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Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 09-14-2007 03:49
I think you are doing the right thing, that, from what I can find, is one of the top pediatric hospitals in the country.  Ryder seems a tough little guy and I believe he will stand up to aggressive treatment.  I have heard that infant brains seem to have a better ability to heal and repair themselves than older children or adults.

I pray-
That God will give Ryder the physical strength he needs.
That God will give you and your wife the mental strength that you need.
And that God will guide the hands of Ryders surgeons.

Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-18-2007 22:57
Hey Yall
     We are still in Houston trying to get back to San Antone. They started reducing his breathing machine today and took him off the sedatives Ryder wakes up from time to time and just stares and looks around they checked his neurological signs and all is good he still has alot of swelling and a nasty stich job but he is alive and with us we still dont know what we are fighting but should know by tomorow the goal is to be out of here by thrusday or friday and go back to santa rosa for chemotherapy he has really shocked these drs they didnt expect him to make it this far keep the prayers comming they are working
Parent - By rig welder6 (**) Date 09-19-2007 02:01
look at this way, if he put this much of a fight this young he is gonna be a hand full later in life! keep pos and praying, we all are!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-19-2007 02:05 Edited 09-19-2007 02:09
Ryder Dee Griffin???
We'll ALL continue to keep on for you little buddy!!!

                                "I LOVE this KID!!!"

He reminds me of myself when I went under the knife for my liver transplant... They told me I died on the operating table two times, only to come back again, and again!!! You're so right Shad!! There is no such a word called "Quit" in your family's blood!!!;)

In a couple of weeks, it'll be TEN YEARS since I recieved the gift of life, and I'm forever greatful for the second chance I've been given...
So will you and your family!!!

May God continue to BLESS YOU, and YOUR FAMILY so that eventually,
Ryder Dee will be able to show us all the great things God has in store for him.:) :) :)
C'mon Ride, Ryder, Ride!!! ;) Dios te Bendigas Ryder!!! May the Angels always protect you!!!:) :) :)

