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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / MS-4361 cast steel
- - By DWCO (*) Date 05-01-2008 16:30
All I am looking for information on the chemical analysis of MS-4361 cast steel. It was used in locomotive truck assemblies manufactured by EMD (General Motors) during the late 40's and through the 50's. I need to write a weld procedure for it.

Thanks in advance!!
Parent - - By Goose-em (**) Date 05-01-2008 17:56
I think 4361 is type of austenetic stainless. 

Chemicals are

C = .0150%
CR = 17.0%
Fe = 64.5%
Ni = 14.5%
Silicon = 4.0%

Mechanicals are

Tensile 76ksi
Yield 37ksi
Elongation 45%

Not sure on the hardness but you could convert and get an approximation from the Tensile

This is high in Fe so it will be magnetic. 

I am not 100% sure this is the same stuff but it is as close as I could find for 4361
Parent - - By DWCO (*) Date 05-01-2008 18:39
  Thanks for the info.. That is what I found also. However I believe this to be a carbon steel. Probably a GM proprietary mix. I checked with EMD and they are not giving up any info..... But again thanks !!

Parent - By bethholubeshen Date 09-03-2008 18:08
MS 4361 - Plain carbon steel for welding structures, equipment and untreated machine parts.

Allowable grades:
CSA G40.21 44W
AISI Grades 1015 through 1021

Hot rolled sheet, plate or bars must meet one of the above specs.

My company has been supplying Electro-motive for years.

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / MS-4361 cast steel

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