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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / What do you guys think about this for GMAW Stainless
- - By Kix (****) Date 03-29-2007 16:11
Is anyone haveing probs with usung a 98/2 argon/co2 mix or 98/2 argon oxygen mix for welding 300series .122" stainless with an .030 or .035 309L wire in all postions.  The guys ran out of trimix and are using 98/2 argon/o2 and throwing a fit right now.  I sugested a 98/2 argon/co2, but i'm afraid they will have the same issues like too much spatter and the weld falling out on them in the overhead.  I'm thinking the weld falling out on them in the overhead is more of a settings issue, but they like to use one setting on all the different fillets.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 03-29-2007 16:26
98/2 ArO2 is our standard gas for all 300 and 400 ss mig welding applications.  If they are used to running tri mix, they will need to change the parameters some to get the same puddle control with the 02 mix.  It's just like anything else, once you get acustomed to running one way, it takes some getting used to when the variables change.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-29-2007 18:22
What about spatter issues?  Are you guys haveing any problems with spatter?
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 03-29-2007 19:28
I'm assuming stainless 0.035 in "all positions" means your using short circuiting transfer mode.  If this is the case your welders ought to be able to reduce drop out in the overhead position with reductions in voltage (just drop about 1/2 volt at a time until the puddle is back under control.

If you are trying to GMAW-P with 0.030 or 0.035 you will find that 0.045 is probably going to do better even with thinner base metal (fillets down to .0.50)

Spray transfer stainless always wants to spatter running vert down (as well as bad side wall fusion) Short circuit puddle control will be fixed just like overhead, incremental voltage adjustments.

I'm curious about the "tri-mix" you are using. What are the percentages?

Parameters will be very close for 2% Oxy  or 2% C02  Both should work for spray transfer.

This is what Ed Craig says about Stainless and Short Circuit:
"Also, with stainless short-circuit welds on metal 12 gauge and thinner, do not use the traditional high-energy 90 helium tri-mixes; use the lower-cost argon 3 to 4 percent CO2 mix. The welding voltages required with this mix will be less than those for the helium tri-mix. Also, weld burn-through potential will be decreased, and weld oxidation and part distortion potential can be decreased."
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-29-2007 22:46
I have to agree with Lawrence on this because, I have the same recommendations from Ed Craig, and he's always "on the money" when it comes to process controls, shielding gases & filler metals for GMAW (mig) or FCAW (flux cored)...
Heck! Ed even gives some excellent recommendations with GTAW (tig)!!! ;)

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-30-2007 12:44
The trimix they are using is 90%he 7.5%arg and 2.5%co2.  I ordered some 98/2 argon/co2, but i also like what ed has to say and i'm thinking maybe 3 or 4% co2 might cut down on the spatter issues at a cooler setting.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-30-2007 13:38
90 He? WOW!!  A gas vendors dream.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 03-30-2007 13:48
We used to use the 90%He tri-mix, but because of cost we went to 69Ar 29He 1CO2.  Took some time to re-qualify, but it saves about 8K/yr.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-30-2007 14:20
I think when it comes to gases Ed Craig has it dead on. There is NOTHING new in gases but marketing schemes.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-30-2007 17:20
I think i'm going to have to agree with you there about Ed Craig.  The welders are going to hate me though because they think i don't know what i'm doing and don't know how to weld.  Question now is would it be cheaper to go with the more common 98/2 ARG/C02 mix or have them mix 98/3 or 4 argon/co2 special for us?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-30-2007 18:35
Don't worry about what welders think. They always think they know more than anyone else. Thats just welders. I was one for almost 20 years (giving away my age a bit).
In my current shop I'm lucky if all I get is condescending smiles upon offering advice.
Its just the nature of the way things are.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-14-2007 11:52
OUCH!!!!  "Don't worry about what welders think. They always think they know more than anyone else. Thats just welders."   there may be a lot of truth to that but dang it still stung my particulars.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-15-2007 14:00
Its OK. I was speaking as much of myself in dem days as anyone. I honestly believe that there needs to be some level of arrogance to be a really good welder. Never met a really good one that wasn't to some degree.
Lets face it, you have to do it almost perfect almost everytime and you must do it fast or you'll struggle to make the next payment on that brand new Mega Cab or suffer the embarassment of watching the guy behind you on the firing line scarf down a sandwich while your fighting way to much puddle just trying to finish your cap faster.
Sometimes you're migin, you're tigin, subin, fluxin, and sticking in all positions, uphill, downhill, on a variety of materials, when its cold enough your Carhardt coveralls seem as thin as the rice paper you just used for your purge dam (even the black ones), or its hot enough your eyes are burning with salt and your Huntsman fills with sweat, or you seriously consider shedding those sleeves and taking the UV/spatter consequences. And sometimes its 200 feet in the air dangling in a basket for a 2" sch 40, or squeezed in the no fatboy zone between two pipe rack levels for a 10" 160, or lyin in a ditch in which just that morning they killed two Mohave Greens not 500 yards away, or runnin a root on a hot acid line wondering whether or not some dip@#% busted off the lockouts, or twisted amongst a maze of boiler tubes that would make a cockroach claustrophobic, wondering if anybody remembers your even in there. Its no easy accomplishment.
Yes, welders can be cocky. Well deserved I say. But seldom do they know much about quals, metallurgy, or mechanical testing.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 04-02-2007 23:23 Edited 04-08-2007 09:01
Hey Ray,

