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Parent - By mody454 (**) Date 04-05-2008 11:12
who is from ok
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 04-05-2008 16:56
No, W. PA. own a misc. metal fab. & erection co. started in 1982 when steel industry started to go belly up. Have GOOD customers that work eastern US.  Just in 07 worked from LI NY. to MB S.C.  erecting 100% I.W. union .  run into "weekend welders" from day one never wished illness on any ,it's called competion and live with it. Part of a free society called the United States. Also seen your "type" all over thinking you own an area because you live there?  B.S.    When I sale and retire I am going to go back into pipelining part time just to "keep active and tinker" maybe come and work "your area" just for sh.. s and giggles.
P.S. Go Steelers.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-06-2008 01:19 Edited 04-06-2008 01:47
You still going to be able to drive when you're 85?

An east coaster. Well, come on up, I'll put you to is it that folks that aren't even here in this boomtown "really" know exactly how it is?

I spose you could just ask them, and they would tell you?

Try being an established professional at the gas pumps, and watching 7 or more other rigs filling up. (setting the scene): the sweet smell of 120 bucks wafting to your nostrills, you look over at the rig next to you, bottles laying on the bed floor floating free with regulators smashed beyond function from the bottles rolling over them, sa200 loose in the pickup bed that's about 2 feet from the bed smashing the oxygen bottles, tools scattered throughout, (allright this is gonna be a run on sentence), no rear bumper, (sometimes), no front bumper, a sticker in the back window of "calvin peeing" on the rival truck manufacturer, and a bumper sticker that says: I BRAKE FOR BOOBIES on the tool box............

This is my competition, and YOU on the east coast think I am a zealous crybaby.

Thing is, the scenario I have above described is weekend welders here. These are people who actually think that they are welder/mechanic/plumber/electrician/truck driver/doctor. They can do it all, but not very good. Not to code, not to specs, and definately not ethically, ) that is, however, the nature of BUSINESS in the USA.

I forgot, on the east coast you guys hate everybody........................
Parent - - By mechan (**) Date 04-06-2008 03:53
If you don't like competition you should probably find a nice comfy spot in a socialist nation somewhere. Like it or not you live in a country that is driven by capitalism and the ethics off their actions are pretty relative. Their actions are really very utilitarian if you think about it and hence lay within a pretty well known and excepted ethical theory. I doubt very highly they are violating their own morals and certainly not crossing an ethical line laid out by the business world in the United States.

I find it hard to believe if a union contractor from a large city came in and they were supplying everything but a 25' tape and torpedo level as per contract, you would not bat an eye about the fact you were going to undercut them because you as a private contractor don't need as high of a profit margin when bidding the job. Your undercutting that contractor because of what they require for a profit margin is no different then what these guys running on a shoe string and a prayer are doing to you. It seems like you don't like getting a taste of your own medicine.

There is a reason for collective bargaining and it isn't just because a bunch of guys got together and thought it'd be cool to say they were organized so they could have nifty stickers and slick mottos. If you don't want someone worming in your work you need to proactive about the issue. If the guys trucks are not up to snuff legally call the cops for it being a hazard on the road, if they are hauling **** they way they shouldn't hit up the DOT, there is more than one way to get rid of a rat. At the end of the day if they do the job just as well as you do and it is an open shop environment they have every right to be there. If you don't like the fact they are there, organize and force them out.
Parent - - By awspartb (***) Date 04-06-2008 13:42
Well said!  Call the cops on these guys!  DOT, OSHA, do they have insurance?  Are they paying taxes, workers comp for the hired slave hand? Social security?  Off the books payment to the hired slave hand?  IRS might be interested.  The heat you can put on these cavemen is available.  It just takes the will to do it. 
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-07-2008 01:02
When my brother and I were in a bad fight, and one of us bleeding bad enough for medical attention we never told on one another. If we told on our brother we would get the thrashing of our lives from pops..........

Lets all tell on each other, shall we?

Why don't we do it like me and my bro did, and fight, till someone is unconcious. I always gave a few extra, just to make sure he wasn't pretending to be asleep........

Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 04-07-2008 01:57
Fight them that way and you'll get sued or end up in prison.  These animals are NOT your brothers.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-07-2008 13:35
  OK, here is my take on this before this thread gets locked down. I do not know much about you but I can tell you are a knowledgable man in this field that it would appear has no trouble keeping yourself and your men busy. When this thread first started I was under the mistaken impression that it was just you. You complained that "outsiders were coming in and undercutting your prices." In all actuality no one is underutting you. The gentleman you refered to as working for low prices is actually working for the same money you pay your welders, and you are not able to make &25.00 per hour off of his work. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with what you do, but there is also nothing wrong with working on your own. Now in a civil manner I ask you, being the quality welder and the dedicated hard working, motivated man that I have no doubt that you are, if you were in someone elses position would you try to find your own work if you could or would you hire on with someone like yourself that would profit from your work because he would be able to keep you busy? I may be wrong, but based on what little I do know about you I would say you would be out there beating the street for your own money and as a last resort only, would you put yourself in the position mentioned. Now I am not calling you out, I am just looking at this from an unbiased opinion. I have NO doubt in my mind whatsoever that this kind of thing really has little to no effect on you, and actually might be good for your buisiness in the long run, as you yourself have stated that you and your welders are always busy, and I do not doubt this one bit. This being said I think you are calling foul simply because you are not profiting from this mans work. I say, Get over it Bubba, this is not befitting of a man like yourself. If you are going to be mad about that then I guess you will get glad in the same boots you got mad in, or else you needed new boots anyway. I hope you take this for the opinion that it is, and not an attack on your character, which it is not. If I have missed somthing that may put a different light on this please speak up in a civil manner as I have been following this closely.

Sincerely, John
Parent - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 04-07-2008 15:02
Very nicely said.

That's how I see it, too.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-06-2008 04:26
"I forgot, on the east coast you guys hate everybody........................"

You need to apologize after that remark, especially after I posted what I did Sully!!!
Two wrongs do not make a right!!!

Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-07-2008 01:09
Hank, you're the voice of reason. If you're on the east coast, sorry - didn't mean to hit you with a wild right hook. Sometimes when there's a fight you gotta duck no matter what side you're on.Straight, left hook, straight, right uppercut, immediate right hook.....................make sure they're not pretending after they hit the ground..........hit em again and again.....!
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-07-2008 01:18
HENRY, got carried away - sorry brother. Forgot you were on the coast, taking no prisoners on this one.............
Parent - - By hojopens3 (**) Date 04-06-2008 16:28
I have to say that I stand with sourdough on this one. I have been on both sides in 25years at this. sounds to me souedough is buisness savy and enjoys the buisness end of it. My personel prefence is show me what you need or want i'll seeya on payday. If both partys agree on the terms then its a good deal. If sourdough can keep me busy and i dont have to worry about my money or where i will be next week its well worth it.
Parent - By 52lincoln (***) Date 04-06-2008 16:34
yea thats gotta be worth something
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-07-2008 01:17
My sediments.........
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 04-06-2008 20:45
Sourdough, Thankfully I will still be in my early fifties when I retire and what you describe are typicaly called hacks in this region can"t do anything about it. If a company is going to hire them o' well YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR. When the job comes in screwed up or behind schedule some company man is going to have probplems. TO BAD SO SAD. ( is that considered gloating?)  see it constantly in my line of business. Still doesn"t give you the right to "ask twenty questions" like you own the area.                                          
Parent - By warmka weld (*) Date 04-07-2008 01:39
as a welder self employed for over 10 years with a quality driven busines.
why do i get the feeling from all of this that no one can weld without a sa 200
are you guys really serious?
i'll tire you out pullin my leads.
this forum has an unreal amount of knowledge and im actually proud to be a member of the aws but come on
we all tire of some a## thinkin he can do better like has been said cream rises.

now lets all drop the hood and let go of the grinders see what happens.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-06-2008 01:42 Edited 04-06-2008 01:49
Hey "smooth operator???"

