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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Loss of Chuck Meadow's... one of my personal hero's....
- - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-13-2007 02:39 Edited 11-13-2007 17:10
Please share a moment of thought for one of welding's most prolific educators....


edit: added picture of Chuck that he had sent me a while ago when we were all posting pics and introducing ourselves to the forum---John Wright


I just received the following from Chuck Meadow's wife Mary this evening:

On 11/12/07, <> wrote:
I'm glad to get your new e-mail address.  Chuck went to Heaven this morning.  He had been in so much pain that it was really a blessing.  Please let everyone know and if anyone wants any info I would be happy to let them know the details for his services.  Mary
Parent - By yorkiepap (***) Date 11-13-2007 03:02
Hey jon,
Thank you for the update on Chuck. He was my Nam bro' and I'll always be so grateful to have met him and talked to him here. I am so very saddened at this loss to everyone here who looked to him for the many answers he provided......I will miss his responses. God bless and take care of his family.....Denny
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 11-13-2007 03:08
Hello Jon, that is truly a loss to his family and the many out there in the industry and among his friends that had the pleasure of knowing or meeting him. I met Chuck once in Spokane, Washington at a stainless steel welding seminar that he was presenting at, he was a terrific individual and simply tremendous in his knowledge related to this industry. I will surely miss his contributions to the forum and his basic outlook on life in general. Even though I mourn his passing, I hope that everyone will celebrate his life and the contributions to all that he interacted with. I don't know of a way to properly show honor to his legacy other than to say that he indeed has left a legacy through his willingness to provide so much to so many here on the forum. You will be sorely missed Chuck! As you watch from up above be sure to feel the comfort of knowing the countless numbers of individuals here that you have left a positive impression upon. God bless Chuck, his wife Mary, and all of those who had the pleasure of knowing him as they grieve his passing. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 11-13-2007 03:15
That's very sad news. I Corinthians 15:54-57. So when this corruptable shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brough to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory?
The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.
But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. It does help to know that Chuck was a Christian and to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.
May he rest in peace.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-13-2007 04:05
We all will miss him on the forum.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-13-2007 04:55
He will be greatly missed he always took time to reply to me about my son ryder and that will never be forgotten god bless you Mr and Mrs. Meadows
Parent - By webbcity (***) Date 11-13-2007 05:45
jon , this is sad news , please pass on our best to mary . willie
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 11-13-2007 11:45
I am saddened to hear that. The few minutes I talked to him on the phone have been stuck in my mind because of his kindness and willingness to help. I will miss him.
Parent - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 11-13-2007 11:59
We sorrow with those that sorrow.. Peace- Good Health and the Lords' Blessing to all the family
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 11-13-2007 12:44
Very sad news.  I wish the best for his family.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-13-2007 12:53
It's funny ya know, how life is... Chuck wanted desperately to make it to the Welding Show this year to meet and greet those fellow Forum Member's who maye have the opportunity to get up to Chicago... the show "officially" began yesterday, the day of Chuck's passing... I guess he made it after all...
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 11-13-2007 13:24
This is truly a loss of a great person. 
As we here will miss his vast knowledge and are humbled by his passing, I pray for Mary and all of his family for they lost something much more than we could ever imagine. 

Chuck is by far the most brilliant stainless steel person I have ever been blessed with meeting, and he will live forever in this forum.
Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 11-13-2007 14:17
I am so sorry to hear about this.  It's not only a tremendous loss for Chuck's immediate family, but a tremendous loss for us as well, his forum family.  This man really knew his stuff, and he will greatly missed.  I'm thankful to have learned from one of the best in the business.
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 11-13-2007 14:39
I never had the pleasure of meeting Chuck, but always held him in high regard. His insightful knowledge was second to none and he will be deeply missed by those on this forum. Please send regards to his wife and family that they may find comfort during this hardship and that they are in my prayers.