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-20-2007 00:51
Thank you so much for that henry you are right it aint over til God says so and something keeps telling me to try try again P U S H FELLAS P U S H got told by the dr today we are fighting a glioblastoma tumor it is a grade 4 malignant tumor all thats left to try is chemo as much as i hate to torcher poor little Ryder anymore i cant give up on him he's not quitting and niether will i we should be back in san antonio by the end of the week thanks again for all your prayers and support
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-26-2007 04:48
well we started chemo last night. i stayed at the house today to get it cleaned up for him man i aint worked that hard in a while glad i'm a welder and not a maid. My wife said he's doing fine just sleeping alot the dr said chemo will do that to you they put another 8 stitches in his head cause it was leaking from the surgery they didnt use any pain killer wife said he didnt cry til it was over this boy is gonna be hell on wheels when he gets older if all goes well they come home tomorow nite go back on friday for a shot and blood count then home for 2 or 3 weeks til the next round we were told they can tell if it will work after 1 round of chemo we have decided he has been thru enuff if after 1 round the chemo dont so anything then we will not proceed anyfurther i cant put him thru anymore pain and suffering its killing me as it is to know he has thing glob of stuff on his lil brain and the pressure on his lil head cant be a good feeling i have a good pic of him i'd love to share with yall but i dont have any email addresses or know how to post it in the forumyall would cry like everyone else does he's the spittin image of my dad yall keep for my lil man i know he can geel it you can see it in his eyes thanks guys so much for your prayers and support
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 10-18-2007 05:07
we went for our weekly check up yesterday and the counts were good shunt is working properly no more vomiting and he is eating  good too he is getting weaned off the steroid so he has lost his appetite a lil but doc says that is normal we go for another full dose of chemo on the 23rd i will be with him this time so i need to find a helper to help my helper while i am out so i can keep what lil money is comming comming in all in all he is doing good just thought ya'll would like to know it's been a while since i've reported he has been doing rather well and instead of reporting everydayi just report when we go to the dr i'll have net access in the hospital so i'll send a post while i'm there please contiue to pray for my son. RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-08-2007 06:32
the benefit was a good turn out we had a home health nurse voulnteer to come by the house once a week and check on him instead of going to the hospital every week he came by yesterday and drew blood the hospital called and said his platlets were down and he needed blood so away i went to the hospital again this am missing another day of work we get there get checked in bedded down for 4 hours to get blood they did a qick lab on his blood before they started just to see what the counts were today and i'll be danged if that lil toot didnt double them over nite so didnt get blood today and we are home again til next week then another check up and the week after another dose of chemo this 1 is spose to be real nasty as far as side effects vommiting and what not we'll see they said it before and there were very few anyway just letting you and the gang know how we are getting along I still got my gig at the feed lot well i did when i was last there the benefit tied up 3 days last week and missed 2day to go with ryder but we are fine and he has started laughing and smiling its fun to play with him he gets a kick out of it we go tuesday for a radiology test to check his kidneys before the next treatment it's spose to be a reall butt kicker i'm sure he'll get thru it with flying colors just like the rest and make them doctors scratch thier heads again see ya'll soon and as always RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By gregnmegan (*) Date 11-08-2007 18:30
If you can get me lil Ryders head measurement I can make him some welding hats. It may take a couple to get it right but I am sure he will look great in them. I have had him and your family in my prayers and will keep him there as long as it takes. Remember God listens.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-12-2007 07:50
Hi Greg and thanks sorry it took so long to get back to you but i couldnt remember where i put the head measuring tape i swiped from the hospital tonite i found it his head measures at 17 1/2'' i got a reply a while back after asking about caps about some lady that makes them but she aint on here nemore let me know how much i owe ya with the shipping and i'll get a money order mailed out to ya after i get an email or pm with your mailing info thanks again buddy
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-28-2007 03:47
Hello Greg once again we ( Ryder n me ) are sittin in a hospital room getting another treatment. They said this 1 was an ass kicker but as usual he makes them look like liars lol i love to see the look on thier faces when he throws them for a loop and they scratch thier heads wondering why he's taking it so well and like i always tell them it's in gods hands nothing you can say or do will change my mind that he's going to be just fine and come back 1 day when he's 25 or 30 and give all of you a shot for revenge lol they just laugh at me but all kidding aside he really is doing great he looks good and is growing like a weed i need to get some more pics for you guys he has grown so much since the last ones he truly is a fighter and is kicking ass and taking names we are here for 4 days this time so yall post some good stuff to help me kill the time i wasnt gonna be here this time but my wife called last nite crying once again saying she couldnt handle being in the hospital so i took off work again to be here dont really matter the pens in the feed lot are soaked from 2 days of rain so cant do nuthin anyway but i could be working on stuff round the house and fixin welding machines qanyway we are fine and sorry for complainin
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-28-2007 04:07
Good to hear He is not having any unusual problems with the chemo. Hang in there all of You.
Parent - - By gregnmegan (*) Date 11-28-2007 05:50
Good to hear that Ryder is doing so good. You are right he will go back there in 20 years and tell his story to kids in his same situation. Hang in there and you are in our prayers. One welding cap is done and another is in the makin.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 06-01-2008 02:22
I've been in hospital or i'd of gotwith yall sooner. Little Ryder lost his battle with brain cancer on 5-20-08 @ 7:32pm he was 10 months and 5 days old. We laid him to rest at the foot of his grandfather (my dad) on memorial day. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support. He will be missed greatly.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 06-01-2008 02:35
Shad, My deepest sympathy for your loss.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 06-01-2008 22:28
thank you all for your prayers and support
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 06-02-2008 11:47
Shad, my heart goes out to you and your family.  While I can never truly know your pain, I can offer you my greatest condolences.  Keep going strong and keep your head up.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-02-2008 19:39
  I attached pic's of Jared to my previous post.

