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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Upcoming CWI seminar in Pheonix AZ
- - By vagabond (***) Date 01-23-2008 17:45
It looks as though Mr. Ed Bohnart will be the instructor on this seminar.  I was just wondering if anyone has any comments about him as an instructor??  If they are negative please PM me.  I'm getting somewhat nervous about it,  judging from all the posts I've read the only instructors people have had problem(s) with teach on the east coast.  Just curious. . . .any feedback would be greatly appreciated guys. 
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-23-2008 17:49
"...judging from all the posts I've read the only instructors people have had problem(s) with teach on the east coast."-Quote

I can only remember one instructor in all of my time participating on this forum who had bad reviews, and it has been rumored that he has recently resigned.
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 01-23-2008 23:09
You are correct Mr. Wright and I apologize for any remark I made that may have been misleading.  I too have only seen "bad press" on this forum about one instructor in particular.  I should have worded my earlier post differently.  
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-24-2008 12:31
vagabond no problem,.... seriously, I didn't mean for my words to come across as too defensive...LOL. It's just that I have never heard a bad word about anyone in my several years as a certified welding inspector, other than that one instructor who has stirred up some bad feelings in the past.

AWS really does have some very good people in place, and I think they do an awesome job instructing these CWI seminars. There is a lot of ground to cover in that week of instruction, and I feel these guys do a great job covering all of that. What impresses me is when you hear about how they spend the extra time after class making sure you grasp the concepts and if you have any doubts they don't want you leave until you completely understand it. When an instructor goes to those lengths you can't help but give him/her a great report at the end of the week. Maybe folks don't brag on their instructors enough on this forum, and so in a breif search...the complaints seem to out weight the good reports.

I really feel for those folks who took the seminar and drew that one guy and they came away with the feeling of being ripped off. I took the seminar under that guy and I know exactly what they are speaking of. In No way shape or form did he ever spend any extra time helping folks who may have been struggling in that class that I took with him. I did manage to pass the first time through somehow. I tell ya, when you come away from 6 hours of testing, you really don't have a good feeling about how well you may or may not have simply have to wait (sweat) it out and look for the mail to bring your good or bad news in a few weeks....LOL
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-23-2008 17:53
A quick search of the forum by his name netted this.....;hl=Ed%20Bohnart%20#pid69861
Parent - By Bill M (***) Date 01-23-2008 18:48
We had him here in our Milwaukee shop.  I wasn't here then, but everyone else had very good things to say about him.
Parent - By webbcity (***) Date 01-23-2008 19:20
vagabond , Ed is wounderful instructor and person with many years of experience , it is always a pleasure when he comes to alaska and brings all the latest information . you will do ok . keep us posted on how you do . good luck . willie
Parent - By fabman Date 01-23-2008 20:28
I just finished a course with him and he was a good instructor that covered the subject.  He seemed to have a lot of experiance
Parent - - By MBlaha (***) Date 01-24-2008 12:35
I had Ed for an insturctor at 2 seminars. He is a very effective instructor. He knows how long to let a discussion go on, but then knows how to bring everyone back to the topic at hand. Nothing but praise for his style and help.

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 01-24-2008 13:01
I mentioned this in another thread but will repeat because its worth repeating.

I took a seminar just last summer with Ed Bohnart. Not only did he keep the entire group engaged and on track. At the short breaks he did not leave the classroom, but stayed and talked shop. 

Also he never left at the end of a teaching day until each and every student was satisfied with his answers to the questions they had.  This means he stayed late after the "study halls" that generally ran a few hours after the regularly scheduled class times.

Ed's "sea stories" were always a real life case study that merited discussion because of its relevance with the topic being presented.

Teachers taking his seminars should also try to absorb Ed's style and dedication as a model for teaching and presentation..... I know I sure picked up alot along these lines as an unexpected bonus.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 01-24-2008 14:59
As a matter of fact...the thread that I found from my brief search was your thread about Ed ;-)
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 01-24-2008 20:51
You will learn very much Daniel son from Ed Bohnart I promise.  He's internationally renown and a past president of the AWS.  He is also our international welding expert on Team U.S.A. for the International World Skills Competition.  I too had the privilege of having him for an instructor for my CWI.  I've known Ed for a long time and I was very impressed with his range of knowledge.  All I could think of after the seminar is "man I have a lot to learn". ;-)  He goes above and beyond to help make sure you understand what he is trying to relay.  He will make your seminar worth every penny I assure you, but who am I to say right.  You'll do fine man!!

  Good luck!!!
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 01-24-2008 22:22
I wish I had him for my seminar.  Sounds like a great guy as I'm sure most AWS CWI instructors are.
Parent - By arrowside (**) Date 01-24-2008 23:33
Ed's an AWESOME instructor. I just did the seminar with him back in December in Syracuse. Ed's aces!
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-25-2008 03:04
Ed is probably the most dynamic instructor you will ever meet.  I think you will love the seminar he gives.  You will feel that your money was well spent, pass or fail.
Parent - By arrowside (**) Date 01-26-2008 21:04
Wait until he tells you about his business involving sanitary pipe. I was never so jealous of someone in my life!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Upcoming CWI seminar in Pheonix AZ

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