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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Would like to find an apprenticeship. Would like some ideas
- - By The New guy Date 11-18-2007 00:26
Currently I drive tractor trailers for a lumber hauling company out of huntington beach ca.  But welding has always been something ive wanted to do.  Im tired of having an unskilled job.  I love getting down and dirty working any anything greasy messy flammable.  Blood and sweat go into mostly any hands on job.  I was hoping maybe someone can point me in a direction towards a company who does an apprenticeship program.  I live in socal and only have heard of one in san diego that deals with ships but i dont know anything past that.  Right now im making 13.58 an hour and at age 25 that is kinda sad.  Sooo if anyone has any info that would help me greatly. Even if your not from socal give me your thoughts and opinions.
Parent - - By yorkiepap (***) Date 11-18-2007 02:39
Hey New guy,
You will find a tremendous amount of information and probably at least a hundred posts here on the forum regarding apprenticeship and schooling and the approaches to investigate your best options. Personally, as a senior in the welding arena, I have seen many come & many go. Welding is a career that is CHOSEN, not GIVEN.... it comes from the desire to WANT to weld, to LEARN the various applications: SMAW(stick), GMAW(MIG), GTAW(TIG), O/A(oxy/fuel), and the metallurgy of materials. Next comes the aspect of welding that you must consider regarding your goal: Fabrication, structural, rig, pipeline, aerospace, industrial, construction, and automotive for starters. Each arena has its' own parameters and levels of education/experience that would benefit your goal....A goal that has to be excellence in welding. The more of the applications you can learn and be proficient, the better the pay will become and the absolute is that it is simply...all in your hands. It is up to you....the only person holding you back is...YOU.

Initially, your best introduction would be to take a class, either a vo-tech, evening adult education class, or a college class to really see if you have a genuine interest. You'll know within a few weeks of classes whether the desire to continue is there or not. Welding is its own world.....I wouldn't trade one of my days welding for anything else.....well, almost anything else. In addition, the future is extremely promising for welders as those like myself, retiring, are gonna put a real void in the welding workforce. The present estimates say the need will be 200,000-300,000 in the next 10 years. Lotta money to be made....if you want it and have the "hunger" to want to be a first class welder. The other facets you will have to investigate is going to be the region where the work demand is high for welders. If you want to stay in socal., then you will have to accept the work opportunities there. If you can travel and want to make serious money, then pipeline & rig work is the premium pay and will continue to be the best.

Anyway, look into some of the many threads & posts here, and others will chime in to provide solid information for you to think about and consider. Just go to "search" and type in: jobs, or apprenticeship, or schooling, and you can read all the information that was provided. The gents here are the best with their knowledge of all the welding arenas and their experiences. Good Luck....keep us posted....Denny
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 11-18-2007 02:55
Hey New Guy, go to "Never welded before, thinking about a career" in this forum catagory(Education)check out the reply by shipfitter88 that may be a possibility.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-19-2007 15:43
I like Yorkie's suggestion to try an adult welding class to see if it is what you really want to do. Some people weld to make a pay check and they never really progress because they don't really have a feel for welding. Welding comes naturally to some and it is a battle for others, so its best to find out early whether you and welding are a "good fit", otherwise you'll never really experience the joys of welding.

If you try it and really like it, then the next step would be to contact several of the apprentice coordinators for the building trades in your area if you believe you would enjoy working in construction. Contact the shipyards in your area if you believe you would enjoy that type of working environment. Be prepared to wait several months until the trade of your choice is accepting applications for apprentices. Getting into an apprenticeship program is competitive, so, if you didn't finish high school, get your GED before applying. Take a class in basic math and algebra. A class in geometry won't hurt if you are considering a career as a sheetmetal worker. Different trades have different lengths of time for their apprenticeship programs. Consider selecting a trade that is considered to be a "skilled trade" such as the pipefitters, sheetmetal workers, electricians, etc. Many states require those employed in a "skilled trade" to carry a license. During your time as an apprentice you will attend classes in the evenings or on weekends and you will work on different projects during working hours. Be prepared to travel if you decide to join the building trades. If you don't like to travel, steer your way to a shipyard or fabricator in your local area.

There are a few large companies that have training programs for welders, but there isn't a "welder's apprenticeship" because welding is considered to be a "tool of the trades" and as such, all the trades (electricians, carpenters, pipefitters, ironworkers, operating engineers, etc.) have welders employed in their ranks. In my experience and in my opinion, few fabricators have the training opportunities offered by the building trades.

Good luck with your career choice. It is one of the most important choices you'll make.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 11-22-2007 07:39
So you wanna die blind w/lung cancer huh?????   Just funnin ya Josh. . . consider the fact that in addition to welding I have a small entertainment company and am also a Clown and somewhat accomplished Magi.  Feel free to shoot me an email at with your number.  I can tell you whatever you'd like about an apprenticeship in the UA (pipefitters)  I woulda been a boilermaker cept I know who both my folks are, don't have a drug problem and I've never been divorced so they wouldn't let me IN!!!!!!!!   I'm just kiddin fellers shoot I wish I was a better tube welder but I make so much just bending the damn stuff I don't need to weld it anymore!!!  Best of luck to ya. . . . .it's not just a job IT'S AN ADVENTURE. 
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Would like to find an apprenticeship. Would like some ideas

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