First of all, let me be the first to "WELDCOME" you to the AWS BBS Grand Central Forum!!! ;) :) :) Now that I've got that out of the way, here's my wooden nickle's worth regarding the conduct or lack of - coming from some of you newcomers into this forum... {Now do you know what I mean by stereo typing?}

Well, I'm also from South Western PA (originally from NYC), and I consider Sourdough a friend!!! Anyone - no matter where where they're from but, especially from "STEELERS COUNTRY" should know better than to be so arrogant as your self "smooth operator!!!" I wanted to remain neutral in this thread mainly because I have confidence in Sully handling himself in the face of adversity...  However, when you start to berate someone here that I know while at the same time act as if you're representing the folks from South western PA, then I have to intercede!!! When you start "Stereotyping" people in here especially if you just started to post in here looking to make a name for yourself, and acting as if your sh*t don't stink, that is when I decide to get involved!!!

One question for you "smooth operator???" if that's what you want to call yourself... Have you ever been to Rifle, Colorado???
Do you know what the cost of living is out there, Do you know the outdoor working conditions there??? As an Iron worker, do you know your way around a compressor station like Sully (Sourdough) does??? I didn't think so!!! I could go on and on but, I don't want to come off as the judge jury and executioner all at once or maybe I do but, I also want to show you a wee bit of mercy so you can understand the value of respecting your fellow man despite of their supposed shortcomings in which you seem to be so eager to pounce on without having any specific or detailed knowledge of their circumstances... Anywho, The point I'm making to you is that YOU DO NOT REPRESENT the sentiments of most of the folks here in South Western PA who are welders or contractors!!! So, if you want to express your opinion towards someone about something or another, that's definitely permissable but, when you start inferring that most of the folks from SW PA think the same way you do then you are very mistaken, and are totally misrepresenting the fine folks here in our "neck of the woods."

Now I don't always agree with Sourdough ,and there are certain things that you mentioned in which I agree with you in your post but, to berate and insult someone because he or she is only expressing their own opinion on the topic at hand is inexcusable in my book because, there will never be even an hour that will go by in which everyone who participates in this great forum of ours or in this great country of ours for that matter - in which everyone will agree with one another!!! One has to understand that it is the very unique quality of being able to agree that we do not always agree with each other, and that it's okay to disagree so long as we do not become hostile towards each other - is the very reason why this, and any other great forum has such a vast following, and earns so much respect because of that quality!!! I have been guilty in the past of not showing the necessary respect towards other folks here in the past, and have since reconciled with many for doing so which is why I try to remind new comers that in this forum we command mutual respect towards each other as we also make fun of ourselves from time to time.

We all need to project a more respectful attitude towards each other in here or else we'll have to deal with the actions coming from the moderators who WILL NOT HESITATE for a moment to make sure that everybody understands that this lack of mutual respect towards each other will NOT be tolerated!!! They're really great folks however, and they will give you just enough rope to hang yourself with :) :)  ;)

So, without further boring you with this lesson in etiquette... Please permit me to ask you a question... Do you attend any of the AWS section meetings in your area and which Iron Workers local do you work with???


P.S. Go Penguins!!!
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 04-06-2008 21:12
I have hired out of Erie ,State College,and the main office in Pittsburgh #3   Also the east coast local in Avoca PA. As for this area I don"t know anyone who would NOT think it"s rude to have someone roll up and start asking "twenty questions" and not get offended.       Typical answers from me are: what you writing a book? or how old are you,six?   Also I travel alot and worked with pipe before bust in mid 80"s. Don"t hate anyone except people who have beat me out of money,but have learned when people push ,PUSH BACK or get run over with their B.S.  Just my .2 cents.    PS.  GO STEELERS    
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-07-2008 01:15
you rock, as usual HENRY!  thanks.........
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 04-06-2008 19:19
I think "whatever you want" is a little general.

There is nothing I can think of that is morally wrong with an individual setting a price for his services. I can remember a story from a very talented author regarding negotion of wages. In that story the person who agreed to a wage appeared to be upset because someone else agreed to do less work for the same wage. (Paid A higher hourly rate) .That person was happy with his wage when he negotiated it yet became upset when someone else got paid the same amount and yet did less work.

Moral and ethical opinions regarding wages can come from sooo many different viewpoints. I have not seen what you have done nor you I . Its not our responsibility to judge each other. Discussion leads us all to a better understanding of someone elses view.

