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Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 11-22-2007 01:39
this shIT is funny...LOL
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 12-05-2007 16:12
Spatter don't matter!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 11-22-2007 05:10
Grounding through cranes and chains are permissable, chain arc strikes give added alloy content to base metal!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-22-2007 06:13 Edited 11-22-2007 06:15
When working in a building and the work area is too far away for ground leads to reach it is permissible to clamp your ground to the ground or neutral buss bar in the buildings electrical service box.  Simply knock the flux off the biggest smaw rod available and jam it in the nearest 110v outlet ground near your work area and clamp it to your work.  If the lights go out and you hear sirens roll up immediately and act nonchalant as possible ....pretend you just arrived.

Firewatchers are just a way the customer has of trying to milk money back out of you......when ever possible avoid having to pay for this coffee swilling lackey.    Besides wetting the area underneath that aluminum ladder your working off of with a garden hose will prevent any thing bad from happening.

BTW. Ctacker you forgot to mention: that welding of damaged crane booms, chains + winch housings is permitted as long as its done on the same job the damage was caused on.  Or the welding involves "necessary modification" to get the job completed.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-22-2007 06:28
you guys forgot about power plants and how they love to use silicone to fill any and all cracks possible i lost count of the times i heard " just run a bead of silicone over it it'll hold til next year" from my expeience power plants and oil field are pretty much the same if it dont leak its good
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 11-22-2007 15:15
It shall be unlawful to use plastic coated clothes hangers as welding rods.

You shall  not weld aluminum with 1109 rod.
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 11-22-2007 16:04
Damn FC Inspectors. Now I think you're being Too picky on this one!  
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 11-22-2007 16:20
"It shall be unlawful to use plastic coated clothes hangers as welding rods."

We should discuss this one further, the plastic gives added ductility!
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 11-22-2007 21:53
But molten plastic stinks and molten plastic has no strength even if it adds ductility.

Be thankfull I dont want you to remove the shellac or paint from the coat hangers.

On the other hand, a little molten plastic may be good for corrosion resistance when you are welding exhaust pipes and mufflers.  But it still stinks.  I can tell you first hand!
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 11-22-2007 22:20
you think a farmer cares about smells?

we can compromise, a footnote with half the plastic removed!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-23-2007 21:52
The coating on the hanger meets the flux requirements for FC2002 code
Parent - By CHGuilford (****) Date 11-23-2007 11:37
You forgot to mention that the proper material for boom lacings should never be used for crane repairs.  A53 "water pipe" of the appropriate should be used instead.  If you have no A53 on hand, use anything that you can get to stick with a welder.

For those who may not read through the posts from start to finish ---PLEASE!  Do not actually do any of what has been discussed.  This is all a joke for entertainment purposes.

( I just had a vision of someone in a foreign land, who doesn't fully understand English - my wife says I don't either, so I can't hold that against them - saying "That's how the Amellicans said to do it!")
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-22-2007 09:36 Edited 11-22-2007 10:05
Grounding through critical valves is permitted. Arc strikes across seat give added value to seal.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-22-2007 22:35
Al I believe you've created a monster.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-23-2007 11:50 Edited 11-23-2007 11:55
No kidding!

The genie has gotten out of the bottle!

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-23-2007 12:04
Hello Joe, this is the Farm Code. These are only suggestions, there is nothing "outlawed".

When did you receive your "inspector badge"?

Happy Thanksgiving.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-25-2007 16:32
If the arc wanders and you believe arc blow is the culprit, wrap the welding lead around the part several times and use DC at high amperage. Polarity can be switched if the arc blow isn't diminished. The polarity of AC can be switched by reversing the cables at the welding machine terminals.

Sugaring on the root side of the weld is due to "burning out all the carbon" thus weakening the metal. Corrective action on the part of the welder is to blacken the root surface (if accessible) with an acetylene flame after back grinding and rewelding over the carbon black. The carbon will be drawn into the arc and alloy with the decarburized base metal.

