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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / UFO's in Texas?
- - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-21-2008 18:40
Ok, I'm probably going to get burned by starting this topic.... but I'm curious to see what all you forum members think.
I've been seeing a bunch of reports on about UFOs being spotted in Texas and I'm going on the thought that a lot of welders (especially pipeliners) work outside in relatively remote areas... so what's going on out there???
Anyone ever see something weird when you pick up your hood and look around or is everyone too busy welding to pay attention to what's going on above our heads?(if thats the case, Good Job keep it up! :) )

And because I know it's going to be asked, I do believe that there is life somewhere else in the universe if for no other reason that there is just too much that we don't know about the universe to be able to say there is no other intelligent life out there...
As for UFO's, I've never seen one myself but I keep an open mind and an open eye on the sky...

This topic is only a mild curiosity of mine and I'm not trying to tick anyone off... so if somehow I offend anyone... don't take it seriously.

Personally... if I was an alien scouting earth out, id sit back and laugh at us silly homo sapiens running around trying to blow each other up for numbers on a screen or dead dinosaurs or shiny rocks or "because so and so said so", and wouldn't go anywhere near the surface... except maybe to freak people out :)

A Sci-Fi fan with an open mind and a keyboard,
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-22-2008 00:29
I don't know one way or the other cliff. I do keep an open mind, or at least try to. To this day no one has a bullet proof explaination for what electricity and gravity are, or for that matter light. Therefore, I don't think there is any science currently known that could 100 percent debunk the idea of "ufo's". Realtivity says that if your moving through space at 1 mile under the speed of light, that light/time and everything else will behave the same relative to that person, but time would be slower for someone standing on planet watching the flash go by even if they could see it. Nuclear clocks have recorded a slight difference in time on the earth from what their counterparts recorded moving at 25k and hour in orbit relative. So did the nuclear decay slow down, or did time? I still can find no explaination for what happens to a beam of light that exits the forward motion side of a craft moving at 9/10th C. a bullet exiting the muzzle of a ww2 aircraft will have the interial energy given it by the air speed of the plane, plus that of the powder. If this is the case, does this light beam exiting a craft at 9/10 C have the combined velocity of 9/10th C + C ?

What of E=Mc2? energy = mass x velocity of light in a vacuum squared. One of the theories out there says mass increases as you near the speed of light up to C, but if light is made of photons as plank theorizes, then why doesn't one photon fill up the void of space? and how can a constant light be constant when a beam exiting the sun arrives at the same time lateral to mecury as the one that gets bent around mercury's magnetic field?

Point being, no one knows, and modern science is a long way from figuring it out, therefore the best mind is an open one. If everyone had a closed mind we'd still be shuffling around on the ground dragging our nuckles.

Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 01-22-2008 01:57
I grew up there. I believe they are spending to much time at The old Dodge house. It used to be a bar you thought you saw things when you staggered out of that place!
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 01-22-2008 04:31
Do your own research Earthlings. Selling off collection of used "medical probes" lubricant optional, call for price list.....867-5309 ask for Jenny.   
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 01-22-2008 04:57
I don't know about Texas, but it was the view of a Pensylvania game warden that if there were UFOs close to Earth a hunter would have shot one down by now. From a technical point of view, it is really hard to prove that something DOES NOT exist, so I am keeping an open mind too.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-22-2008 06:40
that reminds me of a story I read in a PA news paper where the cow got shot that had florescent orange "COW" painted on it.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-22-2008 09:15 Edited 01-22-2008 10:05
Gerald..LOL!  I have been using the nuke clock experiment to promote relativity for many years....however it does not really prove anything except a difference between the clocks just as you stated.  I ask a lot of those same questions...

