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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS Sections-AWS members reply
- - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-01-2002 19:53
I' ve been invited to several attend meetings at our local AWS section, but it never has been at a time where I could attend.
My question is...

How many people go to these meetings and secondly, what do they discuss during the course of the meeting.

I have recieved a letter from our section stating that due to the lack of involvement it may be closed. A questionaire was attached asking questions about future involvement to evaluate the need of this section.

I would like to be closer involved provided the meetings were closer so I would not have to drive 2 1/2 hours to get there. Any other members have to drive these distances to get to your section? Is this typical?

Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 11-02-2002 04:07
Attendance numbers vary depending on the Section location and number of members. From 10 to 25 people typically attend our Section meetings. They usually start with about 30 minutes to an hour of social time, then the meal, then a technical presentation by a guest speaker. The presentation topics vary and usually a topic of interest to a broad audience of welders, salespersons, supervisors, inspectors and supervisors is requested by the program chairman. It is a good chance to meet fellow welding personnel in your area and make some contacts. I have to say a 2-1/2 hour drive is a bit more than anyone would expect you to travel for a Section meeting, but you have to decide whether it is worthwhile for you or not. You should attend at least one just to understand how it works and see if you want to continue.

Hope this helps.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-06-2002 16:04
Thanks Marty,
I might drop in on the next meeting and check it out.
Parent - - By Neal Chapman (**) Date 11-23-2002 15:54
In Syracuse we have 25 to 45 attendees. Depends on weather and subjects. We try to keep the topics on welding processes and subsystems. NDE, Cost Control, CMTRs, and unusual welding projects (nuclear spent fuel canisters, etc).

We start out with a social 1/2 hour where we get signed in and have a drink. Then we have a dinner, some introductions of the attendees and notifications of upcoming events, and then the speaker is introduced and talks for 45 to 75 minutes. We usually start at 6:30 and conclude around 9:30 or 10 pm.

I have learned quite a lot and it helps broaden my vision of what types of welding are done in this area.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-25-2002 12:12
Thanks for your reply
John Wright
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS Sections-AWS members reply

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