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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Where to use the AWS CWI Stamp?
- - By commonarc (**) Date 10-06-2007 01:08
Where and when should a new CWI use the AWS provided stamp?  This was never mentioned during the CWI seminar.  Welding test result documents are an obvious place as I've seen them used that way myself.  Any other occasions where the stamp should be used?  As a new CWI, I'm more concerned where it should NOT be used.  Thanks.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-06-2007 19:01
There are a lot of places for it, but I usually try to avoid using mine if at all possible.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 10-06-2007 20:31
i agree with cwi555, & there is no requirement (other than a few juristictional) for using the stamp.
Parent - - By sdcwi (*) Date 10-08-2007 02:25
I only use mine on jobs where an AWS CWI is required for the inspection.  Here in California, that usually means schools, hospitals, and other public works jobs.  If the specs don't ask for it; don't offer it.  It usually means the job isn't paying a premium rate; why give 'em more than they are paying for?
Parent - - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 10-20-2007 21:38
I'm a little confused, does the CWI stamp bring better pay?

Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 10-20-2007 22:16
Jim and everyone else

Frank DeLaurier, the previous AWS Executive Director was confronted by the Certification Committee and the Qualification Committee in a joint meeting in 1999, in Kenner Louisana.  WE were all complaining about the cost of renewal and recertification.  It was pointed out that many of the members of these two committees were P. E.s.  None of the P. E. licenses cost as much as the CWI Certification.

Frank said he would not reduce the cost of the CWI renewall and recertification.  "You can make more money with that CWI stamp than you can with your P. E. Seal."

So, there you have it from the AWS Executive Director (Ex). 

Does anyone want to buy this bridge I have in Brooklyn NY?  For Sale Cheap!  You can put a toll on it and make a lot more money!

Joe Kane
Parent - By cwi02 Date 12-16-2007 19:56
I use mine when Im updating welders log books.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-17-2008 22:52

I doubt the cwi stamp by itself will bring much more money currently. However; taking a page from the way things are going in Europe, and looking ahead to where they are going here, I'd say any central cert stamp will eventually be worth more money, even if you don't actually ink it. API is certianly headed the central cert way, it won't be long before you can't even fart in a refinery, tank yard, or pipeline without it.
Parent - - By weld7320 (*) Date 01-06-2008 22:41
I use mine on PQR's and on third party inspection reports. Also on DOT inspection reports.
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 01-08-2008 18:08
I use mine as a paperweight.
Parent - - By Noel Tan (**) Date 01-10-2008 09:17
I only used it to stamp on the newly bought reference books

T Noel
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 01-17-2008 15:17
Use it when your counterpart is under estimating you.

Stamp it on his face....hehehe Joke Only
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-18-2008 13:10 Edited 01-18-2008 15:00
As a new CWI you will have the urge to use it on everything. So go ahead, knock yourself out. You earned it, so use it with gusto. It will soon pass.

It's like a new wife that you want to show off to everyone, but even that passes and you find yourself say, "Oh yea, she's with me!"

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Where to use the AWS CWI Stamp?

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