Best regards,
Parent - By jbw1113 Date 06-02-2008 20:59
you and your family will always be in my prayers.
romans 8:28
Parent - By welderdan (*) Date 06-01-2008 03:04
I'm so sorry to hear that
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 06-01-2008 04:24
Hello Shad, no amount of words can convey how sorry I am to hear of Ryders passing. He, you, and your family certainly put up a valiant effort in support of him that many could only hope to emulate. I will think of him often and miss him also, even though your time with him was short, he was a part of you and brought out your true spirit and showed how strong all of you could be in such a difficult battle. I am sure that he and your dad are watching over you now and he is hearing stories of your life and understanding where he came from. Even though he had a short life Shad, I know that he felt love as if he had lived a lifetime, he also touched the lives of many who never got to meet him, I for one and many others on the forum and anywhere else that his story was heard.
     I hope that you are doing better, the last time that we conversed you were struggling with issues yourself. Know that there are many friends of yours here for you on the forum and don't hesitate to give a shout if you need to bend an ear or take care of some venting or anything like that. A friend of yours, Allan 
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 06-01-2008 04:53
Im sorry to hear that.  God bless you and your family
Parent - By sbcmweb (****) Date 06-01-2008 14:15
Shad. I have never spoken with you, but read many of your posts. Our family's deepest sympathy go out to you & yours. So VERY sorry to hear about your son. The suffering all have to go thru in this system we live in is a shame. But I believe it won't be this way forever. Stay strong, or at least do the best you can with what you got. Respectfully, Steve Webber.
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-01-2008 14:41
I am so sorry to hear of your loss.
Parent - By thomasyyz (**) Date 06-01-2008 23:00
your loss is heartbreaking, so sorry for you and your family.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 06-02-2008 12:11
  My deepest sympathy's go out to you and your family. I can truly relate to your loss. We lost our second born son. Mama's water broke almost eight weeks early, and little Jared Dakota West was born. He ended up with grade 3 hemorrhaging on the left side and grade 4 hemorrhaging on the right side of his brain and passed away five days later. While it is very hard, we must realize that God has a plan and a reason for everything, and while we may not understand it, it is for the best. I can only hope that my son is up there watching as I read and type with tears in my eyes, and will welcome with open arms, little Ryder to the better place, and they will play happily there until the day that we join them.  Hang in there, because while the pain never goes away it can be curbed with the knowledge that they are with God now and we will meet again. You and yours will be in our prayers.

Best wishes for the future,
John R. West

P.S. I hope they have welding machines in Heaven!!!!
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Parent - By Kix (****) Date 06-02-2008 12:15
Shad,  my condolences go out to you and your family.  I'm so sorry for your loss!
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 06-02-2008 14:28
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss.  No words of mine could ever repair the damage you have faced, but know that I am truely sorry and wish the best for you and your wife.
Parent - By natecf (*) Date 06-02-2008 16:24
Hello Shad,
  Although we have never met, I have followed your story from the start. Please accept my condolences and pass them along to your family.
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 06-03-2008 12:31
I too have followed little Ryder's story on here although I haven't spoken to you personally. I've prayed for him and your family many times, and I will continue to do so. You've been one tough relentless guy through it all, keep on going each and every day, even if it's hard.

You know you've found out you have more friends than you can even imagine :) 

Ryders in heaven now with his little welder's cap on happy as a pea!

Take care of yourself and get better too! Let us know if you need anything, even if it's just to gripe.

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 06-03-2008 17:09
I want to express my deepest condolences to you Shad, and your wife, and the rest of your family for your loss. :( :( :(

Go ahead, and do what you need to do in this time of grieving because, you need to go through the process... Always remember that we're all here for you Shad!!!

We will always remember Ryder for his courage, and his unconditional bravery because, he inspired all of us who followed his plight!
We will also always remember your display of courage, and humor which was remarkable given the severity of the situation, and how you displayed such faith in your son's ability to fight the good fight!!!