great topic, great answers, great thread!

Perhaps you can imagine why I have stated "Welder" as my occupation and not "Consultant" or "Surveyor"?

Fine, please allow me to add on some additional words.

Sometimes I am a bit surprised. Often I can recognize that people are talking about the "how" in handling specific sequences in welding. Asking questions to "smart" people and - in best case - receiving answers for being able to continuing their work. I have experienced these situations personally when I have discussed different issues of welding with welding engineers working in the field of industry where I have to execute my job. Problems and questions were discussed for finding solutions and answers and to improve specific circumstances within the production. Not seldom it happens that a few months or years later I am confronted to the same questions and problems. Sometimes due to the engineers, I have cooperated with, have made their "career" and went away, but not seldom I have to discuss the same issues again with the same people having the same problems and questions, been already replied months or years ago. I guess this is one of the main reasons Ed Craig's website is so successful. He is providing information to the people whenever they need it.

However, what I personally miss - although the  w e l d e r s  are the ones who have to transform, what the engineers have fixed within the WPS' or whatever - is the question "Why?".

"Why do things work as they work?" "Why is the arc "looking" different under different circumstances?" "Why does the arc act different on different materials?" "Why have different shielding gases different properties?" "When can we observe a different arc-behaviour when changing the peripheral conditions of welding?" etc. etc. Too many questions to be answered in only one lifetime and certainly enough to remain for next generations of Welders and of course - Researchers.

I am honest in some cases the "welder" in relation to his job probably wants only a short answer to continue his work. But not only the welders do so. When I speak to the heads of welding shops having stringent "inquiries" and "demands" in terms of improving their welding-quality, I often try to show them that welding is much more than what can be observed when the arc is ignited and "burns". Also these people often tell me "Please, Stephan stop talking about physics! We do only want to weld, and... we want to weld faster!"

Funny? But that's the way it - unfortunately - goes...

Well, I would like to ask for being allowed to add some real elementary information about the use of shielding gases and in particular for adding some elementary physical information to your topic. I am sure, it will be better to convince your welders of what you are willing to do, than to trust in their natural character of knowing always everything better and - heaven forbid - to be hated by them not only now but also in the future. I think they would have deserved it, to talk to them about the "Pro's" and "Contra's" of your decision to use an Ar/2%CO2 shielding gas mixture.

Well, I have truly considered a longer while to write something on your topic, since actually by having the Internet today - I guess - nobody would really need a hint in the usage of welding shielding gases via the AWS-Forum. Since everyone is having the chance to gather every imaginable information on every imaginable question - as far he or she may have the patience of "googling" long enough. There are Shielding-Gas Manufacturers having excellent websites and providing excellent information. But nonetheless, the AWS-Forum is being used as a platform for asking questions and receiving answers, being used by welders, engineers or even academics, having the pleasure to share their knowledge and experience. This is, what no kind of company-website can provide and this is, what makes the forum so unique. Thanks God and the American Welding Society!

