have posted (quote): "I was told that the resulting reinforcements were from the contraction of the weld metal prior to complete solidification of the weld pool as the welding progresses." (unquote). This appears basically reasonable. The weld metal contracts and this yields a both side reinforcement. And perhaps - what even I do not know exactly - this might have been the true reason for the very particular reinforcement you have witnessed. But my considerations go toward if there is perhaps a way for that it can be basically "calculated" whether a reinforcement can be expected subsequent to autogenous welding or not. And for the case of the latter, what the details were being responsible for the "incalculability" of this complex process. So please let me mention that there was a famous German researcher in the 1930's until the late 1960's who has tried to find out and to explain all the peculiarities of shrinking and tensions induced by welding and cutting. Although I truly don't want to treat all his famous papers etc. he has found out a very interesting fact in a very specific welding application. Based on the - at that time - valid predications in terms of welding shrinkage and warping which were commonly based on the statement: "Due to the weld deposit shrinks while being cooled down, warping and part distortion is induced." To evaluate if this commonly statement was right he has SMA welded a V-Joint, prepared by using two 12 mm thick unalloyed (30°) beveled steel plates. And yes, he has found out that there was - of course - a width reduction, just as mentioned above, in this joint. By having welded 5 layers to fill the cross section the parts were contracted approx. 1.6 mm to one another. But what he has found out as well was the surprising fact, that the weld deposit itself could contribute a share of only approx. 2(!) % to the entire reduction. This is actually just 0.032 mm of the total contraction. Please don't ask me where he has got these values from, since I honestly do not know. And by the way, particularly the 2% are somewhat strange for me, compared with the values we have assumed above by using the. A pure personal assumption of mine might be that he has calculated by using the linear coefficient of expansion and not the cubical one and he thus achieving results (~2%) corresponding 1/3 of the actual shrinkage volume. However, this is only an assumption and I have unfortunately no detailed information on this. Although this is an entire different matter on what MALISIUS (the researchers name) has measured (using filler in SMA welding thicker plates and larger cross section) I have asked myself: "Could it really be, that only the share of the contracting weld deposit might arrange the reinforcement?" although as we know the material properties of stainless steel materials are different to those ones of unalloyed steel materials. Or, so I have asked myself, is it as in many other cases as well? Cases in where not only one factor takes care for a specific measured physical behavior, but where the interactions of many different factors together play an intricate game with the observer (even us) and thus impeding him to predict what might happen in very specific relation to a very specific application?

You see questions over questions waiting for answers over answers.

However. What I would like to is to find a way for having finally a clue on how I may be enabled to predict if a reinforcement in autogenous GTA welding can be foreseen or rather not. And to discuss my thoughts on Boon's topic with you great experts. Who else should point me in the right direction if not - you?!

O.k. I have interrupted above where I have spoken about a comparison between "our" meanwhile well-known 4 mm thick square groove AISI 304 butt joint, been manually autogenous GTA welded, and an AISI 304 square groove butt joint been autogenous Plasma welded by using the keyhole mode, but this part having a thickness of 8 mm. First of all I would like to attach some pictures which I have taken from the Plasma welded joint. And these pictures show three different regions of the part's surface. The first of those three is the starting area of the joint, please see also the attached Autogenous_Plasma_Keyhole_Start_Area.jpeg. What can be seen on this is that there is no kind of reinforcement (convexity) recognizable, but rather a slight concavity. More to that later on. Then I'd like to attach the Autogenous_Plasma_Keyhole_Area_Adjacent_to_Start.jpeg. Although similar welding parameters were used one can see that the formation of a slight surface reinforcement has begun. This reinforcement can be detected until a specific distance before the plates end has been reached, see also the attached Autogenous_Plasma_Keyhole_Finish_Area.jpeg. What likewise can be seen here is that where the welding process itself has stopped (keyhole area) a slight reinforcement of molten and subsequently solidified weld(base) metal can be recognized. This finally again by the forces as already mentioned and described above. But however, it's a fact, that we can detect a different molten metal or weld pool behavior respectively, relative to the position of the region of the welded plate. We have an area where we can recognize a surface reinforcement (region between the starting and the finish area) and even regions where this reinforcement is rather not to be detected and where we achieve a flat or even concave surface. And all this, by the way, although the root shows a continuously reinforcement, as to be seen on the attached Autogenous_Keyhole_Root_Side.jpeg. What do I mean by this, you might ask and I would understand you absolutely. O.k. for an explanation please let me... resume.