God bless

Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 11-13-2007 14:55
This is very sad thing in deed. I have sit and eat lunch with Chuck on occasions and picked his brain with his permission of course. I feel a real loss and saddened for his family.
Parent - - By dmilesdot (**) Date 11-13-2007 15:24
My deepest condolenses to the Meadows family. You are in my prayers.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 11-13-2007 17:24
To all me and Chuck's brother's and sister's of the AWS Forum; please note that I intentionally left Mrs. Mary Meadows e-mail address (Blackberry account) in the correspondence she sent to me in hopes that some of you may send your condolences and heartfelt rememberances of our friend Chuck directly to her in her time of loss.  I will, at some point in time, copy the link to these Forum message and send them to her but I'm sure she'd like to hear from some of Chuck's dear Forum friends too.

Thanks to all for your kindness and fond thoughts.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-13-2007 17:47
I didn't post it in here, but I did take a minute this morning to write Mary and tell her how we all felt about Chuck and to offer my condolences. I was deeply sadden at the news of his passing, but we can take comfort in knowing that he is in a better place with no more suffering or pain. It just gives me another reason to look forward to heaven and catching up with all of my friends and family that gone on before me. God Bless.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2007 03:58
This news has really hit me hard!!! As well as it has everyone else I suppose :( :( :(

As one get's older, more of their friends pass, and when alerted of their demise... If one can, one pays their condolances to their family & friends because, of the tremendous amount of personal respect one had for that individual...

My FRIEND Charles "Chuck" Meadows is one of those friends!!! :) :) :) I do'nt think I can attend his services because of my own condition which has improved yet, has left me very weak for travel... If I could, I'd be there because, that's how much I revered him. He was so willing to help me understand how to weld certain grades of stainless I was unfamiliar with without making me feel like I should know this - If you get my meaning ;) He was also willing to help me in sharing some of his wisdom on personal issues that helped me grow tremendously... He was in all honesty - A great friend whom I will miss.

He did'nt mind asking about one's own personal experiences because, he was humble enough to know from experience - that other's had alot to share with him as he had to offer also. In other words, he talked with you, not down to you like some often do mostly unaware that they do so... Ohh but he would also let anyone that did'nt have their facts together that they'd better go back to the books if they had to!!!

Chuck would also defend you if you had your facts straight as he did for me many times on this forum! :)
My Condolances to his wife Mary and his family!!! My deepest Sympathy to you all!!!
we all lost a GIANT of a FRIEND!!! Dios te Bendigas Mi Amigo Carlochos "Chuck" Meadows :) :) :)
Y tu Espiritu siempre esta con nosotros compadre.
And your Spirit will always be with us Brother.

Parent - By CEMeadows3 Date 11-19-2007 18:40
I just want to take a minute to thank everyone for their kind words for my father, Chuck Meadows (Charles E Meadows, Jr).  He was a good man--a very hard worker--and my memories are of his days as a blue-collar working welder.  He was a very intelligent and proud man when it came to his work and took great pride in his profession.  Our lives grew somewhat apart as I became an adult and he went onto become a consultant and management type of worker.  We kept in loose touch, but I honestly didn't know what he did or whose lives he was affecting in his professional career.  In our preparation for his services my sister, Jennifer, and I (his only two children) stumbled across this forum.  It has been very soothing to read the outpouring of emotions from all who have sent their condolences.  We are very appreciative of the kind words.

He will be greatly missed by our family, but we could've never known the depths of lives he touched without some of the reading on this board.  For this we, his children, want to thank you greatly and may God bless you all...

Thank you all,

Charles E Meadows, III "Trey" and Jennifer Wohleb (Meadows).

If anyone has any stories they would like to share with us, please feel free.  We are still in some stage of "mourning" and any stories--good or bad--would be greatly appreciated as we collect ourselves through losing our father at such a young age.  You can email us privately at:

mailto: (Trey)
mailto: (Jennifer)

Thanks again!!
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-13-2007 18:34
My deepest condolences to the Meadows family. He was a gentlemen scholar, and will be missed by all.

Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 11-13-2007 21:11
It's sad to know someone like Chuck could be taken from us just like that.  Condolences to his family.  He will be remembered!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-14-2007 05:24
May he rest in peace and be remembered as a good friend.

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