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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Ready Welder Giveaway
- - By jp2welder (**) Date 12-18-2007 12:21
Ready Welder has done some re-work to their forum. All of the old user IDs were deleted, all of the old posts were deleted.

In an effort to get the forum up and running again, the administrator is giving away a free Ready Welder to anyone with 5 or more posts attributed to their profile. Not a bad deal, because we all know here that 5 posts can happen quickly!

Go here:

Mention in your posts that you heard about it from me (jp2welder) ... and I'd appreciate it!

I'm promoting this because the administrator said he'd have to have a few entries before he could justify giving one away, so he's waiting for more people to sign up.

Who would not like a free MIG welder?
Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-18-2007 17:41
i went i tried and the site is still messed up or its jus mu junky computer sorry i tried
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 12-18-2007 20:22
The way i read it you are entered to win one of three welders if you have over 5 posts, not that they are giving a welder away to everyone with 5 posts!
Parent - By jp2welder (**) Date 12-18-2007 23:13
Yes, that is correct!

It would be a little expensive to give away a welder for everyone with 5 posts.

Sorry for the confusion in my original post.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Ready Welder Giveaway

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