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- - By ctacker (****) Date 01-18-2008 20:26
My shop is expanding and taking out some columns and adding trusses to bridge where the columns are and then adding to our existing crane, this work is being done by an outside company, with union ironworkers and such, looking at the welds they put down, i wouldnt let them build a doghouse, 1/8 inch undercut all around the base plates, legs of the welds 3/8 out and maybe 1/16 high and incomplete fusion on at least 5% of thier welds. my boss says its not my job to inspect their welds, but it definately wouldn't pass any inspection. should i just let things go as they are, or what would you do in this situation?
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 01-18-2008 20:29
Are there any building codes in the city you live and work in?  No building inspector?
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-18-2008 20:34
I also asked that, the crew said they didnt need any building permits or anything as this was just a modification!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-18-2008 21:16
My understanding is that the vaste majority of building codes don't care if it's a mod or new. Structural work is structural work, if it fails, people could die.
The question is, how far do you want to push it. The eventual end they would likely have to fix it all, but you would likely be in the dog house you wouldn't let them
build with your company. I would say it's an ethical decision, but that song and dance about no permits, I find that one hard to believe given it's a new section and not
a mode of the current section.
Parent - - By UCSB (**) Date 01-18-2008 22:37
Contact your local jurisdiction and let the Building Official know. You don't have to identify yourself.
2006 International Building Code section 105.1 Permits Required.
Any owner or authorized agent who intends to construct, enlarge, alter, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert,or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which is regulated by this code, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the building official and obtain the required permit.

When they are removing columns, that is altering the structure and requires a permit.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-19-2008 16:47 Edited 01-19-2008 16:57
I'm never happy to hear about slip shod work. It should not be acceptable to anyone. This may be a case where the employer is simply using unqualified welders already on the payroll (have you tried to hire a skilled welder lately?).  Consider contacting the union local responsible for your area and tell them your concerns. I can tell you they won't be delighted to hear from you (no one likes to hear bad news), but they may go to the site to see what is going on. I would find it difficult to believe the union representatives would condone the workmanship you are telling us about. Most tradesmen and locals take pride in the skills of their members and have excellent apprenticeship programs where welding is a major component.

In my past life as an Ironworker, there were occasions when the Business Agent would pull me off one project to correct or pull another contractor's project "in-to-line" if a serious problem could not be resolved with the men he had. It sometimes caused issues for the contractor I was with, but it is in every one's best interest to make sure the problem job was addressed and done right. 

Make sure you have your fact right before making a call to the local building official or the local union hall. You don't want to be the one with egg on your face when all is said and done.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-19-2008 22:43 Edited 01-21-2008 14:54
Well, I took pictures and sent them to the one footing the bill for this expansion, they said they would look into the permit thing, as they don't want to get nailed with the fines for not having them, and they also said they would give them a chance to inspect their own work, but from what i see, work is continuing as is. forgot my camera at work,Monday i will post a couple pics of the welds,most of the welding was done outside in the rain with no cover and no preheat.
I think I have done my part for exposing them, now its up to someone else to see to it that the work is repaired!

The pics don't show how extreme they are , but here they are!
Attachment: P1010218.JPG (78k)
Attachment: P1010220.JPG (80k)
Attachment: P1010223.JPG (85k)
Attachment: P1010224.JPG (82k)
Attachment: P1010226.JPG (80k)
Attachment: P1010227.JPG (79k)
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 01-21-2008 17:52
Wow.  I don't feel so bad about my steel welds now...

Good call, man.  I wouldn't have bought that either. 
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 01-21-2008 18:01
looks like someone was practicing stick welding
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-21-2008 19:19
I dont think you should practice on stuff like that, those columns are holding up crane rails that will have 4 20 ton cranes on top
Parent - - By crazycajun (**) Date 01-21-2008 19:54
yeah i totally agree with ya on that one. maybe if they would pass a buffing wheel on the welds and clean all the grapes off of it, they could see where they were messing up at. and ya know the sad part about it is that it seems that we are getting alot of hands that just seem to be in it for a check, and not taking much pride in the work. it's sad to say but alot of people just dont seem to have the drive as the people just 5 or 10 yrs ago. does anyone see that where they are from.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-21-2008 20:06
I see it all the time, seems like they either dont care or they take alot of pride in their work, one way or the other, hardly see any in between
Parent - By ZCat (***) Date 01-21-2008 22:58
man, that's horrible! I wouldn't want to be working underneath those crane rails.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-22-2008 06:34
Those are some crappy looking welds. Think I'd be finding a new job before I would walk under something like that.
Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 01-22-2008 02:02
Man those welds look like they need to be gouged out and re-welded by some one that has been in the trade a little longer.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-22-2008 02:44
believe it or not,these guys are supposed to be journeymen!
Parent - By jsdwelder (***) Date 01-24-2008 17:34
journeymen what??????????????????????????????
Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 01-22-2008 02:46 Edited 01-22-2008 02:56
Would you walk anywhere near that overhead crane knowing that? Just looking at their work they need to be first stopped of all welding and then run off. Then they need to be billed for them to fix it. Those welds were horrendous.