Please remember the appearance of the part having had a thickness of 4 mm. We could see there a severe warping and distortion, respectively. Both in transverse and longitudinal direction. And what could be seen as well was, that - although there was a root side reinforcement (what I unfortunately haven't photographed, I apologize!) - there was no surface reinforcement. As for comparison of both parts (4.0 mm GTA- and 8.0 mm Plasma) please see also the attached GTA_Plasma_Comparison.jpeg's.

To first of all trying to reply myself the question why there is a different behavior in the Plasma Keyhole welded 8 mm thick AISI 304 part (no reinforcement at the start- and finish area, but reinforcement adjacent to those areas) I have tried to consider to finding out, if - within a longitudinal welded butt joint - as well different residual stresses can be detected. And indeed! The welded part underlies different stress distributions over the course of the seam. There have been conducted some very interesting surveys on this over the course of time. In conclusion: The longitudinal welded part shows different amounts of shrinkage relative to the position. This means, the start and the end of the joint show lower shrinkage amounts whereas the "middle" (longitudinal) seam area does show larger values. This can be simply measured by comparing the different areas in regard to their width reduction after welding. And now it comes... Calculations have shown that there a lot of different parameters have to be considered for approximately assessing the tensions behavior while and after welding and thus to predict the "geometry" of the part subsequent to welding. Even just as already supposed somewhat above. Not only the physical parameter of the solid state (part), but as well the physical parameters of the energy source (arc,...) interact in a most complex way. However, it might happen, that the welded part is afflicted at "start- and finish region" by residual compressive stresses (working against the shrinkage) and the areas between them by residual tensile stresses (causing the shrinkage). This again leads to an appropriate difference in both total height of the stresses and amount of shrinkage (width reduction), respectively. Please permit to avoid the partly difficult details being the reason therefore and the tricky calculations to prove this. However, there are quite complex stress and strain interactions within the material while it's being and subsequently to when it's been welded. This however could explain - as my very personal assumption or hypothesis - why we have detected different amounts of convexity (reinforcement) and concavity (underfill) at the (rather more rigid = no significant distortion) Plasma Keyhole welded part. All the different - but of course important - parameters (welding process, heat input, welding speed,...) are supposed to be neglected in this assumption.

Okay, then I have asked myself:

·  "Is there eventually a close coherence between the stresses responsible for warping and distortion and the size of reinforcement in autogenous (GTA) welding?"
·  "Is it eventually possible that the forces are even the origin of both (Warping  a n d  Reinforcement), and the detectable result (Warping  o r  Reinforcement) depends to how they can act within the material?"
·  If the latter applies, what are then the physical reasons, responsible that either the one or the other can take place? And finally:
·  "How can I find a way to conclude all these personal considerations in a way that no one of you may laugh on me after having read what I have written?" But this comes last!

Now it becomes interesting. As I have mentioned sometime I have spoken with some of my colleagues being real experts in "GTA Orbital Welding" (which I am honestly not!). I have asked them on their personal experiences in observing "root + surface reinforcement" when autogenous GTA Orbital Welding at stainless steels. They reported to me as well as you have done, that it appears quite possible to get both root + surface reinforcement although autogenously welding is used. But what they told me as well. They have found out over the course of the years, that in particular when welding stainless steels it is often a question of incidence whether a reinforcement can  c o n t i n u o u s l y  be obtained. Hmm, I thought by myself, this doesn't make me really happy, since I would have liked to know if the effect might be certainly predictable by knowing what kinds of parameters are influencing the effect. My next thought was - you can imagine: "Nil report!" Since if it might be a question of incidence how can I then understand what's going on when the effect occurs? But we have continued the discussion - you know me :-). After I asked if there are some very specific conditions to be detectable when the effect of root + surface reinforcement does take place, my good fellow Andi Fischer told me: "Yes, we have detected that - beside of course the accuracy of fixing or clamping the parts relatively each to one another (which is in my opinion anyhow a peripheral or external and no true "physical" parameter) - the thickness of the parts appears to have stronger influence on the effect." He explained that it seems to exist a more or less approved limit in wall thickness, affecting the formation of both root + surface reinforcement in autogenous Orbital GTA Welding. And this limit - so his personal statement - might be set at ~ 1.5 mm (~ 0.059 inch). Above this limitation it appears difficult to obtain both root and surface reinforcement. So far so good. Then I have asked Andi if he has no samples for me, suitable for reconstructing what he has told me. And he had. I will attach thus some pictures I have taken from parts been autogenous GTA welded. The first picture shows a stainless steel tube, comparable with what you have posted Allan. It has a wall thickness of 1.0 mm (~0,039 inch), a diameter of ~ 120 mm and has been longitudinal autogenously GTA welded, see also the Autogenous_GTA-Welded_Tube.jpeg. The next picture shows the same tube, though by having a closer look upon the seam surface appearance itself, see also the attached Autogenous_GTA_Welded_Tube_Surface_Reinforcement.jpeg. I hope one can recognize that there is a slight surface reinforcement detectable. Unfortunately I have no further details on used parameters etc. Sorry for that! The next picture I would like to attach, I have taken from an orbital autogenously GTA welded tube having a wall thickness of 1.5 mm and a diameter of ~ 38 mm (~ 1,5 inch), see also the attached Autogenous_GTA-Orbital_Weld.jpeg. Here as well - I beg your forgiveness - I have no parameters available of which have been used to weld the part or how the parts have been fixed one to another prior and whilst welding. I have marked however the details which are important - at least for me - to consider. Over the course of the circumferential weld we can see a planar region (no reinforcement could be obtained upon the surface but at the - purged - root side) where the weld metal has solidified even in relation to the base metal surface, and partly a concave (underfill) region. I guess these are some quite interesting samples for the representation of Boon's problem. The most likely  g e n e r a l  incalculability of predicting how a seam might appear after been GTA welded autogenously. Although I guess that this might be the case for all materials, I guess as well that this might be the case in particular for stainless steel grades. This can - in my opinion - be traced back on the very intricate conditions in terms of surface activating elements - especially sulfur is supposed to be named in this coherence. I can remember that we have discussed this topic within the AWS forum a time back. These elements are strongly influencing the (surface tension) forces which are again a strong influencer of the bead motion which is again the basis for the later melt solidification - and thus the seam appearance. This by the way is though a topic being worth to be discussed separately, thus I would like to avoid to deal with this - crucial - detail herein.

