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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AWS D1.1/ W59-03
- - By CF_NDT00343 Date 04-04-2008 16:19
Good day,

I am working with the W59-03 code which is the same as the AWS D1.1 Code. I am also using the EPOCH4.
I found the AWS setting in the options menu but can't seem to figure out exactly how it is to work as the manual is pretty vague as to what information this setting will give. How do you know if it is a pass or fail?

In truth I don't work with this code much, actually never and am trying to brush up on it as it is used in industrial applications much more than Aviation ones. The only time I have used it was for my initial certification but that was a few years ago...

Any help would be appreciated
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 04-04-2008 16:39
I can't speak for the W59-03 code, but in D1.1 there is acceptance and rejection criteria that is based upon the dB rating (after you figure attenuation) for pass/fail. Typically I use Table 6.2 for statically loaded, non-tubular connections for most of my inspections. I use a Krautkramer USN 58L, and it has the AWS rating system built in also, but I have never taken the time to set it up. I'm still used to the older machines that didn't have all of these features, so some things i still do the old fashioned way.
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 04-04-2008 16:51
AWS D1.1 chapter 6 will give you your procedure and acceptance.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / AWS D1.1/ W59-03

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