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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Ever get the itch?
- - By aevald (*****) Date 02-27-2008 08:50
Hello everyone, I have been very fortunate over the course of my career up to now to have been subjected to any number of different challenges and different types of work. From the low-tech to the relatively high-tech. Retirement isn't necessarily right around the corner but it isn't that far off either, as time goes. My wife has a serious interest in Florida, that is a particular part of Florida referred to as Disneyworld, she would like nothing better than to end up working on the properties in one capacity or another. I have often considered that if this was truly a goal of hers that I would love to have something to do with Disney Imagineering or one of it's associated affiliates. I guess I'm curious to know if anyone out there has had any association with this end of Disneyworld and what they thought of it. I'm curious, any comments anyone? Best regards, aevald
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-27-2008 11:16

A place as big as Disney World must have a very big need for fabricators to keep all those rides and stuff in top condition and to build cool new things..... They would fall all over themselves to get a guy like you to lead their staff.

I think the only drawback would be trying to find leathers to fit over that big Mouse costume.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-27-2008 14:00
Mousegonnit Lawrence, I hadn't thought of that, I better start looking now! Allan
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 02-27-2008 14:28
They had a full page ad in the newspaper once that ran in New England.  It was back when they first built the place.  They were mostly interested in robotics and automation engineers.  To see what they need now, you could try visiting their corporate website and looking for a careers tab.  That would list every open job.  They might have something in maintenance.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-27-2008 15:49
Hello OBEWAN, thanks for the reply. It might be more than a few years before I actually consider putting this plan into action. I was rather curious to know some of the workings of what goes on with this end of things at Disneyworld. Curious to hear from any currrent or past employees and their thoughts and views. Thanks again and best regards, Allan
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 02-27-2008 17:47
years ago i worked at Disney performing RT and UT. there underground facility is amazing. have you considered plant maintenance, somewhat like mechanical integrity.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-27-2008 18:58
Hello hogan, as I said, this is something down the road a piece, but if the wife is serious about it I will be considering all of the different avenues that might be open. From a personal perspective, robotics, R&D, and those types of things would be the most interesting to me. Practically, I believe anything associated with them would be enjoyable. Thanks for the reply. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 02-28-2008 03:55
Allan, before a move like that You & Your Wife need to spend some time there in the summer, it might change Your mind. I never ventured that far inland, but unless You are within a block of the beach it gets really hot & humid, stays that way all summer.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-28-2008 06:50
Hello Dave, I do know what you're saying. One year, at the end of August, I went to Orlando to retrieve a broken down bus. It was 98 degrees and 98 percent humidity, thought I would never stop shedding water. If I do end up making a move like this it will likely be when I am retired, by that time my kids will also likely all be married, have families and homes of their own. You know how parents should plan to be the same sort of burden on their kids that the kids have been to their parents, I plan to exploit this(or so I hope). The wife and I would likely do our rounds of the kids and see the grandkids and spend the Florida summer months visiting and mooching off of the kids. Then back to Florida for the winter and cold months, ahh.....eutopia! Well I can dream can't I??? Appreciate the information, Dave. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-28-2008 10:13
Allan, If your really interested, I can put you in touch with a long term committee member down in that area who works for Disney's design and repair team.  Also, there are a few very big firms down there that are screaming for knowledgable welding folks, not the least of which is Siemens; a magnificent company to work for.  Drop me a note once you decide and I'll help you with contacts.
Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 02-28-2008 11:42
Aevald, I used to work for WDW (Walt Disney World) from 1989 through 1998.  I started out in the Entertainment dept, but after going back to school, and getting my NDT certs I transferred to the "Central Shops" Facility, which is the huge building where they repair and fabricate all the parks equiptment.
I could go on for pages about all that they have there, but time is limited.
Let me say this, don't think you are the only person who is thinking this, there are hundreds of other people who are thinking the same thing, and have already applied, the waiting list can be several years to be on before getting to the top.  Go online and fill out the application as soon as you can and get on the list.  Keep following up with the "Casting Department" that's what they call the hiring dept.  You have to think somewhat differently, they are an entertainment company, they think like performers, that's why they have there own way of doing things.  but don't worry, once you get there they'll train you to think like them(scary huh?). Some people can't adjust and drink the coolaid, but I enjoyed it and had a great experience.
I knew someone once in casting who told me the waiting list for landscaping at that time was 5-7 years for the entry level job cutting the grass.  They litterally had people with masters degree's cutting grass because they had to start at the bottom and work there way up.