I request your understanding for that I would like to deal subsequently only with the field of shielding-gases for high-alloyed steels and here again, only with the field of the physical differences between Ar/O2 and Ar/CO2 mixtures (I guess for everything more I probably would meet with criticism again). I hope that these information may be helpful to show your welders that you are on the right way when considering to use Ar/CO2 but also to see, that your welders are not entirely wrong when they are considering to use Ar/O2.

Firstly I would like to mention (once again) that we are far away from "knowing" what really occurs within the arc. By the way, I have attended a national arc-physics-conference only a few days back and there, where we have also discussed about the influences of shielding gases on the arc, this predication could be confirmed again. Actually we do have some theoretical models being only parts of a puzzle and only survivable under very specific peripheral conditions. Lots of work to do for the future and what we can do currently is just, to having a deeper look into the in general known physical properties of gases and their behaviour at elevated temperatures. Hereby, many of the required replies to those questions, being asked in terms of shielding gases and their influence on welding properties, can be approached in a sufficient amount. For having an idea of how the shielding gas "reacts" when changing the peripheral conditions. Normally the coherences within an arc column are not quite easy to recognize, among others due to the arc as we can see it, by using our visual senses, is not the arc as it really exists in the world of plasma-physics. This means, the optical spectrum of the arc as we see it does not match with the spectrum of its real nature (our eyes do visualize the arc "linear" but its nature is "logarithmical"). The measuring of what occurs within the arc column is intricate to perform, and thus the physicists today do use a great amount of mathematical formulae to express the sequences. No, I won't use any kind of these formulae herein, the reply should stay comprehensible.

Monatomic (Inert) and Diatomic (Active) Shielding Gases

In general one has to distinguish between monatomic and diatomic shielding gases. Monatomic gases in terms of welding include Argon and Helium, which are also called "inert", due to their ability of non reacting with the molten weld-pool. Diatomic gases in terms of welding are among others and as already stated by you, CO2 (Carbon dioxide) or O2 (Oxygen). Diatomic gases have, compared with the first group, the ability to "react" with the molten weld pool, and are named - as already well known - "active" gases. Both - monatomic and diatomic - can be mixed and thus forming shielding gas mixtures, as the ones you have mentioned in your topic. It is important to know that there is - of course - a physical difference between the inert gas(es) and the active constituents of a shielding gas mixture. When we are talking about GMAW of high alloyed steels in grades you have mentioned (mainly using solid wire electrodes) intermediately two main kinds of shielding gases have proven to work properly. Ar/CO2 and Ar/O2 mixed gases. Both types of shielding gas containing oxygen. Both types can be used for GMAW of these base materials but where - so must from my point of view the question be - where are the specific differences as far as there even are some.

To (simplified) answer this elementary question I would like to carry out a short description of the mixed gas constituents and their crucial specific physical properties.

Ar (Argon):

-  Inert, i.e. no chemical reaction between the arc atmosphere and the molten metal
-  Heavier than atmospheric air, i.e. good shielding of the molten pool
-  Compared with Helium easy to ionise, i.e. improved arc ignition properties

Differently to GTA-Welding, pure Argon is normally not being used for GAMW, although it would be possible in general, and there was a time also pure Argon was used for welding high-alloyed steels. Due to Argon has a relatively low thermal conductivity, please see also the attachment Heat_Conductivity_jpeg, the heat input into the base material is relatively low. One has to know that the ability of conducting heat is one of the crucial properties of a shielding gas in general, since hereby the energy being generated within the arc column is transferred into the base- and filler material. Since high alloyed steel molten beads have in general relatively high surface tensions (somebody may correct me if I'm wrong) and the heat transfer via the arc column is relatively low, the molten pool has a high surface tension gradient which leads finally to bad wetting properties of the molten metal. The droplet transfer is being hindered, a higher amount of spatter can be observed, the seam appearance is comparably poor with varying depth of fusion, and the ability of using the process in all positions is restricted.

