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Parent - By rig welder6 (**) Date 12-08-2007 02:27
Some are very good welders, others are well, you know.  But they don't like the cold like I do so does that make me safe.
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 12-08-2007 02:50
Well In reply to aformentioned comments. The people I work for take care of their local guy's who stick with 'em. As most of you know all us welders are gypsies who get itchy feet after some time at one job. Myself included! So most companies don't bother to get to involved in taking care of the people who are gonna get some gone in a little while. Just my 2 pennies
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-08-2007 06:24
Hell we all look  for greener  pastures
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 12-08-2007 04:25
Not taking sides here but I just worked a job with the Union guys on a refinery shutdown.  My 4 yr old could've welded better than these guys, and faster.  Reject rate in the 30% range. 10 hrs to weld a 1" o'let.  Well I got some good overtime so god bless "H"ooter and god bless the union.   Now I  can buy some more of those chinese lead toys for Christmas
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-08-2007 16:25
heehehe you call $100 an hour full supply cheap? my disability insurance is cheap. my health care is cheap. the only sad thing is people that judge who don't have a clue what they're talking about. hehehe and when I'm getting paid to sit in my truck for half a day waiting for the hoe to dig I'll think of this post and laugh.
Parent - By Ranny Date 12-09-2007 02:44
AMEN! Thank God there are a few outfits that believe in quality instead of quantity. And that take care of their people and the pay is excelent and it's still in the good ole USA.
I.m 71 now but my son-in law is still stacking em. He is in Utah now. Way more work than GOOD pipeliners.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-10-2007 01:28
Vegetable pickers?your an idiot. Up here we gotta take a three year apprenticship just to get a journeymans ticket which you need to get an initial Bpressure ticket then pass z662 code to go pipelining you got a good 4 yrs min b4 thats happening then setting up your rig and incorporating your business. Then we make 90 to 120 an hour to pin it when we are mainlining and getting paid 12 hrs a day for that maybe workin 9 or 10 hrs? You only need a few years of that we make between $25000 a month fabbin rigs up to $50000 a month for tieing in leases and compressors pipelining up in zama , rainbowlake. What do you know about vegatable pickers? I bet im happily retired long before my knees are gone
so awspartb enjoy pickin your vegatables and mouthin off about things you dont know about this is how it works up here $200000 to $350000 a year , whos a vegatable picker now? whos got a weak mind now? you chump
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 12-11-2007 01:07
I seriously doubt you make $250 to $300K a year as a single welder.  If that were the case, everyone in the world would be flocking to the welding trade when the facts are nobody wants to do this work.  I know  a pipe welder FOREMAN working in AFGHANISTAN who trains people and has to be escorted by a military convoy who doesn't make a quarter of  a million dollars a year.  No way in hell a guy with a truck and a rig makes $300K a year.  You are a liar and the father of it.
Parent - By tim105 (**) Date 12-11-2007 01:47
awspartb, He is not a liar get a calculator and figure it out for yourself, when you work any where from 70 to 80 hours a week at 80 to 90 an hour sometimes more, you do that for three months straight, take a week off and do it all over again. Then in December be able to take the whole month off and stay at home. I feel sorry for your friend in Afghanistan, there's just not enough money out there for the type of environment that he is in.
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 12-11-2007 02:26

That's very strong language. And you're wrong.

I'm pretty sure these guys are discussing work in Canada, as independant contractors, and $300,000/year isn't difficult with rates in the $100/hr range. In fact it's 3000 hours billed in a year or a little less than 58 hours per week. Pretty basic math.

One SELF EMPLOYED man with one welding rig, in the United States, can easily make that amount as well and quite a bit more if he's bidding work or really putting in a lot of hours. All it takes is the workload. Even if you drop the hourly rate down to what "general all-around type" welders are charging in a lot of the US now (say $80/hr), it's still done with an average of 72 hours billed per week. I know a lot of self employed welders that do week after week of 85 + hour weeks.

One man with one welding rig, working as an EMPLOYEE on a contractor's payroll can also make that amount. It takes a very very good year, but in my field people are having very very good years and anyone capable of the work and willing to grind it out can work those hours, both last year and this year. Man hours for next year are projected to increase.
Again the math is easy: the man makes $41.28 per hour, the truck makes $15/hr, the mans per diem is $82.50/day. Several contractors are paying extra hours and furnishing fuel to pipeline welder employees right now. Working 6/10's but paying 6/13's the man makes $4004.16/week plus $1170 for the rig plus $495 per diem = $5669.16/week. Do that for a year and you've made $294,796.32. We haven't taken into account the $16/hr fringes going into the welders pension and health insurance, in the example that totals out to almost $65,000 per year.
Keep in mind that if the guy has a tie in slot or a lowering in slot he'll have quite a few weeks with more hours than the example above is based on.