Well, want to coming to an end and thus conclude my observations, considerations and assumptions(!) as follows:

·  When joining two parts together by using a square groove butt joint preparation and presuming to have a "Technical Zero Gap", the parts can not move towards one to another.
·  Nonetheless one can detect - under particular circumstances - both a root + surface reinforcement when GTA welding autogenously AISI 304 sheet metals.
·  These "particular" circumstances are (personally) supposed to act as follows:

1.  The material is heated up while being welded.
2.  By an increased temperature the mechanical resistance against deformation (yield strength at elevated temperatures) is decreased.
3.  The metals volume does increase by increasing the temperature.
4.  The largest metal volume can be supposed to be found at melting and liquid conditions, respectively.
5.  The heated up areas of the parts try - depending to their thermomechanical properties - to expand (thermal expansion).
6.  The colder part areas impede this expansion.
7.  The material - impeded in its expansion - is compressed.
8.  The share of compression should equal the amount of both residual stresses + deformation (Warping/Distortion) after the part has been cooled down to room temperature again and can cause a reduction in width or length (or thickness) respectively.
9.  In autogenous GTA welding of (AISI 304) stainless steel (others are supposed to not being treated here) having a particular thickness under using a square groove butt joint preparation (others are supposed to not being treated here) the thermal expansion can be absorbed only (since the parts are positioned to have a technical gap of "Zero") by the materials regions having a low yield strength (at elevated temperatures) and thus being malleable.

·  This means to me to ask the following questions:

1.  Is there a minimum stress necessary to obtain even this plastic deformation of both malleable metal and base metal within the elevated temperature material's areas while the part is welded? And thus causing the "reinforcement" on both sides of the welded parts? For me personally it appears to be so.
2.  Is there a strong coherence between the physical base material properties (thermomechanical [thermal conductivity,...] + geometrical [thickness,...]) and the physical properties of the heat source (Gas Shielded Tungsten Arc) as well as the peripheral or external parameters (welding speed, thermal ,...) which playing a major role for obtaining a reinforcement on both sides of the part? For me personally it appears to be so.
3.  And now the for me most crucial question. Is there a both sided reinforcement even possible as far the tension forces, induced by the welding process, can be relieved even under their "minimum height"? This by the possibility of free warping and distortion (visible deformation of the parts)? This means, if there is a particular stress force necessary to "create" the reinforcement by contracting the malleable material areas and even this stress force is not being used completely for this plastic "reinforcement process" but can rather act as deforming the entire part geometry (warping/distortion), is there even a reinforcement possible when we have stronger distortion or deformation?

