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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / nuke
- - By er3welding (*) Date 01-09-2008 00:38
has anybody heard of a nuke project around victoria texas.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-09-2008 01:22
Haven't heard that one, I have heard that south texas project will be adding two units.
Parent - - By er3welding (*) Date 01-09-2008 01:38
do u no when
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 01-09-2008 14:28
Yeah, it's big news around here.  Lots of people don't want it.

As for work, I have no clue.  I wouldn't mind myself getting my foot in the door, I just have no clue how, yet.  I Don't even know when the project is starting.
Parent - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 01-09-2008 16:35 Edited 01-09-2008 16:37
Check out these websites they should give some info. Bechtel is starting a 4-6 year Nuke project in Spring City Tn. Watts bar 2. Should be a nice long term big money job.
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 01-09-2008 16:36
From what I have been reading in the local newspaper the NRC will be taking reactor aplliications until 2009 so I wouldnt think construction would start for some time now(2010).  Once it gets going it should last quite awhile.
Parent - By new tito (***) Date 01-09-2008 17:36
here ya go*&preview_template=%2F237%2Findex.html&preview=0&results_per_page=25&aggregate_key=meta_rollup&sort=pubsys_story_print_publish_dt+desc&target=victoriaadvocate&sf_pubsys_story=nuclear

from our local paper.  Search through the articles to find out more.  All I know as of right now is that the company (Exelon) just very recently picked Victoria for the site of the new plant.  As posted above, it still seems to be a while before construction begins. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / nuke

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