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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pride in work?
- - By Mat (***) Date 12-19-2007 14:07
So, do you take pride in your work?  One thing I don't get is how some people don't care...
Parent - - By David Lee (*) Date 12-19-2007 17:54
You said a mouth full there, I dont see the quality in work from others as it was when I first started out in the 80's.
I started out as a welder and I always looked over my work before an inspector seen it.
Nowaday's it seem's alot of or most people choose to let the inspector find what he can, and deal with it at that time.
I see things everday during inspections that I know that the person ( s ) who produced the work without a doubt seen what I see.
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 12-19-2007 20:06
I like to look over my work to before I take it QC,but if I have over looked something I want them to catch what I have missed before it is sent to the customer. I have welded for a long time and to this day I always try to make the next weld look better and it don't matter what welding process I'm using.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-20-2007 06:07
While I have stated before that I am not a great welder, when I weld something it is supposed to be right. I work for Myself and for a friend building/reparing things for people I know and will see many times in the future. I don't feel bad about charging what it is worth, but if that part/repair fails due to poor workmanship on My part I can't charge to fix it. I do things as best I can with the intent that I do them once.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 12-23-2007 23:01
if you cant do it right it aint worth doin is the way i work i check and double check everything i do although my work is garunteeed why have to go fix sumthing when it should be done right the first time pride? hell yes i take pride in my work. i work on everything as if it were my own drives my customers nuts cause it takes so long but it's done and done right and never seen again
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 12-23-2007 23:44
One thing I think the newer generations aren't being taught is welding is an art, and true artists always strive to make their next work better than the last.
Parent - - By rig welder6 (**) Date 12-24-2007 00:23
I have always done work for my customers the way i would want it done for me.
Parent - - By strat (**) Date 12-24-2007 02:48
well said jon "welding is an art" I could not agree more.
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 12-24-2007 02:52
Welding is like a fingerprint I think. When some one can tell who welded it by looking.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 12-24-2007 05:19
Your fairly close to the mark there milton.
Parent - By makeithot (***) Date 12-26-2007 04:08
Milton, thats it in a nut shell. Finger print or signature it is the same when you walk away everyone looks to see how well you write.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pride in work?

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