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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / WPS Software (Again)
- - By spiedan (*) Date 12-12-2007 16:39
Our company is cleaning up our intranet and we (QC Dept.) have been informed that the in-house WPS program we have used for years will no longer be available to us.  We need to find a software vendor who can supply us with a good product we can use from now on.  I know this topic has been discussed in a number of previous threads, but I thought I'd run 'er through again to see if anyone has recently come across a really good program.   

Parent - By rickc (**) Date 12-12-2007 17:03
Is there a good one? I've tried a few and was disappointed with the errors they generated in terms of code compliance. I don't remember the names of the applications I tried but, I recognize some of the templates from our sub-contractor's ...the error's too.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 12-12-2007 18:55
Maybe I am just old school, but these auto programs are habitually wrong and erronous. The people writing these should have the capability to do so without a program.

My opinion for what it's worth,
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 12-12-2007 19:36
Never found one yet thats better, cheaper, faster, easier, than a little code knowledge and an Excel template.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 12-12-2007 23:56
There really aren't any software vendors that you can be sure of being around "from now on". If you need a system that helps you fill them out to assure compliance with an applicable code, the cost is high. C-Spec, Computer Engineering, TWI all have very good programs.

If you have looked at the previous messages discussions about this topic then you know what I have. One advantage to a system on a desktop database is that it always able to be modified as needed. Excel spreadsheets and word documents work fine, they just dont give you a searchable system easily. 

I have made a few changes to the one on my website at but if you don't have MS Access the demo will not function.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 12-13-2007 15:49
imo the format is not important. it is the knowledge and ability of the person making the WPS. i made my own with excel. no need for a fancy program
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / WPS Software (Again)

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