Ryder's fight is now over, and I do believe he did win because, he outlived all of the expert's predictions, and he lives on forever in all of our hearts!!!
Que dios te bendigas a usted y tu familia Shad... Translation: May God bless you and your family Shad!!! I will never stop P.U.S.H. ing for you and your family my friend!!!

My Deepest sympathy
Parent - By alumtig (**) Date 06-03-2008 19:19
I am so deeply saddened by your loss of Ryder. I am certain that he is at peace now, I only hope that the strength you have shown throughout this ordeal will continue to sustain you and your family. Know that Ryder was loved and cared for by many who had never met him. It was through your words written here that we knew and loved him. I hope that the words from the readers of this forum give you some strength and comfort. Yes, he will be missed greatly here as well.

Parent - By gawelder (**) Date 06-05-2008 02:36
Shad I'm so sorry for your loss, I have been praying for y'all through all of this with Little Ryder and I will continue to pray for you and your family.
                                         My Sincere Condolences,
Parent - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 07-09-2008 08:20
I've not been on here for a while so this is kind of late, still I would like to add my condolences.  I cannot imagine a tragedy to exceed the loss of a child.  You and your family are (and have been) in my prayers.
Parent - - By mattj Date 11-28-2007 16:35
I just found out about this forum and read through your story today.  I can't imagine what any part of it has been like, and will definitely keep you and your family in my prayers.  I got the chance to do some mission work in Africa and got back a couple of weeks ago.  I saw a man dance who could barely walk a couple days before.  People saw who couldn't see before.  I won't ever really understand the power of God, and there are plenty of times when I don't agree with it right off the bat, but I believe in it.  God bless your boy and your family.
Take care,
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 07-09-2008 18:42
thank you for your prayers and concerns but Ryder passed on. On May 20 and we burried him on May 26th thank you again
Parent - By Brian T. Beard (**) Date 07-13-2008 04:27
Hey Rafter, god bless your stamina, but remember he may have passed but he will always be under your hood. RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-14-2007 04:59
Well we went to 2 hospitals today 1st 1 to get some kind of radiology test on his kidneyts to see if they are working good ( as much as he goes potty i'd say they are just fine) 2nd was our weekly cliic visit for a checkup and sad to say heis A N C ( WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT) is down so no going nowhere for turkey day just here at the house and sorry yall cant visit either we go the monday after thanks giving for another dose of chemo this 1 is spose to be an ass kicker we'll see they said that the 1st 2 times and then told me my 4 month old is getting the dose of a 15 yr old and does better than them so like i said we'll see this dose will take 4 days and 3 nites man they are killing my work with this stuff but like i said before if i have to sell out to get him well then so be it i can replace all the machines in a heartbeat anyway just keeping yall up to date on the Ryder saga and hoping you and yours have a blessed turkey day god bless each and everyone of you for taking time out your busy schedules to send the little praises of encouragement thank you from the bottom of my heart it means more than you could ever know and as always RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-07-2008 01:47
OK heres the news the dr called and she got with the surgeon and they both agreed there has been no significant change. yes the big mass is gone and there are only 2 spots the size of a nickle so they are not going to change his chemo dose. he was in just for 24 hours this time and like always taking it like a champ i picked them up friday afternoon to bring them home and once again theres no vommiting or diarhea wife and kids made choc chip cookies today and gave him some dought you should of seen him trying to feed himself had it all over his face lol anyway we get another MRI in 6 weeks and go from there he still gets the weekly checks at the hospital and the medicine at home all in all he is taking this thing for one heck of a ride yall look out one day you may just be working for him lol RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By kuhndog Date 01-07-2008 02:15
this is kuhndog's wife...great news about Ryder!! Just have to say your story has touched my heart & soul and I just know the angels are with your family along with all the prayers!  God Bless and please continue to update as we continue to pray!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-07-2008 02:34
thank you for your prayers and support and i will contue to update as i get more news
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 01-07-2008 14:19
Man Shad, that's some good news

Ryder is going to be on though lil guy in a year or two!!!!!!