O2 (Oxygen):

-  Chemical "active" i.e. strong oxidizing reactions with the molten weld pool (2...3 times higher than CO2!)
-  Arc stabilizing
-  Strongly reducing the weld pool's surface tension (improved wetting)
-  Susceptible for increasing the weld pool's gas content (larger amounts of porosity)

By adding Oxygen to the Argon (for welding "normal grade" high alloyed steels) in an amount of 1... 3%, the arc stabilization is improved. Furthermore the mentioned contents of Oxygen cause a reduction of spatter. By having a look onto the diagram (Heat_Conductivity_jpeg) one can recognize that O2 has a relatively low thermal conductivity. An additional aspect in terms of using different shielding gas constituents (inert and active) is the fact, that different physical mechanisms do occur when the arc firstly is ignited. These different mechanisms are called

-  Dissociation and
-  Ionisation

In order to keep my entire reply simple, I would like to avoid the in depth physical treatment of both mechanisms, which would need a specific amount of mathematical formulae. Therefore I would like to deal only with the both mentioned mechanisms by explaining their fundamentals. Normally a shielding gas - whether inert or active - has a chemical neutral character, i.e. it has no electrical conductivity (under normal conditions). When elevating the temperature of the gas, the movement of its particles is accelerated up to a point where a diatomic gas looses its molecular character and is being separated, which is called, the gas is being "dissociated". This means "nothing else" than that a molecule O2 (Dioxide) is split - dissociated - into two atoms of Oxygen (½  O2). The energy being necessary for providing this dissociation is called the specific Dissociation Energy and is a specific gaseous constant. It is measured in the unit eV/molecule, which means electronvolt/molecule (1 eV = 1,602·10^-19 Joule) and one can see that the unit "eV" is nothing more than another expression for Energy or Work (Joule). For separating one "O2" molecule into two Oxygen atoms, a specific energy of 5.1 eV is necessary. First when the dissociation of the O2 molecule has been performed, the second step can occur - the ionisation of the gas. Ionisation means, to make the formerly electrical neutral gas, electrical conductive. This is, separating one or more electrons from its outer "shells" and "use" them for carrying the electrical charge within the arc column and thus obtaining the physical state of a plasma. Every gas has also specific "Ionisation Energy Levels", which are likewise measured in unit eV/molecule (electronvolt/molecule). O2 has an Ionisation Energy (for the first stage = the first electron) of ~ 13.6 eV/molecule and one can see that the energy of ionisation is significantly higher than the energy for dissociating the molecule into its separate atoms. Argon however, has an Ionisation Energy of ~ 15.8 eV/molecule, whereas Helium, as another important shielding gas, has an energy level of ~ 24.6 eV/molecule which is significantly higher compared with Argon. Basically one can say that, the lower the Ionisation Energy of a shielding gas is, the better are the arc ignition and the arc-stability, which can simply been proven in case of using Helium, which needs a higher amount of arc-voltage to establish and stabilize the arc. Finally we can state that the » dissociation energy « levels for diatomic (active) shielding gas constituents are lower than their » ionisation energy « levels. Fractions of the arc-plasma's energy have thus to be used for dissociating the diatomic molecules before their ionisation can occur.

What can be observed when using Ar/O2-shielding gas mixtures for GMA-Welding high alloyed steels, is a relative (compared with CO2) increased susceptibility for porosity, higher amounts of surface oxidation (which can finally mean also a kind of alloy elements burn off and which must be removed again) and, compared with CO2, a relatively low heat input, by the comparably low thermal conductivity of Oxygen (see diagram).

CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

-  Chemical "active" and thus reacting with the molten weld pool (Oxidation does increase with the amount of dissociation)
-  Arc stabilizing
-  Dissociation within the arc atmosphere: (CO + ½ O2) i.e. volume growth
-  Recombination of CO + ½ O2 to CO2 and thus release of recombination heat, i.e. improves depth of fusion
-  Able to reduce porosity

Particularly in Germany shielding gas mixtures of Argon + 2... 2.5% CO2 are intermediately those ones, being mainly used for GMA-Welding standard grades of high alloyed steels. And the success in using them, could confirm this evolution in that specific sector of welding. CO2 as an additional active constituent to the Argon combines different issues in a perfect manner. Higher thermal conductivity of the shielding gas (see diagram) compared with Oxygen and Argon, lower dissociation energy (CO2 = CO + ½ O2 at 4.3 eV/molecule vs. 5.1 eV/molecule for Oxygen), increased thermal input by the recombination of CO + ½ O2 = CO2 = 4,3 eV (~ 6,89 * 10^-19 Joule/molecule additional heat energy) reduced oxidation by having only approx. ½ of the CO2 as a free active constituent of Oxygen and, a reduced amount of - and susceptibility for porosity, respectively, compared with Oxygen.