Aliens?   Minds are like parachutes ...they only work if they are open.   I look at it like this..No where to my knowledge in the Bible did God say we are the only ones.  Just simple mathematics state that the universe should be literally teeming with life, be it far flung by our standards of measurement.  Our ability to look for it is pretty limited...we just learned how to find planets around other stars recently.  UFO's?  Anyone who has mastered the physics of interstellar travel...surely would have the ability to only be seen if they wanted to be seen.  So for me that begs the question...why let yourself be seen without making contact...or do you simply not care...or have they made contact with world government(s) and there is a big conspiracy?   Well .....who knows.  BUT if they are hanging about I doubt they are hostile...because they would have the technological ability to kick our butts without too much fuss....I have a hard time seeing any race that can achieve that kind of evolution in know how as being hostile anyway (they would have killed themselves already).    We have been broadcasting our presence in the form of radio waves but for a brief microsecond in the scale of time but if anyone is close by they know we are here. 

Sorry no UFO stories here.

BTW Clif I have your signature made into a sticker on my toolbox

my $.02
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 01-22-2008 13:40
To be fair to the hunter, that was the season after the deer had started painting "COW" on themselves.

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-22-2008 15:08
Does UFO = Aliens?
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-22-2008 16:26
Ok, these are some fun replies... and if I had more time to respond id get into some of them but that will have to wait for the moment.

Gerald, ill get back to you on some of what you posted when i have more time to think it through...

Tommy, good points.. again, ill add more later, too early to be thinking about phsyics and what not....
also, where did you find that sticker?? id love to put it on my helment

js55, id say that UFO's = Aliens, because even if the "UFO" is a unmaned or even automated scout , then I think it would be a fair assumption that theres an intellegence beyond our own behind its creation.

ok, thats all i got for now, gotta go shower and get ready for school.
- Clif
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 01-22-2008 17:08
plasma brain,
Acutally what I meant was: how bout the alternatives of top secret research craft (a very likely, though not as sexy, alternative), and/or more exotic, people from our own future (not alien, not little green men-though certainly as exotic and sexy an alternative).
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-23-2008 01:46
dunno, I learned long ago not to eliminate any given explanation via preconceptions. I can't say one way or the other without physical proof. I won't eliminate the possibility unilaterally for sake of the easy explanation. 500 years ago everyone was convinced the world was flat, people were persecuted for heresy for the mere mention of the idea.
The wright brothers were ridiculed for their plans, Einstein was considered a second rate student in school, the folks over at scaled composites were told they didn't stand a chance, in short, there is a history of dreamers and out of the box thinkers, who turn the world on it's ear from time to time because they thought something that common convention of the time said was BS and impossible/inaccurate.
What do you think the people of the 1908 era would think about this forum and the Internet or for that matter to instantly communicate around the world, and watch something blow up live from 6000 miles away?

No I think it's a bad idea to dismiss something simply for the easy explanation. Until such time as irrefutable proof is presented to the world, they will remain just that. An unidentified flying object.

Three key quotes from one of the better writers of our time, Mr. Author C. Clarke:

1. When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
2. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
3. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Parent - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-23-2008 15:51
Ah ok, I see where you're going, and I think Gerald explained my position better than I could have my self...
I dunno, advanced research craft and time travel are equally as "sexy" in terms of alternatives to me... just because they would be pushing the bounds of the "known" if they were to exist.
If they are advanced research ships that are cool, I just wish they would tell us as a whole "yes! We can make a flying saucer than can make a 90 degree turn at 800 MPH" instead of saying that nothing like that exists...
Only problem I have with the top secrete research approach is who the heck is paying for it??? None of our current high tech stuff is cheap... so I can only imagine how much it would cost for something that's a generation or 2 ahead of what is currently out there.

Time travel is an interesting option, and one that would make me a little happier inside. The reason being that if there are people in the future who have learned how to time travel, then that would mean that we kept from blowing up the planet at least long enough to figure out how to warp time and space.... which would imply that the future humans at least figured out some of the problems we have now (war, poverty, energy ect ect...)

I'd be willing to bet at least 10$ that what we call UFO's is in reality a blend of all the options discussed here... time travelers, Top secrete planes and little green men from beyond...
threes enough variety in UFO/ alien sightings that I could believe threes a mix of something going on up in the skies... and from the little experience that my 23 years of existence has provided, there is usually never just One answer when you start poking at questions like these.

