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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / finding a job
- - By barry burns Date 03-03-2008 05:06
I have just finished a welding program and got a welding diploma. I am having trouble finding a job. every place I have applied thay tell me I do not have enought experience.I live in memphis tn and i am willing to travel.I can weld and fit  verygood but no one want give me a chance.If there is someone who has been welding for a long time that can give me some advice on how to get started please help me because i am tring very hard.
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-03-2008 05:34
I've been outta school welding 8 months now and I feel you're pain everyone want like 5 to 10 years experience but come on you gotta start somewhere you know. Tell them you'll do anything be a helper or whatever. I'm trying to find something else to and seems like they all want at least 2 years experience but yeah just keep looking dude you'll find something it maybe not exactly what you want but hey you gotta stick it out. I know alot of guys thought they'd be making 20 or 30 an hour fresh outta school but not a chance. I'm ashamed to say what I started out at but you gotta do anything to get in and get the experience.
Parent - - By welderdude (**) Date 03-03-2008 10:34
it's sad that all these employers haven't realized that they're not gonna get what they want.  there will be a day when finding a welder with 5 yrs experience will be like finding gold!  i'm surprised that more welding programs don't include some kinda OJT deal with a real company in them.  they're not concerned that you can't weld...they just want you to be able to know all the little tricks of the trade. 
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-03-2008 12:04
I'm not sure, haven't been there for an awful long time but do know the old Catch-22 syndrome however, in my experience, I agree with welderdude and I think those days are already upon us.  Maybe your just not looking in the right places?  The internet seems rife with ads looking for welders, experienced or not.  I'm sure there are  many among us who might give you places to check online, which is definately the way to job hunt now days!  You might have to begin at a lower wage scale but if you stick to it and prove yourself that should change quickly!  Good luck!
Parent - - By BLAZER (*) Date 03-03-2008 20:39
I found these to be useful in the past.  They work.  I was hired twice by finding jobs available online. 
Also, just because an employer may list that they want a certain number of years experience doesn't automatically disqualify you.  Even if you think you don't qualify, apply!  All they can say is no. 
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-04-2008 04:29
blazer thanks for those search engines i'm gonna check them out
Parent - - By Fredspoppy (**) Date 03-03-2008 14:27
Are you willing to relocate?  Houston has a lot of work going on.  Our Company is looking for good people all of the time.  What type of welding program were you in and where?
Parent - - By justinr (*) Date 03-03-2008 18:13
I am local in Houston looking for a job.  I have 5 years exp. and can come test whenever.  Who is your company???
Parent - - By mody454 (**) Date 03-03-2008 18:33
any rig work in houston   2001 f350  sa 250d aws cert  4g unlimited   6g pipe 6010 root hot 7018 cap
Parent - By okwelder82 (***) Date 03-04-2008 10:56
What is the 4G Unlimited?
Parent - By mody454 (**) Date 03-04-2008 15:18
over head 1" plate v groove butt   7018 1/8
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-03-2008 18:59
The work is out there. Especially if your willing to relocate. Last I heard, alstom in Chattanooga was looking for people, as were several others.
Parent - - By Tom11980 (*) Date 03-03-2008 20:53
I live in Casper Wyoming and every shop in town is looking for welder no exp. 10 years they do not care them just need welders.  The pay for most shops around here is like 15-18 dollars and hour depending on who you work for.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 03-04-2008 03:56
barry burns, I think ya got a few leads to get started!  Good luck man, check back in to let us know how it goes!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-04-2008 11:47 Edited 03-04-2008 11:51
you might try the little rock Arkansas local in boilermakers union.  They seem to be always wanting to bring in apprentices....check with employment security in Arkansas.  Also there are a hell of a lot of gas wells going in in north Arkansas....any local weld shop doing portable work might be looking for hands, and the Bald knobbers pipe welding union will probably looking to add people eventually....they got to tie all those wells together after all.  Other then that ....I often walked into shops that were not advertising and walked out with a job.  Some of them it was like "I will give you $7:00 bux an hour to start me what you can do and you will make lot more the next Monday".  Your fresh out of school offers like that might not turn out of the  best jobs I ever had started out like that.....I was making $750 a week bring home for 4 10 hour days there.  If nothing is coming available I highly suggest you start pounding the pavement and walking into some never know.  Half my jobs come from just that technique...

Good luck
Parent - By Tom11980 (*) Date 03-04-2008 15:19 Edited 03-04-2008 15:24
From what I have heard and read they are looking to put another 2 to 3 thousand rigs in Wy. Right now it is slow they shut down the fields due to winter ranges of wildlife but they will be open soon.  If you are a code welder shops start at 22 -25 an hour.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / finding a job

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