Did you get him a helmet yet to go with the hat?  Cody is going to be 4 here in a few months and he got a Jackson from Grandpa when he turned 2.  He walked around the shop with that thing down for hours bumping into everything, so I took an old auto dark lens and put it in there for him.  Now he still uses it all the time, but he can see good so he's not bumping into everything. 
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-07-2008 22:30
No hood yet he out grew the cap in a week lol think i'll get him a 1 size fits all cap lol and yes he's gonna be a tough lil snot when he learns to walk heck he's already trying and can barely hold his head up lol. Wife called me this am said she was goin to E R at  the hospital in S A he had a big ol bubble by the valve in his shunt turns out the dr didnt adjust it enuff for the pressure but they fixed it and he's home no more bubble. The valve in his shunt is adjustable they use a magnet to do it. It gets out of whack everytime he gets an  M R I.   RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-23-2008 02:28
We went to the hospital yesterday for4 a ct scan cause he has been real fussy the lastr few days and the turn out was not good the tumor has grown the 2 spots that were the size of a nickle have come together it is now 2 in. long and about an inch to 1 1/2'' wide it was putting pressure on his brain and giving him a headache we beefed up the chemo which stared yesterday a few days early but it had be done and he is on morphine for pain a harsh drug i know and i dont like it either but he is pain free and doing the normal Ryder things the dr dont have much hope for him sounded to me like she was ready to give up QUIT is not in my vocabulary and it sure as hell better not be in anybody elses i came to you guys once before and here i am again lets all pull together and beat this thing down they cant / wont operate til he's a year old thats just 4 1/2 months away so come on lets do it this 1 is for Ryder he deserves the fair shot we all got so please guys and gals please i'm asking you once again to come tegether for ryder he needs us each and everyone of us thank you in advance and for your past support without ya'll to come to i think i would of lost it thank you from the bottom of my heart   RIDE RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By JMCInc (**) Date 02-23-2008 05:56 Edited 02-23-2008 06:06
The mason that does all our rock work has had brain tumors, the last one occurring last month. He had it removed with a tool called a gamma knife. What an amazing invention. Prayers for Ryder will be sent.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-23-2008 15:13
that sounded like a good idea and i will ask his surgeon about it but after some reading i found this ''Patients with benign gliomas may survive for many years[9][10] while survival in most cases of glioblastoma multiforme is limited to a few months after diagnosis.''
Ryder has the glioblastoma multiform what luck right well he's been fighting it since he was 6 weeks old at least thats when we found out about it although it dont look or even sound good it's like i have been sayind and Allan just reminded me of it aint over yet and like i've been telling the dr's all along they dont know who they are dealing with the outcome dont look good for him at all but like the frog just gotta grab the stork by the throat and push back with both feet. RIDER RYDER RIDE
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 02-23-2008 15:04
Expect nothing but prayers from this way. Life deals us a sorry hand sometimes but youve been a great example of "PUSHING" through it! Let me know if I can do anything.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 02-23-2008 15:15
got a hand operated tumor remover in your tool box i can borrow i'll give you your choice of welding machines i have for using it lol thanks buddy
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 09-19-2007 02:09
Hey Shad,
Haven't been on for a while. Just want you to know your family is in my prayers also, as is Chuck Meadows & Henry(ssbn727) and all who may need a prayer to help in difficult times. Life is so precious.......Denny
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 09-20-2007 00:48
thanks yorkie got told by the dr today we are fighting a glioblastoma tumor it is a grade 4 malignant tumor all thats left to try is chemo as much as i hate to torcher poor little Ryder anymore i cant give up on him he's not quitting and niether will i we should be back in san antonio by the end of the week thanks again for all your prayers and support
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