This might be a little graphic for some about one of the pics you posted. I am going to give it my best C.S.I. walk through.

One of the guys in the rafters is struggling with diahrea. He can't make it to the toilet and he knows it. He drops trou when he can no longer stand it. For some reason he either has with him or comes back with a can of silver spray paint. I think he does the next two things as one act. He spray paints his feces silver and then throws a handfull of sand on top to make it look like an unbuffed weld. For some odd reason he shoots at it with a bb gun to make it look like a more "authentic" weld he has been known to see at his workplace. He removes the BB from this mess possibly with his toothpick and gives the cavity left by the BB a once over with the silver spray paint to make the cavity look more metallic.

You are looking for a toothpick chewing diareah having paint huffer. With a BB gun. The toothpick should be a dead giveaway since he has no teeth in his head.
Parent - - By ZCat (***) Date 01-22-2008 03:35
Parent - By g32141 (**) Date 01-22-2008 04:32 Edited 01-22-2008 04:49
The reason I did that CSI thing is because when I was home for Christmas I saw an episode of CSI and my classmate's younger sister is on that show. I did not recognize her after nearly 20 years. I was staying at my friends  house and he pointed to the tv when I wasn't paying attention and asked if I remembered her. After a few scences I said NO.
Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 01-22-2008 07:12
ctacker , very nice , i'm shure some of the iron workers will want to make copies of those to put on their 2009 calendars . good luck . willie
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-23-2008 04:49
"Coyote ugly" is the best I can say!

Parent - By webbcity (***) Date 01-23-2008 05:09
hey AL , since i have been to charm school to learn how to talk to people , i can only say nice things anymore . good luck . willie
Parent - - By Pipeslayer (**) Date 01-29-2008 19:17
Its just a shame that our fine craft has been taken down a notch by these crybaby imposters. Protected by unions and cant weld at all. If thease guys are welders then I'm ashamed to be one. I rather be a florist. Wheres the pride in craftmanship???
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-16-2008 14:37
Ask scrappywelds. These welds look like something out of his book. See forum column -General / Tricks of the trade / Problems with porosity. And you will understand what I mean. How embarassing.
Parent - By maxilimiano (**) Date 01-31-2008 07:39
I am sad after saw that steel....all included team shall be ashamed. we can not judge one person.

Remember how difficult we make a steel...casting process is very-very complex.
Parent - - By Noel Tan (**) Date 01-23-2008 07:22
without considering the weld quality, for me something that is really goes wrong with comparing the plate thickness and fillet weld size from the photo.
if the "SIZE" is not correct no matter how good the weld quality is...

Best Regards,
Noel Tan
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-23-2008 09:13
Those guys need to be some ROMF quick like.  OMG!!!  Go back to burger king...wait scratch that.... I don't want you making my food either
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 01-24-2008 02:50
WERE THEY WELDING ON THE WRONG POLARITY?  That's what it looks like to me!
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 01-24-2008 03:16
Has to be wrong polarity.  I've been welding 21 years and that looks like wrong polarity to me.
Were these guys Union contractors?
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 01-24-2008 03:30
Arc blow? Maybe some arc suck as well! Sometimes inspection is a legitimate expense. Could be this is an example of why there might be an argument for quality control with teeth.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-24-2008 15:37
would seem so
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-24-2008 06:22
they are union, and they are fixing their welds, at least thats what i was told, Its out of my hands, I exposed them, gave the same pics to the highest guy up the chain and was told they will be fixed. and because they are an outside contractor, we were told its not our job to inspect them, i have to grit my teeth everytime i walk by them, I want to ask where their certs are, and what WPS they are working to and all that but I haven't seen the drawings or contract docs. as far as i know they are working to the FC2002 and it looks like they are following code to the book!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-24-2008 15:24
FC2002 it seems is destined to be right up there with terms like FUBAR.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 01-24-2008 18:31
Thank goodness you raised the questions.  That would have been an accident waiting to happen especially with a crane invoved.  I dont even know if that 5th picture can even be considered a weld.   Dont diss the farm code, though.  Some of this forums' best contributors helped draft it.  :) 
Parent - By g32141 (**) Date 02-01-2008 02:44
Some of those welds would have not meet the farm code as acceptable.
Parent - - By weld7320 (*) Date 01-25-2008 16:51
If I understand this correctly,  you work for THE CUSTOMER and it's not your place to question THE SUBCONTRACTOR?? Who's hiring whom?

