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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeline work
- - By cyrus 07 (**) Date 04-23-2008 15:34
hey guys, I talked to a friend of mine the other day that does weld insp. and now I am pretty discouraged he told me I should join a union the 798 I told him that was next to impossible then he went on to tell me that the welders fit the pipe even the helpers do and how awesome the welders are like it was impossible to get a job, how did you guys get started I was under the impression that being in a union was your choice and the way alot of you guys talk you just pull up to a job and ask if they are hiring and if you pass their test you go to work apparently not so according to the guy I talked to If you have to join a union does it have to be 798 Im from northeast PA anyone know of any unions to join around there for this kinda work?? thanks for any and all your help.
Parent - - By jkin (**) Date 04-23-2008 17:08
I was out there 25 years never had to join a union never wanted to , had to many friends in the 798 told me not to do it cause the don't rotate the list like there suppose to. Best to just get out and knock on doors. there busy here around east Texas
Parent - - By mody454 (**) Date 04-23-2008 17:37
any contacts in east texas  numbers?
Parent - - By jkin (**) Date 04-24-2008 19:10
Been out of it for several years now, but still work on alot of machines for rig welders around hear. I'll get some #'s from them and post them for you
Parent - By mody454 (**) Date 04-25-2008 01:15
thanks id appreciate it
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-24-2008 02:32
A friend of Mine who lives near Scranton, Pa. was running heavy equipment on a pipeline job somwhere up there. I think He said that Henkel & McCoy is the contractor, and the welders are 798rs. I think this is pipline maintainance, but it might be some new work too.
Parent - By cyrus 07 (**) Date 04-24-2008 19:24
scranton is only 3 hrs. away they are drilling ALOT around this area for oil or gas whichever they can hit I figure something is gonna break loose around here.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / pipeline work

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