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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Future Career
- - By JHoward029 Date 03-30-2008 21:01
Hey whats up everybody. I just joined but I've been a reader for quite a while but I got some questions about my future path. I'm 18 years old, straight out of high school and I believe I'm getting ready to start on my diploma for Welding and Joining Technology at my local CC. From what I have researched and read, all the CC's in the state of GA pretty much have the same exact curriculum, so I'm just going to the one closest to me. Here's a link to what they go over just for some reference:

After that, I was planning on going either working a few contract jobs, you know just getting my feet wet in the industry hopefully. After some minor experience, I was going to go down to the Commerical Diving Academy in Jacksonville, FL to get my certification in diving. (

Now for the questions, haha. I love to weld, ever since I first picked up a welder when I was 12, I loved doing it. I've always liked to try new stuff, and it doesn't matter what it is. I also pick up and learn things very quick. I don't mind traveling at all, I'm just not a big fan of staying gone for 4+ months at a time, or relocating, but I will do what it takes. Now, I've looked at going the Union seems pretty decent, but there is no local Boilermaker, Fitter, or Sheet-Metal Unions here locally, the closest one is in Chattanooga, TN. I have several friends that are in the Union for building Scaffolds, a lot of times they're gone for 3-5 says at a time, and then home for about the same amount of time.

So, is there any kind of decent contract work for an entery level contract welder? I've checked, and a few other sites...they gave out some good info, I just wanted to get some others views on it. Also, what about the underwater career path? Everyone I talk to, they say something different. Some say, it's a great job...great oppurtunites, etc. Others say they wouldn't do it to save their life, their careers are very short, and the pay for what they do is horrible. Some say they work topside welding jobs with it, others say they are strictly underwater welders. I know there are some underwater welders on this forum, let's hear it fellas.

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 03-31-2008 04:18
    Jonathan, this is something to think of down the road, after You are a proficient welder and have gone to dive school.

     Friends of Mine have a son in His late 40s who has been a commercial diver for most of His adult life. He now has a disorder where His bones are in poor condition, something to do with having spent a lot of time at depth. Check into this, and see if there are precautions to take for prevention, or if there is some point where You would be better off in another field.

      Another field that is open to divers is repair work in the "hot" sections of Nuke power plants. This is much like hard hat diving, only You are not under water. I met a guy who worked for Ontario Hydro [a power company in Canada] at a nuke plant, He originally was a mechanic and recreational diver who went to dive school. This was a pretty good paying job, but once again You need to be mindfull of exposure.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Future Career

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