Math has never been my strong point but I don't think I made any major errors.

You really should take back that "you are a liar" comment.

Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 12-12-2007 01:23
15% on the first $37,178 of taxable income, +
22% on the next $37,179 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $37,178 and $74,357), +
26% on the next $46,530 of taxable income (on the portion of taxable income between $74,357 and $120,887), +
29% of taxable income over $120,887.

10% on ALL taxable income

Plus add in the GST tax, PST tax, fuel tax and the cost of your 'free' health care and there can't be much less.

If it weren't for the USA health system, you Canadian Socialists would be dropping from disease in droves.  I live in a border state
and all the medical parks are loaded with Canadians who can't get health care back home.  You are ungrateful parasites!
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-12-2007 02:27
We're talking about contractors, not employees. I have my own company to take care of the tax problem ding dong.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-12-2007 21:19 Edited 12-12-2007 21:36
p.s. we have no pst in alberta and we also charge gst on our invoices and pay the government gst, minus what we have in gst expenses for our business's, I have never gave up more than 10 % of what i have made in a year to federal tax through my accountant and buying things to make business expenses ( bought a new bumper tow trailer to stay in when im out of town instead of staying in hotels when on sub which  may or may not be used to go on holidays with to;)
Although your ramblings have nothing to do with welding which you seem to know very little about . People that go down to the states for operations have to pay for that from their own pocket which actually puts money in your health network why is that bad? How is that parasitic? Its people like you that try to look down on others like they are stupid but are constantly proven that they know nothing about what they are talking about. Personally i'd like to see more Americans welding up here, i have worked with pipefitters from Texas and found them to be great guys to work with ( i did a shutdown by Fox creek last summer at a gas plant where i met a couple guys that came up from texas to work very nice fella's) and with the onslaught of foreign workers being brought from China to work in the oilsands it would be nice to see it more of an american / canadian partnership with workers considering most oil companies are canadian/american joint ventures  and both of our pressure certifications are based on asme code. Isnt the point of this forum to share our info back and forth ? Yet you try to call me a liar from something you have never seen. You awspartb are the problem not the solution thanks for chiming in to show everybody how stupid you really are.
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-13-2007 01:02
hahaha. too true.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 12-13-2007 02:03
Better a Canadian socialist parasite then a back woods ignorant red neck like you, we've given a lot more to the good ole' USA then you have ever given us and one of these days we might wake up and start charging you guys what the oil is really worth not to mention all the other resources you take out of our country for next to nothing. Oh ya we most likely payed cash for that medical service as well so you should try and get your facts staight. "Caution be sure the brain is ingaged before putting mouth in gear." and those canadians that you guys we're shooting over in afganastan they must have been the ungrateful ones, next time out maybe we won't be in such a hurry to help you gaurd a pipeline, you ungrateful prick!
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 12-11-2007 03:28 Edited 12-11-2007 03:30
an average year for me is 170-180000 gross. i damn sure dont get 100 an hour. it wouldnt take much more to make 200,000 gross. awspartb, there may be a few in here that stretch the truth once in a while.....but calling one a liar is pretty low in here.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-11-2007 04:26
A word of caution for those of You who are working 3000+ hours a year: I did that for a bunch of years in a row and I ended up burnt out on My trade. I wasn't making the sort of money You guys are talking about, but I don't think that would have mattered. I ended up walking away from what was a pretty good job not caring if I ever held a real job again. I got on My sailboat and goofed off for a dozen years untill My health got the better of Me.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 12-11-2007 23:42
dave,,, its in our blood. its a way of life as a rigwelder... i  know nothing else.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-12-2007 03:43
Darren, Have You done (7) 3000+ hour years in a row yet? From what I hear there are some slack years weather You want them or not. Those lean times may help You want to stay at it when the times are good.
Parent - - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 12-13-2007 01:15
dave, i have hit it hard since 1990. i have several years that were 2500 to 3000 hours. now that i have a 2 year old daughter at home, i dont hit it that hard. this winter i start at 7am and quit at 5. spend every evening with the baby and AWS forum. i am working piece work( by the ft building fence). i still can make 600 per day.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-13-2007 05:05
Darin, That sounds like a pretty good deal to Me.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-11-2007 23:21
I could care less if he calls me a liar. Ask anyone of the guys from Alberta if im lieing and theyll say no. Average for a pressure welder by hand is between 40 and 50$ Rig rate starts at 75$ for intown work no pressure all the way up to 125$ in and around for remote northern work and not like ft mac. more like Ft. nelson B.C , Zama, rainbow . That i sh*t
you not. Ask any Alberta guy on here that pipelines or fabs pipe with a rig. If awspartb payed as much time learning a little instead pretending he knows more than he does maybe he would have some credibility like really we dont even have any mexicans in Alberta either. Shorthood Like you said alot depends on rate,how many hours you wanto to work, Up here alot of area isnt accessible in spring ,summer ,fall so in winter when its frozen it picks up 110%  .7 days a week, Work 12s  payed 14s . sub.etc  , Sometime even klik bonuses and inch bonuses. Companies have to take advantage of this seasonal window, If your there and your willing to work everyday while the work is there you can make a pile of$ My buddy made $49000 in one month in Rainbow lake tieing in leases. He has the invoices to prove it. Honestly there isnt even an arguement here awspartb is an idiot thats why he chimes in and looks stupid insulting people when he has no facts.
Parent - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-11-2007 23:27
Also you say nobody wants to do this work? All trade schools in alberta are booked months in advance with full intakes into the welder program
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-11-2007 23:31
I spoke to a couple of Canadian welding instructors at the Expo last month.