If you as a pipeliner were to come into my area and I was able to feed my family and pay my bills, I would offer to work for you as a helper or fitter for $10.00 an hour for week or two  just to learn from your experience. Couldn't do it for long, but it would be valuable to me. Some out of work helper with tons of experience may not like that. I would feel uncomfortable here on the forum if someone else wrote, "Gerald will do whatever he has to to get work".  I think that would not clearly represent me.

Here are some thoughts on "mindsets" related to welding that I have had.

1) My value is based upon my skill and what the market will bear. If the market does not bear what I want, I need to change markets and go to a location that will pay what I want.

2) My value is based upon what I need, if the market I am in cannot take care of my needs, I need to change markets and go to a location where the market pays at least what I need.

3) My value has nothing to do with how much I get paid or don't get paid. I enjoy being a welder and will do it for good pay and bad pay. I like to have money just like anyone else but I cannot put a value on job satisfaction as long as my core needs are met. When the hood drops, the arc starts, and the metal melts, I aint thinkin bout no dollars.

4) My value is based upon what other people in the job are making. It doesn't matter if they work safer, do better work, and are more productive. I deserve the same as them because that what was negotiated. I don't care much about welding but I deserve more because I am a welder. I would do something else if it paid as good as this.

Anyway I am sure there are tons of views on the subject. I respect your opinion and IF I were to ever strike out as contractor for your type of work I would keep what I have read here in my mind.

Have a nice day

Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-07-2008 04:06
     My Dad was a top notch carpenter, He worked for a small local contractor who builds custom homes and an ocasional small comercial building. Dad was the senior lead man for decades, and worked for low wages [$18/hr in '04], hospitilazation for Him & Mom 5 holidays/year and no pension. He was never layed off in the 58 years He worked for the company.

     Dad always had a moonlight job or 2 going on, even at age 76 when He died, that He worked in the evenings and weekends. He charged even less than He got from the company for top quality work, and He was quite productive, no goofing off, ********ting, or wasted motion. He worked for some multi milloinares, charged them the same as everybody else. He didn't charge any travel time, but He didn't take moonlight jobs more than 10 miles from home generally.

     My parents lived simply, didn't waste money, in fact spent little. Mom worked in a retail store part time while I was in highschool and full time later on untill age 65. They were able to save money and acumulate enough for Mom to live on in He old age.

     There might have been people who felt Dad was keeping wages down by working cheap, but I never heard from them. His customers  were happy to have His services at a price they could afford. My Dad didn't value His time greatly, and was sort of out of touch with what His work was really worth. He complained about what things cost, but didn't think it was right to charge more than He did.

      I once told Him He would have made a good comunist. He just gave Me a puzzled look. I said: You work hard and don't expect to get a lot of money for it. If the USSR was full of people like You comunism would have worked an they would be the most powerfull nation by a long shot."

