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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Shop to Field
- - By Mat (***) Date 11-28-2007 11:49
Call it a random thought, but the transition from shop to field is one of my bigger dreams.  As the trade is seemingly going downhill in the Okanagan Valley, and in the valley, welding jobs are hard too find and when the time comes, I seriously want to branch into field welding of some form or another.  I've set a goal, the current shop I work in will, the last shop I work in!  Because of my experience level (to sum it up in seven words, western star parts, skids and floating lids), I'm considering a helper job to branch from point "Shop" to point "Field." 

Back when I was a dumber kid and newer to the trade, I worked as a helper for a day and a half and was in way over my head and thought I knew way more than I did(long story short, I told the welder I was workin with off, whoops!), but the way I see it now, I know f*ck all!  Yeah, I know enough to do my job as it is today, but it'd be nice to open more doors.

Anyway, in going from shop to field, any advice is good advice!  Thanks for reading!
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-30-2007 03:25
Get a hand job on a pipeline. That will open the doors wide open............
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-02-2007 01:55
I noticed your in bc what are your tickets? Do you have your journeymans ticket or bcp 100? CWB tickets? This all helps figure out where you can fit in and this is a good time to get to alberta for a helpers job with freeze up happening right now
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 12-04-2007 11:27 Edited 12-04-2007 14:20
B level.  No cwb's or pwp's as I've never needed them (with some practice to get back up too par, I could get my cwb certs)  I did a pwp 7 in the B, but never got the paperwork.  *shrugs*  Also, not one of my brighter moves...

I'm under two years or so on getting my red seal, which is a scary thought for what I know.  5 years isn't much.  I've been welding since 2003.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-04-2007 21:01
Its all firing up right now the freeze is on if you get to alberta NOW! Try the local 488 you might get on the pipeline board as a helper . There are some big spreads coming up right now. Most field work requires cert. and that means a red seal  in Alberta if you arent an Alberta journeyman .hard to get work as a welder except fabbin rigs without it. How about Ft. St. john or dawson. I know they slowed down quite a bit in the last year but now would be the time if any?
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 12-05-2007 11:54 Edited 12-05-2007 11:58
How would one get on or ahold of the 488?  That's the UA of Plumbers and Pipefitters, right?
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-05-2007 17:13
check out their website but to get to work with them you really got to talk to them in person. They will put you out as a work permit for awhile and then you will get invatation to join the hall  
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 12-07-2007 13:15
Thanks man, I'll give them a call.  When I call them, what should I say?  I've never dealt with things like this before.
Parent - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-07-2007 19:50
Just call the office and tell them your situation and they will put you through to someone for recruit info. Tell them you are interested in a pipeline helper position and see what comes of it. I believe you will have to get your csts before you go  on any jobs its like 50 bucks. Till you are a registered alberta apprentice or red seal jman thats the only job you can take but once your in there you can talkn to someone at the hall about switching your bc certs to alberta
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Shop to Field

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