They told me the numbers in the oil sands for welders were $1,700 per day without a rig and $2,300 with a rig.

I bet you have to be pretty good walk the walk up there... But I don't doubt the numbers at all.
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-12-2007 02:24
I was in Zama 2 winters in a row and ended up in Ft. Mcmurray last winter...JescoPressure is not and awspartb should concentrate on his vegatables!lol:)
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-17-2007 00:48 Edited 12-17-2007 00:52
I've never been to canada and i dont hold a certification in nothing and i made 120,000 last year and i only worked 9 months cause i chose to all in the oil field working daylight to dark and sometimes up for 2 or 3 days without using any kind of drugs so yes it can be done if you have the drive and the know how so i agree with the rest of you and assfart needs to keep his pie hole shut til he's walked in our shoes. 2300 a day in the oil sands sounds good to me i'll go for 6 months and take the next 2 years off just jacking around who's with me lets go
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-17-2007 02:55
Shad, If you ever come up this way we gotta go out for a beer you seem like an interesting
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-17-2007 12:20
Your on brother. i'm just 1 of them nice guys  from texas and spek my mind no holds barred just say it. Personnaly i'd like him to work side by side with me to see if he can keep rod for rod all day long. as for goin out for A  beer i think thered be more than 1 involved and alot of story telling i'm more than sure we'd both have a large time
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 12-12-2007 03:51
I agree with you and thats because im young so overseas man needs a new job.
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 12-12-2007 04:01
Afgani man screwed up or couldnt do the job in the USA.
Parent - By XPERTFAB (**) Date 12-13-2007 05:41
My new business card will list my title no loger as Proprietor but now "Vegetable Picker".   wonder if this will entitle me to some free state benefits or something. 
Parent - - By ibyaed (*) Date 12-15-2007 04:00
I am a Mexican who works pretty hard every day of the year, should your comment offend me or how should I take it
by the way what do you think about the Immigration Reform??!!
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 12-15-2007 10:59
I'd like to request you go BACK HOME and work very hard on changing your corrupt narco-terrorist government so you can STAY HOME and work in MEXICO.  Immigration Reform is a huge wall to keep illegals OUT.  Thanks,
Parent - - By ibyaed (*) Date 12-16-2007 16:40
Im just as much of an American Citizen as you are, but the difference is that I know I come from an immigrant family, I am pretty sure that you are not Native American so your family must of immigrated on some banana boat from somewhere, even if it happened 200 years ago, it happened. So you are very close minded individual. As for illegals, I pretty much agree with you but I dont think a huge wall can keep them out, as for the government I think that terrorist is not a word to describe it, on the narco and corrupt part even if I go back to MEXICO I dont think that I can change that by myself. Unless you are NATIVE AMERICAN, you are a very ignorant immigrant.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 12-16-2007 16:49
In your previous post, you described yourself as a Mexican.  That's the problem!  People from your country are Mexicans first and Americans last.  The difference is how the LEGAL immigrants got here.  They came LEGALLY, not via an amnesty program.  Then they became AMERICANS first and Italians, Polish, Germans, Irish, Spainards etc second.  They also LEARNED THE LANGUAGE which is English.  They didn't demand that schools teach the above mentioned languages like your people are doing.  It's a different world and YES a wall would make a huge difference combined with going after the people who employ your countrymen.  OUT
Parent - By ibyaed (*) Date 12-16-2007 16:59