By the way, this last hypothesis or assumption respectively, has grown in my little head when I have seen the very first time the Plasma Keyhole welded part. In particular after I have found out that the stress over the course of a longitudinal seam can change its character by changing its algebraic sign (+ = contraction / - = compression) and by using this fact for the interpretation of the Plasma welded part (areas of underfill and areas of reinforcement + its more rigid geometry compared with the warped GTA welded part) I had the idea that, to obtain a reinforcement on both sides a very difficile balance between the forces acting within the material (being malleable only for a very short period) and the outer parameters (parts fixation, welding process energy density and welding speed respectively,...) might be necessary. And this, I am certain, might be reached as long one can assure that the - most likely - empirical parameters for obtaining even this accurate balance between all the influencing factors are remaining constant. Not to speak of the important factors coming from the base material side (content of surface active substances). These as well should - at least in my humble opinion - be held constant and should not vary too much for obtaining reproducible results in getting a both side reinforcement.

However, now I'm done! And as always the only thing remaining for me is to ask your criticism, suggestions and appreciated comments on what my humble thoughts are!

This is, what I am looking forward to...

So far, may God bless you all and best regards from Germany,

P.S. I truly hope to future have more time again to attend this great forum - although I guess it might unfortunately just remain a hope!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-17-2008 06:33
Stephan : WOW what a post. I will need to re read all that a few times to take it all in. I will offer a few thoughts: If the contraction of the welded area cooling causes the compression forces that form the reinforcement, that would explain the lack of reinforcement at the beginning of the weld on the flat plates, but offers no explanation for the lack of reinforcement at the end of the weld. Perhaps the plates have actually bent [the hard way] and relieved some of the pressure towards the end of the weld.
If the molten weld pool is wider at the top of a thicker plate the reinforcement on the bottom only might be a function of the weld metal cooling soonest at the bottom and bulging out from the compressive forces and cooling enough that it is no longer plastic while the top of the weld pool cools more slowly and instead of being under compression has little streign or is in tension.
There is an alloy called "Invar" that has an extremely low coeificient of thermal expansion over a pretty wide range, I wonder how it would react under these circumstances.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 02-17-2008 19:16
Pretty good points Dave,

first off, a heartfelt thanks for your reply!

To treat the latter first. You probably won't believe, but I have also (theoretically) considered the usage of an INVAR-filler. Normally, so was my very first thought regarding this alloy, this material should solve lots of problems in terms of shrinkage etc. Though I was a bit - how should I say - "sobered" when I have read about the rather subordinated magnitude of what the filler metal volume has in relation to the entire shrinkage amount. And here it does - at least in my opinion - play no major role if we now do speak of 2% (as MALISIUS did) or even indeed higher (~ 7... 8%) but nonetheless rather low shrinkage values of the weld metal - always compared with the balancing amount (93... 92%) of shrinkage. And furthermore, just as you did say (quote): " alloy called "Invar" that has an extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion over a pretty wide range...". (unquote). I 100% agree with you! But to my best knowledge even this "pretty wide range" (I hope I understand you correctly when I guess that the temperature range was meant by you) has nonetheless likewise a limit towards higher temperatures. To my best knowledge - please correct me when I'm wrong - the positive very low thermal expansion effects of a (conventional) Invar alloy containing 36% Nickel, are supposed to disappear above ~ 200 °C. So I guess we have to stay where we are. The major shrinkage effects are founded on the natural thermal expansion of the base material when it's being heated up. And these effects again are secondary certainly strongly influenced by the specific thermomechanical properties of the used base material. Just as well-known, unalloyed steel(s) behave(s) different to high-alloyed or stainless steel(s) and those ones again behave quite different to aluminum or other materials having a high thermal conductivity.

In my eyes the topic of Boon is that interesting hence, since it touches a very interesting combination of single physical aspects. We do have:

·  The specific base material (the influence of its composition [sulfur,...] should be here neglected completely) which is heated up to its melting temperature. Hereby we do have an:
·  Increase in the metal's volume (how high it ever may be). The magnitude of volume does strongly depend to the induced thermal energy - but not only, as - rudimentarily - tried to describe in my post. Additionally we do have:
·  Areas where the material is heated up above temperatures where its mechanical properties (as a resistance against deformations) are lowered (yield strength at elevated temperatures). Hereby we achieve that:
·  The material becomes malleable and can be deformed (contracted or compressed - which depends on the algebraic sign of the tension that acts while the material is being heated up or cooled down). And finally we do have:
·  Intricate relations and interactions respectively, of tensions and strains - just as you have described - after the part has achieved room temperature again.

