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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI Seminar- Syracuse, NY
- - By arrowside (**) Date 12-19-2007 21:47
Hello all,

          I took the CWI seminar last week in Syracuse with Ed Bohnart as the instructor. I would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank Ed. He is a fantastic instructor who is very clear, genuine, and goes out of his way to share his extremely broad knowledge with his students. Thanks a million Ed.

     P.S.-  Anyone who has an opportunity to take a cl*** with Ed should do whatever it takes to get there. He's really that good.
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 12-19-2007 21:48
its working ross
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 12-19-2007 21:55
LOL, hogan. I have shortened the naughty word database so class won't become cl*** anymore.

Parent - By mountainman (***) Date 12-19-2007 21:58
that's classic, (get it) hee hee.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 12-19-2007 21:58
Great to hear.  I know AWS has outstanding seminar instructors and have heard nothing but good things about Ed.
I wish I had held off and taken the seminar you did.  Hope you did well.
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 12-19-2007 23:28
Another good instructor is Scott Helzer. I don't know if any of you have had him, but he is very good. I don't know if this is true, but someone told me that there is a way of looking up through AWS a instructors name and it will give you his/her pass and fail rate of people that have taken their seminar. Has any one heard of that?

Parent - - By mountainman (***) Date 12-19-2007 23:46
Ron Theiss is one of my heroes.
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 12-20-2007 03:37
All of the crew a WTTI in Allentown PA!
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 12-20-2007 01:38
I'd be interested in any information or link you may have on this subject.  I know several others who would be interested as well. 
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 12-20-2007 16:04
Lynn Sturgill is also a great instructor. He was very thourough. It seems that awspartb has mellowed a bit.  Thank goodness.  Can anyone recommend Codewest for the API tests?  I guess I am about to shell out 2K for seminar by them.
Parent - - By graveyhog (*) Date 12-20-2007 18:00
What do you mean that Part B has mellowed a bit.Can you ellbrate in more detail in what migth be different now than from past months.Going to take test next year and was just curious of the changes if any.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 12-20-2007 18:33
Graveyhog, well in the hiring welders thread in the off topic bar his words were a bit more harsh.  I hope no offense was taken and it is good to see the good words about others being shared.  I tend to read more than I post but I agree that the bad mouthing need to ease up.  It is the holidays after all.  Merry Christmas to all and keep riding Ryder!!!!
Parent - - By graveyhog (*) Date 12-21-2007 15:06
Sorry,but I was not talking about the thread.I was asking about part B of the AWS EXAM. Was he talking about the exam in particular as if he has taken it in Syracuse,NY and he has seen a different outline structure of the exam from the past or we talking about something total different.Sorry if I'am confusing this with another topic.I'am taking the eaxm at the first of the year and was curious of any changes.Please share any new information.I need to pass to get some more money out of the boss!
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 12-21-2007 16:08
Oh no. Sorry for the misunderstanding.  No, I bet Part B of the exam hasnt changed much at all. I was applauding awspartb (his handle).
Parent - By graveyhog (*) Date 12-21-2007 18:39
Ok that 's all I was curious about.Thank you
Parent - By soilschick (*) Date 12-25-2007 17:14
I have to agree that Scott Helzer is an excellent instructor.  I flew to Dallas from Chicago to attend his seminar at the end of Nov.  I finally passed on my third time, I am sad to say it took that long.  Part B of the exam always killed me.  Definitely study, read and reread all the materials, do each practice question and you have a shot of passing.  This exam is one of the hardest I have ever taken.  Good luck!  I do not know about looking up the pass/fail rate of an instructor.  
Parent - - By woodsaw Date 12-20-2007 04:25
I also attended the CWI seminar in Syracuse.  I agree, Ed is an excellent instructor.  
Parent - - By ason1965 (*) Date 12-22-2007 15:03
Hello all, new here and soon to be retired USAF pilot who is hooked on welding and welding inspection. I have studying the AWS CWI books; inspection technology books etc. and plan on taking the seminar/test sometime next summer. I have been welding for a couple of years and concentrating on the TIG/SMAW processes since I want to get into pipe welding (SS, Chrome, etc) as well. Any particular CWI seminar instructor you guys recommend/don't recommend for the Texas area? Right now I am in the Killeen area working as a liaison/TACP with the Army but am still Air Force blue for awhile. Any words of wisdom would mucho appreciated.

Thanks, Dean
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 12-22-2007 21:55
not to shoot down your plans, but if i remember right you need 5 years exp. in the welding fields to become a CWI!

OH, and welcome to the forum, you will find its a great place to learn and shoot the fecal about welding!
Parent - - By ason1965 (*) Date 12-23-2007 06:25
Yes, I have found that out to. I quess I have to play apprentice for awhile then until I get the practical time in the field. I hope to weld in that time period also.

Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 12-25-2007 23:32
Yep, takes 5 years and from some of the questions asked in my particular seminar last week in Houston, AWS may want to consider raising the bar a bit. Some of the applicants didn't seem to have the experience necessary to make use of the information provided. I don't think it really disturbed the qualified students all that much, but it sure looked like some of the less prepared guys were wasting their money.
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 12-26-2007 19:32
where do i go to find test results if someone passed cwi test
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CWI Seminar- Syracuse, NY

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