Ok, that's all I got for now, I need to shower and eat something....
- Clif
(PS, RafterG, I try and think outside the box, but it's hard when they won't let you outside of it ;) )
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-23-2008 08:49
I made the sticker at work actually....PM me a mailing address and I will will mail you a couple....just tell me what color background and what color letters and how big you want will be like a vinyl bumper sticker.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-23-2008 01:29
Then again, maybe it was all an alien plot to save the deer.
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-23-2008 13:10
i always think outside of the box but wow although this is very intresting reading you guys are way to smart for me to even attempt to reply to any of these wow i should of went to college physics, theories it,s all french to me  hey tommy how much for some of them decals say 6 of them 2''x3'' you pick the color i really dont care jus hood stickers anyway
Parent - - By jarsanb (***) Date 01-23-2008 16:56
Now this is a fun topic. I actually think like js55 on this issue. I have a hard time believing other life forms are traveling 6 light-years to steal a cow and then go home. I agree that a more practical (and entertaining) idea is of our own time travel or maybe even that we cracked the parallel universe theory of quantum mechanics. But I don't buy into that another life form is alive TODAY, at the exact time we are. Now there may have been a civilization equal to or far superior than ours 100 trillion years ago or whenever, but to exist at the same time we do, looking at time as related to the universe, eh, you'll never know. Even if you're of strong faith this is a pretty amusing topic.
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-24-2008 03:24
Well,I just got home and fired up the computer, and lo and behold on CNN theres an article about the UFOs in Texas that got this whole thread started...

Turns out that it wasnt even an experimental aircraft.... just a bunch of F-16's on night training. :(

Theres always a mundane expination right in time to kill all the fun :( :( :(

F-16's or not... I still think somethings out there, even if its just our government hiding the fun stuff from us, or us from the future poping back to see what the "good old days" were like for history class.

Oh well, one of these days well make it off this rock and spread out into the big empty universe, and then well find out if its empty or not.
Until then, we have to work on not blowing up our planet or killing each other off...

Still watching the skies
Parent - - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-24-2008 16:04
I saw on the news last night where the robtic planet climber saw a man well a formation of a man sitting on the rocks on mars did you see that story looked like a man to me just sitting there with 1 arm propped on his leg
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 01-24-2008 16:11
That was me.

Parent - By raftergwelding (*****) Date 01-24-2008 16:17
roflmao  what do the women look like up hell i might join ya lol
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-24-2008 16:12
I seen that one. Looks cool, but I think it's just trick of light and geometry.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-24-2008 21:46
Looked at that link Lawerence, it seems the Air Force personnel have switched up their story from, no fighters, to commercial aircraft, to fighter training. Interesting.
Story 1 doesn't make it die, nor does 2 and 3. That has a familiar ring to other similar reports, just waiting on them to call it a weather balloon to make the story complete.
It could well be some experimental craft, or ET looking for a Donut, but whatever it is, the air force in changing their story 3 times have created another case for the conspiracy theorist. Whatever it is they are covering up, you would think after over half a century of similar stories, they'd have a proceduralized standard answer.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-24-2008 22:17
I lived for several years on a desert military strike fighter base.  And have been near Edwards, From Tonapah to Trona and out in the desert more times than I can count since the 1960s.

I've never see 10 Fighters or Attack aircraft scrambled to a single location.....  Not even for an airshow.

In that article the Air Force admits to Ten F16's at that single location and time....

Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 01-24-2008 23:06
Lawrence , has the mother ship landed ? keep me posted incase i take a nap and sleep thru it . not much happening here , but always good to see you on the forum . good luck . willie
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-25-2008 00:00
Not even Aliens (and I'm pretty skeptical about em) can snach me out of the hand of the Lord.