And here we are at the point, where you have stated in your reply (quote): "If the contraction of the welded area cooling causes the compression forces that form the reinforcement, that would explain the lack of reinforcement at the beginning of the weld on the flat plates, but offers no explanation for the lack of reinforcement at the end of the weld." (unquote). This is a real good point. Please allow me to express respectfully: "Hats off to you, Sir!".

Hmm, I have pondered on this by having tried to understand what's occurring when joining two sheet metals under a square groove preparation (technical gap of "Zero") by - not only autogenously - welding a longitudinal seam. Here I would like to neglect all the surely necessary to involve details as e.g. thickness, heat source' power density, welding speed, etc. We should however presume that the part's thickness would allow a full penetration. Preliminary I would like to mention as well that the fact of a reduction in the part's width after welding is supposed to be considered crucial and approved.

I have considered as follows:

·  The heat is induced where the welding process starts. This is at one of the outer joint edges.
·  The heat is being distributed into the surrounding base metal (conduction,...) and depending to the thermodynamical base metal properties a specific temperature distribution can be detected (isotherms). Before I continue with "the welding sequence" - as for comparison. When we would carry out a "spot weld" on a sheet metal or plate respectively of infinite dimensions (x- and y-axis) we would most likely achieve a symmetric heat distribution and thus circular isotherms. 
·  This would mean however, that a circular heat distribution might be supposed to influence the material likewise symmetrical. In other words. The forces - caused by the heat -are distributed symmetrical as well.
·  This again means, at least in my understanding, that we have - by the temperature increase - a volume increase of the areas being elevated in temperature.
·  And now my question: "What kind of force is induced around the elevated temperature area around a spot weld? Contraction or Compression?"
·  I would answer: "Compression". Since the material is (symmetrical) expanded and impeded in this expansion by the outer (colder) areas of the material. This is comparable with a kind of immovable fixing (just as our greatly appreciated fellow Al 803056 has described with his aluminum application). By having however an area of elevated temperature around the actual melt, having even quite low mechanical resistance (lowered yield strength at elevated temperatures) against any kind of deformation, we obtain compressed material areas which lead finally to a contraction. We could eventually say to achieve a contraction actually caused by a compression. However, the compression must leave traces after the cooling. In case of presuming of a piece of sheet metal having "infinite" dimensions in x- and y-axis, we could suppose to not being able to see any deformation (due to the infinite amount of surrounding material around the spot weld), but nonetheless the "traces" should be measurable as "tension forces" being embedded within the material. Why have I made this sidestep? Well, when we are welding our longitudinal seam to join our two pieces of sheet metal one to another, we are moving our heat source or arc, respectively. Hereby we do obtain the isotherms as being well-known by all of us. Please see also the attached Isotherms_jpeg. Why did I have mentioned all this? Well, by having a look upon the attached jpeg, one can see, that now the conditions of heat distribution are changed. We do no more have a "symmetrical" heat distribution, but we do have an "elliptical" one. This is well-known and thus I won't treat this fact furthermore. But, and this is crucial in my understanding, although we do have a moving and not a stationary heat source (as in the spot welding example) we have nonetheless a fraction of heat "hurrying" the actual arc ahead. And even this fraction - strongly depending again to the welding speed, material properties etc. - creates an area of compression (as described above) a time before the actual arc is reaching the same position upon the plate. By the way and understandably, the faster the welding speed the lower the fraction of this heat in front of the arc. By using welding processes with very high welding speeds this can reach a condition, where there is no more heat fraction in front of the heat source (arc or beam) and thus there is no more material compressed in front of the arc. However, let me continue my considerations in terms of the longitudinal weld now...
·  After achieving the point of "full penetration", the arc is starting to move.
·  What we have to consider additionally is the fact, that the edge of the plate limits the dimension in x-axis direction. Hereby we do have different heat distribution conditions as well. And this could point me in a direction to be eventually considered in terms of your explanations, Dave. Since now one could say: "Well, this is the reason for the lack of reinforcement, since at both edges we can recognize this phenomenon and due to the heat accumulation the weld pool does have a different grade of penetration - even deeper." And I am nearly certain. This might be a factor affecting the entire matter in a significant way. Since the heat accumulation at the start- and end-area of the plate creates different cooling sequences. So this might be one of the many parameters I have mentioned to be considered when talking about the "adjustment" of all factors for generating both root + surface reinforcement when autogenously GTA-Welding. Although, and this is a fact, no significant difference in terms of a "larger" root penetration (more weld deposit) at the rear side of the Plasma Keyhole welded part could be detected, which should - at least in my eyes - indicate that there are different conditions towards a heat accumulation at the edges. There was just a lack of reinforcement to be seen. At least at this treated weld sample. However...
·  In front of the arc we do have - as mentioned above - the area where the heat in front of the arc causes a compressive stress condition and thus a compression of the material which leads again to a reduction in width or even transversal shrinkage.
·  Behind the arc we do have now - due to the mechanisms already discussed - a contraction and thus tensile stress condition, being eventually responsible for the "compression of the malleable weld pool" for obtaining a reinforcement.

