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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / hippy rods
- - By chip.76 Date 10-17-2007 21:33
I was wondering what kind of rods are hippy rods.  I know where they got there name. du I thought that it might be a lo/hi rod but not sure. any info would be helpfull.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-17-2007 22:14
Lincoln HYPE7010-G This rod was developed for 5L X52 pipe in the mid 1960's. The rod has it uses but also its limitations on X60 and X65 dut to the tendacy for bead undercut. the 70+ rods have pretty much taken the place of HYP, but there are still X-country pipes where HYP is a superior rod.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-18-2007 04:49
HMMMMMMMM i was always told it was the 5p rod thanks for the correction i've never seen or heard of the rod you are referring too now i have a new challenge to myself gotta find sum of them hippy rods n try em out
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 10-18-2007 13:06
As already noted, H Y P stands for high yield strength pipe and welders vernacular. HIPPY!
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-18-2007 13:43
WOW! Hippy. Talk about a trip in the Wayback Machine. The time its been since I last heard that name can almost be counted in decades.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-19-2007 00:25
Why did the people in charge call for a hyp bead on the last test I took?

Just curious.........
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-19-2007 01:19
There are certian types of steel, high manganeese(sp) I beleive, where the HYP E7010 (note HYP E Hippie???) is a better choice on the X60 PIpe than 70+. Another oldie but goodie is the pink one 85 and 85P. They are 7010A1 and I would have to look at the LIncoln rod book but it tells what Lincoln recommends fot there rods. I cut my welding teeth on the 85's. You think a 5P+ can leave a gas pocket and you never see it, you ought to be welding with a 85 with a West Texas drift, buff the slag and there is one of thos @*(&$%^%&#ing gas pockets sitting in the @()^#@$$ing middle of the weld.
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 10-31-2007 22:36
Hey kahunna can you give me a technice(can't spell) for downhand cap pass on 12 in. 6G sch. 40 cause some say drag and some say whip??????? Oh yeah it's with 5/32 7010 HYP.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 10-31-2007 23:27
Weave side to side keeping the cap bevel to bevel. Slightly long arc. On 12 inch with a 5/32 run from 12 to 2, change rods. Re-position and run from 2-4. Change rods, reposition and run from 4-6. Should take 3 rods. Remember, JOF(Just Over Flush) On a SA200  190 and 50-60 or 240 30-40. Some machines run HYP better in the 190 range, others in 240. If you are running bead with HYP keep the heat and travel speed down or you will UC from 2-5 oclock.
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 11-01-2007 00:49
Thanx I realy needed some help with this one. I've never ran hippy rod.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-01-2007 01:59
Cover your damn head, ears, back and butt crack  -  you will get burned if the wind is right............
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 11-03-2007 03:41
yeah already know about the wind blowin it in godawful places
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-05-2007 16:35
Got me a blister in my nose right now!
Parent - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 11-06-2007 01:34
that sux poopoo don't it
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 11-01-2007 03:33
Parent - - By spgtti (**) Date 11-01-2007 01:54
  Dixie Pipeline Co. still uses shield arc 85 and 7010g's on all their station and line jobs. Shield arc=bug hole central.
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-01-2007 12:50
He he he he Yea. The reason is you tie in to a lot of old pipe. When you run into X46 and X52 pipelines the rod of choice when the pipeline was laid was 85 for the X46 and HYP for the X52. Remember these rods were developed for specific pipe grades in the late 1950's and 60's. While steel and welding rod development has jumped forward, these existing lines need to be maintained. 70+ is a much better rod than 85, 85P, or HYP but if you have these old grades, then the old rods are what needs to be used. If the pipeline company has new X65 then sure 70+ is the way to go. But if they are repairing old X46 with new X42 and the original line was welded with 85, then go with the 85. 99% of the issue with the different rods is between the shoulder and the holder.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / hippy rods

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