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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / freaking price of steel!!!!!!
- - By jesusno2 (*) Date 04-25-2008 23:38
35 % increase on steel christ is this s!@$ gonna stop or are we just gonna run the country outta buisness?
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 04-26-2008 02:24
Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 04-26-2008 02:26
try fertilizer 11-52-0 $1100 bucks a ton, 32-0-0 $425 per ton
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 04-26-2008 02:34
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 04-27-2008 04:04
I here ya brother, it seems like everything we use has diesel in it or moves it.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 04-26-2008 02:27
It is getting so bad you almost can't farm a hog!
Parent - - By jesusno2 (*) Date 04-27-2008 18:36
I think we should just all go on strike! the whole countys is feed up with this political garbage! we'll see who has the power to change stuff.
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 04-27-2008 18:51
Parent - By MDG Custom Weld (***) Date 04-28-2008 11:12
It's funny..We filled our corn starter liquid tanks about 2 months ago, and last week the local sales guy called and wanted to buy it back at 1.75x the price I paid him for it.  The price has more than doubled in two months.  I thought to myself this guy must think I'm an idiot to sell my stuff a week or two before I start using it only to buy more at twice the cost.....Hummm, makes cents:)
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-28-2008 15:04
Government would wake up?

The government does not set the price for oil in the U.S.

The government does not refine oil.

The government does not set the price on steel, although they have foolishly tried various tarrif controls which always ended in disaster..

Now China, Russia and many Socialist EU countries do have government price controls on gas, steel and refineries...  Perhaps you would like to pay as much as they do for Oil and Steel...

It hurts to pay more...   No argument there...  But it's a fools errand to look to the government to solve economic problems.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.
~~Ronald Reagan
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-29-2008 02:15
   Good points Lawrence, BUT:  1)The Govt. does limit where drilling for oil & natural gas can be done.
                                           2) The Govt does subsidize the corn-ethanol program.

   I think they are off base in these areas, and their actions are compounding the problems.

Parent - - By jesusno2 (*) Date 04-29-2008 10:18
i'm starting to wonder if when a new president takes office if things will change?? i hope so. I don't get much into politics and such, but I sure hope we can find solutions to all this mess I'm still up in the air how i wanna vote for?
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 04-29-2008 10:47
I think Willie nelson gets my vote !
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-29-2008 10:52
Well the only polititian who wants to drill for oil in the U.S. is the same polititian that everybody is blaming for everything wrong that has ever happend in their lives.

The only change you will get with a new president is a leader who is less committed or outright opposed to getting at all that American oil.
Parent - By RioCampo (***) Date 04-29-2008 12:45
Lawrence is right. The US no longer controls the world markets.
Here is a side note for you. Diesel fuel in Mexico is 2 bucks a gallon.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 04-30-2008 02:42
The president doesn't make the laws, they can only pass or veto what is presented to them. However, they get the blame for whatever happens.
Parent - By Russell Frederi Date 04-30-2008 19:15
You have the right idea but the wrong people to do the strike. All the major truck lines would need to take a stand & put a stop to all delivers oil field related but in your defence it would start with the drivers of the truck line. This would have to be a wide scale movement. If you cut off the refinerys & offshore drilling needs someone will start fealing the pressure of the well not producing or the refinerys not refining. In that instance they will have to pay more to ship the parts or goods but it would have to be known that the price of buisness does not need to go up the price of fuel would need to go down. By cutting off the supplies to keep drilling now you are taking dollars out of their hand insted of yours at the pump. Some drilling rigs are running for 1/2 million dollars a day. You really think they want them to shut down.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-29-2008 12:53
It is not just steel.  It is anything with nickel.  Thanks to all the nickel metal hydride batteries going into hybrid engines, there is now a world nickel shortage.  Just try to buy some Hastelloy or Inconel or stainless with a high nickel content and you will see what I mean.  We use some little bitty tube sections for our D17.1 welder quals and they now cost around $30 for about 4 inches of tubing!!!
Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 04-29-2008 18:07 Edited 04-29-2008 18:14
Maybe we should "bypass" the money system, and start bartering with each other.

It worked just fine until this stupid money thing was invented. Trading with your neighbor... I got pears, if you got tomatoes....

We can't bypass it all together, but It would at least put a dent in our slavery to this whole cycle.

Just a thought....

Parent - - By GRoberts (***) Date 04-29-2008 19:29
There are some things that the prices are not going up on: Housing and the dollar!!

Let's face it.  Prices on comodities are not going to come down anytime soon since world consumption (i.e. china) is increasing faster than production is increasing.  Until production catches up, prices will stay high.  The other factor is that the dollar isn't' worth near as much as it used to be on the international market.  The upside to that though, is that it benefits US manfuacturing by helping make them more competitive overseas.

However, with oil companies, now that they have realized what we are willing to pay for a gallon of gas, why would they ever lower thier prices and cut into thier profits?  Not until we see another oil glut will that happen (and that probably means never).
Parent - By crazydog (**) Date 04-29-2008 21:35
That is a good share of the problem. By us wanting cheap credit it also lowers the value of the dollar, which is one of the main reasons the price of steel is so high. With our dollar de-valued like it has been the foreign steel suppliers are selling there product elsewhere, which then lets us rely on the domestic manuf. They have been historically higher in price. At present there only three completely integrated steel mills in the U.S. That means they make the product from raw materials. One mill is owned by the Russians, one by India, and one domestically owned. Right know they can name there price. Until the price of steel is driven up to the point foreign manuf. feel it is economical we will continue to pay high prices. Or we can strengthen our economy and in turn strengthen the dollar we will see improvement. The down side of the strong dollar is our products then become more expensive to overseas market. My two cents.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / freaking price of steel!!!!!!

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