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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / aevald
- - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 12-04-2007 03:09
i cant post pics and/or send private messages! what do i do?
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 12-04-2007 04:40 Edited 12-04-2007 04:44
Hello shorthood2006, I am still learning about the picture posting stuff here, this is what little bit I know in this regard. Most of the time when you cannot post a picture it is due to the size of the file. On my computer and I suppose many others you can right click on your mouse while you have the picture displayed, you will open a list that might ask you "open with", by clicking on this choice you may be given a choice for a picture editing and processing program, if it happens to be the one that I have, you will have a choice within this program to size the picture for web posting and to also make changes to the picture with regard to cropping, rotating, color, brightness, contrast, and numerous other choices. Once you have made the necessary changes you can close this function out and upon closing it will ask you whether to save the changes, which you would want to do. When you go to add pictures to a post, upon completion of the script portion of the post and posting you would then want to select the attach choice at the bottom of the body of your post. A screen will come up with a browse button showing on the right hand side of a field window, select the browse button, this will access your My Documents, My Pictures and other files on your computer. Locate the picture that you wish to add and click on it to highlight it, after you have done this there will be a choice to open the selected picture, select open. This screen will now disappear and you will be back to the first screen with the particular picture or file listed in the field box and will have the browse button next to it, it  will also have an upload button, and a box to check if you wish to embed the picture, if you do want to embed the picture select this box and then when you select the upload button it will post the picture directly to the text in the posting, providing that it is the type of file that is listed next to the check box, if it isn't that type of file it will be listed as an attachment in the body of the post. After selecting the upload button you will see the upload listed under the field box and there will also be a delete button under it. You can repeat the above process over and over to list additional pictures and files. Once you have completed your attachments simply select the back button at the top of your computer screen until you get back to the window that you want and hit the refresh button to check for the competeness of your posting. By using photobucket or other listing services you can include links in your posts to provide larger files and different file types.
     The private message thing is out of my hands, but Ross should be able to help answer that question for you. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 12-05-2007 00:52
i have posted pics several times, i understand how.....but i get a pink error as several other users have.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 12-05-2007 01:26
Hello Darin, I thought it was a bit odd that you had asked about the picture thing. I believe there were some problems associated with the forum and it's private messaging function, I hadn't noticed a problem with the pictures. I believe that Ross looked into those issues and as far as I know they were resolved. I would say that if you continue to have problems try to contact Ross directly. Regards, Allan
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 12-05-2007 01:32
thank you, Sir!
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-04-2007 11:12
The directions just above the posting box under the work Help actually are pretty good.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-04-2007 11:57 Edited 12-04-2007 12:01
I have sent you a PM...just hit the reply button to reply back.

As for posting pics, like Allen and Lar have stated already there are a couple of ways to do this.
1) Use a resizing program to resize your pics to fit within the size limitations of the forum and then attach to your post.(I use a free resizing program called IrfanView and can be found here: )
2) Use a photo hosting website and post the link within your posting. ( I use , it is free and it automatically resizes to 800x600 which is a perfect size for most computer monitors to view without the picture being so large that you have to scroll to see all of it.

If I can help with any of this, just let me know.

Hey Lar...check this size out ;-)

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-04-2007 12:40
The fish must be made as big as possible!

This rule applies to both pictures and verbal descriptions.

Nice Northern eh?  

I'm just learning to catch these Wisconsin fish with teeth...
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-04-2007 13:12 Edited 12-04-2007 13:19 big was that fish?<here's your chance to stretch him out just a bit longer>

...Yeah, about the teef....don't go sticking your fingers in to get the hook out or try to lip him like a bass.

edit: Make up one of these and throw it in your tackle box...your fingers will thank you.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / aevald

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