Now my personal assumption:

·  When we consider the intricate interactions between the different forces while welding and while cooling down (superposition of compressive- and tensile stresses and thus finally a magnitude reduction of the latter) leading to phenomena as to be seen on the attached Distortions.jpeg, together with the different conditions in terms of heat distribution at the plate's edges (heat accumulation) it might explain why there a lack of reinforcement or "underfill" at the beginning and the end of the longitudinal seam was attained.
·  However, this would not explain the strange behavior as to be seen on the Autogenous_GTA_Orbital_Weld__jpeg. Here we have different areas over the circumferential weld having indeed no surface reinforcement but at least a planar surface, and areas where a significant lack of these planar surface can be recognized. Although, but this is impossible for me to photograph, at least by visual detection, no change in the root penetration was to be observed.

Hmm, finally I assume the worst, we are where we were before. I guess it is as often. There is probably a tremendous number of parameters in charge for achieving a both sided reinforcement, to be adjusted by empirical measures. But I do not know, perhaps I'm wrong and some of you appreciated fellows can point me in the right direction.

So far Dave, thanks again for the honor to discussing with you and best regards,
Attachment: Isotherms.jpg (26k)
Attachment: Distortions.jpg (39k)
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-17-2008 21:14
Hello Stephan;
It's good to have you back!

I hate to say this, but I read through your dissertation all too fast and I will have to read it again when I have a little more leisure time. I have to pack for a road trip and finish some work before I leave.

I did have my interest hooked with your observation that the total distortion and warpage cannot be attributed to the shrinkage and contraction of the weld bead. You noted that the researcher attributed only about 2% of the distortion to the weld.

When I discuss residual stresses in my courses I use a simplified approach to the matter and I take great liberties with ignoring the intricate details. The concept that I attempt to foster is that the bulk of the distortion is due to the surrounding base metal that undergoes uneven heating and cooling. The delta T between adjacent areas results in an unbalance of forces and ultimately residual stresses on the order of the yield strength of the base metal being welded. The mechanics of the problem as I explain it is as follows:

The modulus of elasticity is a known value for the base metal. I assume that it is a constant (I know that is a stretch of the imagination, but it simplifies the problem and calculations)

I assume the thermal coefficient of expansion is likewise a constant over the temperature range.

Using the definition of modulus of elasticity as stress divided by strain, I set the stress as the yield strength of the base metal; because increasing the load above yield results in plastic deformation, so the yield is the upper limit of stress.

The strain is defined as the delta T times the coefficient of expansion.

Thus you have the equation   E=YS/(delta T X Ce). The problem is to determine the change in temperature required to reach the yield strength of the base metal.

delta T = YS/E; for example: a steel with a yield strength of 40 ksi and a modulus of elasticity of 29X10^6 would require a delta T of only about 220 degrees F to exert a compressive force equal to the yield strength of the base metal on the adjacent metal still at ambient temperature. Once the yield point is reached, plastic deformation occurs. Upon cooling to ambient temperature the force becomes a tensile force equal to the yield strength of the base metal.

Considering the delta T of 220 degrees F is required to reach the yield point of the base metal, the assumptions that the modulus of elasticity and coefficient of expansion are constants are not unreasonable assumptions.

In the case of welding, it is not difficult (with the use of thermal couples) to measure the delta T between multiple adjacent areas. In the case of base metals that have low thermal conductivity, the delta T between adjacent areas becomes more pronounced than base metals with high thermal conductivity.

When welding a base metal, such as steel, with low thermal conductivity, the cooler regions around the weld puddle act to restrain the expansion that accompanies heating by the arc. Whereas the yield strength of the base metal being heated to a high temperature is reduced (YS drops by almost 50% at about 800 degrees F), the base metal surrounding the welding arc reaches the yield point rather quickly and plastic deformation occurs. Since the base metal adjacent to the weld puddle is much "stronger" than the metal immediately surrounding the weld puddle, any expansion is going to be "pushed" toward the weld puddle.  Upon cooling, the weld puddle solidifies and gains strength very rapidly. Thus, as the weld cools and contracts, any "upset" or thickening that occurred during the heating cycle when the weld and adjacent metal is very hot is "trapped" and is permanent. As the weld solidifies and cools the temperature of the base metal further and further away from the weld increases as the thermal energy dissipates into the surrounding base metal. Those areas that see greater thermal gradients (on the order of 220 degrees F or more) will have reached the yield point of the base metal and will result in residual stresses on the order of magnitude equal to the yield strength (in tension as you noted). So, the base metal experiencing a delta T high enough to reach the yield point of the base metal contributes the bulk of the forces that results in distortion and warpages. The diagram you included that shows the isotherms as being closely spaced are the area's most likely to have exceeded the delta T required to produce residual stresses equal to the yield strength of the base metal.

