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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / ever feel like you live in an oil refinery
- - By nick thompson Date 11-30-2007 22:07
Im a pipe welder of about 17 years an have worked shut downs from chile to prudoe, an everywhere in between. Anyone else feel as though their life is trapped in a coker unit, or lost in a cat craker?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-30-2007 23:29
Let me recommed you read a book. By Johnathon Lazer "The Man Who Mistook His Job for a Life"
Parent - - By 52lincoln (***) Date 12-01-2007 01:38
whats the book about?
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 12-03-2007 03:41
Thinking a job = a life. Work additiction and using work and a job to substitute for a real life.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 12-02-2007 05:39
Heck yes man!!  I just made it out last year.  No more FRC's for ol Ray Ray.  Well, can't really say that yet because if this job doesn't pan out then it's back to slangin wrenches and striking arc's if I don't find anything else up here. 
Parent - By aametalmaster (*) Date 12-04-2007 14:28
I do i work in a refinery in Ohio. 3,000 hours this year alone. Keep her running boy's...Bob
Parent - - By nick thompson Date 12-05-2007 03:11
thanks for the feedback the all brought a smile to my coke dust covered face
Parent - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-13-2007 00:22
sounds like you guys are upgrading bitumen there?
Parent - - By banshee35 (**) Date 12-05-2007 00:21
i work in a refinery in nw LA. Its always expanding, Job security
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 12-10-2007 15:23
I was just out in L.A. last week and saw that BP refinery.  Man that place is Huge!!!!!!  It looked much bigger then Connoco Phillips in southern Illinois and thats a big one.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / ever feel like you live in an oil refinery

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