Titanium welds that are discolored (straw to blue) should be wire brushed before the inspector sees it. The resulting silver weld is better than new.

Hydrogen is a figment of the inspector's imagination. If you can't see it, taste it, smell it, or feel it, it doesn't exist. If the inspector throws a hissy fit, burn the "hydrogen" out with the next weld pass.

Any metal can be welded in a pinch with stainless rod if there is enough nickel in it. Even titanium.

As the number of the stainless steel alloy (304, 308, 309, 310, etc.) increases, so does the chrome content. You can tell if the metal is stainless steel if the magnet won't stick to it and it is shiny. But if it isn't heavy, it is aluminum.

All metals should be preheated to drive out moisture. This includes all steels, titanium, aluminum, etc. The preheat temperature is job dependent. You never know what it will be until you start heating the metal up. You can stop when the water stops bleeding from the pores. You'll know when it hot enough. Preheating should be completed just before morning coffee break so that it will be ready to weld when the break is over. Preheating is not required if it is a hot day or if the boss is in a hurry. Preheating is never necessary before tack welding.

When in doubt, always call for X-ray. If the weld doesn't pass X-ray, do some research to find a code that isn't as stringent. If it still won't pass, get the owner to declare the weld to be non-structural.

When purging pipe, purge long enough to feel the gas come out of the pin hole. Taping open root joints is wasteful of argon and is not necessary. A good gas filter is required with argon purchased in high pressure cylinders and bulk liquid tanks to remove all lumps and foreign materials.

There is no such thing as an excessive root opening. A wider backing bar will fix it. When a backing bar is not available, any piece of metal will do. Extension tabs are a waste of time, material, and money.

Most welding inspectors don't know jack about welding. When a weld is rejected or if the inspector tries to tell you to do something that is different, challenge him to show you how to weld it. That will shut most of them up. You can always use the argument that the engineer is overly conservative and nothing you've welded has ever broken before. That's why there are safety factors built into the design codes.

At least the turkeys can breath a little easier for a couple of weeks even if the Farm Code inspectors can't.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-26-2007 04:23
all preheat shall be performed with a zippo. If the work piece is to large, a nice wood fire will suffice.
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 11-28-2007 11:06 Edited 11-28-2007 11:17
In the event of bees or wasps on the workpiece, a propane tank may suffice as Raid (tm).  Simply crack the valve, light a match and refer too the following youtube URL (at about 2:10)

Additionally, a Tiger Torch is completely optional for preheating.
Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 11-28-2007 19:51
if it's too wet out to weld without zapping your nads, an acceptable substitute like JB weld is acceptable, only if the guy holding the part in place agrees with you.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-28-2007 21:35
The JB weld shall be certified by ACME surveyors. Use of elmers wood glue is only permitted with engineering approval.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-28-2007 20:08 Edited 11-28-2007 21:53
And good ol' Dave looked surprised when the door handle was hot! He would be a user of the Other Red Book!

Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 11-28-2007 22:37
if  rebar is found in your way, cut your epoxy anchor down accordingly and properly anchor your item, after all they don't really need to be that long. consult ricky bobby first.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 11-28-2007 22:39 Edited 11-29-2007 16:50
This is the funniest thread I have ever seen.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-29-2007 05:22
Liquor is  mandatory equipment on days colder than 30 degrees along with a pipe heater fabricated out of 2 3/8 or 2 7/8 whatever u can get ur hands on it dont really matter by the time u get all the stuff to do itt itll be dark and you'll be drunk
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-29-2007 21:42 Edited 11-29-2007 21:44
All Liquor shall be of the mashed corn variety. Welders found sober shall be disciplined until they have consumed enough Corn liquor to be considered incompetent to weld, at which time that may proceed.

Footnote 1.

