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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipe welders needed in Wyoming
- - By NMWELDING (**) Date 11-15-2007 04:37
I should have posted this sooner but it slipped my mind. In our local paper here in Michigan every now and then there is a section in the Help Wanted looking for workers to work in Wyoming. About three weeks ago there was one for pipe welders. It read "Pipe Welders-in Wyoming. Full-time+,year round,permanent jobs, no truck needed. Must pass drug and alcohol test. Pay starts at $100,000 +medical,life,disability & optional insurance; 401K,paid holidays,PTO,& incentive pay. Call Rawlins Work Force Center, Job#2421987. Phone# 307 324-3485. For those wanting this type of work,and who do not have a rig this sounds like a good job.[last comment mine] Thanks.
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-15-2007 23:50
wrong time of year for Wyoming
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 11-16-2007 01:03
Wyoming is quite possibly the COLDEST frreeeekking place on earth in the winter time.
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 11-16-2007 01:28
you guys should try Zama
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-16-2007 01:41
I spent the winter 0f '82-3 on top of those mountains around Evanston, never again! :-(
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 11-16-2007 03:19
In Whitney Canyon, Carter Creek or the Anschutz area??

Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-16-2007 04:08
spent 3 weeks on Anschutz ranch for Brazos/BE&K, when they wouldn't put me in the mancamp I switched over to Fluor Daniel at Carter Creek and stayed till the summer. Damn it was cold up there!
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 11-16-2007 05:49
Small world....I did x-ray and third party work down there during that time.  We got to live in town, but that drive could be brutal.

Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-16-2007 16:05
small world is right. I ran into a guy in Nebraska that worked in the same fab shop with me in Anchorage, then when I drug that job and came down here to Louisiana I was going into a hotel to look at a room and he came walking out the door. he's on the same job here, too.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-28-2007 03:45
what kind of work and where in LA. are you at
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-28-2007 23:57
Working for Shaw in Alexandria, single hand. Building another powerhouse welding the dern heavy wall again. Working on 22" carbon pipe, 2.75 wall, TIG bead and hot pass, 7018 out.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 11-29-2007 00:19
If I can be so rude to ask, what kind of pay rate, per diem, benefit package can one expect to get from Shaw for a heavy wall welder with 20 + years experience?
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 11-29-2007 01:58
not much.

$25 an hour, tube welders get an extra 50 cents. Per diem is $65 a day, paid 7 days a week. Insurance after 3 months, but it's about $40 a week just for yourself.

and that about covers it.

They claim the welders are scheduled 7 days a week, but I heard you will be welding structural on the weekend. I just started, so I don't know for sure about that, yet.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 11-30-2007 01:20
Try the union divison of Shaw called Stone and Webster. 
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-30-2007 03:03
Come one, come all to the most exciting, most magnanimous work setting in the world - WYOMING in the winter!   WHOO HOOOO!!!!

Not only is the excitement of below zero weather enticing, but so is the incessant 40 mph wind, combined with snow and sleet. If that aint enough to make you move - maybe we could also throw in the excitement of thousands of miles of black ice highways or the feel of deer guts and fur hitting your truck at 65 miles an hour............

What are you waiting for?? The state wants YOU, because after all it is the least populated state in the nation, (including Alaska) !

On a serious really, really is a miserable place to be - but it pays good!?
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-30-2007 03:11
Zcat -

I know, I know........"great, here comes Sourdough with his opinion."

I know people that make more per hour plowing snow in the ol beater w/a heater in their spare time than 25 an hour.....don't be mad, I'm just sayin'
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-30-2007 03:04

