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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Welding License Exploitation
- - By Rio Hondo Colin Date 06-12-2002 22:22
I currently possess a Los Angeles City Welding License and although I'm a draftsman and do not weld anymore, my employer decided to list my license in a bid submittal. He did this so he could give the impression that his shop is qualified to produce AWS quality welds. He may be attempting to have all the shop welders produce welds under my license. I do not think he can do this. Any thoughts?
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 06-13-2002 16:46
I guess the important thing is what exactly your employer said. If he said things that are false, then no he is not supposed to do that. But if he reported that you currently are LA City qualified and have worked to AWS codes that is another matter (assuming you have in fact done that and all information is true). The biggest concern is that he is representing you as THE welder when he has no intention of having you weld. If he is trying to put all welders under your license, that is a big problem. It could be that his customer really doesn't care about "little details" like proper qualification just as long as the product he buys holds together. However, how does your boss know it will hold together if he hasn't done any testing? If something fails, he could learn what product liability and honesty in contract administration mean. Further, I really don't understand why the welders wouldn't be qualified to some code; it isn't that hard to do (if the welders can weld that is).

You may want to keep good notes to protect yourself. Also you might ask yourself if you really need to keep the LA City qualification. If you don't intend to weld for a living, giving that up would keep you out of future situations. And if you return to welding, a new test is a good refresher. In fact, all qualifications I know of require you to maintain some kind of continuity to keep your qualification current. So if you haven't done that, you may not be current anyway.

You probably need to keep your job, like the rest of us, but you may have to face the possibility of looking for another one. Just remember that "time wounds all heels" and do your best to maintain your integrity.
Just a little lunchtime rambling, but I hope it helps
Parent - - By Wildturkey (**) Date 06-14-2002 12:14
To what code is the Los Angeles City Welding License tested to?
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 06-15-2002 16:38
Rio Hondo,
I am also certified by the COLA, both as a structural welder and Deputy Building Inspector. The likelyhood that anyone would accept one license number for 2 or more welders is not likely. I would inquire to your employer what the purpose of the submittal was (or is). After all, it is your license. Perhaps your employer would like to go Downtown and sit the written exam and the 3G/4G practical test at an approved lab, then he can pass on his own number. Don't forget about the photo on the back of the card, will he cut and paste here?

I have found on about 3 occasions as a Deputy where individuals were using anothers card. This is falsification of a legal document, and the City views it that manner also. I also told one of my employers back in the 80's not to list my license number where it becomes public knowledge. In these times, you don't want others obtaining any type of information on you.

If the client received a license number, if they were to call the city, only one name is registered to that card number. It may also be wise on your resume in the future just to list the type of license or certifications you have, and submit specifics (numbers) only upon request.
Parent - By WBI (*) Date 08-01-2002 14:21
The City of Los Angeles requires a welder to pass both a written exam and a practical exam. The written is a two part exam. Part one is a closed book test of general welding knowledge and the open book portion requires the welder to be able to read and understand the code requirements. Some people have compared the COLA welders exam to a mini CWI test. Part two is a practical exam based on AWS qualification tests in D1.1, D1.2, D1.3 or D1.4 depending on which classification you are going for.

If you want to read all the requirements for Welder Certification, The City of LA has it on their website. It's a PDF file. Here's the URL$FILE/IB-P-BC%202001-45%20Welder%20Certification.pdf
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Welding License Exploitation

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