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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Canadian welders working in USA? (locked)
- - By JR_3 Date 10-24-2007 19:39
Hello from Canada!

I'm about to take the plunge and head back to school & learn specialty TIG processes.

& I'm wondering what working papers & visa(s) I'll need to work in the USA...As much as I love Canada, I'm done with the cold winters and not looking forward to this one coming.

As well, and this might be a dumb & moronic question, but I'll ask anyway, I see on per diem pay, as a Canadian citizen, am I eligible for this? Or is this for US citizens only?

Any info & help/advice is more than appreciated!

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-24-2007 20:11
Parent - By arrowside (**) Date 10-24-2007 23:23
Had to see that one coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 12-12-2007 01:12
Great answer.  Its easier for an Austrailian, New Zealander or South African to work in Canada than it is for a citizen of the USA.  STAY HOME!  Go up to the oil sands.  Your country needs you and they claim you can make $300,000 a year as a pipeline welder.  Why would you want to come down here?
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-24-2007 23:42
go to mexico, then run across the border to AZ or CA, you can make up to $5.00 an hour welding there!
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 10-25-2007 00:18
JR_3 the per diem is normally paid to anyone that is working on that project regardless of their nationality. Sometimes there is a 50 mile rule; if you live within a 50 mile radius you do not qualify.

You might have made your first post on a bad night. In Shop Talk in the Looking thread a fellow Canadian just made a condecending reply about the U. S. Or at least it seemed that way. Maybe I misinterpreted it like David Koresh misinterpreted the Bible(thank CWI555 for that one, still LOL)

Can't help you with papers/visas but as long as people come to the US legally that's OK. Not like the 10-15 million that have chose to do it illegally. There are laws that seem to favor our neighbors to the south and north. Welcome to the forum and the U.S. and good luck with the GTAW.
Parent - - By JR_3 Date 10-25-2007 04:18
Thanks for the heads up about the other post...What can I say other than some Canadians are...from Quebec? ; ) j/k I'm not fond of many Canadians myself, thus I look south.

I'm lookin to get OUT of Canada & do it legally. Our artificially high $ value is gonna be what kills a lot of Canadian manufacturing sectors, already killing off electronics where I was before and only getting worse as the days go by.

Thanks for per diem clarification & info swsweld, greatly appreciated! : )
Parent - - By ribatejo Date 12-15-2007 20:08
why in the world is us a "non racist" country and I hear all the red necks complaining when ppl from other countries come to work here?

tell you what: if everyone here in US would know what they are doing, US would not have demand for Extra people to help you out.
Demand creates ppl take opportunites.

first post..not starting very good :)
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-17-2007 06:44
Welcome to the forum

First off we have a high demand because lots of money is being spent here.....second the amount of that construction is outstripping our available workforce.   As far as US workers not knowing what they are doing.....well why are the standards that were engineered here copied time and time again in other places....lets see maybe because they work!    What the "rednecks" are complaining about is the lack of enforcement of our laws on people who are BREAKING THEM!!!!!  That argument has nothing to do with race but you again are the one who brought up rednecks and racism to begin with right??   I got no problem with anyone taking up an available job here...if they followed all the laws to acquire that job....just like I can go almost anywhere in this world and work where I choose too.  Thats the way it is and that is fine with me.......but people who break my countries laws and take advantage of the benefits we offer to our citizens  with money I pay every hour I work as my father and family have as well .....well that just pisses me off!!    If you want to call it racism  then thats your poor outlook and disadvantage.

As far as welding and metalworking in general some of the most highly skilled people on the planet work right here in the us as well as abroad....many of them are longstanding members of this particular forum.

I am a racist by my own admission  right here right now!   I will confess it before you all!!!!


but no others

I hope you enjoy the forum ribatejo lots of good info here thats helped me as well as others.
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-17-2007 07:15
JR_3; if you are able to gain the necessary work permits, per diem is offered to all.  Obtaining woirk permits can be a lengthy (and expensive) process, as a bare minimum, figure 8 - 12 months unless you are sponsored by an employer.  One thing I know for certainty, if you wished to apply for US citizenship, Canada requires you to give up your Canadian citizenship.  I suppose it has something to do with the differences in medical coverage (the US has no social medicine programs).
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Canadian welders working in USA? (locked)

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