Actually sounds like the company I work for, the vendors seem to walk all over us. Not with quality, though, thank God.
Parent - By trlblzr302 (**) Date 01-30-2008 15:37
Sloppy Trash... Amazing.....!  These slivering lo-lifes have the gall to even pick up a stinger...  They jeopardize the safety of others , put a negative damper on real tradesman,and ruin future opportunities for others...
Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 02-01-2008 02:29
If you work for the "customer" or are a "client's rep" then you can question everyone in any trade under your scope of work as a client's rep.
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 02-01-2008 03:14

Will below statement applies to the subject?

AWS QC1 "Code of Ethics" which states "the welding inspector will issue no statements, criticisms or arguments on weld inspection matters connected with public policy which are inspired or paid for by an interested party, or parties, without first identifying the party, the speaker, and disclosing any possible pecuniary interest"

Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 02-03-2008 05:21
This seems to deal with a kickback to keep your mouth shut.

If you see faulty work report it.

If you are offered a cash deal to "not get involved" you need to report that too.

I was bribed once and I refused. I will always refuse a bribe. Fix it and make it right. Cheaper in the long run.

This AWS quote means you can whistle blow on the shoddy work that you saw as long as you are not doing it enrich yourself. If I was this client's rep I would have made sure that they answered for this work. At a minimum they all stop work and take a weld test.
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 02-03-2008 15:30 Edited 02-03-2008 15:37
WOW! you must be the inspector of inspectors.

everybody has the rigth to question....whether you work for client, contractor or third party as long as you all work in the same project, otherwise, you are not working or functioning as inspector

You want to report on said to be shody work, but its your neighbour's have to consider whether you're involved in that organization. Are you aware of the project specification? are you 100% sure that the work already been completed or had been inspected or accepted by the inspectors involved?

It just happened that you passed by in your neighbour's workshop and you noticed those weld discontinuities and started to act smart and announced those said to be shody work in the're asking for trouble my friend...if Im your neighbour...i will sue you for creating bad publicity.

Bribing is everywhere...very depends on the amount the contractor will offer you....if they offered you millions$$$...then ask yourself if you will always refuse a bribe.

Best Regards
Parent - By g32141 (**) Date 02-04-2008 03:45
I have the freedom of speech and opinion so you can try to sue that. I commented on some pics of some welds. I have no idea where they were made and I don't care.

Like I said before if that lot was on my jobsite and I saw that I would ask the welding inspector looking over them what is going on if I was the client's rep.

You're correct that I won't wander onto a jobsite accross the street and start commenting, but if those welds happened on a job I was a client rep or auditor on be guaranteed that crew would stop welding until further notice and until everything was sorted out.

The bigger the bribe the longer the prison sentence. The first time I will just tell the person "I'll forget I heard that". The second time I'll pull out the phone video camera and ask them to ask me again while being recorded.

I will never accept a bribe no matter what my financial situation is. Yes I would decline a bribe of millions of dollars. I would report it to the FBI and IRS and hopefully get a reward.

Money actually earned honestly.  I have morals.


Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-04-2008 07:18 Edited 02-04-2008 07:20
I really didnt have a dog in this hunt, but there is something a bit disturbing in your post.
"Bribing is everywhere...very depends on the amount the contractor will offer you....if they offered you millions$$$...then ask yourself if you will always refuse a bribe."

Maybe I'm just reading to much into this, but the way that was worded, it sounds like you have some personal experience in the matter.

I've worked a lot of places in this world, including Asia from which you state your either in or from. I am well familar with attempts at bribing as the one part you got right was it is world wide/everywhere. The thing that always comes to my mind when someone trys that crap, is what else are they hiding? I'm not so worried about the matter in which I have knowledge of, as I will push them to get it fixed, but the attempt at bribing speaks volumes for what kind of person and company they are. It tells me there is likely an unknown factor.
Therein is why even if you don't have morals, you'd have to be an idiot to take a bribe. What else have they hidden? The times that people have tried to bribe me, I've dug in and without a fault, I've come up with something even more severe than the initial problem. Each and every time without fault that has been the case.

