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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hippy
- - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-03-2007 02:00
I HATE hippy rod so bad, I could pull the head off of my chihuahua......Why in the hell do companies still recommend this crap instead of 70+????????????????

My ear drum is scorched, my shirt burned, and my hair singed. Is it just me, or is this just a survivor of the dinosaur age.......?

I'm just wondering, because when I run 8010 everything is so smooth and enjoyable - AND - stronger!
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 11-04-2007 21:56
now now SD. that stuff is fun after you smoke a couple fat ones I'm told ,hence the name.
Parent - - By Suordough Date 11-05-2007 01:25
I have a waterjet that helps with the parts considerably.
Parent - By Cole Welding (**) Date 11-05-2007 02:31
i would reather weld with 7018 all day
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 11-05-2007 05:09
Do you run the 70+ [8010] on mild steel pipe or just the high strength steel?
Parent - By Cole Welding (**) Date 11-05-2007 07:54
i have friends i been talking to that run 70+ or 8010 on flow pipe for gas and oil flow lines
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-05-2007 16:24
Mild steel.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-05-2007 18:12
SD, If you are welding on mild steel and furnishing, you need to see the price difference bwtween regular 5P and 70+ Both will make x-ray quality welds. Just one is less expensive. And 5P will stretch a lot mor on mild steel than 70+. If you are burning a lot of rod, that adds up and it comes out of your pocket. Value of above is worth exactly what was paid for it.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-07-2007 01:46
All is furnished by the outfit. Believe me, I could get scorched everyday, if it saves me a 100 bones.......Take care.
Parent - - By 1mancrew (**) Date 11-07-2007 03:30
I started using hippy rod to hot pass and cap on flow line but I didn't like it on the root pass.
Just didn't seem to flow as nice so I went back to 5p+. Saved a couple of bucks on the hippy rod
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-07-2007 14:26
P+ has its little odd bits like leaving a IGP on the start on the bead. Drives you nuts. BUt it runs smooth and is great for DH welding. I did some procedures years back running 5P+ bead and 70+ HP/cap on X65. We were trying to eliminate IUC on the bead. Everything pulled great and you did not get that "SNAP" when the coupon yeild's. Bends looked great. Engineer would not sign off on using a 60 rod on 65 pipe. I could not blame him and it gave me a weeks worth of welding and a bunch of procedure testing experience. We ran about 30 nipples, cut, measure, destroyand document. Finally set the procedure using Lincoln recommendation of running the 70+ straight and the IUC problem went away. When running HYP in the wind, keep the heat down and use a wind board. In a heavy wind I would use the smallest rod I could get away with on the cap. It seems the higher the heat the more GP's show up.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-08-2007 02:30
I totally agree. Smaller rod is more control on the cap, plus easier for a neat appearance. As far as hyp - screw that crap!

70+ on everything past the root bead. If that wont pass a bend, F- it.

Put me on the next job...........

P.S. Wind blowing more than 10mph+   -   "good bye" - "catch me tomorrow"....been burned and had undercut on that noise.....
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Hippy

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