If welder can poke their finger for a drop of blood, and that blood can be ignited and burn blue, the welder may be considered inibriated enough to weld.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 11-29-2007 21:45
lol you're a backwoods hick aint ya
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-29-2007 23:46
taking the fifth amendment on that one.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-29-2007 16:31
All structural members are to be welded in winds exceeding 30mph. All welding is prohibited in lesser winds unless it is raining. If it is raining, then 90018 D-1 smaw rods are required (especially when you have run out of 7018 and have a handfull of 9018 D-1 behind the truck seat).
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 11-29-2007 16:51
if something doesn't look right, you're wrong. keep going with it and in the long run things will work themselves out.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-29-2007 16:58
All baked potatoes in the rod ovens shall be held at a min of 250F for a period of no less than 4 hours,

.....or until a fork is easily inserted to confirm that they are completely done.
Parent - By jarsanb (***) Date 11-29-2007 17:23
FC 2002 - qualification of welding Inspectors:
2.1 your ability to confirm "looks good to me"
2.2 when examining a weld that seems to meet specs - always put on another pass or two just in case
2.3 always ask "what does the welder think"
2.4 Thought process should always include "whatever it takes to get er done"
2.5 You can always impose less stringent criteria - who lives in a perfect world?
2.6 Conflict of Interest: yeah....whatever
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-29-2007 17:52
FC2002  (in the view of many folks) Like the other great doccuments of our time, such as;... The U.S constitution and the Bible are in actual fact living doccuments, subject to the varying interpretations of each successive generation and more importantly, their own personal and individual truths.

An example of a misinterpretation of FC2002 would be any conclusion that would cause any involved party, individual or corperate entity to feel uncomfortable, embarrassed or goodness forbid--guilty.

The only absolute is of course flexability.  FC2002 when properly applied SHALL make you feel good.

Footnotes are like feet..... and who actually takes the time to look at somebody's feet anyway?? .... Habitual shoppers and Imelda Marcos may review footnotes if they so wish.

Any conflict or dispute between entities involved with a project or representitives of other code bodies shall be resolved by following the steps mentioned below.
     1  A listening session where each party recounts what the code passage means to them.
     2  Chakra alignment of all parties involved
     3  If steps 1 and 2 fail to bring concord to all parties an all night drumming circle shall be held
     4  An arbitor shall be called at this point to provide the following to the disputing parties
                           a.  Herbal scented soaps
                           b.  Lotions with essencial oils
                           c.  Pan Fluit or Mandolin music to accompany mediation
                           d.  Animal free (vegan) meals and at lunch and breaks

Wait a minute.......  This is a Farm code!

There are cows moving through that broken gate toward the highway....... Just go Fix the thing already.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 11-29-2007 18:04
Scope-If it's not going to the moon then who cares how you weld it. Porosity under an 1/8" in diameter can be repaired with a crayola crayon while part is still hot. If you can jump across the gap your within code.
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-02-2007 06:32
  1  A listening session where each party recounts what the code passage means to them.
     2  Chakra alignment of all parties involved
     3  If steps 1 and 2 fail to bring concord to all parties an all night drumming circle shall be held
     4  An arbitor shall be called at this point to provide the following to the disputing parties
you forgot 1
     #5 You can't see it from my house
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 12-03-2007 21:30 Edited 12-03-2007 21:34
Please see attached figures for acceptable examples of piping per FC 2002
figure 1 acceptable block valve detail
figure 2 acceptable pipe rack detail
Parent - - By 52lincoln (***) Date 12-03-2007 22:46
Talk about a hard hat area LOL!!!!!
Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 12-03-2007 23:22
wow, i made an access ladder just like that a few days ago!
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 11-29-2007 21:16
Anyone trained for GMAW can use FCAW without further instruction, after all its just a wire and the flux will float to the top regardless of how you run it.

GMAW-MP:  MP = Manual Pulse: pulling the trigger rapidly so that the metal can cool real quick, useful for filling gaps in structural members and if appearence is really, really,important. Also used for vertical and overhead welds when the machine is set for spray arc and you dont feel like changing the settings. Especily useful for metals 1/8" and thinner when the machine is set for welding 1" steels.