speaking of the 2.75 pipe in Canada...............
Parent - - By big easy Date 11-30-2007 13:05
I have more info on that job in Wyoming.  I looked into it before I decided to rig up.  The company is out of Whomsutter(not sure on spelling).  you'd wanna live in rawlins, about 40 miles east.  $60/diem.  $100,000/year is based on 60 hrs/week if i remember correctly.  It's a single-hand job.  You'd run one of their rigs.  That's gas field and mine country.  I'm not sure exactly what you'd be doing.  They are always taking apps.  Apply through Wyoming Work Force Rawlins office.  I hear Rawlins can be a tough place to find housing and recommend checking into that b4 you come out.  it's pretty cold here in WY for winter camping.  hope that helps.
Parent - - By Cole Welding (**) Date 11-30-2007 14:09
its cold there
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 11-30-2007 15:27
I have a body from Wyoming and he was out here in Wisconsin visiting a few weeks ago and he was runnin around in a dam T-shirt the wole week.  It was freeking cold here so I asked him if he needed a jacket and he replied " I don't start wearing a jacket till there's a few inches of snow on the ground". lol  I'd probably hit this job up if it wern't for the wife.  She would leave my arse if I drug her to the Beautiful freezing state of Wyoming.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 11-30-2007 15:40
Hey Kix, I was in Casper one February. Would get up in the morning and the sun would be out, and it would be about 70 degrees, by mid-morning the clouds would move in and the wind would kick up a bit and it would start to rain with the temp dropping rapidly, another hour or so and the hail would pound on you some, next thing it would start to snow. Not too much later and things would mellow out again and clear up, but then the thunderheads would move in and you'd have some of the most spectacular lightning strikes you'd ever seen. Once again it would stop and clear up and get all quiet and sunny again. Truly an anomoly but great all the same. Worked that way for almost all of the two weeks that I was there. Regards, Allan
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 11-30-2007 15:50
Now that would be an experience!!!  February and 70deg with a winter like cold front moving in.  I bet you saw some pretty neat storms.  I'm a big storm freek and love to get out in the thick of it and witness some good storms. Wow, It didn't start hitting the 70's till late april here in Wisconsin last year.  Wyoming sounds like a neat place if you like the outdoors and snow. I'll shoot that salary by my wife and see what she has to
Parent - By roostenmotherbr (*) Date 12-02-2007 01:50
Thats no kidding aevald, I was out in casper at the power plant, and you would go to work in a button up shirt, noon you were in your coveralls, and back to the shirt to go home. the lightning storms were the best. the weather was crazy,
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 12-02-2007 02:36
Cold???, Naaaah.....that's just what we tell the tourists so they won't venture any farther north than Colorado.  Come on up,  I'll take you to my favorite winter fishin' hole.

Heck tonight it's 7° and it's so nice,  I had my barbecue fired up.

Parent - - By Shane55113 Date 12-03-2007 09:27
LoL, i lived in Laramie for 9 months. Dec '06-Sept '07, winter was awful! and i am use to cold winters, since i moved back to Minnesota :)
It was not the temp or the daily snow storms that made it awful it was the wind, it NEVER stopped blowing. In Wyoming it isn't uncommon to get a heavy dose of snow in late spring early summer.
Parent - - By texasrigwelder (**) Date 12-05-2007 03:54
today it was almost 60 here in gillette
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-06-2007 04:08
it was almost 80 today here in south texas ready to come home yet ? lol
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-06-2007 04:11
that view is awesome but are you nuts bbq'n in weather like that much less fishing to the fish sticks come frozen fresh from the lake lol. what are those wires hanging from your bbq is that like a block heater lol just joking but really you would have to be nuts to be out in that kind of cold all in the same i have always wanted to go to wyoming but i aint going in the winter
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 12-06-2007 20:04

I guess we're all a little nuts  LOL.  Being from Texas you understand how barbecue gets in your blood..... I was born in Corpus and the family had a ranch near Beeville.  I cook year round.  That is a ceramic cooker, really suited for wintertime cooks because of the insulation.  I can get upwards of 20 hours of burn time, so even butts and briskets cooked all night are no problem.  That gadget on the front is a thermostat controlled fan to keep the fire box burning at a consistent 250°.

One good thing about ice fishing, the fish stay nice and fresh and the beer is always cold.  You can use standard short rods with a reel, but most of us use this gadget called a tip-up.  The spool is below the water line so it won't freeze up.  When a fish hits and takes line, the flag is released as a signal to the fisherman.

Parent - - By Justin O (**) Date 12-06-2007 20:12
Yea im from beeville and the temp is very different. Got up 2 days ago at 5:30 it was 28 but by 9 I was sweating my but off.
Parent - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 12-07-2007 03:46
I grew up in riverton WY and miss it alot but the work dried up in the late 80s so I moved south to OK and as the story goes got married and stayed!
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-07-2007 11:47
Did you find any work in the permian basin?
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 12-09-2007 04:46
Im testing monday just east of Stillwater, OK.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pipe welders needed in Wyoming

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