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- - By raptor34 (**) Date 04-08-2008 20:44
Does anybody know anythingh about CONAM Inspection, the company I work for announced to us that they are selling out to CONAM and was wondering what to expect as far as pay and benifits.
Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 04-08-2008 21:16 Edited 04-08-2008 21:25
I worked for them briefly about 15 years ago. (for about 1 month)  I don't remember the pay but I think it was comparable to previous companies. 

What does stand out is that they wanted me to sign an agreement that Conam would own the rights to any previous, present, or future work I may get into.  I had a paralegal friend review it. The wording was such that it went beyond anything applicable to the work at hand - by omission it included anything I might ever do in the future; no limits. 
For example: if I had invented the perfect mousetrap, they could now own it even though it had nothing to do with welding inspection done 15 years ago.

I refused to sign the document as it was but was told I could edit it, so I did.  The manager was not really happy about it.  Maybe that's why they didn't have any more work for me.  I was never laid off or fired, they simply never gave me anything else to do, and never returned phone calls.  No billable hours meant no pay so I moved on.

I have no idea how they are today - "time wounds all heels" so maybe they are OK now; it was probably just that manager and not the overall company.  Just carefully read over anything you are asked to sign - (no matter where the document comes from).
Parent - - By raptor34 (**) Date 04-09-2008 00:24
They told us that it will be run the way it is being run now, we will have the same manager and our current company president will still have a say in what goes on. We have been told we will be getting raises before the sale goes thru, I was told I will a raise and they will give us more training, they also told us we will be getting newer and more equipment. Im just not sure what kind of pay they are going to offer, I would like 30 for rt,mt,pt,utt does that seem to high or about right, i know guys working in salt lake that are getting that with conam and another local company pays near that, but they run off a time clock not ticket time. any input is appreciated.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-09-2008 01:09
  Chet has a very good point that is applicable to all companies as well as Conam. I do not have first hand knowledge of conam as an employee (I have worked with and beside but never for them), but I have heard second and third hand info resembling chets post.
This being second and third hand I will not go any further than to say "READ before you sign".

Best of luck,

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-09-2008 01:18 Edited 04-09-2008 01:20
Conam was restructured not to long back. Since then They've been buying up multiple smaller labs. In effect, they are going the way of MQS as they did in the early nineties in that regard. PSI, and many others have done the same. What I see out of conam is they are taking a different approach in that they are not disassembling the structure of the companies they buy for the most part.
To me, it's to early in the game to judge them one way or another, but I can say, what I've heard and seen of them lately is a marked improvement over what they were 10 years ago. As for the others, you know what they say, if you can't say something good don't say anything.
As for your pay rate, I don't know what your CV looks like, so I can't answer as to if that rate is on the mark. A motivated individual can obtain RT, MT, PT, and utt in a very short time, but as motivated as they are, your scale has to take into consideration your experience as well.
If you want to raise your scale, strike that last t on the utt and start picking up the wedges.

As for the intellectual rights, I can't answer for either, all I can say there is read before you sign.

Parent - - By raptor34 (**) Date 04-09-2008 01:36
I have tried to get uts but the company i am working for has only used it one time in 6 years in our office so I dont have much of a chance to get the schooling from them, we do mostly rt and pt about twice a week and about once a month i do mt i only do utt about once every 3 months, and i do the most ut of any of the other techs.  I have been in the industry about 3 years and know other techs working for conam that make in the range of 30 for the same certs and comparable time in the industry but they did have a hire wage when they were bought out. my boss did tell me we were going to get raises before it goes thru. this is my first time to be part of a sale and dont know what to think of it.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-09-2008 01:46
  One thing I can comment on is this. Conam appears to always be busy. I have dealt with them on many jobs throughout several different states. Generally speaking of my past experiance, if there are two or more inspection services involved on a major project, Conam will probably be there. They do not appear to hurt for work. FWIW

Parent - By g32141 (**) Date 04-09-2008 04:35 Edited 04-09-2008 04:38
Based on your company's workload you'd have to ask yourself why the hell would they buy you out?

Never ever sign a non competition clause. They basically say that you can't work within a certain radius (250-500 miles) of where you are working at the time you sign it.

They may be hiring you just to fire you and make you sign that clause. That way they have no competition in that area.
Parent - - By g32141 (**) Date 04-09-2008 04:51
I worked for both of those companies. They ask you to sign over any rights to any invention you think of.

MQS even tried to sue me.

I wouldn't work for either one one them unless I was destitute or starving.

Their HQ is in the same nondescript business park as the corporate HQ of McDonold's. There are no giant yellow golden arches there.

They are the McDonald's of NDT. Conam is the Burger King. PSI is the Wendy's.

Wendy's is by far a better lunch.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-09-2008 16:42 Edited 04-10-2008 02:23
May Quit Soon was notorious for that. As for signing over rights, I don't work for any company that requires that. The only "rights" they have, are those developed on their time.
If you ever have something you think may need patent, then you need to document very very carefully how and exactly when you came up with it.

Parent - By g32141 (**) Date 04-10-2008 02:41
I won't ever sign a no compete clause either.

If you sign them they are binding. If they want you to work they will hire you even if you refuse to sign it.
You have to look at the fine print with the McNdt companies.

Even the mom and pops want you to sign a no compete clause.

I was even told that I OWED my boss money becuase I did not have receipts covering all of my per diem. I had to bring back receipts to cover the per diem he gave me. It got really bad at one point because we were driving home and keeping the per diem. We paid the gas and tolls and got to work on time. We were accused of stealing.

I told him that if he touched my check I'd quit. Sometimes I'd have barely enough time to get a can of coke and a hot dog at at a gas station. He would not recognize those receipts saying that he did not pay for "snacks". Do you think I am going to drive back to McDonald's because they forgot to chuck in my bag a receipt for 2 bucks for a couple of nasty cheeseburgers?

I am sure the guy reads this and he will know exactly who he is.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 04-10-2008 02:28
I dunno, conman I believe has gotten better. Poorly Supplied Inspectors was notorious for expecting the techs to pull a scotty with ancient equipment, though I hear that has improved as well lately.

There are bigger fish on the market than any of them. Better to not darken their doors with your shadow.
Parent - - By thirdeye (***) Date 04-09-2008 01:24

The $30 does not seem out of hand in the intermountain west, but ticket time is a hard one to give up..... What area are you in?

Parent - - By raptor34 (**) Date 04-09-2008 01:38
I live in the four corners region
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 04-09-2008 02:13
Sent you a PM
Parent - By jmdugan10 (*) Date 04-17-2008 14:12
I worked for Cooperheat MQS, now Team, and Conam both.  The release form has been changed to limit it to the duration of employment.  As far as the company is concerned I had a great experience at Conam.  I can't say enough good things about them, they are really trying to advance and educate their people. 

Mucus(MQS) on the other hand, good techs, but I wouldn't piss on management or corporate if they were on fire. 
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CONAM

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