Therefore, Ray, although there would be so many more interesting things to talk about in terms of shielding gases and their physical coherences when used in GMAW (I don't want to overwork your patience), finally I would reinforce you in your decision to try out 98Ar/2% or 3% CO2 shielding gas for GMA-Welding the steel grades you have mentioned. The benefits in using Ar/CO2 mixtures have been proved to work excellent in many applications. But nonetheless, as I have already mentioned at the beginning of this short reply, also your welders were not "wrong" when considering of using Ar/O2-mixtures. And as MDG Custom Weld has already mentioned, the Ar/2% O2 mixed gas is the "standard gas" for using it on 300- and 400- Stainless Steel welding applications. I guess, its only up to you now to decide what you will use for welding the mentioned base materials in the future. I truly hope I could give you some very elementary and hopefully new information about the gaseous properties of O2 and CO2 in Argon.

And if I were wrong in the way of explaining what I would have liked to explain?

Doesn't matter... one test says more than a thousand words - but I guess you'll know that anyhow!

Attachment: Heat_Conductivity.jpg..jpg (27k)
Parent - By mooseye (**) Date 10-14-2007 01:56 Edited 10-14-2007 02:02
I understood every word of that.
We use to use tri-mix but it was like 90%argon/8%CO2/2%Helium <may be off some but it was mostly Ar and more CO2 than helium. Anyway, I am with Stephan on the Ar/2%CO2, I heard there was a shortage of helium also, so tell your welders that you can't get the helium.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-14-2007 02:56
Nice try but honestly Stephan, you can do better than that ;)
Show me the MONEY BRO!!!

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-14-2007 17:10
This is one of the best explanations I've read.

I like to know why it works, not just that it does work.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By darren (***) Date 10-15-2007 08:54
awesome as always stephan
you did not mention what the carbon molecule is doing in that mix. being on the non metal side of the periodic table but having the electrical conductive character of a metal in some forms, what does it do when in the dissociated /ionized state while in the arc; or does it stay in the CO state while in the arc. how is it that carbon gets introduced into the weldment when" welded too hot" or perhaps it always gets introduced just not at a significant enough value to be well.... significant. also perhaps a little more on why pure co2 is a temperamental gas when used on low carbon low alloy steel when welded "too hot"

also when we use too high of a heat input( too high of volts/amp up to a point) we are told we boil off some of the alloying metals within the weldment. i agree something happens because if you weld it too hot then the weld looks bad and hardness tests all wrong and overall seems very different from the parent metal. this of course is no longer in the short circuit range but nonetheless it is a question i am interested in knowing a little more about.
these questions are perhaps slightly a different direction than the original question but that is how conversation develops
thanks in advance.
perhaps that i'm making inquiry would deflate js55's argument that we think we know everything as welders
ive had a response removed that was less inflammatory than that, im thankful that js55 has such awesome answers because even having been a welder hes stepping on some feelings there im sure. im ok because "my feeling" is being used somewhere else in a different application right now ;) and yes i only have the one i find it easier to deal with life that way
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-15-2007 14:27
Ahh yes, "you can always tell a welder, but you can't tell him much!"

I'll never forget the day when I was still earnng a living burning rod and an engineer said that to me.

He hit the nail on the head. I'm still working with him, only in a different capacity. His observations of my work and attitude was what got me into inspection. He challenged me to take the CWI examination as a means of proving my "knowledge" of welding. At the time I had little respect for pencil pushers or idiot inspectors. Needless to say the shoe is on the other foot now and, well, let's just say its a little different than I thought it would be.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 10-16-2007 09:05


It is relatively simple and I swear I would like to reply immediately but currently I am extremely busy,  p l e a s e  forgive me!

I hope to finding time again soon to participate the forum more frequently... it's a shame for not being able to!

But perhaps some of the other great fellows could response meanwhile on your items.