Dualshield, "Flat Olny" flux core wires can weld in all positions if you turn the heat down. Shelding gas is optional as the wire is dual shielded, meaning the gas is redundant and the flux in the wire is all you need.

When presented with a aluminum job, in the absence of a plasma cutter or other means of cutting it, the smallest 6010 rod and the highest output welder available may be used.
This is accomplished by cranking the welder up and blasting through the work peice until its severed.  The cut edges should be ground clean if you really feel like it or if someone is watching.

thats it for now -Clif
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 11-30-2007 00:44
After aluminum parts are cut they should be throwed in a vat and tumbled for two are three hours this well make the parts weld real clean.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-30-2007 04:21
This is getting really scary!.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-30-2007 06:19
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 11-30-2007 13:27 Edited 11-30-2007 13:29
All right, I've been watching this post long enough, it's time for my "Professional" recommendations on this. 

Qualifications of a CFW (Certified Farm Welder), and a CFO (Certified Farm Operator):

Any individual that has a welder that is kept in a building called "The Shop" and knows how to turn it on, regardless of its operational condition, shall be considered a CFW.  This said individual must demonstrate the ability to know what lead is the work lead, and what lead is the rod holder.  For DC only machines it shall be acceptable to use the work lead as the rod holder if a polarity change is needed, and the power supply is more that 10' away from the point of operation.  This rule is given to increase productivity, and only in effect during planting and harvesting seasons.
Any individual working on the same day, and working for the same farm shall be a CFO.  It is the responsibility of this person to move equipment in and out of "The Shop" for the CFW.  After 1 day of observing and working under the CFW, the CFO is considered to be a CFW.**  See note #1.

If repairs are required on actual tillage equipment, the said repair shall be painted with white paint to make it easier to see the crack in the repaired section at a later date.  If the repair is made by plating over the broken section, the plate must be as least 2x the original section so when it breaks again it will be next to the plate making the repair easier next season.

** note #1:  The CFW must be older in age than the CFO, usually a father or oldest brother.  The CFO must have 2 years of experience performing all sh*@ jobs before they can be eligible for CFW qualification.  This note is void for single person farms.  In that case the individual shall qualify for default CFO/ CFW qualifications.

All cracks can be repaired at the end of the season, if it doesn't make it that long, run it till it breaks.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 11-30-2007 13:36
Don't forget 7018's must be kept in an old refrigerator at all times and only get as many as you need for any particular application.  If rods become wet, short out the stick electrode to the part being welded for a given amount of time.  If flux falls off while welding reduce the amount of time that the rod is shorted out.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-30-2007 16:39
Note 2:

In the case where either the CFW or the CWO cause a weld to fail in which the combine (CW combine welds) runs in circles creating circles in the corn field (CFC corn field circles) it shall be deemed a supplementary variable created by a UFO and therefore acceptable by the FPM/FW (field production manager/farmers wife) but only in the case where the FPM/FW did not witness the formation of the CFC.

Note 3:

If the FPM/FW did witness the CFC, then the CFW and CWO must recertify in the barn overnight while the FPM/FW calls the media and sells pictures of the CFC henceforth blamed on the UFO to recoup losses caused by the CFW and CWO.
Parent - - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 11-30-2007 17:01
Brilliant Gerald!!!! 

Can't believe I miss that :)
Parent - By darren (***) Date 12-02-2007 02:02
when third party inspector comes to inspect heat treated vessel make sure that your most belligerent welder has lunch while sitting on fresh arc strike so that inspector does not notice
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 12-03-2007 00:23
Hey dude what about a guarontee on this welding. It is guaronteed that I will weld it again if it breaks before it gets out of my sight.
Parent - By PlanB (*) Date 12-03-2007 03:41
100,000 mile gaurontee. 100,000 miles or if it leaves my driveway, which ever comes first.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-03-2007 04:00
"If You don't abuse it, it won't break"  "I dont charge extra for spatter, slag, or undercut, and if You don't like it like it is, I can put some more on top at aditional cost"
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