As for presence of arc force, the one experience I had that really demonstrated the force developed by the arc was when I was asked to weld with 5/32 inch diameter flux cored wire. The arc actually pushed my hand away and I had to exert "force" to hold the welding gun where I wanted it to be. I was welding with about 750 amps and it really caught me "off guard" the first time I pulled the "trigger". I have to believe that the same force was being directed to the surface of the weld puddle, after all, "for every action there is an equal opposite action".

I hate to do it, but I have to go.

Glad to see you back!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-18-2008 04:42
Al: Great post. Being able to actually put numbers to the values that We have been talking about rather abstractly, helps by showing that even modest changes in temperature generate significant forces.
Thank You for including the comment about the arc force from the 5/32 flux core, that is not something I am likely to experience first hand.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 02-18-2008 08:09

cheers so much my dear friend for your kind words and your - as always - great reply and explanation(s) which were an enjoyment to read.

As Dave said: "Great post!"

I like your approach by using the modulus of elasticity very much and your explanations and calculations appear more than reasonable to me!

For me it shows a brilliant way to estimate the "transient temperature" or even to show how "low" the temperature can actually be to reduce the "originally strong" mechanical base material's resistance against deformation.

And conversely it shows how low the forces can actually be for creating a plastic deformation the higher the temperature actually is. In case of melting, i.e. T = max., we thus could talk of having a yield- or mechanical strength of ~ 0 which leads to the assumption to likewise need a force of ~ 0 to "deform" the material. Although of course we can not speak of plastically deforming a melt :-).

However Al, please permit to "store" your way of explaining this tricky matter on my "brain's harddisk" to future use it in appropriate discussions.

Of course I promise to name you as the originator of this approach!

As for your description and experience of the "arc force".

Hmm, both is a great one.

When simplifying the arc pressure as being ~ I² it is quite good understandable that you had to "fight" :-).

Thanks my friend and all the best,

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-18-2008 04:32
Stephan: I have only ever used Invar for 1 job, We used it specificly for its low thermal expansion. The part was a cylinder used as part of a fixture to establish the concentricity of a stack of motor lamnations while they were bonded together. An aluminum plug was fitted inside the lamnations also. At the bonding temperature there was no clearance between the aluminum plug, steel lamnations and the Invar cylinder., but at room temperature they could be readily assembled and disasembled.
I knew that there was an upper limit to the lack of expansion, but I didn't realise it was that low. I was thinking along the lines of an autogenous weld in Invar parts in that last post, just as a hypothetical situation.
I agree that there is much at play to get an even ammount of reinforcment on both sides of such a weld.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 02-18-2008 08:18

thanks again for your response.

I see you are truly a very very experienced fellow.

I guess there are not that many of us who had the opportunity to work practically with INVAR. Sounds very interesting!

Perhaps there is someone outside in the forum who has already welded INVAR and might afford us a short insight into its peculiarities?

However, thanks again and my best regards to you,
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-18-2008 12:55
Dave and Stephan;

Thanks for the compliments. My head grows slightly every time I receive them. I had to throw away all my hats and buy a new one that fits. :)

I'm am checking my e-mail this last time before leaving for the airport.

Stephan, with regards to the face and root reinforcement of autogenous welds, I wrote in an earlier response that it was more apparent in cases where both pipes were clamped and movement was prevented as is the case with a number of orbital welding heads. That is not to say I haven't seen some face and root reinforcement in welded joints that were not fix and rigid at the time they were welded, because in truth, once the pipe ends are tacked together or once the welding cycle has begun, rigidity is built into the system.