      It takes more than a few people working cheap to drive wages down in a region. Construction ompanies will hire all the cheap people they can get, but they will have to pay what it takes to get enough people to do the work they want done. When there are large quantities of worker willing to work cheap it is a different story.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-05-2008 01:38
You forget the welder gets his money the next Monday or Friday. The one who has the contract gets to wait 30 sometimes 90 days to get his. THen sometimes deal with the gas company on somthing being missed or overlooked on the invoice so its another 30-45 days. And you dont get to charge interest on that money. A contractor paying 65 and charging 85 is about right. And depending on the area it may be a little light. THe welder gets 65 the contractor 100 would not be out of line in some places.
Parent - By samh (**) Date 04-05-2008 02:00
Parent - - By cwf07 (***) Date 04-07-2008 01:29
I agree completely. Here in GA. the going rate is 55.00 an hr., that is way to cheap, But our hands are tied because of the same reason. I spend about the same amount of money as you do just to break even. Me and a couple of my buddies that do the same type of work, are about tried of it.But we know how the contractors are they will pay a monkey to weld on bridges if they think they can get him a penny cheaper. We all sit down and talked about the rates. Our problem is we can not afford to sit very long with the way things cost today and we can't afford to run the roads at 55.00 hr. I could go on and on about this. You and others that got their own rig trucks know what i am talking about. I don't expect every one to agree with me, but the ones that have to get the work, do the work, and keep a good reputation for doing good quality work, and do this sometimes 10 to 16 hrs a day 5 to 7 days a week and in the middle of all of this be a good husband and daddy. 55.00 is not close to what we should be making no matter what part of the country you are from.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-07-2008 04:16
      I was talking to a guy here in south eastern Pa. about 1 year ago. He does regional work, plant piping etc. and was charging $65/hr and happy with that. I don't know what He is getting presently, or if He is still happy, as He does have to drive His equipment to the jobs, and fuel is an issue.
Parent - - By weldorguy (*) Date 04-09-2008 03:28 Edited 04-09-2008 03:32
Hey SD I agree %5000 your right. its like these guys that work at shops for $12 - $16 an hour when up here we need $37 to survive and make an ok living... I always tell the young people that "love welding and would do it for free" that they can't do it for free cause I'm expensive. I tell them hey get at least $19 so your not scabbing up my trade and fukn up my books. This has nothing to do with hustling this is a profession and should be treated as such and we boycott "SCABS" up here eventually they run out of work and have no shop... MOST OF THEM WORK OUT OF SNOWBANKS!!! and believe me when they come for a job we don't give them a break we gouge them for all that we can just to half make up for the money they take from us. For example most of these guys aren't even up to TSSA / CWB GROUP / AWS  standards and just went to the local Home depot and bought a mig pack 10 and thought "hey I think i might try welding" and OR EVEN WORSE... They buy this welding machine from CHINA and its not even csa approved along with running around with "wet" 7018 rods with no oven and have no idea of the structural steel codes. We scratch our heads "the guys that do it properly" and wanna lynch these scabbies off to the Indian reserve and leave them there... (up here if your white and a scab you usually go missing on the reserve) But yes if your going to compete do it high or not at all; its welding NOT everybody does it well and if you think that you do FFS don't fukn scab... the going rate in Hamilton ON Canada for onsite work is $55 and I charge $62 for the first 4 hours and 55 every hour after that it costs me $90 to fill my gasoline running sa200 up here (fukn giant tank and it still has the standard leak at the top) and my truck cost $100 to fill and I get 200 miles out of it on a good day never mind when i tow its usually costs about $175 in gasoline and out of a 4 hour min and travel is included I make $75 and paying my guy way more than $19 an hour x 4 hours thats $56 so now by the time my wage is paid I am still in the hole $119 bucks... so ya $86 is about right for here too but nobody does on site work up here unless they price it by the job and that is where the fun begins... in short give scabs a shake...


SA200 $7000, confined space fan 2 x $1000 2 guys paid well tssa cwb, Brand new Truck, $600 oxygen meter, liability insurance $850 a month, truck insurance $120, taxes (we won't go there)

SCAB equipment list: MIGPAK 15 $400, grinder $20, grinding discs $5, Chinese portable welding machine, and a 92 jetta that looks to be on its last legs and to boot its diesel...    <---- kicking this guys ass would be priceless!!!

If your good your good and if your the best charge like it... If your not charging what the job is worth your only taking money from yourself and other professionals.. think about all this rationally if your don't do the job for free who will if nobody does and if your priced accordingly to boom town (I live in steel town so its a boom town too) your going to get the money cause everyone is busy and there is a reason why they are coming to you from so far (its cause your the best at what you do).. I get work from Alberta, Ottawa, university's, governments and everywhere (heck even my uncle ships aluminum repairs out to me overnight to get them done right and he lives 4 states over)... HEY if everyone can afford you your definitely not making any money...

Just my $0.02 but we should have a rate posting thread for certain area's of USA and Canada.

Give a Scab a shake  <------ my new line :D

AND SURE if the guys does bad work and has a bad rep BUT everyone always falls back to "he's so cheap tho"; bottom line... good welding ain't gonna be cheap and cheap welding ain't gonna be good!!!! 
Parent - - By three tracks (*) Date 04-10-2008 01:30
ive been in this area for over a year... i look forward to spring and summer. i do more repairs on the fly by night cut throughts. i want to THANK YOU. keep up the great\lousy work ill keep cleaning up after you. theres no way these guys could be running lagit. after expensses a guy would be broke at 50 an hour unless your running run down junk thats paid for ohwell im still greatful for there lack of work ethics and pride in craftsmanship
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-10-2008 04:41
You nailed it. I know what you are talking about, I know that area. And the kicker of it is they are making the SAME price that other welders in the area are making. I agree with the posts that suggest getting the athuorities involved. There also could be repercussions for the people willfully employing such rigs.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-15-2008 17:02
WELDORGUY: exactly the response I was looking, (hoping), for. You know what it's like to compete against these hacks willing to be short every month.Their wifes expect to pay the bills They don't give a rats #ss about us guys that have been there, and now do well for our family.