You think taking over Native American land is LEGAL, I dont, but Im glad you take the time to reply and give me your opinion on how you think you know every MEXICAN out there, you dont know every MEXICAN or CANADIAN out there, how can you be so stereotypical just because of a few bad experiences every now and then. Most ILLEGALS are helped to cross the border by your people, for 5000 dollars a head, the same border patrolmen will let them by they dont need to jump no huge wall to get across, they get across through the checkpoints just like everybody else who is LEGAL. So this money invested in this GREAT WALL wont work. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. 
Parent - By louieRD (**) Date 12-16-2007 21:36 Edited 12-16-2007 21:44
Since you asked, I think mexicans are mexicans and Americans are Americans . theres legal and illegal ,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was founded on these laws.
Parent - By MBlaha (***) Date 12-19-2007 15:16
It will only happen if you let it. Stand up for your rights, and teach the strong new backs like our mentors did for us. 8 hours of quality work for 8 hours of quality pay.
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-08-2007 05:31
do you guys really shut your trucks off?
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-08-2007 06:29
if they are running that fast and do shut trucks off they're prolly buyin a new starter everyweek if it were me the truck would run all day
Parent - By doombak (*) Date 12-08-2007 17:30
my truck and welder ran for my three months in indian cabins -60 on average if it does freeze its veeeeeeeeeeeeeery hard to get it going again
Parent - - By doombak (*) Date 12-08-2007 17:27
in harsh tempuratures like that you dont turn nothin off
Parent - - By JescoPressure (**) Date 12-08-2007 22:58
If my truck wasnt running while i was mainlining it must be broke . Any spread i know would skid your ass for shutting your truck off while beadin on 3" or 4" you aint saving $ cuz if you aint gone in less than 5 mins you wouldnt be a bead hand for very long. Not that im a bead hand but im a good hotpass or can lead some cappers buffin for all of them and getting the pig catchers on the way by buts thats what i see
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-09-2007 00:45
sometimes I tell my helper to leave the door open cause it's too slow to open and close it.
Parent - - By doombak (*) Date 12-09-2007 03:00
my uncle (not me yet) would pull up to a weld and literally 60 seconds later be gone on 3" onion skin
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-09-2007 04:00
thats not fast thats flat hauling ass wow a minute maybe 1 day i'll get the hang of it hopefully
Parent - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-09-2007 09:58
hey Shad, sounds like you got the drive man, hang in and you'll get er. have a good one.
Parent - - By downhandonly (***) Date 12-09-2007 10:11
I wish you coulda seen Barry Lowe bead man, It'd blow your mind. I remember one day in the winter a few years ago out by Irma (it was a blizzard) the spread asked him if he could weld in the conditions. he said lets try it. it was hilarious. hehehehehe there was Barry, Clayton Whiting(hot passing) and me (the only capper)trying to keep up to the two fastest guys I had ever worked with. they toasted me big time. but later on Barry started hot passing and Clayton started capping and they caught me up and we lived happily ever after. the end.
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 12-15-2007 10:08
Dam I'm just in aww. It's crazy what you guys can make I work as a pipe welder tiging stainless pipe allday and man I am really thinking of leaving my job to maybe someday get into rig welding. It's dipressing hearing about the amount of hours you all work and the hours I work in a week and don't even come close to what you all make. Makes me think I need to leave my job there totally screwing me LOL

Parent - - By mody454 (**) Date 12-15-2007 16:31
sometimes there is a catch  you have a steady job with steady income you get paid every week or every other week your expenses are gas getting to and from work  i think i really dont know your situation  but some of these guys have to go 30 days some have to buy all there consumables some are contracting have to be insured  sometimes have to go stretches with no work   but dont get me wrong there are some guys out there making a killing  and there are some that are killing them selves
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