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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / To every one in here!!!
- - By k_williams (*) Date 12-06-2007 22:18
I want to thank every one for helping me with my machine that is talked about in another thread.  Ive been welding for about 6 yrs or so, but its mainly been metal buildings and pipe fences.  Im trying to break out into the oil patch but have had no luck yet.  I have never had any kind of training, and just picked up a few things from guys here and there.  I dont even know the different types of welding tests. I dont want to sound ignorant but if i go in somewhere to test and they ask for a certain type i dont know what they are talking about, but if someone showed me i could do it and i know i can with some practice.  I am going to take a 12 on 12 branch and butt test next week.  I read through here and found that cole welding was looking for the same info about the test back in sept. and i printed it off so that i will have the info on the lay out to practice with. I just mainly wanted to say thanks for everyones input and for new guys on here like me if you have a question, read through here and if you cant find it here then ask, these guys are professional and know their stuff when it comes to welding. If any one has any info or a link, a book anything that i can learn from about test, and anything that would help me practice would be greatly appriciated.
thanks again,
kent from texas
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 12-07-2007 01:13
Go down to tricks of the trade and I have posted how to lay out a 12 on 12 branch. It is more difficult to write than do.
Parent - - By k_williams (*) Date 12-07-2007 01:33
ok, thanks im gonna look at it also, what rod would you use on 12"? 5/32 bead and hp and 7/32 cap? or am i way off, im new to most of this and trying to get any info i can. i have a bunch of 4" that i practice with and i use 3/32 or 1/8 bead, 1/8 hp, and cap with 5/32 or 1/8 7018 lh just depending on how i feel that day. Is this a good practice or am i just doing more harm than helping?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 12-07-2007 13:44
When you test on a Xcountry pipeline, most will require a 5/32 bead and HP and 3/16 fill and cap. It is hard to run 5/32 on standard wall 4 inch. And even if you can the heat setting a a lot different than when welding 12 inch. Find some 8 or 10 inch to practice on (12 inch or larger if you can find it) when learning how to run a 5/32. If you are running a SA 200 set the selector at 190 and 50 or 240 and 40 to start. You will need to adjust the the heat up or down depending on your machine and technique. IF you look through the forum there are several threads on setting up the nipples, root opening, land etc. Good Luck
Parent - By k_williams (*) Date 12-07-2007 14:48
ok, im gonna find some 12" and practice on it.  I dont think im ready for the test next week, so i will probly call the guy back and reschedule.  I dont doubt i can do it if i practice first, its just a different ball game than im used to playing. the pipe welding expeience that i've had 4" was the biggest we ran, mainly tie-ins and stuff like that, and those were the rods we used, so it will take some practice to get used to the bigger rods, but ill get there.
Parent - By JTMcC (***) Date 12-07-2007 15:09
You should be practising your hot pass with 3/16" because that's what everyone has been calling for for years now.

Parent - - By d-on Date 12-07-2007 17:31
In my opinion every pipe welder should have a well used copy of "the pipe fitters blue book" by W.V. Graves you can get yours by calling 888 532 2300. For the money they can't be beaten by anything I have found. I even gave them for Christmas one year.
Parent - - By 52lincoln (***) Date 12-07-2007 22:27
what does the book do?
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 12-08-2007 00:43
the book sits on a shelf, its you that have to pick it up and read it! :)
Parent - - By 52lincoln (***) Date 12-08-2007 01:10
Boy i guess their is one in ever place in the world LOL .Maybe i should have said what kinda of info is in the book.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 12-08-2007 02:42
sorry, couldnt resist!
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-08-2007 06:38
LMAO thats a good 1 i have     the  blue and black book both the black   is easier for me to understand go to the gang box .com i got both books for 18$ each last yr
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / To every one in here!!!

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