If you need money bad enough, you rob a liquour store. what's the difference?

I was in the pen for years and years. figured out the way OUT was hard work.

respectfully, Sully
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-15-2008 17:28 Edited 04-15-2008 18:44
  If the "hacks" you make reference to are charging $60 and are, by your own comments, "short every month" how is it that the welder that works for you for $60 that you profit off of at a $25 rate are not "short every month"?  Does the money you pay your welders spend any differently than anyone elses? Or do the welders that work for you get discounts that are not available to welders not employed by you, such as rent, electric, gas, cable and food? This makes no sense to me whatsoever so I am hoping that you can clear this up for me.Do you realize how this makes you look when you say that these "hacks" are not charging enough when they are charging the same rate that you pay your welders. Are you not paying enough or are the "hacks" charging what they are worth? BTW I commend you on your success, but are you the only one intitled to be successfull? I will say it agian, it sounds like you are upset because you are not able to profit off these "hacks" and that sourdough, is simply sourgrapes.

Parent - - By ctdconstruction (*) Date 04-15-2008 17:50
Couldn't have said it better -- and I tried :)
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-15-2008 18:43
I think the truth has been exposed, and, by the lack of response to valid observations pulled directly from his comments, reinforced.

Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 04-16-2008 02:30
To CTD,JRW159,& the numerous other skeptics of sourdough's rants,    After reading his many comments on everything from wanting to know "rates" to bragging about how many well heads he can do, how much he "nets" a year  (confusing it with grossing a year ) and fights with his brother till medical assistants is needed. And now bragging about being in prison. The only thing I can't figure out is if 1/2 or 2/3 of what he says is pure B........S...... And remember the West Slope is "his" territory nobody deserves to work there Except with his approval. Sad very sad.                                                                                                                  P.S. GO STEELERS and PENS
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 02:58
Ive got news for him! CO in general and especially the western slope has been and still is my stomping grounds dating back to my oilfeild days on the floor, in the derrick and on the brake handle of many a rig.I may reside in TX at this point in time but I happen to own two homes in CO. CO is, always has been and always will be open territory for ANYONE willing to get out there and make a living. While I hold no animosity towards him in general, it is becoming quite apparent that the only unethical bussiness is him thinking that if someone does not work for him that they do not belong. This is America!

Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-16-2008 03:31
cause they make a bunch every month.......................
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 03:40
What kind of weak, nonsense reply is that? And what is it supposed to refer to? You usually are quite able and willing to express yourself in a very understandable manner. But it is different when your up against the ropes on the receiving end isn't it. I am a little disapointed.

Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-16-2008 03:44
wow gigantic words....... from guys that are exactly the type I am talking about,,,,,,,,,,,,, I LOVE IT...................what more can i say? love it to no end that you fully prove my point
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 03:52
ROTFLMFAO at you. And I know I am not the Lone Ranger in this laugh fest. What more can you say? Hopefully something to explain your bassackwards way of thinking and not anything more to expose you for what you really are. I know its a big word but I will use it again, nonesense!
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-16-2008 13:40
You will be okay, I respect you.....
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-16-2008 13:42
how bout some wings? If things don't work out we can go out back like brothers would do..............
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 14:39
  Not sure what you mean about wings. And as far as going out back like brothers, grow up!! It is most likely that kind of attitude that that landed you in the penitentiary to begin with. Plus consider the fact that if you are still on parole it would really be a downer to get beat up and have your parole revoked, partner. Your childish threats and implications have no effect on me whatsoever as you are not the first and sure will not be the last hotheaded welder or roughneck to invite me out back. I am an old roughneck and welder, intimidating me will be quite the task that I can assure you that you are not up to, and will be nothing but a waste of your time.