So a nap is as good a place as any when your time comes eh?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-25-2008 10:08 Edited 01-25-2008 10:10
Hi Lar :)

Go Giants!!! I say bet both on New England and New York... It's a win - win in my book that is - unless the UFO's turn out to be extraterrestrials, and end up "borrowing" some of the Patriots players like they did with the Packers because, that is the only way I know how the Giants will win - besides Tom Brady's "walking" cast not helping him recover from whatever really ails him :) :) :)
Best bet is to play the odds

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-25-2008 12:31

My wife says that the Pat's are big fat cheaters and it would be unwise for anybody to root for them.

Your Giants put it to the Packers...   Being in Wisconsin this has some effect on me... However it is limited, since the Packers put the knife in the heart of my beloved 49ers any number of times back in the good ol Steve Young days.

The real good news is that in a mere matter of weeks.. Pitchers and Catchers will be out in the Desert tossing orbs and dodging UFO's eh?
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 01-25-2008 14:33 Edited 01-25-2008 14:38
I've been a Packer fan since 1966.  I was concerned that they might be too confident going into the game.  It was almost like they expected to win, but somebody forgot to tell the Giants that they were supposed to lose.  The Giants had been smokin' everybody on their last 10 or so road games, and they rolled into Green Bay and simply outplayed the Packers.  In o.t., Brett turned into his old self and promptly threw an interception that was the beginning of the end.  Actually, the game should have never made it to o.t.  I'm pulling for Eli and the Giants to go all the way.  It would ease the pain of the loss knowing the Packers were defeated by the eventual Super Bowl champs.  I'm also hoping that Brett returns for another year.  Go Giants!!    
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-25-2008 17:14
Its funny how quick this thread went from aliens to possible conspiracy theories to sports with a hint of aliens over night :)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-26-2008 04:14
well, those same craft were witnessed over Mexico city today by the dozens. I guess the U.S. air force is performing Maneuvers over Mexican airspace now.
Imagine that.
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-26-2008 14:47
Gerald, know any way for me to translate that page?? about all I know in spanish is "el queso del muerte" ( I know I spelled it wrong I olny know how to say it...) and needeless to say that isnt much help.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-26-2008 15:11
Did you mean "The Cheese of the Dead???" that's how I translated "El queso del muerte." "You got some splainin to do!" LOL!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 01-26-2008 16:28
"The cheese of death" is what I know it as... but I dont know spanish :)
A buddy of mine named a kitten Queso and somehow it evolved into "El queso del muerte", probibly because it was a rather spastic little cat that would get wound up and start attacking everything in sight... funny as all heck to watch :) :) :)

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-26-2008 17:02
Report presence of bright objects in the sky DF 

Minutes after the 10:00 hours this Friday, at the junction of Churubusco and University Avenues, something at the top caught the attention of passers by

12:10 A series of objects, bright, unidentified, caused surprise among pedestrians in the delegation Benito Juarez, where the sighting occurred.

Minutes after the 10:00 hours this Friday, at the junction of Churubusco and University avenues, some people turned to the sky to try to decipher what his eyes saw: bright areas and floating suspended in the sky.
Several dozen objects were appearing in the sky, but so far known what they were

The Ministry of Public Security said the DF ignore such sighting or have information regarding the objects observed in the colonies of Atoyac Valley and Santa Cruz, and even in Coyoacán

Rough translation
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-26-2008 17:05
suggest loading the google tool bar on your web browser, it comes with a translator for spanish. It's not always accurate, but saves a lot of looking up.

Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 02-11-2008 16:39
Type in UFO's on wikipedia.'s pretty impressive. :)
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 02-11-2008 19:15
I just got the newsfeed today about the news reporter in TX who lost her job over this issue.  She refused to back off and kept pushing the Air force and other people for information.  The newspaper fired her for it.
Parent - - By Plasma-Brain (**) Date 02-11-2008 20:09
Now thats the kind of report that makes me wonder about it all more.
Guess somethings going on if people are getting fired for asking questions...
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 02-13-2008 04:36
Everyone has a recording device of some kind anymore. Reports of strange stuff has dropped off the chart. Makes one wonder about history...
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / UFO's in Texas?

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