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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / wondering if I should purchase WIT books before seminar??
- - By vagabond (***) Date 01-26-2008 05:06
I've bought the Certification Manual for Inspectors, Welding Inspectorion Handbook, 1104 Code and Study Guide.  They are going to give us the Welding Inspection Technology and Workbook at the seminar so I hate to buy one ahead of time.  Although the costs of these books are still 1/2 the price of re-taking the exam. . . .it would sure be nice to get the BOOKS when you PAY for the seminar.  I haven't figured out who to bring this too.  But it is definitely a problem that they need to address IMHO.
Parent - By thirdeye (***) Date 01-26-2008 18:13
This has been a pet peeve of mine for years.  You should get all material when you register and pay for the seminar.  If you can't borrow the materials from someone locally, the best advice is to purchase it ahead of time and study it.  This way, you can use the seminar as a fine tuning tool and won't be cramming all the new information (and homework assignments) into 5 short days.


It's always possible you can sell the duplicate material to another inspector, or here on the forum, or through your local AWS section.
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 01-26-2008 22:43
I have the wit and workbook, I would sell for 150.00 they are used but unwritten in, in good shape. if interested i'll post pics! price includes shipping!
Parent - - By vagabond (***) Date 01-27-2008 01:05
I PMed you about your books. . .
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-27-2008 12:53
I would have to agree with joe on this one. To my knowledge, the seminar is meant to be more a refresher than to teach you something new for the most part. As a wise individual once told me, you need to "come a knowing".
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 01-27-2008 03:47
If you can aford it, you should buy the books before you go the the seminar.  The seminar is not designed to teach you all you need to know for the exam. 
You need to know the subject before you go to the seminar, or you should go to the seminar, then plan on taking the test at a later date after you have had enough time to thoroughly study and know the subject.
Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 01-28-2008 15:00
I agree you should have the books ahead of time.

We are planning on sending some inspectors to a seminar in July of this year.
Can we in fact, get the seminar supplied books ahead of time, upon full payment of the fees?
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 01-29-2008 01:24
Unless something has changed, they are a separate purchase.  You would still receive a second set at the seminar.

Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 01-29-2008 16:06
Why would I want a second set?  Can you purchase the seminar cheaper without any books, buy the books early, and bring the books to the seminar?
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 01-29-2008 19:16

That is the whole point I was making when I mentioned it was a pet peeve.....You register and pay ahead of time for the seminar, but your books are not issued until you arrive at the seminar.  AWS will not send your books to you ahead of time, nor will they break the price of the books out of the price of the "seminar package".  Years ago when I questioned this the answer was along the lines of ....."we want to insure that the seminar participants have the proper material and offer the material in the package deal.  The books are issued at the seminar for this reason".

No doubt, some companies purchase an extra set for their people to use when studying, then allow them to keep the set that comes with the seminar.  Some AWS sections also have study materials and arrange for study groups for preparing for the CWI.

Parent - - By Bill M (***) Date 01-29-2008 21:36
I got your point Thirdeye- and thanks for the info on the books.

Maybe the AWS should look at the way ASNT does business...The ASNT Level III seminars will send you the books as soon as you pay for the seminar.
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 01-30-2008 03:10
I would agree with the above posts, except to add that the WIT and Certification Manual for Inspectors book are almost the same book.  I practically memorized the Certification Manual before attending the seminar and the result was that fundamentals were not a problem. After two or three grueling days (I worked my ass off) I was relieved when the WIT book was passed out so I could concentrate another couple of evenings on code. There are a few things in the WIT that are not in the Manual, but you'll pick that up easily enough if you really know the manual. AWS 2.4 , no problem. AWS 3.0 , not to worry. Buy and learn your code, code clinic book, and visual examination book. But I would not double up on the WIT. Good luck. By the way, I scored 94% on the fundamentals.
Parent - By jmdugan10 (*) Date 02-01-2008 16:37
Not to sound arrogant but I took my CWI without the seminar.  I bought the books, AWS WIT-T, API 1104, studied them and slam dunked the test first time out.  It's not that hard. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / wondering if I should purchase WIT books before seminar??

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