Also, you are IMO defileing our place of proffesionalism here on the forum with implications of violence. It is uncalled for, unprofessional, and totally childish.

These are the smallest words I can think to use, GROW UP!

Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 04-16-2008 14:59 Edited 04-16-2008 15:05
Ha ha!  You guys are funny.  From what I can decipher from you two's posted birthdays is that y'all were born only 3 months apart.  So to keep everybody from legal ramifications, I propose a footrace!!  100 yard dash.  Winner gets bragging rights for winning this thread.  I know the air is thin in Colorado where SD is at and the humidity is crazy where JRW is at so the race will be held in the next location that Bubba is giving the CWI seminar.  FC-2002 rules will be strictly enforced and everybody is invited for WINGS and beers afterwards.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 15:22 Edited 04-16-2008 15:26
  Great post!! I noticed the age similairity as well. LOL. Also, while my hobbies and interests are not listed, we are a lot alike in that area as well. Great idea about the foot race but lets just forget the race, and the trip out back, and just have wings and beer. What do you say sourdough??:-)


P.S. Thanks for bringing a smile to my face johnnyh. LOL
Parent - - By tim105 (**) Date 04-17-2008 04:26
I have been reading Sourdoughs post since it has started and it gets more confusing as it gets longer. The way I understand it is that every rig welder out there
is a hack if they are on sourdoughs stomping grounds and the welders that work for him make 60 an hour, but they make good money(in sourdoughs view) and all the other welders are just hacks who work for a measly 60 an hour. That tells me that the very people that work for him are hacks and he might show them respect in front of their face, but when their backs are turned, they are just hacks that make him money. A welder living off of other welders.
That is what a pimp does with his hookers and sourdough is in the same category as a pimp. 
Parent - By three tracks (*) Date 06-11-2008 03:03
i am in no way standing up for sd. but im in colorado and most of the guys i work with are not hacks. matter of fact i work with some of the best welders/fabricators ive ever been around around. quit honestly the biggest hacks ive seen have been from texoma
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 04-16-2008 13:49
my hands make money every day of the week, bro. Do you make cashola every day of the week? Even i have some time off. That's the real square deal;. If you are completely independent, and work 7 days a week, good for you.........i take care of my hands - what more can I say?

i'm sure you have some more brilliant things to say............
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 14:20
  As a matter of fact I do make money every day. Even if I have time off. Salary bubba, and at a darn good scale at that. Plus I catch that wage as well as an hourly wage when I do side jobs, such as the one I just finished in CO on 4-11-2008 right there in "your" neck of the woods. Rifle to be exact. I am sure you are well aware of what kind of bank a respectable AWS CWI with a good reputation makes so I will stop there. You seem to be implying that you and your boys are the only ones who are capable of working full time and you, I and everyone else knows better. Again I commend you on your success and I am glad to hear that your employee's stay busy. However, you are not the only one busy in that area.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 15:44
  Please see johnnyh's post and my reply. I also wanted to ask if you still have a myspace page. I know you made referance to it quite some time ago and I was unable at that time to get your page by following the links and instructions provided. I am very interested in seeing it if it exists, maybe we could end up being freinds as we appear to be quite a bit alike in many areas, even if we do disagree in some other areas as humans often do. Please reveiw my posts and reply's carefully as I do not totally disagree with things you have posted, just the undercutting of wage part. If they are running the roads illegal and are a danger to the public, shame on them and someone should report them. Shame on the person who will not report them. How would you feel if someone in your family were injured or God forbid killed as a result of them operating a motor vehicle with loose, uncapped bottles in the back, and you did not report them because you did not want to be a "snitch"? If they are a public danger, report them. But IMO there is no undercutting of wages from your own descriptions.


P.S. Next time I am in Rifle we can meet at the old Lighthouse bar about a block away from the Winchester motel for a couple of beers. I will buy.:-)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-16-2008 20:07
Now that is what I call an honorable way to end an online dispute over much to do about well - not much!!! :) :) :)
I'm glad you two could settle your differences without having to do something stupid in order to settle it... Good Show fellas! ;) Alls well that ends well.:) :) :)
Way to go Johnnyh!!! :) :) :)

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