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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / root pass 5P+ 1/8 on .250 wall 6" pipe (any advice please)
- - By cwf07 (***) Date 04-21-2008 22:24
I don't have much experience with the 5P+ I can do okay on my cap passes but I am having a hard time with my root, and hot pass. I was wounder what amps I should run my root. And how much I should crank my amps up on my hot pass.
Parent - - By psyco33 (**) Date 04-22-2008 02:59
hi i run mine in at 3rd gear 20-25 on the root and then up 10-15 on the hot pass
if you need more help give me call 918-271-0921
Parent - - By Sparkee (*) Date 04-24-2008 02:57
     I am assuming that you are running an SA-200 and I know that they all burn a little different as far as heat goes, but it sounds like your machine may be set a little too hot in the OCV's. My SA-200 is set at 92 OCV's and I run my root at about 45-47 in 3rd gear......with my hot pass at about 55 in 3rd gear with a 1/8 5P+. If your OCV's are too high you will risk burning out any electrical appliances (grinders) that you run for extended periods of time........I know because I lived the nightmare of replacing triggers in my grinders (Makita 9005B) just about every month or so.
    Just my two cents, hope this helps
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-24-2008 03:28
Sparkee, DC is hard on switches, be sure they are rated for DC. A lot of newer power tools are not rated for DC.
Parent - By Sparkee (*) Date 04-24-2008 20:53
Yeah Dave I have lived that dream also........I only buy tools that are AC/DC. My point was that if the OCV's are too high, then the DC output at the receptacle will be too much for the appliances to handle over a long period.
Thanks for the input,
Parent - - By cwf07 (***) Date 04-24-2008 07:22
I run a Miller Big Blue 502
Parent - By cwf07 (***) Date 04-28-2008 07:33
Thanks for all your help psyco33 the other day.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / root pass 5P+ 1/8 on .250 wall 6" pipe (any advice please)

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