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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Profile's
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-07-2008 16:03 Edited 05-08-2008 02:46
Hello Everyone,
  I have been wondering why more people in this forum do not fill in thier profile's. I can understand that some may be embarrassed and not want anyone to know who they are, I.E. the "Texas pipeline helper" and his GOD of a welder, that posted in "shop talk".

I have heard of the identity theft issues, but can you really run into problems by using your name and credentials? I know you would not want your SS# or anything like that in the profile. Am I opening myself up to something like this here?

Anyway, I am just curious due to the large number of people whith blank profile's.


EDIT: I am refering to the profiles that are completly empty.
Sorry for any misinterpretaion.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 05-07-2008 16:25
Part of getting credit is verification of employer.  That is why I keep it confidential.  I have had "headhunters" call to offer jobs and ask for all kinds of personal info.  I have had them even ask for my SSN.  Of course, I don't cooperate.  I hate it most when a potential employer asks for my SSN by email.  You never know for sure that it is going to a safe person or that the person who gets it will protect it.  I was a victim of id theft twice in only 7 years so I am very cautious now.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-07-2008 19:22
  I am sorry to hear that you fell victim to identity theft, as I understand (not from first hand experiance) that it can be devistating.

Based on this I feel a little more comfortable. You seem to have about the same type of info in your profile as I have.

Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 05-07-2008 16:52
Some folks are more private than others, I guess.  I haven't looked in my profile in such a long time I'm not sure what all is in there, even.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 05-07-2008 18:28
Hello John, I would certainly agree with the other posts regarding your question. As well, as a result of including my information I have received some annoying emails that have nothing to do with my association with the forum. So I can understand the reluctance of some folks to include additional information. I also try to be respectful of including names of poster's when they don't include them in responses on the public portion of the forum for whatever reason. Just my take. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-07-2008 19:27
  I can certainly understand why one would not want to provide some personal information. I guess I look at a profile that is completly blank, and I just wonder sometimes.

Maybe I am too nosey. :-)

But sometimes I like to see what a person is all about, so as to better understand where they may be coming from.

Hope things are going well for you.

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 05-07-2008 20:25
Hello John, things are busy and well at the same time. I do understand where you're coming from as it does help with answering questions sometimes if you have a little bit of background on the poster to know skill levels, occupation, etc. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By Weldrwomn (*) Date 05-08-2008 00:40
Another reason not to put info in a profile is employer confidentiality issues.  For example, if people connect me to my employer and somehow think that I am giving info in a professional capacity on behalf of the company that I work for, then there is a problem.  Also, if people know roughly where I live or work, then I am easier to track down and I don't want that...
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-08-2008 01:01
   I can certainly understand not giving out employer information in a profile for many reasons, and especially if one were to make the kind of mistakes you have mentioned.

I do not have any previous experiance with being tracked down.....

other than for the next job......

Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 05-08-2008 02:13 Edited 05-08-2008 02:17
My profile is generic enough if someone knows who I am, then fine. If not, what difference does it make. Who I am does not make anything I say better or worse. Judge for yourself then accept or reject.
Who knows, I may be the one true golden arm welding god and I would not want to make anyone feel inferior.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-08-2008 02:34
  While I am still recovering from my fall to the floor in a fit of laughter from your other post, I think all I can say to this one is,

Thank you for your reply and I truly respect your opinion.

Best wishes,

Parent - - By RioCampo (***) Date 05-09-2008 01:22
my identity was stolen before I even had internet at my house. I don't think it matters anymore, they will get you one way or another.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-09-2008 01:48
I have heard, read, and been told that it can happen many other ways besides the internet, so to an extent you are right.

I believe it is all about being carful of certain information, but the rest, anybody can aquire, even without the internet.

Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 05-09-2008 12:03
Sure it can happen any way.  On TV they had an expose about "cloned" cards. They say restaurant waiters are a main rip off source.  They caught a guy in a restaurant with his own mag strip reader that made duplicated cards with the cloned mag strip.  The equipment can be bought for a few hundred dollars by anyone on the open market.  I as a rule don't use my cards in restaurants.  One time I did, and within a few days, I had $2000 in fraud charges.  It may be superstitious, but I would rather be safe.
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 05-09-2008 12:08
  I think I saw that show as well. I was suprised at how easy and inexpensive they made it out to be. As you say, for a minimal amount of money, one could set up to do this.

I agree, better safe than sorry.

Parent - By HgTX (***) Date 05-12-2008 18:46
Old habits.  Been online since 1987 and I give out as little personal info as possible.  That said, people who already know me can recognize me pretty easily.

I actually have a pretty big online footprint.  My other life is all over the web for everyone to see, but I don't mix the two very much.

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