As you observed, the ability of the weld puddle (in the liquid state) to resist any force is nearly zero. Thus any expansion by the surrounding base metal due to the conduction of thermal energy away from the weld is easily accommodated by pushing against the "sides of the weld puddle" (the weakest component).  While the weld is in a mushy state of solidification and the BM immediately adjacent to the weld puddle is (at high temperature) "weakened", swelling or thickening occurs in the BM, HAZ (weaker still), and weld since they can not easily resist the forces being applied by the surrounding base metal that is exapanding as the heat disipates into the material further and further away from the weld, i.e., you get face and root reinforcement. Once the weld and surrounding BM start to cool, their ability to resist the forces of contraction increases very rapidly, thus the thickening that occurred is permanent and you have both face and root reinforcement even though no filler metal was added.

I really do have to run along, but it is always enjoyable to discuss these interesting observations with you, Dave, Gerald, John, Henry (the Grand Master at supplying us will reference sources) and everyone that stops by at the "Forum".

Getting back to Boon's original problem, I concur with those responses that say that the fitup is critical, i.e., a zero root opening is key to obtaining root and face reinforcement.

Best regards to "All My Friends".

Parent - - By Boon (**) Date 02-18-2008 13:10
I have not followed the post for some time and I am surprise to find that it has grown to become such a great topic since.

There are many theories, formulas and experiences from all the experts who have contributed to the discussions here but for the operators or welders in production, it is more important to know how to set the parameters or follow welding procedures to achieve root + surface reinforcement for the weld.
Am I right to say that the amount of clamping force holding the base metal could have a great influence on reinforcement?
If this is so, I have to start asking what should be the required clamping force.

Finally can someone advise what should be the acceptable tolerances or type of tests required if the autogenous welding is tested according to ASME code. 

Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 02-18-2008 18:30
Hi Boon,

great to talk to you as the initiator of this excellent topic.

I see...

What you say is - of course - true!

And as I may be permitted to quote one of my absolute appreciated fellows, namely Lawrence, who said once:

"No physics, just rubber meets the road!"

He was at that time also right by saying so!

But even this is the little tricky problem.

The number of parameters able to influence to influence the result makes it - at least in my humble opinion - nearly impossible to create a general "guideline" for all the different variations of materials, thicknesses, compositions, etc.

I guess there were very good not only theoretical but as well practical information coming from "jd369" ad wonderful samples of how perfect welded seams should look like. As well as all the other excellent information coming from the appreciated fellows who have contributed their share of knowledge, but I almost guess, the final step for getting good results has to be carried out empirically. I.e. trial and error even that long as it takes for getting good and repeatable good results.

The theory points in a direction where different complex parameters have to be adjusted to interact in a way that absolutely everything fits. Theoretically you have to make sure that the welding power in relation to welding speed, material thickness, arc length,... is constantly induced into the base material. This has to yield a condition where the induced stresses (compressive and tensile) created by the heat do constantly fix a condition where the compression of the base material stands in a balance with the malleable material in front of the arc, please see as well the response by Al, and the field of tensions which is created behind the arc and which is again a tricky interaction between the solidification of the weld pool, and the re-attainment of the mechanical strength of the material.

To not overstretch your patience, here's my .02$ as a conclusion.

Since I guess that it may be possible of course to find exactly that window as described above, where all the different parameters are in a (more or less) stable balance one to another. But I guess as well, that this window - in particular for the lower wall thicknesses and material grades you are using - might be very sensitive against any kind of outer influences and this "tastes" a bit like incidence, or at least like "walking on a narrow chine". Nonetheless I am sure that by trying it you will gather self made experience for all the applications you want to accomplish, and I guess this is what all the others who are working in a similar field had to carry out as well. I guess furthermore that it is hard to "transfer" the results or parameter setups upon your specific application. Too many variables (fixture, power supply, welding circuit conditions [consider only a simple ground cables length] heat dissipation,...) -- can differ to copy and paste one others fellow positive experience in charge to have reached a level of continuously good autogenous welds. Or just take a look upon all the variables you have once posted, or the statement coming from the personal practical experience of "swsweld" who said: "...With a few thousands of a gap you will get concavity."

But as a final personal sentence... As one knows that the stress forces appear to play a major role in this entire matter one could move toward to "lend the incidence a hand". Perhaps you might be able to build a clamping device which creates a permanent pressure upon the longitudinal groove while the welding sequence is performed. This would ensure to eliminate the intricate influence of the stresses ratio (compression and tension) to "well hope" to get both a root- and surface reinforcement. Perhaps this would point to a more stable and calculable condition. I know this surely not what you wanted to read and this is of course only my 2 Cents but however, it perhaps might be worth to consider, if the applications we are talking about, are a safe source of a continuously turnover for you, one should perhaps fix or adjust the devices in a way to be able eliminating the factor of incidence as far as even possible.

So far my humble thoughts...

Best to you and I am curious what the others may recommend,
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