Best regards to you Darren,

P.S. Thanks so much Al!
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 10-16-2007 19:02

o.k. I couldn't withstand the temptation and have interrupted my work. Here's my humble approach to just very brief  - I request yours and Henry's understanding :-) - explain what happens with "the rest" of the Carbon-Dioxide Molecule...

Firstly the "normal" reaction when dissociating CO2 is as to be seen in the attached "Dissociation.jpg".

There can be seen, that 2 Molecules of CO2 when been dissociated do form 2 Molecules of Carbon-Monoxide + 1 Molecule of Oxygen. O2 in its "free" form is able again to react on a metallurgical level to forming different oxides from the alloying constituents. This is - to my best knowledge - also the main reason for overmatching the stainless fillers with higher amounts of highly oxygen affine, i.e. easily oxidizable elements, e.g. more Chromium than Nickel, for compensating the amounts of burn-off.

As well, different other reactions of dissociation and ionization with respect to Carbon-Dioxide can be found when higher temperature affect the gas, i.e. delivering energy for enabling these reactions. These reactions can be seen in the attached "Dissociation_Ionization.jpg".

It is important to know, that all these different reactions however were strongly affected again by numerous intricate factors which makes it so hard to predict the exact amount of species to be found in the plasma at a definite point in time.

In arc welding whereas, it was investigated that the first stated reaction can be found (Dissociation.jpg) where 2 Molecules of Carbon-Dioxide give 2 Molecules of Carbon-Monoxide + 1 Molecule of Oxygen.

What does this mean for GMA-Welding? Well, first off, one should have a closer look upon what kind of chemical character CO, i.e. Carbon-Monoxide, has. Due to it's highly affine to oxygen, it has - contrary to oxygen (which is of course even "oxidizing") - a "reducing" character. This again means, that under specific conditions CO can reduce Metal-Oxides to Metal and the CO itself is subsequently oxidized to CO2. This can be expressed by a balancing-equation, please see the attached "Balancing_Equation.jpg".

Now - when considering what we have already discussed - one can basically say that the main parameter for the amount of dissociation and ionization is even the temperature, since this is "just" another parameter for "Energy", being even necessary for the intricate regimes of splitting the molecules into their atomic constituents and subsequently or parallel, respectively, splitting the electron(s) from discrete energy level(s) (shell(s)) to initializing the ionization.

Carbon-Monoxide as a Molecule whereas is basically only slightly being dissociated at lower temperatures. This is the reason for finding mainly the three already named gaseous constituents CO2 + CO + O2 (+ Argon species when mixed gas is used) within specific areas of the arc, or above the weld pool. The highest concentrations of CO and O2 can be found thus where the highest energy densities in the arc can be located, namely in the "core", whereas on the other hand here the lowest amounts of CO2 can be observed. This proves indirectly the predications made above.

O.K. let us briefly conclude.

The atmosphere within the plasma consists of Argon (when using an Ar/CO2 mixed gas) which is partly ionized, + CO2, + CO + O2. The shares of the different constituents again are depending in first order on the height of temperature. The higher the temperature, i.e. the amount of energy induced through the arc itself (~ product of voltage by current), the higher the grade of dissociation and ionization, and thus... the ratio of existing CO2, CO and O2.

Furthermore one can say, that Carbon-Monoxide - which includes of course the Carbon atom whereof you, Darren, have spoken - is only very slightly dissociated at relative low arc energy levels and thus the risk of an additional carburization by the dissociated CO-Molecule is even low.

Well, what does "relative low arc energy levels" mean? Good question? I have tried to find some more definitive information on that, for enabling us a better estimation on what the risk really is at lower temperatures. Please see also the attached "Carbon_Monoxide_Dissociation.jpg".

Here one can see, that Carbon, coming from the dissociation of CO, is first to be expected at temperatures > ~ 6000 Kelvin. Now one has to consider that metal vapor arcs, e.g. Gas Shielded Metal Arcs, have mean temperatures  > ~ 5100... 7000 Kelvin. Under considering now that we do use an Argon + 2% CO2 mixed gas, the amount of additional carburization by Carbon coming from the dissociation is rather low, at least in my humble opinion.

