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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / F,H, V WPS from a 1G PQR
- - By motgar (**) Date 10-30-2007 16:42
Can a WPS be written using the positions F, H, and V using a supporting PQR in the 1G position.  Looking in the D1.1:2006 ed. the only position the PQR can support is F for the WPS.  Referencing Table 4.1.  Is this correct?  Any insight or help is greatly appreciated.
Parent - - By pax23 (**) Date 10-30-2007 16:49
You got it right.

1G only qualifies for F
Parent - - By motgar (**) Date 10-30-2007 16:59
Should I have seperate PQR's to support the other two positions stated on the WPS? 
Parent - - By pax23 (**) Date 10-30-2007 17:11
Generally, you want to run the fewest number of PQRs to support the WPSs you need for production.

Looking at Table 4.1 tells me that if I want to weld in the F, H, and V positions in production, then I can qualify this with a 2G and 3G test. If all other things are equal, you need not run a 1G test plate.

Position is only one variable, so the want or need to modify a variable from the 2G/3G test plates for the F position may require a 1G test.
Parent - - By motgar (**) Date 10-30-2007 17:41
Thanks for the help.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-30-2007 21:27
Since we are talking about AWS D1.1, what was it about the WPS that required the procedure to be qualified by testing? In other words, why couldn't the WPS be considered prequalified?

Was the procedure qualified properly per AWS D1.1 or is the contractor attempting to modify a procedure qualified for ASME for a structural application?

ASME typically allows the contractor to qualify in one position, usually flat, to support welding in all positions. Then they attempt to use that one PQR to develop a WPS for AWS applications. Often times the WPS can be written as a prequalified WPS, but the contractor tosses the PQR in as a "bonus".

So, before you jump the gun, make sure the WPS does not meet the requirements for prequalification and that it needs to be qualified by testing.

Best regards - Al
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / F,H, V WPS from a 1G PQR

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