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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / as I listen to texas flood on my headphones.....
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-17-2008 09:08 Edited 03-17-2008 19:00
I consider the very very real FACT that I am a better welder since getting to know you guys.  I know quite a lot more facts about what happens and how to approach some exotics just by listening to yall (not links) then I ever would have learned on my own.  Other welders have stood in plan simple AWE over demonstrations of techniques I learned by deep reading here.  In an amazing short amount of time I have learned a BUTTLOAD that I did not know on this site....I am no green welder...I am an all around good hand...but I have learned things here that humble me!!!!.......I just wanted to say how much I am in appreciation of all you people have shared here for me to take advantage of....its truly incredible...because I can read between the lines....I know how hard won some of that knowledge is.

I am going to warn you all !!!!......1 day after my 40th birthday I learned yet again there will be another young buck with my SKILLS in his hand to face the load out there.   Yep I am going to be a daddy yet once again....and I will guarantee he/she will grow up knowing how to  lay a snakebelly up the the side of a pipe sick enough to make you want to go back to the hotel.  Haha there is one more tommyjoking to deal with...and if I have anything to do with it he/she will be better then me at EVERYTHING....

Yall say cheers with me...its unexpected but I am damm happy bout it.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 13:50
Congatulations!! Children are what it is all about. My oldest is 16 now and it seems like only yesterday that he was wobbling around the living room in a diaper. My youngest is now four and he is "his fathers son"! Me all over again. Always remember, they are what we make them, so make the best.  On a lighter note, children are so honest and do not even realize it. In our early years together I used to give my wife a hard time, jokingly of course, about stinking up the bathroom. We had good fun with this for a while. Well my oldest boy was about 3 when I came home from work one day. He came running into the living room where i had just opened my afternoon beer. He was EXCITED, looking over his shoulder saying" Dad, dad, dad" I asked him what he was all worked up about. He looks over his shoulder again as if someone was after him and tells me " I know why mom stinks the bathroom up so bad" I said "really, why is that bubba?" He looks over his shoulder one last time and turns to me with a look in his eyes like he has discovered the missing link and states, without missing a beat " She has TWO butts!" Turns out mama left the bathroom door unlocked and he walked in on her as she was getting out of the shower, saw somthing he had not seen before, and without saying a word to her, turned around and went to his room to try to think that one through. It took awhile to get him lined out on that subject, but it worked out alright. So anyways, again, congrats, the fun will soon begin. Cherish every moment because time truly does fly when you are having fun.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 19:42
Congratulations!.. Daddy will have his own welding company complete with family employees.

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 03-17-2008 19:54
Hello Tommy, congratulations are certainly in order and deserved. I know that you are already aware of the joys of children so another one just simply means a wide open stream of new possibilities. Tommy, one of our four were planned for us...... Wouldn't change it for the world though. The last one that we had was at a time when my wife's OB was a personal friend, he arranged it so that I could deliver my last son, of course he was right there over my shoulder ready to kick me out of the way if anything went south. You enjoy all of the things leading up to and following this event...... I'll just keep my eye out for that little "Tommyjoking", I know we'll all get to know something about this new little person in the future. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-17-2008 21:52
My father told me that "your children will bring more joy to your life and more worry to your life than anything else." He hit the nail on the head!

You suffer their pain, you rejoice at their successes, but you wouldn't trade a minute of it for all the gold in the world.

With that said, grandchildren are the the culmination of your happiness. While you are responsible for your children while they are young and you are busy earning a living to ensure they have everything you can provide them with, your grandchildren are pure joy because you don't have the day to day responsibilities of parenting.

Enjoy your children, but they are a prelude to even greater joy to come.

My wife and I were blessed with three children. Even though they are grown and married, they are still the source of even greater happiness with the six grandchildren they have given us.


Best regards - Al 
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 03-18-2008 04:52
I was just talking to the wife today, about my dad calling me from a block down the road to change the tv channel, and stand there changing it till he found a show he wanted to watch.and how if we backtalked a belt would be in order, and then again about how spoiled the kids today are and I told her our generation  got screwed by our parents, and now by our kids. call it the generation "F".
I am glad mine are grown up but miss the children they once were. cherish what you have while you have it! and good luck!
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-18-2008 05:32
Congrats, Tommy.
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-24-2008 00:48
Congrats, I have one due in october. I'll be 36
Parent - - By makeithot (***) Date 03-24-2008 15:33
Congrates tommy, even when unexpected kids are a joy. Just remember though that if you insist on putting in those orders, sooner are later you will have to take delivery. ( at least thats what the old man told me.)
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 03-24-2008 18:07
Congrats Tommy!!! 
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-25-2008 08:29

Well I am over the initial shock now LOL!  Now I can settle in and watch my boys pat Nickie's belly and talk to their soon to be new baby brother while she emphatically tells them your new baby SISTER!!!  Well I guess I am trading in that new bike payment for diaper and formula payments LOL!!!  ....but thats ok cause I will get to tell the kid in later years how he/she saved me from buying that dumb 2008 model and I got the way cooler 2010 lets go for a ride and get some dough nuts before spongebob comes on!!!     Yea I think the shock is over and I am looking forward to it all yet again.

Best regards
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-25-2008 12:39
Spongebob is queer. Barney will have you humping to the sound of that da*n song. If you think I'm kidding listen to it a couple of times.
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 03-25-2008 13:14

It's going through my mind right now... 

I hate you, you hate me
Let's hang Barney from a tree
With a knife through his back
And an arrow through his head
Til that purple thing is dead
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-26-2008 01:49
Rodney Carrington sums it up best on one of his cd's. I think it is titled sing you bast**ds.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-26-2008 04:24
   How do sponges do it? Do they come in male & female? Some forms of sea life are borne one way then turn into the other. Makes You wonder wat message THAT gives Your kids.

   I don't have kids, so I know precious little about Sponge Bob, but the episode I did see some of, it seemed He had the hots for His female boating instructer. I Your kids are far enough allong to be picking up on sexual ambiguity, they are probably too old to be watching Sponge Bob.
Parent - - By jonesythebrit (*) Date 03-26-2008 04:36
you don't have kids, yet you caught an episode of SBSP? AHHHHHAAA.......OK!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-26-2008 05:03
     The only TV I watch on a regular basis is "The Simpsons" and I often fall asleep during that. When I have My chemotherapy I prefer to park in front of the TV with the puke bucket handy rather than going to bed. I see all kinds of stuff I wouldn't watch if I could dictate what was on the tube. "32 channels and nuttin on TV"
Parent - - By jonesythebrit (*) Date 03-26-2008 05:18
true,true. The more channels we get, the worse the tv gets
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 03-26-2008 13:26
I tellya that's right. Last weekend we had a free preview of HBO. Every other word was a cuss word. My wife doesn't complain about me watching the western channel so much now!!
Parent - By thomasyyz (**) Date 03-31-2008 21:17
just pulling stevie out now, here's one for you-
this guy rocks, what a shame you guys can't listen to this live. The lirics have their kick ,
("RARO, no digo differente, digo raro" and " todo lo que sé, mi enseño una bruja" )
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / as I listen to texas flood on my headphones.....

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