Nonetheless please let me list some more metallurgical (equilibrium) reactions in coherence with CO2 as a shielding gas constituent or shielding gas by itself, respectively. I mean these reactions would also be quite interesting, since there are some reactions to be seen belonging to elements to be found in stainless steels as well, see also the "Equilibrium_Reactions.jpg".

The first dissociation of CO2 can be observed starting at approx. 600°C, with a strong emphasis on the CO2 side when founded on the equilibrium, i.e. more CO2 than other gaseous species do exist at this temperature. The amounts of the latter whereas, are increased with the rising temperature. I have tried to find some information making it feasible to get an overview about the ratio of the three different gaseous species, mentioned above, with particular respect to CO2 (not Argon). I would like to attach a table which I have prepared for showing the different shares of gaseous constituents within an arc in a temperature range between [T] = 1800 K and [T] = 4000 K. Please see also the attached table "Ratio.jpg".

Nonetheless, I will not say that carbon - as a dissociation constituent from a shielding gas containing high amounts of CO2 - could not initiate an unwanted or prohibited carburization. There were some very interesting surveys been accomplished in the past when the nuclear power plant industry had its heyday.

One of the greatest experts in Germany - by the way my former superior - Prof. Thier has investigated extensively in this field. In particular on the influences of GMA-Welding in high alloyed steel welding. He has also investigated herein the influences of different shielding gas compositions on the metallurgical and mechanical properties of the welded base materials and has proposed a very interesting way of calculating theoretical those properties by using so-called "burn-off vectors" ("Abbrandvektoren" in German language).

His calculations at that time were in a very good agreement with the experimental results and thus it could be a feasible way to predict the material properties e.g. the additional carburization by dissociated CO2 or the burn-off rate by free O2. But a treatment of those - pretty fine - investigations would worth a very own topic or post, thus I would like to avoid to treat the details here, I request your understanding. But what I would like to mention further is a single detail from this investigation. The amount of free Oxygen - coming from the dissociation of CO2 - plays a significant role on the mechanical and physical-chemical properties of the welded material. With respect of what you have mentioned in your kind last post (Quote):

"...also when we use too high of a heat input( too high of volts/amp up to a point) we are told we boil off some of the alloying metals within the Weldment. i agree something happens because if you weld it too hot then the weld looks bad and hardness tests all wrong and overall seems very different from the parent metal. this of course is no longer in the short circuit range..." (Unquote),

here can occur a serious problem.

Since as we have discussed above, by dissociating the CO2 Molecule we receive CO and O2, which is considered to be highly reactive in combination with Oxygen affine elements (Si, Mn, Cr,...) in the melt. By having high concentrations of free O2 again, see also the Ratio.jpg table, you achieve high partial pressures as well. Now one has to consider that the reactions we are talking about are not only temperature depending but also influenced by other parameters. One of the crucial ones is the "Pressure" which can drastically displace the equilibrium conditions of metallurgical reactions.

This means - simply expressed by using my own words - the higher the partial pressure of the free O2 constituent in the plasma compared with the dissociation pressure of the melt, the larger the amount of oxidation and thus the higher the amount of "burn-off" rate of important alloying elements! This what has been "burned-off" can be found finally as slag on your welding seam, although it shouldn't be found :-). And in my personal experience, the higher the amount of "active" constituents just as pure O2 or even CO2 in an inert gas as Argon, the higher the amount of metallurgical reaction products as slag. Increasing the welding power additionally, deteriorates the entire issue additionally. Quite simple expressed and as always I request to be corrected when I am on the wrong path!

Wheew... I truly hope that the hastiness under which I have written the few sentences above has not produced a "Gordian knot"!

Thanks and my best regards to you and all the other great fellows!
Attachment: Dissociation.jpg (5k)
Attachment: Balancing_Equation.jpg (0B)
Attachment: Equilibrium_Reactions.jpg (0B)
Attachment: Ratio.jpg (0B)
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 10-16-2007 19:23
Man it is a blessing to have people like you Stephan in this forum.  Nicely done!!!
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 10-20-2007 21:15
Darren and... Henry!

Thank you soooo much Sirs!

You all are, what my blessing is!

All the best to you,
Parent - By darren (***) Date 10-17-2007 09:55
you are the man steph,
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-17-2007 16:35
Much better there Stephan!
The key of all explanations is to "Complete the Circuit!"

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