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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / oilbath air filter on sa 200
- - By elliott (**) Date 11-24-2007 12:10
Hows is going everybody, I hope you all had a good thanksgiving.I was wondering how much oil you put in the oil bath type air filters the owners manual says to just  add but does tell you how much you should add if empty.

Thanks again
Parent - - By 52lincoln (***) Date 11-24-2007 18:20
it has a fill line on it,should be n e way.
Parent - - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 11-25-2007 18:37
I'd figure about 3/4"-1" of oil, that's about where my mark puts it
Parent - By 52lincoln (***) Date 11-25-2007 18:43
thats were mine u run a heater tube?if it is windy&sandy where ur at i would check ounce a will get to much dirt and will let some get by,not good.i keep my heater tubes on mine.i dont care what they might say,if cleaned nothing takes its opinion n e way.
Parent - - By bamafn003 (*) Date 11-26-2007 00:00
if ya get tired of cleanin those like me i just took the whole thing off an put a k&n filter with the outerwear cover on mine like we used to run on the valve covers on our race cars
Parent - - By 52lincoln (***) Date 11-26-2007 01:38
that would work,just dont use nothing,i have seen it done. not a good idea.
Parent - By pipeliner01 (**) Date 11-26-2007 02:03
here in Alberta, Canada, we have to run heater tubing or the carb will freeze up in the winter, on the old sa-200's anyways not sure about the classic I & II's.  Never had any problems with dust though, not very dusty round here.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / oilbath air filter on sa 200

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