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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Diesel pipeline concerns.
- - By smckagan Date 04-17-2008 05:14
Hi all,
I have questions regarding installation of a new diesel pipeline at a salmon cannery in Alaska. Its a 2", schd. 80, black pipe thats to be connected using socket welds. The system is gravity feed, so no pumping or high pressure concerns. My question is, for a system like this do I need a certified welder to perform the welding on this job? Also, what do I need to do about inspecting the job in its entirety? Any help would be appreciated, thanx.

Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 04-17-2008 06:41
smckagan , where are you at ? willie
Parent - By smckagan Date 04-18-2008 04:23
Hi Willie, Im in Egegik Ak. We're doing this project in August so I dont expect it to be that cold.
Parent - - By raptor34 (**) Date 04-17-2008 19:10
I would say just to save your self later that you should use certified welders, as far as inspecting a Mag or dye pen would be your best bet, but if it is going to be in colder temeratures dye pen wont work. As far as time is concerned a mag would be way faster then a dye pen, your looking at about 20 minutes per weld for a dye pen and about 1 minute for a mag.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-18-2008 12:07
  Just a thought, PT would in fact work in colder temperature, one would just need to extend the dwell time of the penetrant. Although I would agree that MT would be the quicker application of the two. I would also agree that to save oneself from issues later down the line it would be best to use certified welders from the start to the finish. IMHO

Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 04-18-2008 19:59
The biggest issue with socke welds is not taking enough gap then having delayed cracks. You will need to use a scribe system to be sure the pipe has been pulled at least 1/8 of an inch out of the scoket base before welding or use gap-o-lets. Either system you use, you will need QC to be sure either system is used. Sometimes welders forget to install the gap-o-let and put a scribe mark on the pipe or the tack up then put a scribe mark on the pipe. IF you are not there to witness the fit up, you have to take the welders word. If you are using the contractor's QC be sure to have at least one year guarantee and have the contractor be willing to stand for any clean up in case of a crack.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Diesel pipeline concerns.

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