My refusal to take a bribe, has earned me being shot at, fistfights, having my tires punctured, and in one case my truck burned among other things, but it will be a cold day in hell before I take a bribe for anything, your honor and integrity are only for sale once, and maybe I am just archaic in thinking, but without those two things, you cannot call yourself an inspector, much less a man.

Maybe bribing is ok with you, but you'd better remember, one day it's going to catch up to you. When it does, you'd better pray to whatever God you worship, if any, that the item didn't get someone or a group of people killed and it can be traced back to you.

At the end of the day, any weld inspector or like person is in effect a public safety officer. Only instead of the short term like PPE, it's the long term safety of a project and or the general public we are looking out for.

My opinion,
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 02-05-2008 06:36

things to tell you

1. Don't get excited easily, I don't accept bribe. I've been invited by our sub-contractor for drink, good lunch in  restaurant but I turn down their request because I know that I will face difficulties to accept their work.

2. I like to read newspaper and I found out that bribing is everywhere...which is very common in general. Let me reiterate "I don't accept bribe" bribe is not my bread and butter. I hope you are clear on this issue.

3. Maybe I exaggerate the millions$$$....but common sense, no one will bribe you millions$$$ as a welding inspector. Especially for me as contractor's QC inspector.

But If it happens in your dreams...then think! what these millions can help to improve the situation. You may use the money to get a brilliant consultant like you / and to hire expert contractor to rectify the defective works. But please, let someone handle the millions...and if there are excess money...return it to the contractor or you may advice them to give it to the charity.

Do you have problem with this kind of arrangement? 

4. I have not experience being shot. Yes, I live in ASIA... but not in Vietnam. Vietnam War is not my era... there are no people burning vehicle here like what you've experienced...even though we have few Rambo look alike hero in our project.

5. I'm a Roman Catholic. Jesus Christ is my God for your information....that is why bribing is NOT ok with me.

I think you been scoring points lately. Lengthy explanation, advises and opinions you have contributed makes me think that you are the MVP of this forum. No sarcasm!! that's very good. Keep it up!!!

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-05-2008 21:31 Edited 02-05-2008 23:43
Never been in Vietnam (never will either), got shot at and had my truck burned in Massachusetts USA. The only time I ever actually got shot was in Venezuela. Never had those kind of problems in Asia, it was mostly just pick pockets and cops looking for lunch money, which about on par for anywhere in the world. As for my comment about "experience with it" You spoke as if you had experienced the issue. I never said you took one.)

As for being offered millions, I live in the real world, when it's going to take a bribe of that magnitude, they'd be more likely just put a bullet in you first, or try than offer you millions to keep your mouth shut. Someone actually does offer you millions, I suggest getting the hell out of there right away. So do I have a problem with "this kind of arrangement?" It'll never happen in reality on that level, therefore no problem. It's a more realistic scenario that they'd try a smear campaign first before resorting to any of the above. Thats reality as I see it. (it happens)

As for scoring points, it's not the intent, there are many here with equal and or better knowledge. The real "mvp's" as you put are folks like Stephan, John Wright, Avald, Al, Joe Cane, and others Past and present.
Parent - By jmdugan10 (*) Date 02-04-2008 15:37
If you ever think about taking a bribe you had better think about all the ramifications.  First and for most people could die, or worse, maimed.  It sickens me at the thought of an inspector taking a bribe.  Your career as an inspector is over if and when you are found out, not to mention the legal repurcutions that could come from it.  You had better add up the cost of taking that bribe and make sure it will cover all of your future potential expenses.  You will find that there is no price on integrity.  The comunity, whether they know it or not, relies on us to protect them.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 02-03-2008 15:48
I have been offered bribes.

Now, when they say How can we take care of this???,  I say One Million Dollars!  If they say OK, I say; "Per Inch", Or "Per Pound".
Parent - By Joey (***) Date 02-03-2008 16:37
I've been offered as well, I said...give me millions and I will get an expert repair contractor and independent inspector before i accept the work quality.
Parent - - By rafael Angarita (*) Date 02-04-2008 18:01
I supous you dont have any structural spanding project. ¿What about the shop's owner?.
¿Were you told to inspect the construction?¿what is the relationshipo between the owner and the contractor?
What i mean is sometimes things goes out of our hands, BUT  If you are SURE the construcction is a life danger, you have to show them your technical argues, and dont stop till the points are corrected.
Good look.
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