I did mostly ,VT,PT,MT on disassmbled attraction parts. Frames, cars, doors, axles, wheels whatever.  Think of a attraction(ride) there , take the car apart, and that's what I saw, a big pile of parts.
You will have to join the union, but it's a technecality, I believe it was the teamsters.  FLorida is a right to work state wo it's not a big deal.

Something else to consider, Disney isn't the only place down there.  In-fact I left Disney to work at Universal STudios because Universal offered me $3 more an hour and it was less driving for me so I made the switch.  It was third shift but that means it's less heat and less management around which I liked.  Contact me if you have anymore question's, there is so much more than there is to type here.  Good Luck, Chris
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-28-2008 11:51
Hello Chris, thank you for the head's up. I can certainly see where that type of process is the reality. After all it's Disneyworld right? I do have a number of years before this sort of thing would ever be a real consideration and I do appreciate the insight. As far as understanding the "entertainment" thing. Two of my kids are real "performers/entertainers" as is a son-in-law, you are right, they are wired different and I can see where dealing with that can be different than I would normally think and reason. Once again thanks for the great reply. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-28-2008 11:43
Hi Jon, thank you for the offer. This might be one of those things that will pass, but maybe not. However, if it does come to be a real consideration I will certainly take you up on that. Thanks again my friend. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-28-2008 15:03
Allan, to respond differently to your original posting; I'm sure most of us have had the itch, and my construction counter-parts will be quick enough to tell you travel gets in your blood.  I love traveling, of course, hate moving out but love moving in, if that makes any sense.  My wife and I are very seriously considering our next big move, even as I write.  I guess I'm of the opinion that you ought to try to find a way to make your wonderful wife's dream a reality! :-)  It takes some time to get the right contacts and to make sure you've got the offer you can accept at whichever employer.  To be safe, I'd give yourself a year of searching... sounds like a lot, but it really isn't.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-28-2008 15:37
Hello Jon, I agree totally. At this point my wife and our family are still in the "I don't want to be too far away from one another mode", essentially saying that mom hasn't quite reached the point where she considers any of her own wants above those of the maternal instincts she feels for our kids. At some point I believe she will realize that they are individuals of their own and they will really do just fine without mom being of ready access. At that point she will realize that she can pursue some of her personal goals more fully. I will certainly take your suggestions with regard to preparation as I believe there are intelligent ways to plan for change and on the other hand there is the bravado of just packing up and making it happen too. Thanks again, regards, Allan
Parent - - By hogan (****) Date 02-28-2008 16:48
servicing small aircraft is a large industry in FL also.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 02-28-2008 18:56 Edited 02-28-2008 19:00
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not willing to work for a company whose mascot is a mouse that has an obvious addiction to helium.  It's a shame what that stuff did to his voice.  Such a waste of raw unbridled talent.  Some people don't know this, but cartoon characters conceal their addictions much easier than humans do.  Mickey's addiction is only evident when he speaks.  I really hadn't paid that much attention before, but in the late seventies I knew something was wrong when he chose to star in "Mickey Visits a Gay Disco".  I had only noticed it at that time because I was also addicted to helium, and I'd visited many gay disco's myself.  I must admit that during that period in my life I was easily influenced by the cartoon characters I idolized on tv, and I was too weak to fight off my urges, because at that point the helium had just taken over.  I think it's only fair that when they die, cartoon characters have to answer for their sins just like I will.  Overexposure probably turned Mickey to helium.  I think that all the Disney characters are overexposed.  I see them everywhere and there seems to be no end in sight.  What's next? Little Mermaid fish sticks? The Hunchback of Notre Dame backpack? the Pocahontas home pregnancy test?
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-28-2008 19:29
Hello Scott, you obviously haven't been to my house.... I'll leave it at that. I get daily doses of Disney, but it really isn't that bad, I'm sure there are much worse things out there to obsess over.
     I am rolling over your dissertation on characters and helium. Thanks for giving me a smile and a laugh. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 02-29-2008 05:13
It must be that light headed feeling Mickey gets from the helium!!!  Scott, as usual, right on target with such profound insights!!!  Nearly urinating myself where I sit!!
Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 02-29-2008 05:37
Last time I was in Florida I fell in love with the crystal waters of Destin. Love the fishing and the variety at the seafood market. However, the hot black parking lots with steering wheels that set my hands on fire are not my cup of tea.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Ever get the itch?

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