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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Change of direction
- - By 49er Date 02-06-2008 05:20
Hello.  I've been lurking here for some time and decided to post.  I'm in MN and a member of Operating Engineers local 49.  Well, I've been thinking of a change.  Welding is not something new to me and I am thinking of becoming a pipefitter.  I enjoy my current work, but the seasonal nature is hard to take.  I would like to hear what you all have to say, pros and cons.  Thanks
Parent - - By welderdude (**) Date 02-06-2008 23:28
in colder climates like MN the work can be seasonal also.  down here in the south it's not so seasonal. 

there's always a big need for good pipefitters though.  a good welder is hard enough to find.  a good fitter is even harder to find!
Parent - - By 49er Date 02-07-2008 04:17
I've got a line on some year around work and getting into the UA Local.  I'm in my early 30's and have only 3 years in the 49.  I've done some of fab work on the side and like it.  Just looking down the road.  2000 hrs a year is a lot better in the retirement fund than 1400 hrs.  I also could get into the Boilermakers, but if you arn't tube welding it seems you do mostly bull work.  Thanks for your reply
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 02-07-2008 13:32
You're looking in the right direction!  Pipefitting is where it's at brotha.  I don't know how you guys do it just sittin in a rig all day reading a news paper and when we need ya we have to throw dirt clods at ya.;-)  Must make for a long day. lol
Parent - - By Justin O (**) Date 02-07-2008 14:11
Just get a laptop and sit on the internet like im doing right now.  Its not that bad at all especially at payday.
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 02-07-2008 15:19
I like it!!! I mean the lap top thing. Sounds like a good gig ya got there. lol
Parent - - By Justin O (**) Date 02-08-2008 14:01
So far it is except when i get out in the snow in weld i'd much rather keep my a$$ in the truck.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-08-2008 16:17
c,mon man, you telling me you don't like the challenge of below zero and sideways snow?

just funnin!
Parent - By Justin O (**) Date 02-09-2008 01:52
im from south texas so not really  but its not that bad just my feet always seem to freeze no matter what.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 02-08-2008 16:49
Stay in the truck man I'll get it..  lol
Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 02-09-2008 03:21
I was working in South America and a guy was run off for trying to get a guy's attention doing that.
They made a huge deal out of it too. I understand that you need to get people's attention somehow when they are not paying attention.

Those signaling mirrors that you can buy at camping stores work rather well on sunny days to get someone's attention. Just point and aim the sun at their face.
I wouldn't want to be on the the receiving and of that.

If they are asleep they will soon wake up because of the heat and if they are awake they will be flash blinded momentarily and it works way farther than you can throw a dirt clod.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 02-11-2008 13:17
Yeah thats what I want is a blinded operator flying my spool up to Just kidding man, I know what your trying to say. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Change of direction

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