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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help with 62 Redface
- - By 4JWelding (**) Date 03-05-2008 02:16
I just got this welder and it is in excellent shape except for the paint.  I started tearing her apart to get'er ready for a slick powder coat job, but I can't get the damn knobs off the control panel.  I got the set screw out of the fine tune knob and it still won't come off.  I can't even get the amp selector knob set screw to budge.  Both knobs have probably never been off the machine.  I don't want to tear anything up or scar the faceplate up.  I've already tried soaking with WD40 and no luck.  I'm sure somebody has run into this before so any ideas to get them off would be appreciated.  I also need some info on a good place to get some replacement parts like new knobs, and hoods.  Thanks Joe
Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-05-2008 02:39
I've got a 62 Redface that I'm restoring to. I just battled the knobs about a week ago. What I did is I went to Napa and got this stuff called PB blaster it is some awsome pentrating oil. I sprayed alot of this stuff on the knob where the shaft goes into it and the set screw let it soak a while maybe even a day or so like I did. I was able to get the set screws out of both. The bigger adjuster knob came off easy the fine adjust was a B*tch. I was able to take some vise grip needle nose pliers and was able to clamp onto the shaft to make sure it didn't turn and was able to take a small hammer and tap on the handle to get it to turn on the shaft to get it to slide off this was after I got the set screw out. I'm not gonna lie this probally wasn't a good idea but I didn't want to cut it off and buy a new reostat I scratched the face plate a little but it isn't to bad. I will find out if it works when I put it all back together but I think it will be ok. I sprayed a ton of PB blaster on the fine adjust set screw and shaft. I think when I reinstall it I will put some kinda antiseize on it to maybe help it from not rusting onto the shaft. As Ksellon told me take your time and go slow and as Shad would say I go to slow but hey so far it is coming apart pretty easy. is one place to get parts Ksellon is the best she can help with alot and get you good quality parts to you fast. is one I haven't delt with these two but Kaye at Bills is the best I don't think I've ever had customer service like that before. I should know I use to work as a mechanic at a ski resort bills is the best.

Parent - - By 4JWelding (**) Date 03-05-2008 12:41

Thanks for the info.  I'll stop by the parts store this morning and get some.  I've been messing with these knobs for 2 days already and they're starting to get on my nerves.  I just don't want to destroy anything and keep the machine as original as possible.
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-05-2008 14:04
That PB Blaster is dang good stuff but it his heck to get off a surface you are going to paint. The less you get where you don't want it the better.
Parent - - By NWPAwelder (**) Date 03-06-2008 01:23
Use Prepsol (made by PPG) to remove any contaminates from an area to be painted.  This stuff works great.
Parent - - By 4JWelding (**) Date 03-06-2008 03:09
Thanks for the info.  I finally got both knobs off.  Had to drill the set screw on the current control knob, but got it off without drilling into the shaft too bad.  I stripped it down the rest of the way this evening and pulled the motor and gen out of the frame.  That wasn't the easiest in the world.  I'm going to clean up a few spots on the frame and other pieces and get them sandblasted that should take care of the PB Blaster I hope.  Is there any easy way to get the motor and gen back in the frame without having to break them apart after I get it powder coated?
Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-06-2008 03:17
4jwelding can I ask how much are they chargeing you to sandblast the body and frame? I'd like to get an idea of what it will cost me. There is a company that bead blast all our pipe at work so I was hoping I can go through them and maybe get a deal. Thanks

Parent - - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-06-2008 03:11
no problem dude it's funny I was curseing at that fine adjust knob for like two days to and then realized someone else must have drilled and tapped a set screw in there and was able to unscrew the set screw and well it was still a b*tch but it came off. I plan on having the entine frame and body bead blasted and sealed then gonna have a friend paint it for me so I don't really care about the the pb getting on there. It's interesting taking the frame and all apart I got to see all the colors it's been over the years and found about what looks like the original color and the color of mine now I don't think is the original.

Parent - - By 4JWelding (**) Date 03-07-2008 00:38

I have a local guy that sandblast trailers mostly and haven't checked with him to see how much it will cost yet.  I still have to clean some spots up on the frame from previous owner welding on it and straighten some dings in the hood and armeteur cap.  I have to contact KSellon to see about some side hoods, knobs, and a few other little things.

Parent - By chris2698 (****) Date 03-07-2008 03:27
yeah I need to figure out how to knock some dents outta mine to. Theres a guy on ebay that sells the side doorts for like 235 but not sure if that is a good deal or not. The name is Stumpf Welding supplies here is his ebay store  I bought some two hole pins from him and recieved them really fast he's a good guy to buy stuff from
Parent - By HYBRIWELD (**) Date 04-24-2008 03:02
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Help with 62 Redface

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